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World Prematurity Day?? A medical marvel in 26 weeks

World Prematurity Day?? A medical marvel in 26 weeks

Giving birth to a beautiful and healthy child is a wonder in itself. Caring and nurturing for a premature baby is a herculean challenge, one that needs patience and belief. Most preemie babies are born before 37 weeks of gestation. However, in Shalini's case, her gestation period was just 26 weeks weighing a meagre 820gm.

For mothers to be, the biggest fear is, having to give birth to a premature baby. The baby's organs are even formed. In the case of Shalini, the anxiety was more because, at just 26 weeks, the baby was too young to even breathe without help.

A state of the art NICU unit

At Motherhood, we understand this overwhelming feeling which is why our Neonatal unit is one of a kind. Our level 3 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is equipped to care for and nurture the tiniest and sickest of newborns. The well-qualified staff consists of world-class neonatologists, neonatal nurses and respiratory therapists who specialise in the care of newborns. Apart from caring for premature babies, the NICU unit also caters to babies born with serious illnesses.

An extremely difficult case of Shalini

Shalini had a previous case of abortion, and when she was around six and a half months pregnant with her current child, she had abdominal pains. Not willing to take a chance, Shalini rushed to Motherhood hospital. By the time she got there, her pain had increased, and the doctor informed her that she was having preterm labour pain. Shocked and surprised, Shalini had to be taken in for an emergency procedure.

Shalini's bundle of joy weighed just 820 gms and was extremely weak. Seeing their baby, the parents were worried if their precious one will make it or not. Thanks to the top-notch care and attention given by Dr Prashanth Gowda, Neonatologist and Pediatrician, the 26 week premature baby recovered to the pink of health after a long, two month period at the NICU.

The parents are tremendously happy with the NICU team. They love the service of Motherhood Hospitals and would definitely recommend this hospital to their friends and family.

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