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Understanding Your Baby Crying

Understanding Your Baby Crying

Most of you would agree that apart from sleeping and feeding, crying is the most common behaviour seen in newborn babies. No matter what part of the day or night, mothers have the in-built alarm that rings, when the child cries. When the infant reaches the stage of 6-8 weeks, crying is at its summit. Do not worry, as this phase is temporary and this too shall pass! Most important is understanding the messages your child conveys through his/her crying. Have you been having a difficult time understanding the meaning behind your little one's crying?

Do you know that infants cry for approximately three hours a day? Have you observed that most of this crying and sulking happens during late afternoons and sometimes evenings as well? However, this doesn't apply to all babies alike, as there could be exceptions. Some babies are unusually calm and it is always good to seek medical help in these cases too. 

Babies communicate through their crying and when you respond on time consistently, they feel reassured and safe. This sense of safety helps in promoting the overall development of the child. Some babies cry incessantly and with no apparent reason which can be described as colic. We have in detail explained about colic in another feature of the Ÿ??Happy Kids series. Please feel free to reach out to us if you want to have an e-copy of the same. 

Babies cry primarily for reasons such as, when they feel hungry,  irritated, lonely, etc. It is good when you feed your baby on time and when you feed your baby immediately after he/she cries,  the baby will also feel a sense of reassurance and safety. In some cases, the crying decreases as the needs are taken care of. Here  are some quick tips and precautions: 

  • Sometimes the baby might need a nappy change or just a  cuddle or a gentle hug. Holding the baby will help to comfort the baby soon.  
  • You can also try singing a soft tune to your baby.  
  • Gently rhythmically pat your baby and this works like magic for most babies.  
  • A little bit of movement can help divert the attention of your baby when he/she starts crying. Take your baby for a little walk and see the change.  
  • On this note, please donŸ??t carry your baby to noisy public places such as cinema theatres, auditoriums, etc. The huge sounds can cause distress for your baby and also hurt their gentle ears.  

While it is important to calm your baby down and comfort with cuddles and cooing, it is equally crucial for you to take care of your well-being. The constant crying and sometimes your inability to soothe your baby into calmness might be a stressful experience for you. In case you are unable to take the strain,  please talk to your spouse and family members and seek help in taking care of the child. In case you want to speak to someone for professional advice, do consult your doctor if needed. 

The key is to quickly respond to the baby's cries and you will see a difference for yourself. Babies need attention and every parent/caretaker is required to give that care always. For more information on baby crying and related topics, talk to  our experts.

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