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Understanding Colic


Every mother loves to see the smiles of her child but not the painful crying. It would be quite stressful for mothers, especially new mothers to see her baby crying. Every parent would have been through such a situation. Are you concerned with your little one's crying? One of the causes is colic and every parent needs to understand more about this condition. 

Colic is prolonged and intense crying or irritability in a healthy infant. Do you know that about 1 in 5 babies have colic? This kind of episode can start from three weeks of age and gradually subside when the baby is 3-4 months. How can you detect that your baby is suffering from colic? Check out for signs when your baby cries uninterruptedly even after a cuddling session with the mother. 

Some important aspects of colic that you need to know are: 

  • Painful crying with screeching, screaming quality 
  • Crying without a definite reason even after a feed and diaper change 
  • Continued irritability even after the crying episode has ended 
  • Discolouration of the face and stiffened legs & arms  
  • Crying episodes happen around the same time every day
  • Interrupted and erratic sleep schedules 

Food allergies, issues in the digestive system, etc. are some of the possible causes. Though it does not cause severe medical issues to the child, it is a stressful time for the parents. Don't fret about this situation as this is a regular aspect of the baby's early growth phase and won't last forever. To help alleviate pain, you can try some of these easy home interventions: 

  • Lay your baby on his/her tummy, or give a nice, gentle rub on the tummy 
  • Wrap around a soft blanket around your baby and hold  him/her close to you 
  • Lay your baby on your lap and give a gentle massage on the  back 
  • To calm your baby down, a pacifier is a good go-to solution
  • Give a nice, warm bath to your baby

While you are taking care of your baby with colic, ensure to take care of yourself. Plan out the colic care schedule with your spouse so that you can have a few hours to unwind and vice versa. While music can soothe your child while having a colic spell, it can work wonders on you and help you overcome anxiety. Wear your headphones and listen to some pleasant music while you are tending your baby. Sometimes, a little sharing can be helpful. Speak to a friend or a counsellor if you need a listening ear. This can help you beat the blues. 

We hope that you understand colic in a better manner. Though it might not be a major matter of concern; it is always good to know about colic and if there's anything more than the usual,  medical help is always available. Understand the symptoms of colic in terms of the frequency of episodes, patterns, etc. 

In case your baby experiences more discomfort and cries  intensely more than the regular norm, talk to our experts. 

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