Fetal Echo
What is Fetal Echocardiography?
Fetal Echocardiography is similar to an ultrasound. It is done to see the structure and function of an unborn child’s heart. It is usually done in the second trimester, between 18 to 24 weeks.
A small probe called a transducer is placed on the mother’s abdomen which sends ultrasonic waves through the mother’s and the baby’s skin to the baby’s heart tissues. When the waves bounce off the heart structures, they are picked by the transducer which sends them to a computer. The computer converts the echoes into an image of the heart walls and valves. The whole procedure takes between 30 minutes to two hours to perform.
When is a fetal echocardiogram necessary?
A fetal echocardiogram is not necessary for all the pregnant women. It is recommended by the doctor if:
- A sibling was born with a congenital heart defect
- There is a family history of congenital heart disease.
- A chromosomal or genetic abnormality is discovered in the fetus.
- The mother is known to have consumed excessive drugs or alcohol during pregnancy.
- The mother has had rubella during pregnancy.
- The mother has diabetes, lupus, phenylketonuria, or connective tissue disease.
- A routine prenatal ultrasound has discovered possible heart abnormalities.
How is a fetal echocardiogram performed?
A paediatric cardiologist performs it with the use of a probe which is placed over the mother’s abdomen to visualise the fetal heart.
The technique used to obtain detailed information about the fetal heart includes the following:
2-D echocardiography: It is used to see the actual structures and motions of the heart.
Doppler echocardiography: It is used to measure the speed of blood flow through the heart’s chambers and valves.
It can be performed in two ways – one through the abdomen, which is called abdominal echocardiography, and the other through the vagina, which is called transvaginal echocardiography.
Workup of anomalies detail
At Motherhood, we understand the importance of careful monitoring the fetus. The Fetal Medicine Department is fully equipped with latest technologies to assess the growth and development of your unborn baby at various stages of the pregnancy. This diagnosis also helps in the early detection of illnesses and abnormalities, in enabling early treatments, and in preventing the mother and child from getting harmed.
Why Choose Us?
Motherhood Hospitals is a leading hospital in India. We offer several services to treat pregnancies with fetal abnormalities and disorders. We provide comprehensive care from diagnosis to treatment. If necessary, we offer a team approach with our associated specialties.
Interval Growth Detail
What is an Interval Growth Scan?
An interval growth scan, also known as fetal growth scan, is a type of ultrasound scan which evaluates whether the growth of your baby is progressing healthily or not. At Motherhood Hospitals, doctors recommend interval growth during the third trimester of your pregnancy.
What is the goal of a growth scan?
A interval growth scan is done to evaluate the essential information about fetal growth and your pregnancy. It is also required to:
- Determine the final position of the placenta
- Check the overall growth of your baby
- Check the weight of your baby closer to your estimated delivery date
- Determine the fetal position
- Check the amniotic fluid volume
Who needs an interval growth scan?
Doctors at Motherhood Hospitals usually recommend an interval growth scan to women with the following reasons:
- If you have had difficulties in your previous pregnancies
- If you have developed gestational diabetes and high blood pressure during pregnancy
- If the doctor suspects that your abdominal measurements are normal
- If you develop pregnancy complications due to the placental position
- If you begin to experience less fetal movements during your third trimester
- If you have a multiple pregnancy
- If you have a fetal breech position
Why Choose Motherhood Hospitals?
The team of Motherhood Hospitals is with you in the most valued and cherished journey of your life. Our team of professionals are always here to advise you with all the questions and concerns related to your pregnancy. We have excellent fetal medicine and general ultrasound services. With a state-of-the-art ultrasound machine and fetal medicine specialist, we provide a full range of services for the unborn fetuses.
Fetal Doppler Detail
What is a Doppler Scan?
A doppler scan is a type of ultrasound scan that helps to evaluate your child’s health. It evaluates the flow of blood to different parts of the baby’s body, such as the brain, umbilical cord, and the heart. It reveals a piece of essential information such as whether your baby is receiving all nutrients and oxygen through the placenta or not.
At Motherhood Hospitals, the Fetal Doppler Scan is performed at the same time as a regular ultrasound. It uses the same equipment as a routine ultrasound. Motherhood Hospitals’ trained sonographers help generate a clearer image of the wellbeing and the health of your baby. Best results can be obtained if a doppler scan is performed during the second and third trimesters.
Why do you need a Doppler Scan?
Doppler scan is performed during pregnancy if:
- Your baby is affected by rhesus antibodies
- You have previously had a smaller baby
- You have a low or high BMI
- You are carrying twins or more
- You are experiencing fewer movements of your baby
- Your baby is affected by parvovirus (slapped cheek disease)
- You smoke
- Your baby is not growing at a healthy rate
- You have high blood pressure or diabetes
- You have previously suffered the loss of your baby at the time of the birth or experienced a late miscarriage
Why Choose Motherhood Hospitals?
Motherhood Hospitals are dedicated to help new, actively trying and expecting parents to find the support information and reassurance they need. You can expect practical advice to all your questions and concerns from our experts.

Dr. Kavya Krishna Kumar
Consultant - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Alwarpet, Chennai

Dr. Sireesha Reddy
Consultant - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Bangalore, Hebbal

Dr. Dhanalakshmi R.
MBBS, DNB (Paediatrics), MRCP CH, Followership in Neonatal Neonatal medicine(UK), PGPN (USA), IPPN, ACLP
Consultant - Neonatology & Paediatrics
Bangalore, HRBR Layout