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Pregnant , Stay Healthy By Dr. Faiza Waliullah

Pregnant , Stay Healthy By Dr. Faiza Waliullah

Pregnant? Tips for a healthy one!

There are a number of different emotions people go through when they discover they are pregnant. Excitement is perhaps the most common, but it is also natural to experience a bit of anxiety, especially while considering the best things to do for good health of the mother and baby. Often there are many questions, ranging from what food is safe to eat to exercise tips in order to stay healthy. We'll be answering some of those questions here.


It is important that most women take part in regular exercise.Moderate exercise is safe and can benefit both mother and child in most cases. However, you do need to be sensible as to the extent you decide to exercise and ensure you don't over-extend yourself, especially if you're not used to regular exercise. The guidelines for physical activity are no different for pregnant women than for the rest of the population - at least 30 minutes worth of moderate-intensity exercise a day.

Diet and dietary supplements

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is really important during pregnancy, and although you may feel hungrier than before, you should avoid eating for two. Gaining too much weight can lead to complications laterand can make it difficult to move around after your baby has been born. The World Health Organization suggests a weight gain of 10-14 kg is ideal for limiting the chance of complications later on. When planning meals, a third of your plate should be starch-based food, such as bread, pasta, rice and potatoes. This should be eaten with fruits and vegetables, with moderate amounts of protein. Your baby needs plenty of iron, calcium and folic acid from a very early stage of pregnancy, so it is vital you include these in your diet. You'll find iron in many sources, including red meat, fish, pulses, seeds and green vegetables. Low-fat dairy products are good sources of calcium, while green vegetables and fortified cereals are ideal for folic acid. While eating fish is very healthy as it contains plenty of vital nutrients, you should be wary of the type of fish you are eating. Some fish contain high levels of mercury, which can affect your baby's nervous system. Tuna should be limited to two steaks or four medium cans a week, while shark, swordfish and marlin should be avoided. Uncooked shellfish and raw fish should be cut out of your diet, while you should also avoid foods that are rich in vitamin A, such as liver.


During pregnancy, you must avoid alcohol altogether. Alcohol stays in baby's system much longer than an adult's as it is unable to process it properly, which can cause serious problems. Heavy drinking while pregnant can lead to fetaldeformities, brain damage and low birth weight, known as fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Even light drinking can be problematic and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines in the UK advise that if you are pregnant, do not drink at all.


If you are a smoker and you get pregnant, it is strongly advisable to stop as quickly as you can. As well as damaging your own health, the poisonous chemicals in tobacco can increase your risk of miscarriage or slow down the growth of your baby. It can also bring about early labour and stillbirth. Even after the baby has been born, the chances of it developing chest infections or asthma, or being at risk of cot death are greatly increased if either parent is a smoker.


Some medicines (such as paracetamol) are perfectly safe to take while you are pregnant, but there are many medicines where there is insufficient evidence of their possible effects on your baby. This means it is generally advisable to limit your use of medications unless absolutely necessary - even herbal and natural remedies should be checked out with your doctor first. If you are unsure about safety of a medicine, seek advice from a doctor or pharmacist before using it.

Wishing you health & happiness!

Dr. Faiza Waliullah Motherhood, Hyderabad

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