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Using the due date calculator
To find your due date, enter the date of the first day of your last period and click ‘Calculate my Due Date’ – the calculator will do the rest. Pregnancy normally lasts from 37 weeks to 42 weeks from the first day of your last period.
Now that you have an estimate of when you are likely to deliver your baby, here are answers to other queries you may have:
- Add 280 days (40 weeks) to the first day of your last menstrual period (assuming a 28-day cycle).
- Your menstrual period and ovulation are counted as the first two weeks of pregnancy. This is why a pregnancy ovulation calculator can be helpful to pinpoint the exact ovulation cycle.
- If you deliver on your due date, your baby is actually only 38 weeks old, not 40.
This date is just an estimate, only about 4% of babies are born on their due date. Although this tool can give you a roughly estimated date of when to expect your baby, we know all too well that baby.
Knowing the estimated date of delivery is an important step in monitoring maternal and foetal health. While you and your family can be prepared for the birth and make the necessary arrangements based on this estimate, it helps your obstetrician provide you crucial antenatal care during different stages of your pregnancy.
This date is only an estimate. It is highly unlikely that your baby will be born on the exact due date, because the birth date depends on a variety of factors. According to studies only about four per cent of infants are born on their due date.
It is always better to cross check with your healthcare provider about your estimated date of delivery. They may give you an accurate estimate based on a physical examination, including an ultrasound. Even otherwise, consult your obstetrician early in your pregnancy and follow the instructions given to you, to make the best of antenatal care package. Remember that your due date may change by a few days based on how your pregnancy is progressing.
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Motherhood’s 9divine package is a comprehensive 9-month package with pre-delivery to the due date and three months after delivery. It is a one stop solution to address all the needs of expecting moms during and after pregnancy. The 9divine package caters to all the medical needs of a to-be mother, including delivery. Right from consultation to ultrasounds and new-born screening to recovery exercises, this comprehensive package ensures that the journey from pregnancy to playing with your child is a worry-free and comfortable one.
To know more about package, visit your nearby Motherhood Hospital or call us at 96203-96203
It can be quite difficult to work out how far along you are in your pregnancy. This is because of something known as ‘gestational age’. Your baby is two weeks younger than the pregnancy start date.
While the due date calculator result often gives a specific due date, it can be hard to predict accurately, since only 4% of births occur on the estimated due date.
It is unlikely that the baby will be born on the exact due date calculated since only 4% of births occur on the estimated due date.
You can work out how many weeks pregnant you are by using the pregnancy due date Calendar. But it can be challenging to calculate exactly how far along you are in the process because your baby is 2 weeks younger than the pregnancy start date. This is referred to as ‘gestational age’.