Stillbirth:Gynaecologist Manju Gupta explains how to deal with life after stillbirth
Stillbirth:Gynaecologist Manju Gupta explains how to deal with life after stillbirth
Life After Stillbirth: अपने बच्चे को खोना शायद इस दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा दुख और सदमा होता है। कोई अपने दुश्मन के लिए भी इस तकलीफ को नहीं चाहता है। जब मरा हुआ बच्चा पैदा होता है यानि स्टिलबर्थ (Stillbirth) होता है या जन्म लेने के कुछ समय बाद ही शिशु की मृत्यु हो जाती है, मां-बाप को बहुत गहरा सदमा लगता है और उनके शरीर में कई शारीरिक बदलाव भी आते हैं। ये बदलाव पैरेंट्स की सेहत को लंबे समय तक प्रभावित कर सकते हैं और इनका असर मानसिक और भावनात्मक, दोनों पहलुओं पर पड़ सकता है। नोएडा के मदरहुड हॉस्पीटल की सीनियर कंसल्टेंट गायनेकोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टर मंजू गुप्ता से हम जानेंगे कि निओनेटल डेथ और स्टिलबर्थ के बाद मां-बाप की जिंदगी में किस तरह के बदलाव आते हैं।
प्रेग्नेंसी शरीर को कई तरह से बदल देती है और स्टिलबर्थ या निओनेटल डेथ के बाद शरीर इनवोल्यूशन नाम की प्रक्रिया में चला जाता है। इस प्रक्रिया में गर्भाशय अपने पुराने साइज और शेप में आने की कोशिश करता है। इस प्रक्रिया में कुछ हफ्तों से लेकर कुछ महीनों का समय लग सकता है और इसमें यूट्राइन लाइनिंग यानि लोचिया गिर जाती है। लोचिया भारी हो सकती है और इसे गिरने में कई हफ्तों का समय लग सकता है। इसकी वजह से पैरेंट्स को अपने बच्चे को खोने की तकलीफ याद आती रहती है।
भावनात्मक बदलाव
स्टिलबर्थ या निओनेटल डेथ के बाद पैरेंट्स को भावनात्मक बदलावों से भी गुजरना पड़ता है। हर किसी को अलग तरीके से दुख महसूस होता है और हर किसी का इससे निपटने का तरीका भी अलग होता है। स्टिलबर्थ या निओनेटल डेथ के बाद पैरेंट्स को गिल्टी महसूस हो सकता है। उन्हें लग सकता है कि उन्होंने प्रेग्नेंसी के दौरान कुछ चीजें नहीं की जिसकी वजह से ऐसा हुआ है। शिशु की मृत्यु के लिए वो खुद को जिम्मेदार समझ सकते हैं।
गुस्सा आता है
पैरेंट्स को खुद पर, अपने पार्टनर पर या डॉक्टर पर या यहां तक कि मृत शिशु पर भी गुस्सा आ सकता है। उन्हें लगता है कि जो भी हुआ वो गलत था और ऐसा क्यों हुआ। कुछ मां-बाप खुद को अकेला कर लेता है और अपने दुख को अकेले में झेलना चाहते हैं। उन्हें लगता है कि वो उन लोगों से बात ही नहीं कर सकते जिन्होंने इस तकलीफ को महसूस नहीं किया है।
कैसे करें हैंडल
इस स्थिति में मां-बाप को काउंसलिंग की मदद लेनी चाहिए। इससे वो अपने इमोशंस और तकलीफ को हैंडल करना सीख सकते हैं। यहां पर पैरेंट्स को अपनी भावनाओं के बारे में बात करने, सवाल पूछने और दुख से बाहर निकलने में मदद मिल सकती है। अपने जैसे दूसरे पैरेंट्स से कनेक्ट करने के लिए आप सपोर्ट ग्रुप्स से भी जुड़ सकते हैं। उनके अनुभव, सलाह को जानकर आपकी तकलीफ थोड़ी कम हो सकती है। इसके अलावा पैरेंट्स को अपनी देखभाल पर भी ध्यान देना चाहिए। पर्याप्त आराम करें, पौष्टिक आहार लें और ऐसे काम करें जो उन्हें आनंद देते हों। इससे आप शारीरिक और भावनात्मक रूप से स्वस्थ महसूस कर सकते हैं।
Parents of children born like this drown in the sea of sorrow
Parents of children born like this drown in the sea of sorrow
Losing your child is probably the biggest sorrow and shock in this world. No one wants this trouble even for his/her enemy. When a dead child is born i.e. stillbirth or the death of a child shortly after birth, the parents are deeply shocked and many physical changes take place in their bodies. These changes can affect the health of the parents in the long run and can have an impact on both mental and emotional aspects. We will know from Dr. Manju Gupta, Senior Consultant Gynecologist, Motherhood Hospital, Noida, what kind of changes come in the life of parents after neonatal death and stillbirth.
physical changes
Pregnancy changes the body in many ways and after stillbirth or neonatal death, the body goes through a process called involution. In this process, the uterus tries to return to its old size and shape. This process may take a few weeks to a few months and involves the shedding of the uterine lining called lochia. Lochia may be heavy and may take several weeks to pass. Because of this, parents keep remembering the pain of losing their child.
emotional changes
Parents also go through emotional changes after a stillbirth or neonatal death. Everyone feels grief differently and everyone has a different way of dealing with it. Parents may feel guilty after a stillbirth or neonatal death. They may feel that they did not do some things during pregnancy due to which this has happened. They may consider themselves responsible for the death of the child.
feel angry
Parents may feel angry at themselves, at their partner or at the doctor or even at the dead baby. They feel that whatever happened was wrong and why it happened. Some parents isolate themselves and want to face their grief alone. They feel that they cannot talk to those people who have not felt this pain.
how to handle
In this situation, parents should take the help of counseling. With this, they can learn to handle their emotions and pain. Here parents can find help to talk about their feelings, ask questions, and move through grief. You can also join support groups to connect with other parents like you. Knowing their experience and advice can reduce your pain a bit. Apart from this, parents should also pay attention to their care. Get enough rest, eat nutritious food and do things that make them happy. This can make you feel physically and emotionally healthy.
What is Endometriosis, and how can this cause chronic pain in women?
What is Endometriosis, and how can this cause chronic pain in women?
Endometriosis is a painful condition affecting millions of women worldwide. It occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus, often on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or the lining of the pelvis. This condition can cause chronic pain, which is often challenging to manage.
Endometriosis can cause other symptoms, such as infertility, heavy or irregular periods, fatigue, and gastrointestinal problems. It is a complex condition that can be challenging to diagnose and treat. Many women with endometriosis go undiagnosed for years, which can lead to a delay in treatment and increased pain and discomfort. Therefore, it is essential to recognize the symptoms of endometriosis and seek medical attention promptly. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into how endometriosis causes pain and the different types associated with the condition.
Endometriosis can cause chronic pain by the following mechanisms:
Inflammation: Endometriosis causes inflammation, which can irritate nerves and cause pain. Inflammation can also cause scar tissue to form, contributing to pain.
Hormones: Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent condition, meaning hormones influence it. The growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus can cause hormonal imbalances, which can lead to pain.
Nerve Endings: Endometriosis can irritate the nerve endings in the pelvic area, causing pain.
Types of Pain Associated with Endometriosis:
Endometriosis can cause several types of pain, including:
● Menstrual Pain: Women with endometriosis often experience severe menstrual cramps which may interfere with their daily activities.
● Chronic Pelvic Pain: Endometriosis can cause sharp chronic pelvic pain lasting more than six months.
● Pain During Intercourse: Endometriosis can cause pain during intercourse, making sexual activity uncomfortable or even impossible.
● Pain During Bowel Movements: Women with endometriosis may experience pain during bowel movements, especially during their periods.
● Painful Urination: Endometriosis can cause pain during urination, especially during menstrual periods.
Ways to Manage Pain Symptoms:
Endometriosis is a difficult condition to manage, but there are several strategies that women can use to reduce their pain symptoms. Some of these strategies include:
● Pain Medications: Over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen can help to relieve menstrual cramps and other types of pain. Prescription pain medications may be needed for more severe pain.
● Hormonal Therapies: Hormonal therapies such as birth control pills, progestins, or gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists can help to regulate hormone levels and reduce pain.
● Surgery: In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove endometrial or scar tissue causing pain.
● Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy: Pelvic floor physical therapy can help reduce pain by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles.
● Relaxation Techniques: Relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises can help to reduce stress and alleviate pain
● Diet Modifications: Certain dietary modifications, such as reducing the intake of caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods, may help to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.
Endometriosis is a painful condition that can cause chronic pain, often difficult to manage. However, by understanding how endometriosis causes pain and implementing strategies to manage pain symptoms, women with endometriosis can improve their quality of life. If you are experiencing chronic pain, you must talk to your healthcare provider about your symptoms and develop a personalized treatment plan.
Heatwave: Children more prone to heat related illness, dizziness and fatigue are warning signs
Heatwave: Children more prone to heat related illness, dizziness and fatigue are warning signs
On Sunday, both Delhi and Mumbai recorded the season’s highest temperatures at 34.1 degrees Celsius and 39.4 degrees Celsius respectively. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) predicts that this trend is going to keep up for the next few days as well.
Swallowed gum? Here’s what can happen next
Swallowed gum? Here’s what can happen next
Like chewing gum? Well, you must have come across people who may have warned you not to swallow gum! Yet, some people unintentionally or unknowingly swallow it, and then worry about whether it will stay in the stomach for a long time! Know all about such myths and also health risks you should be aware of.
Before you find the negative effects of swallowing gum, let’s understand what it is made of and determine whether it is harmful to eat.
Is gum made of harmful ingredients?
Mostly, gum is made of gum base or gum core, which may or may not be coated. The base of gum is made up of resins, plasticizers, and polymers. It can also be mixed with food-grade softeners, preservatives, sweeteners, colours, and flavourings. Often, gum has a powdered or hard polyol coating as well.
Several European studies recommend avoiding gums since they typically contain artificial flavours, artificial sweetener aspartame, and preservatives such as butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT).
You now understand that it should be avoided or consumed in moderation. However, what if you swallow gum?
HealthShots reached out to Dr Jagdish Kathwate, Consultant Neonatologist and Paediatrician, Motherhood Hospital Kharadi Pune, to find the outcomes of swallowing chewing gum.
What happens if you swallow gum?
First of all, the goal of chewing gum is not to swallow it. But some individuals tend to accidentally swallow it. Dr Kathwate says, “There are no known negative effects from swallowing chewing gum, so do not be concerned. However, the gum will sit for a long time in your stomach before you are able to digest it.” Sometimes, it could even travel through your stomach and be eliminated by faeces. But just be careful while chewing gum.
Can gum get stuck in the stomach?
The digestive system can take time to process gum, but it won’t sit in your stomach for seven years, as the myth tells you! It takes time because they system needs to break down the gum base.
In some cases, rarely, there can be blockage of the digestive tract due to swallowed chewing gum and one could experience nausea for a while as well. Yet, no major side effects from chewing gum have been reported.
What if children swallow gum?
Children are more prone than adults to have health problems as a result of swallowing gum. A child who swallows too much gum, particularly if they are already constipated, may experience an obstruction in their intestines, according to the Mayo Clinic.
The New York Times cites a 1998 study published in the Pediatrics Journal described a few instances in which children experienced “intestinal blockages” as a result of swallowing multiple pieces of gum or gum that later solidified to form larger masses with other non-food items. These blockages may result in excruciating discomfort, nausea, and constipation. Although it is a rare condition that eating gum can cause it.
So, should children eat gum?
Children can consume sugar-free gum, but just one piece per day is allowed. Also, it is best to see a physician before giving chewing gum to a child. After chewing the gum, carefully dispose of it.
When should you go to your doctor?
Seek medical attention, if you’ve swallowed a lot of gum and are exhibiting symptoms of intestinal obstruction, such as:
- Abdominal pain
- Constipation
- Excessive fullness or oedema in the body
- Painful cramps
- Vomiting
Now you know how much it is safe or not to swallow gum. So make sure you eat it in moderation and dispose of it, not swallow it.
How To Prepare Your Body (& Mind) For Childbirth
How To Prepare Your Body (& Mind) For Childbirth
Childbirth is a beautiful and miraculous experience for every woman. According to the World Health Organization, every year 140 million women give birth throughout the world. There might be a time when a female can get perplexed by the fear of giving birth and drastic changes post-pregnancy.
Guidelines for weaning: Transitioning from breastfeeding to solid food
Guidelines for weaning: Transitioning from breastfeeding to solid food
Life After Stillbirth: Losing your child is probably the biggest sorrow and shock in this world. No one wants this trouble even for his enemy.
Reddish urine during pregnancy: Is it normal or an alarm?
Reddish urine during pregnancy: Is it normal or an alarm?
Reddish urine or blood in urine during pregnancy can be alarming. But why does it happen? Well, usually it indicates Urinary Tract Infections or UTIs, a common phenomenon during pregnancy due to the growing pressure exerted by the fetus on the bladder and urinary tract making it easier for the bacteria to cause an infection. During pregnancy, urine is comparatively less acidic in nature due to higher quantities of proteins, sugars and hormones, which may contribute to UTIs.
Common symptoms of UTI may include
* Painful urination
* Frequent urination
* Burning sensation while urinating
* Urine with an unusual odour
* Experiencing discomfort in the pelvic region
* Fever and backache
* Symptoms of hematuria or blood in the urine
Causes of Urinary Tract Infection or UTI
Urinary tract infection during pregnancy can be common. Listed below are the three different types of UTIs with distinct characteristics during pregnancy.
1. Asymptomatic bacteriuria
This UTI tends to occur due to the bacteria present in a woman’s body before she gets pregnant. The name itself denotes how this type of UTI does not have any noticeable symptoms however left untreated, this asymptomatic bacteriuria may result in kidney infection or an acute bladder infection if left untreated.
2. Acute urethritis or cystitis
Acute urethritis refers to inflammation of the urethra while cystitis refers to inflammation of the bladder. These infections are caused by a type of bacteria named Escherichia coli.
3. Pyelonephritis
This condition occurs when bacteria enter the kidneys from the bloodstream or urinary tract resulting in kidney infection. Pyelonephritis is extremely severe and symptoms may include blood or pus in the urine accompanied by fever, pain when urinating, backache and pain in the groin, or abdomen.
Other causes may also include urinary tract stones. Blood in the urine during pregnancy may also occur due to urinary tract stones, bladder stones, ureteral stones, and kidney stones. Pregnant women experiencing urinary tract stones exhibit symptoms of constant pain in the abdomen, backache, and pain while urinating accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
Another condition called Glomerulonephritis can cause damage to the glomeruli or tiny filters inside the kidneys. Glomerulonephritis is caused due to infections in the immune system which deteriorates the ability of the kidney in removing waste and fluid from your body.
Is it dangerous to have blood in urine during pregnancy?
Urinating blood during pregnancy is a common phenomenon and may be benign in nature. However, seeking professional advice is important to get accurate information. If the urinary tract infection is severe, it may result in complications such as:
* Preterm labour
* Severe infection
* Adult respiratory distress syndrome, a condition that occurs when fluids build up in the tiny, elastic air sacs or alveoli in your lungs which results in less oxygen reaching the bloodstream.
* Anemia, a condition where there are insufficient healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your body’s tissues
* Long-term infection
Also read: UTI: Here’s a pro tip to keep urinary tract infection at bay
How to treat UTI during pregnancy
It is advised to consult a doctor and get medical help if you are experiencing symptoms of UTI. Along with the medical treatment suggested by the doctor, pregnant women experiencing UTI may also try these measures to speed up the recovery process-
* Drinking plenty of water is extremely essential because water dilutes the urine and helps flush out the bacteria from the urinary tract.
* Cranberries for UTI treatment have been widely talked about. These are helpful as they contain certain compounds which play a crucial role in assuring that the bacteria do not attach themselves to the lining of the urinary tract. It is advised to drink cranberry juice to prevent further infection.
* Urinating when the urge arises is important because it helps the bacteria pass out of the urinary tract easily and at a quicker pace
* One should strictly avoid alcohol and caffeine as they may irritate the bladder.
* Maintaining hygiene by washing the genital area thoroughly may also help avoid contracting bacteria that may potentially harm the lower urinary tract and the reproductive system.
During pregnancy, it is necessary for every expectant mother to monitor changes in her urine and report them to the doctor to keep both the mother and the baby health during pregnancy.
Post on 47-year-old’s ‘miraculous’ pregnancy goes viral; Can one conceive even with uterus issues and absent periods?
Post on 47-year-old’s ‘miraculous’ pregnancy goes viral; Can one conceive even with uterus issues and absent periods?
Mirroring the story of the much talked about Hindi film Badhaai Do, 23-year-old Arya Parvathi shared a post on a social media platform on finding out about her 40+ years parents’ second pregnancy.
“One phone call changed my life. Last year, a few days before I was supposed to go back home for my vacation, I got a call from Appa. He seemed restless. A few minutes later, he said, ‘Amma is pregnant’. I didn’t know how to react…that’s not something you just hear your parents say at 23. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. Amma was 47. And I know it’s going to sound weird but when Appa told me, Amma was already in her 8th month. In fact, when Amma herself found out, she was 7 months in,” read the post on Official Humans of Bombay page.
Sharing that she always wanted a sister, Arya said that “all throughout my childhood, I would tell Amma, ‘I want a sibling!’ But Amma says after I was born, she had some problem in her uterus because of which she would never be able to conceive again. So, life went on. Soon, I moved out for college to Bangalore while Amma and Appa remained in Kerala. Things were as is until I got that call… After Appa gave me the news, he said they had kept it a secret because they didn’t know how I would react. A few days later, when I reached home, I fell on Amma’s lap and started crying. I said, ‘Why would I be ashamed?’ I had wanted this for so long,” she continued.
Arya also shared that both of them began spending time together. “It was then she told me how she found out–Amma and Appa had gone to a temple where suddenly, she felt dizzy and fainted. At the hospital, the doctor informed them she was pregnant. For some reason, her bump wasn’t visible. Amma’s periods had stopped and she was feeling bloated, so she assumed it was menopause. And all those years back, because of what the doctor had said, pregnancy didn’t even cross her mind! I truly feel it’s a miracle!”
Arya also mentioned in the post that when they disclosed about it to their friends and family, while “some concerns were genuine”, “some were mere taunts”. “But we didn’t pay any attention. And that’s why Amma’s pregnancy went by smoothly; there was no stress,” shared Arya, who also informed that her Amma delivered a girl just last week.
“Life’s never made more sense. I can’t wait for her to call me ‘Didi!’ I mean, people find it weird that we have such a huge age gap, but does that even matter? It’s funny that for the longest time, we didn’t know she was going to come into our lives and now that she has, we can’t seem to stay away from her!”
So, is it possible to conceive even after no periods, uterus complications?
Menopause usually happens around 45 to 55 years when ovaries stop producing eggs, and less oestrogen (a female hormone) is made in your body. This triggers menopausal symptoms in women.
While it is possible to become pregnant without a period, it is unlikely, said Dr Shalini Vijay, senior consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist, Motherhood Hospitals, Lullanagar. “In fact, if you aren’t receiving your periods, you should see your gynecologist. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including nursing, drugs, being underweight, birth control, and others,” she mentioned.
Dr Shobha Gupta, medical director and infertility specialist from Mother’s Lap IVF Centre, New Delhi and Vrindavan, confirmed this and said that one can get pregnant even after having no periods because sometimes there is a hormonal imbalance and sometimes there is a premature ovarian failure. “You haven’t officially reached menopause until you’ve gone a whole year without a period,” shared Dr Gupta.
According to the expert, while fertility naturally declines with age, suggesting that one is less likely to become pregnant on growing older, until one has gone through menopause, it is very important to continue to use birth control if one is sexually active and does not wish to get pregnant.
Furthermore, women who have experienced issues with their uterus may also be able to conceive, said Dr Prasannalatha, senior obstetrician and gynecologist, Kamineni Hospitals, Hyderabad. “Uterine abnormalities can include a septate uterus, where the uterus is divided by a wall, or an arcuate uterus, where there is a small dip in the top of the uterus. These issues can make it more challenging for a fertilized egg to implant and grow, but it is not impossible,” Dr Prasannalatha noted.