The spinal cord of the baby starts forming in this month, the mother has to be very careful

Baby's Spinal Cord Formation:Critical Maternal Care Guidelines - Motherhood Hospital India

The spinal cord of the baby starts forming in this month, the mother has to be very careful

Baby's Spinal Cord Formation:Critical Maternal Care Guidelines - Motherhood Hospital India

All the organs of the baby develop in the womb of the mother. The formation of vital organs starts right after conception and some organs continue to develop till the birth of the baby. The spinal cord is very important in the human body and in this article Dr. Tanveer Ahuja, Senior Consultant, Department of Gynaecologist, Motherhood Hospital, Noida, is telling how and how the spinal cord of the baby develops.

development of the baby in the womb

Dr. Tanveer said that from conception till labor, changes and development of the baby go on. It passes through several stages like initially blastocyst, then embryo and finally embryo. Future cardiac cells begin to form in the embryo around the fifth week. The wake cycle starts from the 27th week and by the 39th week the body of the baby is developed.

spinal cord structure

Your baby’s brain and spinal cord begin to develop for the first time three weeks after conception. The baby’s central nervous system is formed from these components and as the baby develops further, the skull forms which protects the brain. The spinal cord is encased and protected by the spinal column, made up of more than 30 bones that form an intricate network of nerves. It works to transmit signals from the baby’s brain to the muscles and organs.

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neural tube is formed

The neural crest runs along the outer margin of the growing neural tube. The young have a small tadpole-shaped crest that extends down its back. It makes millions of nerves which are spread all over the body, in the brain and spinal cord. These nerves signal how to behave to the muscles and organs and the brain and spinal cord process those signals or messages. In the first eight weeks of pregnancy, these nerves begin to connect to the baby’s eyes and ears, along with muscles, other tissues and organs.
photo credit: unsplash

Baby’s Spine Cord Development

Around the 12th week, the nerves start triggering baby’s reflexes with basic messages. This means that the baby can curl its toes and close its fingers. In addition, the infant may engage in thumb sucking and eye rolling.

Around the baby’s nerves, a yellowish protective layer called myelin starts to develop from around 20 weeks. Myelin insulates the nerves and speeds up their complex communication system. Myelin continues to expand during pregnancy and throughout the first year of a baby’s life.

photo credit: pexels

sensory development takes place

The nerves that control the baby’s senses of hearing, sight, smell and taste connect to the organs associated with them after 28 weeks. The baby can also differentiate between colors and blinks in response to bright light. Brain development occurs throughout pregnancy, accelerating in the third trimester as the baby’s brain triples in size. A baby’s brain continues to develop even after birth.

A child’s brain is about one-fourth the size of a normal adult’s brain. It doubles in the first year. At age 3, it will be about 80% of adult size and by age 5, it will be 90% of adult size or nearly fully developed.

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baby development, baby’s spinal cord starts forming in this month, mother has to be very careful – baby-development when does spinal cord develop

Baby's spinal cord formation: Essential care during development - Motherhood Hospital India.

baby development, baby’s spinal cord starts forming in this month, mother has to be very careful – baby-development when does spinal cord develop

Baby's spinal cord formation: Essential care during development - Motherhood Hospital India.

All the organs of the baby develop in the womb of the mother. The formation of vital organs starts right after conception and some organs continue to develop till the birth of the baby. The spinal cord is very important in the human body and in this article Dr. Tanveer Ahuja, Senior Consultant, Department of Gynaecologist, Motherhood Hospital, Noida, is telling how and how the spinal cord of the baby develops.


Women’s health tips: Ways by which every woman can deal with endometriosis

Women’s health tips: Ways by which every woman can deal with endometriosis

Endometriosis can make it difficult to conceive and if you’re having trouble becoming pregnant, your doctor may suggest fertility therapy under the supervision of a fertility expert where fertility treatment options include everything from stimulating your ovaries to produce more eggs to in vitro fertilisation. Endometriosis may be a difficult illness to manage, both physically and emotionally but there are things you may do to combat the discomfort of endometriosis and enhance your quality of life.

Since endometriosis affects each woman differently, there is no one-size-fits-all treatment regimen but some lifestyle adjustments, home remedies, treatment tactics and prescription drugs, can make this illness more tolerable on a daily basis. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Preethika Shetty, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Motherhood Hospitals in Kharadi, suggested some of the most effective strategies to deal with endometriosis:

1. Keep an eye on your nutrition.

Consuming the correct meals can help guard against endometriosis. The significance of nutrition in endometriosis has recently been examined due to the effect of diet on several of the disease-related processes, such as inflammation, prostaglandin metabolism and oestrogen activity. Pesticides and insecticides that can be consumed through specific nutrients have been linked to endometriosis.

2. Purchase a wireless heating pad.

One of the finest home treatments for endometriosis pain, which was found in 2015, is a heating pad. Prior to my operation, I kept my heating pad connected to the wall and carried it with me wherever I went. It helps to relax and calm the muscles in the region that cramp up when you have endo discomfort.

3. Keep it natural.

Dioxin, a toxin present in certain pesticides and animal feed, has been linked to endometriosis. You may reduce your exposure to environmental toxins like dioxin by reducing your consumption of animal products and striving to follow a low-gluten and organic diet as much as possible. To control my symptoms, I try to eat fairly healthily and avoid soy at all costs owing to the hormonal spike it might cause.

4. Surgical options

In people who do not wish to become pregnant, removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) can occasionally be used to address signs and symptoms associated with endometriosis, such as excessive monthly flow and painful menses owing to uterine cramping. Even if the ovaries are left in situ, a hysterectomy can have a long-term impact on your health, especially if performed before the age of 35.

5. Use vitamin D and B vitamins.

Vitamin D is referred to as the “happy vitamin” since it reduces anxiety and despair. Vitamin B boosts your energy on days when your endometriosis symptoms are most severe. Researchers have also discovered that the kind of fat in your diet influences your chance of endometriosis. According to one study, participants who ate the most trans fats raised their risk of endometriosis by 48% when compared to those who ate the least of them. For instance, those who drank the most omega-3 oils reduced their risk of endometriosis by 22% compared to those who consumed the least. Consuming omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods such as salmon, flaxseeds, and walnuts may be beneficial for endometriosis.

Dr Preethika Shetty highlighted, “Endometriosis cannot be cured but symptoms can be managed. See your doctor if you are still suffering particularly severe or chronic discomfort. Your birth control technique or prescription drugs may need to be adjusted. If none of these measures assists to control your endometriosis symptoms, your doctor may recommend surgery. The strategy you and your doctor choose will depend on your indications and symptoms, as well as whether or not you want to become pregnant in the future. Before beginning any treatment, it is critical to understand all of your options and the potential effects of each.”


World Tuberculosis Day 2023: Doctor Explains Treatment, Complications For Expecting Mothers & Newborns

World Tuberculosis Day 2023: Doctor Explains Treatment, Complications For Expecting Mothers & Newborns

During your pregnancy, your physician will conduct various routine tests to identify any potential health issues that could pose a risk to you or your developing baby. Additionally, if you experience symptoms such as weight loss, loss of appetite, chills, fever, night sweats, cough, or chest pain, your doctor may recommend testing for tuberculosis (TB) in addition to the routine tests. These symptoms will prevail only if you have active TB and it is crucial to get yourself tested in case you have these symptoms, as it might affect your pregnancy. On this World Tuberculosis Day, Dr Manisha Tomar, Senior Consultant, Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Motherhood Hospital, Noida, explains TB during pregnancy, its treatment and complications for expecting mothers and newborns.

Bleeding during pregnancy: Is it normal?

Bleeding during pregnancy: Is it normal?

According to a study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, as many as one in three people will experience bleeding during their first three months of pregnancy, with the chances being higher during the first trimester. Agreeing, Dr Preethika Shetty, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Motherhood Hospitals, Kharadi said, “Sometimes, it can be serious, and at other times not even a matter of concern. But you must always consult a doctor in case of bleeding during any trimester,” adding that women can experience slight brown spotting to bright red bleeding that may last from a day to weeks accompanied with cramping or low backache.

The silent threat of female genital TB in LMICs

The silent threat of female genital TB in LMICs

New Delhi: Women across age groups are mostly not aware of female genital TB (FGTB), as there are no symptoms; it is a silent disease sparing no age group but the majority of patients that are affected are of reproductive age. As per doctors, FGTB causes significant morbidity also a major reason for infertility. Experts inform that it is still an underestimated disease, which needs awareness and prompt attention and a high degree of evaluation by doctors for correct diagnosis and treatment. On the occasion of World TB Day, ETHealthworld spoke with doyens of fertility with diverse experience to gain a clear understanding of not only the severity of FGTB but also how it is frequently diagnosed at later stages, when the disease’s scope has widened and has the potential to have a devastating impact on women’s reproductive health. A study published in the Indian Journal of Tuberculosis suggests 25 per cent of the women who suffer from pulmonary TB in India also have silent genital tuberculosis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (occasionally Mycobacterium bovis and/or atypical mycobacteria) is the primary causative agent of FGTB. It typically develops as a result of TB of the lungs or other organs and spreads by lymphatic, haematogenous, or direct dissemination from abdominal TB. Around 90 per cent of women with FGTB experience fallopian tube damage.

World Tuberculosis Day 2023: Genital Tuberculosis And How It Affects Fertility

World Tuberculosis Day 2023: Genital Tuberculosis And How It Affects Fertility

New Delhi: Women across age groups are mostly not aware of female genital TB (FGTB), as there are no symptoms; it is a silent disease sparing no age group but the majority of patients that are affected are of reproductive age. As per doctors, FGTB causes significant morbidity also a major reason for infertility. Experts inform that it is still an underestimated disease, which needs awareness and prompt attention and a high degree of evaluation by doctors for correct diagnosis and treatment. On the occasion of World TB Day, ETHealthworld spoke with doyens of fertility with diverse experience to gain a clear understanding of not only the severity of FGTB but also how it is frequently diagnosed at later stages, when the disease’s scope has widened and has the potential to have a devastating impact on women’s reproductive health. A study published in the Indian Journal of Tuberculosis suggests 25 per cent of the women who suffer from pulmonary TB in India also have silent genital tuberculosis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (occasionally Mycobacterium bovis and/or atypical mycobacteria) is the primary causative agent of FGTB. It typically develops as a result of TB of the lungs or other organs and spreads by lymphatic, haematogenous, or direct dissemination from abdominal TB. Around 90 per cent of women with FGTB experience fallopian tube damage.

Expert Talk: 5 Reasons Why a Gynaec May Put You On Birth Control That Have Nothing To Do With Preventing Pregnancy

Expert Talk: 5 Reasons Why a Gynaec May Put You On Birth Control That Have Nothing To Do With Preventing Pregnancy

Birth control refers to the practice of using specific methods, medications, or surgical operations for both males and females to prevent conception. However, women have a wider variety of birth control methods to select from. Some methods of contraception are more effective than others. Your choice of birth control will be influenced by your health, desire to have children now or in the future, and need to avoid STIs. 


What is a ‘pregnancy nose’?

What is a ‘pregnancy nose’?

On TikTok, many pregnant women seem to be sharing a bizarre experience — about a change in the size of their nose during the last trimester. According to reports, women have been posting before and after pictures with the hashtag ‘pregnancy nose’, with their noses visibly broader and puffier in the second set of images.

“My face got so swollen towards the end of my pregnancy,” TikTok user @alexjoelenejacobson shared in a video, reported After revealing a photo from her third trimester, she commented: “My nose feels like it’s a whole inch wider, my face felt so tight.”

While it is being talked about now, turns out it is not anything new. A 2004 study published in National Center for Biotechnology Information noted that nasal physiological changes during pregnancy were seen in all the 18 subjects who were studied from their first trimester of pregnancy and followed through to the postpartum period to monitor the changes that occurred.

The study analysed measurements of the nasal airway including anterior rhinoscopy (AnR), peak inspiratory nasal flow, acoustic rhinometry, anterior rhinomanometry (ARM), and the saccharin test with rhinitis questionnaire scores providing a symptomatic measurement.

Though not a medical term, pregnancy nose is one of the “physiological changes seen in pregnancy due to hormonal surges”, said Dr Manju Gupta, senior consultant, obstetrics and gynaecology, Motherhood Hospital, Noida.

Is it something to be concerned about?

According to Dr Shobha Gupta, medical director, and IVF expert, Mother’s Lap IVF Centre, New Delhi and Vrindavan, hormones produce vascular dilation, which can lead to increased blood flow to specific parts, which is necessary for the uterus. “It isn’t always selective. Its just that your nose is one of the body parts with mucous membranes that experiences increased flow. It is mostly harmless and can be experienced just like any other pregnancy symptoms,” Dr Shobha told

So does the nose reverse to its original size?

Dr Manju mentioned that it takes time for the nose to reverse to its original size. “So while it is not evident immediately after the delivery, one can see the difference within 6-8 weeks difference as the hormones subside,” said Dr Manju.