Cervical Cerclage: Procedure & Female Infertility Treatment 

cervical cancer

AuthorDr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Cervical Cerclage: Procedure & Female Infertility Treatment 


 Throughout the pregnancy, the cervix remains long and firm. It, however, begins to dilate and soften to allow passage of the foetus. According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the cervix in some women may lose its integrity and can result in miscarriage or preterm birth. In such cases, the best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon suggests cervical cerclage to prevent complications. 

 What is Cervical Cerclage? 

 Cervical cerclage is a procedure to keep your cervix closed during pregnancy to prevent immature birth due to a weak cervix. If your cervix is weakened, your best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon will recommend the procedure at the earliest. This will ensure that the foetus is inside of your uterus.  

 During this procedure, the laparoscopic surgeon in Gurgaon will place one or several sutures in the opening of your cervix to keep it closed during pregnancy.  

When a Cervical Cerclage is Performed? 

 Cervical cerclage may be recommended for several reasons, such as: 

1. Weak or incompetent cervix: At times the cervix may become weak due to past surgeries on the cervical tissues. 

2. Past miscarriages: A past miscarriage can also cause an abnormally shaped uterus or damage to the cervix. A past miscarriage in the second trimester usually causes a weak cervix. 

If your best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon thinks that you require a cervical cerclage, they will perform it for about 12 to 14 weeks into your pregnancy way before the cervix thins out. 

 How is Cervical Cerclage Performed? 

 During a cervical cerclage: 

1. You will be given a pain-numbing medication or a local anaesthetic. 

2. After the anaesthesia takes effect, your doctor will stitch your cervix with strong sutures. This will tighten and secure the cervix. 

 The surgery may cause a slight discomfort and pain. Some patients also experience cramping, light bleeding, or spotting for a few days after the procedure. If, however, you feel abnormal pain after the procedure, contact your laparoscopic surgeon in Gurgaon at the earliest.  

 How is Recovery after the Procedure? 

 After your procedure, you will be discharged on the same day. You should, however, ensure proper rest for at least 10 days after the surgery to let your stitches heal. Make sure that you follow all the instructions given by the doctor including follow-up appointments to monitor your pregnancy. 

 What are the Risks After the Cervical Cerclage? 

 A cervical cerclage is recommended only in severe situations. The best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon will only recommend the procedure if the benefits outweigh the risks. You may experience certain complications after the procedure such as: 

1. Bleeding. 

2. Infection in the cervix. 

3. Premature rupture of membrane; you may experience your water breaking. This may lead to preterm labour. If you notice, any spotting after the procedure, make sure that you visit your doctor immediately. 

4. Preterm labour. 

5. Cervical stenosis. 

6. Scar tissues on your cervix. 

7. Tearing of cervix or uterus. 

When Should You Visit a Doctor After the Procedure? 

 Cervical cerclage is usually safe; however, you may experience certain complications as mentioned above. You should visit your doctor at the earliest if you notice the following: 

1. A high fever. 

2. Contractions in the lower abdomen. 

3. Foul-smelling discharge from the vagina. 

4. Water breaking or leaking. 

5. Excessive bleeding. 

Cervical cerclage is a common procedure performed to improve cervical integrity and prevent preterm birth. The procedure, however, should only be performed by the best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon to avoid complications. You can visit Dr Preety Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals for consultation and expert guidance.  

Dos and Don’ts Post Hysterectomy

dos and donts in post hysterectomy

AuthorDr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Dos and Don’ts Post Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy or removal of the uterus, whether laparoscopic or abdominal, is one of the common surgeries today. According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the surgery is performed to remove fibroids from the uterus or to get rid of uterus-related complications. Although the surgery is uncomplicated post-operative care is important for the complete recovery of the patient. The best gynaecologist in sector 55 recommends taking extreme care after the surgery.

Dos and Don’ts Post Hysterectomy

If you went through a hysterectomy or going under one, you need to know the post-operative for recovery. The gynaecologist in Gurgaon suggests the following tips after the surgery:

1. Care of the Stitches 

Whether laparoscopic or abdominal, the stitches always need to be clean and dry. Wash the stitched-up area once the dressing has been removed, however, do take a bath daily and maintain good hygiene. Dry the stitched-up area as suggested by your gynaecologist in Gurgaon. Make sure that you also keep checking for any signs of infection including redness, wound discharge, or fever. Moreover, wear loose-fitting clothes to avoid irritation on the incision.

2. Eat Balanced Diet

Diet is an important factor after any major surgery as it replenishes the body with the required nutrients. Hence, make sure that you follow a balanced diet. Here are a few tips that can help you maintain your diet:

  • Include all seasonal fruits in your diet: Each fruit has its unique nutritive value that helps in post-operative healing. 
  • Increase fibre and water content: Hysterectomy can cause constipation in some patients. To avoid constipation, include high-fibre foods including fruits and green leafy vegetables. You can also increase your water intake by drinking water every 2 hours. Do not, however, drink fruit juices and try to have fresh fruits as much as possible. 
  • Increase protein intake: Healing of tissues after surgery requires protein. To boost your healing process, you can include lean proteins in your diet including skinless chicken and reduced-fat dairy products such as plain yoghurt.  
  • Avoid saturated fats and include good fats in your diet including cashews, eggs, and so forth. 
  • Additionally, the best gynaecologist in sector 55 will also prescribe calcium and vitamin D supplements to protect yourself from fractures. 

3. Lifestyle Changes

Apart from a balanced diet and medications, certain lifestyle changes can also add to your healing process. This includes:

  • Adequate rest and sleep: Make sure to have at least eight hours of undisturbed sleep. Do not use a smartphone or watch TV while sleeping as it can disrupt your sleep cycle. Also, avoid having tea or coffee before sleeping. 
  • Meditation: You need to relax as much as possible to boost your healing process. Meditate every morning or practice yoga; whichever works for you. This can help you stay healthy and active. 
  • Avoid lifting heavy: Lifting heavy after the surgery can put extra pressure on your stitches and increase your chances of a hernia.

4. Exercise

It is important to note that women who are physically active before the surgery will have an easier recovery and will be able to return to routine sooner. Do not, however, start any physical activity immediately after the surgery. Usually, you may be able to resume around 4 weeks after a hysterectomy. Make sure to discuss this with your gynaecologist in Gurgaon to understand the extent of physical activity permitted. 

Recovery after a hysterectomy can take time. The more you listen to your body after the surgery, the easier will be your recovery. Moreover, you can also consult Dr Preety Aggarwal  at the Motherhood Hospitals for speedy recovery.

5 Key Nutrients for a Healthy Pregnancy Diet and Their Benefits  

5 Key Nutrients Every Pregnant Woman Should Prioritizes

AuthorDr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology

5 Key Nutrients for a Healthy Pregnancy Diet and Their Benefits 


During pregnancy, the mother must provide nutrition to herself and the baby. Hence, the nutritional requirements are higher during pregnancy. Out of which, certain vitamins are crucial for the overall development of the baby. According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology taking prenatal vitamins and eating healthy foods can help you get all the nutrients for you and the baby. The best gynecologist in sector 57 creates a treatment plan that has a balance of both prenatal vitamins and foods to give you the required nourishment. 

5 Key Nutrients for a Healthy Pregnancy Diet and Their Benefits 

Prenatal vitamins are multivitamins specifically crucial for pregnant women. Compared to regular multivitamins, these have more nutrients that meet the requirements during pregnancy. The gynecologist in Gurgaon recommends the following vitamins during pregnancy: 

1. Folic Acid 

Folic acid is vitamin B that is required for the healthy growth and development of the body. Consumption of folic acid before and during pregnancy can help prevent birth defects including spina bifida. During pregnancy 600 mcg of folic acid is recommended. Do not, however, self-administer and consult a gynecologist in Gurgaon for supplements. 

 2. Iron 

Iron is another crucial element that is required to make hemoglobin in the body. Due to excess requirement, iron is needed twice as much during pregnancy than before pregnancy. During pregnancy, you need at least 27 milligrams of iron each day. Apart from this, you can also get iron from food sources. In addition to iron, vitamin C is also required as it increases the absorption of iron in the body.  

3. Calcium 

Calcium is another important mineral that helps in developing a baby’s bones, teeth, heart, nerves, and muscles. The best gynecologist in sector 57 recommends 1000 milligrams of calcium each day. You can meet this requirement by taking prenatal vitamins as well as food sources including dairy, broccoli, and so forth. 

4. Vitamin D 

Vitamin D is also a crucial vitamin as it helps your body to absorb calcium. Moreover, it also helps in the proper functioning of muscles, nerves, immune system, and helps in the growth of teeth and bones. During pregnancy, at least 600 IU (international units) of vitamin D are required daily. You can take the prenatal supplement as prescribed by the best gynecologist in sector 57 and include rich sources of the vitamin in your diet.  

5. Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 

Docosahexaenoic acid also known as omega-3 fatty acid is crucial for the overall growth and development of the baby. During pregnancy, you need DHA for the development of the brain and eyes of the baby. It is also important to note here that all prenatal vitamins might not contain DHA, hence it is best to discuss this with your gynecologist in Gurgaon.  

6. Other Nutrients  

Apart from the above, the other nutrients required for pregnancy are the following: 

1. Iodine 

During pregnancy, iodine is required for the development of the baby’s nervous system. You require at least 220 mcg of iodine every day during pregnancy. Apart from this, you can include iodine-rich sources of food in your diet. 

2. Protein 

 Protein is another important nutrient for the proper growth and development of baby’s tissues and organs. It is also required for increasing blood supply. Focus on completing at least 70 to 100 g of protein per day. 

As much as prenatal vitamins are important during pregnancy, a healthy and balanced diet cannot be sidelined. Make sure that you are eating a nutritious diet and limiting processed food. The best way to ensure this is by getting yourself checked and creating a customized plan with Dr Preety Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals. 

Antenatal Maternal and Fetal Screening

fetal heart monitoringg

AuthorDr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Antenatal Maternal and Fetal Screening

Antenatal tests are an important part of your pregnancy journey as these tests ensure that you and your baby are healthy throughout your pregnancy. According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology some tests are recommended for everyone while some tests are only recommended for some women who are at a greater risk of a particular condition. Before starting your pregnancy journey, make sure that you discuss these tests with the best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon. 

What are Antenatal Tests?

Antenatal tests are screening tests and scans that are required to check your and the health of your baby. These tests are particularly important as they are designed to assess the chances of you or your baby having a medical condition. If the best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon notices a high risk on the screening test, additional diagnostic tests will be conducted to ascertain the condition.  

Which Antenatal Tests are Conducted During Pregnancy? 

Different types of antenatal tests are conducted at different times during pregnancy, including blood tests, urine tests, ultrasound scans, and other tests. It includes: 

1. Screening Tests 

These are conducted to assess if your baby is likely to have a health condition. Screening tests can help you decide if you want to have a diagnostic test. If the best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon suspects high-risk, a diagnostic test will be conducted. 

2. Diagnostic Tests 

Once a screening test is done, a diagnostic test is conducted to ascertain if your baby has a health condition. Moreover, diagnostic tests also indicate some risks for your baby including miscarriages.  

3. Blood Pressure Check 

The best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon will conduct a blood pressure check to ensure you do not have preeclampsia. Preeclampsia refers to high blood pressure occurring after the 20th week of pregnancy. It can lead to serious problems. Hence, blood pressure must be monitored. 

4. Urine Test 

A urine test will be conducted to check for infections including kidney or bladder infections. Moreover, a high amount of protein in the urine may also be a sign of preeclampsia. 

5. Blood Tests 

A blood test will also be conducted to check for certain infections including syphilis, hepatitis B or HIV. Furthermore, a blood test is also used to find out your blood type and Rh factor to check for anaemia. This is important to safeguard the health of the baby. 

6. Foetal DNA Testing 

A foetal DNA test checks your blood for your baby’s DNA. The DNA is evaluated for certain genetic conditions including Down’s syndrome. It also ascertains if your baby has a birth defect or not. 

7. Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) 

This diagnostic test is also conducted to check if your baby has any genetic condition. In this test, a tissue from the placenta is checked at 10-13 weeks of pregnancy. The test will usually be conducted if you have a family history of genetic conditions. 

8. Ultrasound 

An ultrasound uses sound waves to picture your baby inside the womb. This is done to ensure that your baby is growing correctly. 

9. Maternal Blood Screening 

This is another screening test that checks your blood to see if your baby is at risk of birth defects. The test is usually conducted at 15-22 weeks of pregnancy. 

Antenatal maternal and foetal screening is important to ensure that the pregnancy is safe. It also checks if the baby and mother are not at risk or if the baby may develop any genetic condition. The tests should be conducted at certain time intervals. To create a pregnancy plan, you can consult Dr Preety Aggarwal  at the Motherhood Hospitals.

10 Ways to Prioritize Self-Care During Each Trimester of Pregnancy

Ways to Prioritize Self-Care During Each Trimester of Pregnancy

AuthorDr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

10 Ways to Prioritize Self-Care During Each Trimester of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exhilarating journey. The expectant mothers look forward to the changes with the hope of welcoming the baby. Apart from all the excitement, the pregnant ladies can also utilize their time to prioritize themselves. According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology, pregnancy is the perfect time for mothers to indulge in self-care and do all the things they love. You can discuss all your pregnancy expectations and desires with the best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon to prioritize self-care above everything else. 

10 Ways to Prioritize Self-Care During Pregnancy 

1.Eat a Variety of Colours Every Day 

Your baby requires a wide range of vitamins and minerals. One way to ensure this is by eating a variety of nutrients from a broad colour spectrum of fruits and vegetables. Before doing this, however, discuss your food choices with your doctor since certain foods are restricted during pregnancy. 

2.Drink Plenty of Water 

As a part of your pregnancy, you must keep yourself hydrated. Try to aim for at least two litres of water every day. Drinking plenty of water will also reduce tiredness, constipation, and your chances of urinary tract infections. 

3.Get Enough Sleep 

Pregnancy can be both physically and emotionally demanding. At times, women may also find it difficult to sleep due to hormonal changes and discomfort. You can, however, set up a bed routine to ensure a good quality sleep. 

4.Practise Mindfulness 

Mindfulness helps you connect with the world around you on a deeper level. Pay attention to small moments of your life including feeling your baby’s kicks. This will help you in building more connections with your baby. 

5.Get Yourself a Massage 

A massage is an excellent way to de-stress yourself and treat frequent pregnancy mood swings. You can ask your partner to give you a foot massage or a lower back massage for de-stressing. 

6.Get More Exercise 

Even if exercise is the last thing on your mind, it can boost your overall well-being during pregnancy. Make sure, however, that you meet a high-risk pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon before doing any exercise on your own. You can try yoga and low-impact exercises to avoid complications. 

7. Talk About Your Mental Health 

A mother goes through a wide range of emotions during 9 months. You can be perfectly happy one moment and worry about your baby the next. Instead of putting up a façade, don’t be afraid to speak your mind. Be open about how you feel and if you want to discuss these issues with the best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon for professional help. 

8.Learn About Labour 

As an expectant mother, it’s normal for you to worry about labour. In such cases, you can learn more about it by either discussing it with your doctor or joining antenatal classes. 

9.Treat Yourself 

Your pregnancy should all be about you. If you crave for certain food item, treat yourself with it. Of course, you cannot binge on junk but occasionally would not cause any harm. 

10.Focus on Your Baby 

Whenever you feel down, pause for a moment and focus on your baby bump. Research has shown that as early as 15 weeks, your baby can hear your voice. You can try singing, chatting, or reading to your bump. This will be a great way to bond with your baby. 

Maintaining positivity during pregnancy is crucial for both the mother and baby. One way to do so is by focusing on yourself during this time. To ensure that you are doing everything correctly, you can meet a high-risk pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon, Dr Preety Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospital. 

All You Need to Know About Ovarian Cystectomy 

All You Need to Know About Ovarian Cystectomy_

Author –  Dr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology

 All You Need to Know About Ovarian Cystectomy 

 Ovarian cysts generally go away on their own, however, some patients with large ovarian cysts and painful symptoms might need surgery. The surgical removal of these ovarian cysts is known as ovarian cystectomy. According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the surgical removal may be performed either by small incisions (laparoscopically) or by one large incision (laparotomy). The type of surgery according to the top lady doctor in Gurgaon may depend on your medical condition.  

 What Are Ovarian Cysts? 

 Ovarian Cysts refer to fluid-filled sacs that are either developed on or inside an ovary. Most of the time, these cysts do not show any symptoms. Sometimes, however, these may cause dull pain, pressure, or bloating in the abdomen. While most ovarian cysts go away on their own, surgery sometimes may be needed for complete removal. 

 The best female doctor near me Gurgaon will suggest surgery if: 

 1. Your cysts have not disappeared even after a few menstrual cycles. 

2. Your cysts can be cancerous. 

3. Your cysts are extremely large or are increasing in size. 

4. You are going through menopause. 

5. Your cysts suddenly rupture. 

What Causes Ovarian Cysts? 

 Although the exact cause of ovarian cyst is not known, it can be caused by: 

1. Hormonal disorders including polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). 

2. Endometriosis. 

3. Pelvic inflammatory disease. 

4. Cancer. 

How is an Ovarian Cystectomy Performed? 

Depending on your medical condition, the top lady doctor in Gurgaon may recommend laparoscopy or laparotomy to remove cysts. 


 Dr Preety Aggarwal usually prefers laparoscopic removal of cysts since this is a minimally invasive procedure. If the cysts, however, are extremely large or cancerous, a laparotomy is suggested. 

During a laparoscopic surgery: 

 1. The doctor will make a small incision on your abdomen to insert a tiny camera. 

2. Another incision will be made to insert tiny surgical instruments. 

3. The cyst will be dissected from the ovary or sometimes an entire ovary will be removed. 

4. The cyst tissue will be removed from the body. 

5. The doctor will remove the camera, and surgical tools, and close the incisions with tiny sutures. 

 6. You will be discharged on the same day and can return to normal activities within a week. 


 A laparotomy is usually considered when the cysts are too large and cannot be removed from tiny incisions. It is also performed when the cysts are cancerous or are even suspected to be cancerous. 

A single large incision is made on the abdomen to access the cyst. Once removed, the incision is closed and sewn back. Since this is a traditional surgery with a large incision, discharge may take up to four days. You can resume your normal activities within a month. 

 How is The Recovery After Ovarian Cystectomy? 

 Recovery after laparoscopy is faster with discharge mostly on the same day and you can even get back to your routine within a week. It is, however, recommended to take sufficient rest within 24 hours of your surgery. At times, you might also experience certain postoperative symptoms such as: 

1. Nausea. 

2. Dizziness. 

3. Abdominal cramps. 

4. Shoulder pain. 

5. Bloating.  

6. Sore throat. 

 In the case of laparotomy, the recovery period is longer up to three months. Your top lady doctor in Gurgaon will provide you with post-operative instructions to follow. You will also have follow-up appointments to check your incision.  

Ovarian cysts are usually harmless, but these can sometimes develop into cancerous tumours. In such cases, it is best to get these removed. If you suspect excruciating pain in your lower abdomen, consult Dr Preety Aggarwalat the Motherhood Hospitals and get yourself checked and treated under expert guidance. 

5 Key Nutrients Every Pregnant Woman Should Prioritize 

5 Key Nutrients Every Pregnant Woman Should Prioritizee

AuthorDr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology

5 Key Nutrients Every Pregnant Woman Should Prioritize  


A balanced diet is of utmost importance when you are pregnant. As the adage goes, “You are what you eat”, Eating the right nutrients for your baby is essential for overall growth and development. According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology, women can meet their nutritional requirements with a healthy diet including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins. The best gynaecologist in Gurgaon recommends including a variety of foods in your diet to meet your nutritional requirements. 

 According to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists (ACOG), certain foods provide key nutrients to the body and are crucial to be included in your diet.  

5 Key Nutrients Every Pregnant Woman Should Prioritize 

Here are the key nutrients required for a healthy pregnancy  

1. Folate and Folic Acid 

Folate and its synthetic form, folic acid is a type of vitamin B that helps in developing the nervous system of the baby. Most importantly it prevents neural tube defects which affect both the brain and spinal cord. During pregnancy, you should aim to have folate from 400 to 800 mg from food alone. The rich sources of folate include leafy green vegetables, beans, nuts, eggs, and citrus fruits. Usually, the top obstetrician-gynaecologist doctors in Gurgaon also prescribe prenatal vitamins containing a synthetic form of folate to meet nutritional needs. 

2. Calcium 

Calcium helps in building the bones and teeth of the baby as well as helps in building the circulatory, muscular, and nervous systems. The rich sources of calcium are found in dairy products including milk, cheese, yoghurt, as well as eggs, tofu, fish, and green leafy vegetables. 

3. Vitamin D 

Vitamin D along with calcium helps in developing the bones and teeth of the baby. Moreover, it also helps with skin and eyesight. The rich sources of vitamin D include fatty fish, fortified milk, and eggs. You can also let your body produce the vitamin by exposing it to the sun. 

4. Iron 

Iron is one of the most important nutrients for both expectant mothers and developing babies. It is used to make haemoglobin which carries oxygen throughout your body. During pregnancy, your body requires more iron to fulfil the needs of the baby. With low iron levels, you are at a risk of developing iron deficiency anaemia which is detrimental to both the mother and the baby. Usually, the top obstetrician-gynaecologist doctors in Gurgaon also prescribe prenatal vitamins containing iron to meet your daily needs. You can, however, also include iron in your diet from red meat, poultry, fish, dark leafy vegetables, and fortified cereals. 

5. Vitamin C 

Vitamin C is another vital nutrient as it makes it easy for your body to absorb iron. Furthermore, it also helps with building bones, teeth, blood cells and blood vessels, as well as promoting immunity. The vitamin can be found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, berries, broccoli, and so forth. 

Other Nutritional Requirements During Pregnancy 

Apart from the above key nutrients, the following nutrients are also required during pregnancy 

1. Iodine 

Iodine is another crucial nutrient for the baby as it helps with developing the brain, and nervous system, and prevents cognitive, and hearing issues. You can include iodine from fish, eggs, potatoes, beans, and iodized salt. 

2. Zinc 

Zinc helps in developing the brain, boosts the immune system, and promotes cell growth. It is also linked with a lowered risk of preterm delivery. You can include zinc in your diet from poultry, fish, beans, peas, nuts, and so forth. 

Having a balanced diet is important for both the mother and the baby. Before, however, starting any supplement or including any food in your diet, make sure to consult Dr Preety Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals for expert guidance.  


Techniques to Reduce Stress During Pregnancy

Techniques to Reduce Stress During Pregnancy

Author –  Dr. Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon) Obstetrics and Gynaecology


8 Mindful Techniques to Reduce Stress During Pregnancy


Pregnancy is a remarkable experience. It can, however, also cause a variety of emotions to resurface. The best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon, Dr. Preety Aggarwal MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon) Obstetrics and Gynaecology, tells us that majority of the expectant mothers go through emotional turmoil. Owing to the constant emotional upheaval, managing stress becomes an important part of the pregnancy routine.

An emotional turmoil may hamper the health of both the mother and the baby. Hence, you must keep stress at bay and navigate through your pregnancy with ease and joy.

1. Prioritize Self Care 

During pregnancy, self-care plays an important role in reducing your stress levels. Self-care refers to adequate sleep, proper nutrition, and a regular dose of exercise. Any change in the sleep pattern, nutrition or physical well-being can lead to stress and in turn, affect your pregnancy.

2. Seek Support  

At times, you might feel alone or misunderstood. You may feel as if your emotions are not being addressed by people around you. In such cases, having a strong support network is crucial. You can reach out to your friends, family, or pregnancy support groups to share your feelings and experiences. Moreover, you can also meet your doctor and discuss your issues with them.

3. Indulge in Relaxation Techniques

Including relaxation techniques into your daily routine such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or pregnancy-friendly yoga can help you cope with your stress levels. These techniques will allow you to release tension and lower your anxiety levels. You can join meditation or pregnancy yoga classes to maintain your well-being.

4. Try Complementary Therapies

Apart from relaxation techniques, complementary therapies including a massage can help you de-stress. You can ask your partner, friend, or a family member to give you a lower back or a relaxation massage.

5. Eat Well 

Balanced eating is good for you and your baby. Make sure that you do not skip your meals. This can lead to feeling irritable. Of course, pregnancy can at times make it difficult for you to chug even a glass of water. You can, however, divide your meals throughout the day to ensure proper nutrition.

 6. Treat Yourself 

Pregnancy emotions are challenging and you might feel down at times. Rather than being hard on yourself and shedding all the tears, you can treat yourself with things that you like doing. You can watch a good movie or a series, listen to your favorite podcast or read a feel-good book. Do more of what makes you happy and keep your stress away.

7. Talk About Your Issues 

If your pregnancy is all about worrying about the outcomes, you must speak out. Talk to your loved ones, be open and let them know how you feel. You can also discuss these issues with the best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon to manage your stress levels.

8. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness helps you connect with the world around you on a deeper level. Practice mindfulness even in the small moments of your life. This has proven to be effective in easing anxiety, stress, and depression

Handling stress during pregnancy is crucial as it may impact the overall health and well-being of both the mother and the baby. A constant stress can also lead to high-risk pregnancy. If you feel overwhelmed and notice a sudden change in your pregnancy symptoms, talk about your issues and meet high-risk pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon at the Motherhood Hospital.

10 Must-Follow Precautions During IVF Pregnancy Journey

10 Must-Follow Precautions During IVF Pregnancy Journey

AuthorDr. Preethika Shetty

MBBS, DNB, M.S(OBGY), Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine (ICOG)

Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist


10 Must-Follow Precautions During IVF Pregnancy Journey


An IVF pregnancy is a unique and special journey that requires a heightened level of care and attention. At Motherhood Hospitals, we offer a comprehensive suite of services, including personalized guidance and closer monitoring by our team of experts, to ensure you and your baby receive the best possible care. This article aims to provide an exhaustive list of 10 must-follow precautions during your IVF pregnancy journey.

1. Regular Medical Check-ups

Consistent and regular medical check-ups are not just a precaution but a necessity during an IVF pregnancy. These check-ups allow for the monitoring of both maternal and fetal health. At Motherhood Hospitals, our specialized approach includes thorough antenatal checks, ensuring that your IVF pregnancy progresses as smoothly as possible.

2. Avoid Stress

Stress can have a detrimental impact on your pregnancy, affecting both your mental and physical well-being. Techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and light exercise can be effective stress relievers. Our top-tier gynecologists at Motherhood Hospitals offer personalized stress management plans, allowing you to focus on what really matters during this special time.

3. Nutritional Supplements

Nutritional supplements like folic acid, iron, and calcium are essential for the healthy development of your baby. These supplements also ensure your well-being and are often prescribed as part of our comprehensive care plans at Motherhood Hospitals.

4. Stay Hydrated

Hydration is crucial during pregnancy for maintaining amniotic fluid levels and supporting increased blood volume. Our team at Motherhood Hospitals emphasizes the importance of hydration and recommends at least 8 cups of water a day as part of our detailed pregnancy after IVF week-by-week guide.

5. Moderate Exercise

Exercise is beneficial for both mental and physical health, but it’s crucial to stick to moderate and low-impact activities like walking and swimming. Our specialized team at Motherhood Hospitals provides exercise plans tailored to your specific needs, ensuring you stay active without overexerting yourself.

6. No Smoking or Alcohol

Smoking and alcohol consumption are strictly prohibited during an IVF pregnancy. These habits can lead to severe complications like low birth weight and developmental issues. At Motherhood Hospitals, we offer support and counseling services to help you quit these habits, ensuring the best medical care available.

7. Adequate Rest

Rest is not just about sleep; it’s about giving your body the time it needs to rejuvenate. Aim for at least 8 hours of quality sleep per night and consider short naps during the day if needed. Our experts at Motherhood Hospitals recommend creating a restful environment to enhance the quality of your sleep.

8. Avoid Heavy Lifting

Heavy lifting can put undue stress on your body, particularly on your back and pelvic area, and should be avoided. Our team at Motherhood Hospitals advises against heavy lifting and offers alternative solutions for daily tasks that may require some form of lifting.

9. Limit Caffeine Intake

While a small amount of caffeine is generally considered safe, excessive consumption can lead to complications such as preterm birth. At Motherhood Hospitals, our dieticians offer consultations that provide personalized guidance on moderating caffeine consumption.

10. Follow Medical Advice

Last but not least, always adhere to the medical advice provided by your healthcare provider. At Motherhood Hospitals, our top-tier gynecologists specialize in IVF pregnancies, offering you peace of mind and the best medical care available.


An IVF pregnancy comes with its own set of unique challenges and milestones. At Motherhood Hospitals, we are committed to providing you with the best possible care and guidance throughout this special journey. Our team of experts is dedicated to making your IVF pregnancy as smooth and joyful as possible, offering you peace of mind and the best medical care available.

Exercise During IVF Pregnancy: Do’s & Don’ts

Exercise During IVF Pregnancy_ Do's & Don'ts

AuthorDr. Madhushree Vijayakumar


Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

Exercise During IVF Pregnancy: Do’s & Don’ts


Exercise is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle, and its significance becomes even more pronounced when you’re undergoing IVF treatment. However, the unique and special journey of an IVF pregnancy often requires extra layers of care and attention. At Motherhood Hospitals, we offer a comprehensive suite of services, including personalized exercise guidance, to ensure you and your baby receive the best possible care. This article aims to provide an in-depth look at the do’s and don’ts of exercising during your IVF pregnancy.

The Do’s

1. Light Cardio

Cardiovascular exercise is not just about physical fitness; it’s also about maintaining a healthy heart and mind. Light cardio activities like walking or swimming can be incredibly beneficial during an IVF pregnancy. At Motherhood Hospitals, our team of experts recommends light cardio exercises that are easy on the joints but effective in keeping you fit, allowing you to focus on what really matters during this special time.

2. Prenatal Yoga

Yoga is a holistic exercise that benefits both the body and the mind. Prenatal yoga, in particular, offers stretches and poses that are safe yet effective for pregnant women. Our specialized approach at Motherhood Hospitals includes yoga sessions tailored specifically for IVF pregnancies. These sessions are designed to help you achieve a sense of balance and tranquility, essential elements in making your IVF pregnancy as smooth and joyful as possible.

3. Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises, or pranayama, can be a game-changer during an IVF pregnancy. These exercises help in reducing stress levels and improving the oxygen supply to the blood, which is crucial for both you and your baby. Our top-tier gynecologists at Motherhood Hospitals often incorporate breathing exercises into our comprehensive antenatal care plans, ensuring that you receive the best medical care available.

The Don’ts

1. No High-Intensity Workouts

While exercise is important, high-intensity workouts can do more harm than good during an IVF pregnancy. Activities like High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) can put undue stress on your body and should be avoided. Our detailed pregnancy after IVF week-by-week guide at Motherhood Hospitals includes exercise recommendations that are both safe and effective, helping you navigate the unique milestones and challenges of an IVF pregnancy.

2. Avoid Risky Sports

Certain sports come with a risk of falling or injury, and these should be avoided during an IVF pregnancy. Activities like skiing, horseback riding, or cycling on uneven terrains are not recommended. Our team of experts at Motherhood Hospitals strongly advises against such risky activities, focusing instead on exercises that are safe yet effective.

3. Limit Weightlifting

Lifting heavy weights can put excessive pressure on your abdomen and pelvic region, which is not advisable during an IVF pregnancy. At Motherhood Hospitals, we recommend exercises that focus on strengthening your core and pelvic muscles without the need for heavy weights, ensuring that your IVF pregnancy is as comfortable as possible.

4. Consulting Your Doctor

Before embarking on any exercise regimen, it’s crucial to consult your OB-Gyn. At Motherhood Hospitals, our specialized team of gynecologists offers personalized exercise plans tailored to your unique needs. These plans are part of our commitment to providing you with the best medical care available, allowing you to focus on the joy and anticipation of your upcoming arrival.


Exercise is essential during an IVF pregnancy, but it’s crucial to know the right type and amount that is beneficial for you. At Motherhood Hospitals, we are committed to providing you with personalized guidance and the best medical care, making your IVF pregnancy journey as comfortable and joyful as possible. Always consult your healthcare provider for advice tailored to your specific needs