Family Planning Made Easy – Check Out Our Pregnancy Calculator

Family Planning
Author: Dr. Kavya Krishna Kumar MBBS, FMAS, MS

Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Motherhood Hospitals, Alwarpet

Family Planning

It’s good to know your due date when you are pregnant. And this is much easier if you have a pregnancy calculator. Every woman can use the pregnancy calculator to track her pregnancy schedule and due date.

With pregnancy comes family planning and sometimes it may become overwhelming. The excitement is real, but so is the work and the stress. With a child on the way, family planning becomes more significant.

With the help of a pregnancy week calculator, you, the ‘Mother-to-be’ can keep track of your pregnancy schedule based on the date of your last period, ultrasound, and conception.

Pregnancy Week Calculator

The Pregnancy Week Calculator helps women confirm their pregnancy and track the week of pregnancy they are currently in. Based on that, the woman can plan her visit to the doctor/ check up.

Know your due date using a pregnancy calculator

The Pregnancy Week Calculator by due date helps women to prepare for the delivery date. However, it is essential to note that not every baby is born on the exact estimated due date. Only 4% of all babies are born on the estimated due date. Some are born within weeks of the due date. Usually, every healthy pregnancy lasts up to 37 to 42 weeks. The usual way to estimate the due date is to count 280 days (40 weeks) from the first day of the woman’s LMP or Last Menstrual Period.

Those who might have forgotten their LMP or cannot seem to figure out the time of their LMP can go or opt for an ultrasound. This can confirm if the woman is actually pregnant and can also determine her the date of delivery.

Once your pregnancy is confirmed, you will notice a lot of changes in your body. Based on that, you and your partner can start planning accordingly. This is where it will get all the more exciting and stressful, marking the beginning of the wonderful journey towards parenthood.

Pregnancy Calculator Week by Week

Using the Pregnancy Calculator Week by Week you can share your motherhood experience with your partner. In the 9th / 10th week of your pregnancy, you can hear your baby’s heartbeat for the first time. It’s one of the most beautiful moments you will experience during the start of your pregnancy.

Between the 18th and 22nd week of your pregnancy, you might start feeling your baby’s movement inside you. You can feel fetal movement earlier or sometimes later. With the help of the Pregnancy Calculator you can determine if you are due for anomaly scan.

Another essential aspect of pregnancy is that the due date may vary. It is not always necessary that the baby will be born on the assigned due date as mentioned earlier. Don’t let this stress you out. Stress is neither good for you, nor for the baby. However, with your partner and Pregnancy Calculator, it will become easier for you to prepare for the event.

It is always good to have plans made ahead of the due date. With the data provided by the Pregnancy Week Calculator, you can prepare well for the D Day. Always remember to reach out to your doctor in case you are unsure of something. Keep in mind that you and your partner need to be calm and plan wisely for the baby. But don’t forget to enjoy the experience of bringing a healthy child into the world. You can make a birth plan and discuss with your doctor.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best experts in Alwarpet, Chennai capable of handling complex deliveries, gynaecological and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic procedures.
Do take an appointment with the best Gynaecology hospital in Alwarpet, Chennai at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr.Kavya Krishna kumar, please book your appointment here.

Pregnancy Calculator – Block The Date For The Greatest Arrival Of Your Life

Author: Dr. Sushruta Mokadam (MBBS, MD)

Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Motherhood Hospitals, Kharadi

Online Pregnancy Calculator

For any couple planning a family, the happiest moment is when the doctor says, “Congratulations, you are pregnant!” After this, a good amount of time is spent on discussions that involve estimating the due date. Of course, the doctor will share the date with the couple and unravel the mystery. Let’s look at the science behind the estimation of the date of delivery.

The human egg can fertilize for only 12 to 24 hours after ovulation, so the date of ovulation could be a reasonably good indicator to estimate the date of conception. Ultrasound which is used to determine the date of ovulation is not too perfect because this only suggests the gestational age. In fact an accurate date of conception is usually arrived at only with IVF (In Vitro Fertilization).

Also to be considered is that although a woman is most likely to conceive if she has had sex on the day of ovulation, pregnancy could occur from active sperm in her reproductive tract on the day of ovulation, even if the woman had intercourse five days prior to that date.

Determining the Estimated Due Date 

Estimated Due Date (EDD or EDC) is that date on which a non-induced delivery is expected to occur. This date is arrived at by taking the first day of the Last Menstrual Period (LMP) and adding 280 days

(9 months and 7 days) to it. This is the method followed by ‘pregnancy wheels’, also called a Gestation Calculator. The accuracy of the estimation of EDD in this method depends on how accurately the mother can recall the day of intercourse, assuming she has regular 28 day cycles and that ovulation and conception occurs on the 14th day of the cycle. Assumption of LMP to arrive at the due date of pregnancy may result in an overestimation of the pregnancy duration to the tune of over 2 weeks.

Coming to ultrasound, this approach considers the size of the foetus to determine the gestational age (the time since the first day of LMP). The accuracy of such an estimate of the gestational age varies. Using ultrasound to measure the foetus in the first trimester (up to and including 13 6/7 weeks of gestation) is the most accurate method to arrive at the gestational age.

Canada’s Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists recommends the earliest ultrasound presenting a crown rump length that indicates at least 7 weeks (or 10 mm) should be used as the benchmark to arrive at the gestational age.

In the case of Vitro Fertilization (IVF), the date of conception will be known accurately and EDD can be calculated by adding 266 days to that date.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists recommends that the dates arrived at through ultrasound should be considered over those indicated by LMP when the variation between ultrasound and LMP is:

  • More than 5 days before 9 0/7 weeks as indicated by LMP
  • More than 7 days from 9 0/7 weeks to 15 6/7 weeks as indicated by LMP
  • More than 10 days from 16 0/7 weeks to 21 6/7 weeks as indicated by LMP
  • More than 14 days from 22 0/7 weeks to 27 6/7 weeks as indicated by LMP
  • More than 21 days after 28 0/7 weeks as indicated by LMP

There are possibilities that a foetus could have a restriction in growth leading to a risk of inaccurate dating of a small foetus.  Considering this, decisions based on ultrasonography alone (in the third-trimester) are not conclusive and the doctor has to consider the entire clinical status of the woman. This could include repeat ultrasonography to assess the correct growth in the interval.

Other methods used to estimate gestational age

Clinical Examination

For a patient with a good menstrual record in the first trimester, a simple pelvic examination has proven to be a reliable method to accurately date the pregnancy.

Doppler Ultrasonography

A foetal heart beat can be heard with a Doppler ultrasound if the gestational age of the patient is 10 to 12 weeks in most cases. This is the minimum age for the foetal heart tone to be registered.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Pregnancy Test

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is detectable in the mother’s blood or urine from 6 to 14 days after fertilization (3 to 4 weeks of gestational age). The gestational age can be assessed as at least 3 to 4 weeks at the time of an hCG pregnancy test.

In case of a twin pregnancy

In case of a twin pregnancy due to an IVF procedure, the gestational age has to be considered from the date of embryo transfer. Considering the possibility of an early intrauterine growth restriction in one of the foetuses, specialists feel that it is advisable to consider assessing the gestational age using the larger foetus.

For those of you curious to access a pregnancy calculator, here’s one right here! 

We at Motherhood Hospitals have a team of experts specialising in all kinds of maternity and childbirth related issues and woman and child care – from teens to those in their post menopause years. Take an appointment with our specialist at a centre close to you and you will be assured of an accurate investigation, diagnosis and treatment. 

Book your appointment with Dr. Sushruta Mokadam for all Gynaecological issues. 

Nutritional advice, planning pregnancy, wellness

What are the prerequisites for good pregnancy care?

Pregnancy care remains one of the most significant topics in obstetrics and paediatrics. It may include healthy lifestyle choices such as taking prenatal vitamins and seeking the right consultation for pregnancy and wellness. Prenatal care is all about assuring nutrition that helps your body develop the right setup. Proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, minerals and vitamins help your body prevent exhaustion in various ways. 

Prenatal nutrition:

Evidence suggests that a high body mass index (BMI) before pregnancy, poor nutrition and excessive weight gain hamper the overall quality of pregnancy and childbirth. It may even contribute to non-communicable diseases. Both underweight and overweight new-borns may struggle with metabolic diseases in their lifetime. The mother’s health before pregnancy is affected by genetics and nutrition. These are the two main factors. The presence of congenital issues and exposure to occupational toxins are the other factors affecting the overall quality of pregnancy.

Pre-pregnancy weight influences your baby’s birth weight. Underweight women may give birth to small babies. Overweight women may be at a higher risk of high blood pressure or gestational diabetes. Consult your healthcare provider to find out more about healthy weight gain or loss toward healthy childbirth. 

Below are the basic guidelines:

  1. Avoid artificial sweeteners and drinks, sweets, cakes, biscuits and marmalades.
  2. Eat more unsaturated fats like nuts, healthy seeds, avocados.
  3. Lentils, beans, fruits and vegetables are the right suggestions.
  4. Avoid saturated or bad fats. Bad fats may further create problems like bad cholesterol. 
  5. Fried foods, pastries, biscuits, cakes and pies are the foods to avoid.
  6. Wholegrain high fibre foods are essential to ensure health throughout all the trimesters.
  7. Consider joining a pregnancy exercise class.
  8. Stay updated with every instruction given by your dietician/obstetrician.
  9. Yoga is one of the healthy ways to live. It’s helpful especially when you start preparing your body for a healthy pregnancy. 

Pregnancy tips on safety and nutrition:

Prenatal nutrition assures that the pregnancy is well-prepared and well-defined. Weight in proportion to height and dietary regimen are the two factors determining foetal health. Find out how many additional calories you may need in pregnancy. The concept called ‘eat for two’ may be a fact for some but a myth for many. A gradual rise in calories alongside the baby’s development will help you. If it’s your first trimester, you may need 0 extra calories. If you are in the second trimester, you may need up to 300-350 extra calories a day. If you are in the third trimester, you may need 450 extra calories.

Follow the guidelines and details given below:

  • DHA:

DHA is essential for your baby’s brain development and growth. DHA is known to help you maintain a healthy pregnancy all along. 

  • Vitamin C:

Vitamin C helps in the development of healing abilities. Vitamin C helps your baby develop teeth and bones.

  • Fat:

Fat is the energy we need. It’s one of the essentials that aid the development of your baby’s organs and placenta. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) aid the growth of your baby’s nervous system, retina and brain. 

  • Calcium:

Calcium is one of the essentials in the healthy growth of your baby’s bones, teeth, muscles, nerve functions and heart functions. Calcium controls the overall inflow of fluid. 

  • Iodine:

Iodine is important for a healthy brain and a good nervous system. Substantial intake of iodine helps the baby move, feel and think appropriately. 

  • Protein:

Protein is helpful in the development of your baby’s tissue. It aids the growth of your baby’s breast and uterine tissue, muscles, and blood in pregnancy. 

  • Iron:

Iron is essential in the manufacture of haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is a protein present in red blood cells that carries oxygen to your tissues. The need to supply the blood adequately to the baby rises in pregnancy. The amount of blood in the body increases in pregnancy. 

  • Folic Acid:

Folic acid plays a crucial role in making blood during pregnancy. Folic acid is essential for the baby’s brain and spine. Folic acid is also a key element when it comes to preventing neural tube defects (NTD) in the baby. An adequate supply of folic acid helps prevent 70% of all NTDs. All these essentials contribute to a healthy pregnancy and wellness.?˜

Daily Nutrient Requirements:

  1. DHA – 200 mg/day
  2. Iodine – 220 mcg/day
  3. Vitamin C – 85mg/day
  4. Vitamin D – 600 IU/day
  5. Folic Acid – 60 mcg/day
  6. Iron – 27 mg/day
  7. Protein – 75-100 g /day
  8. Calcium – 1000 mg/day

Do you develop cravings?

The actual cause of food cravings in pregnancy isn’t well established. The majority of the researches suggest that hormonal changes in pregnancy may lead to cravings. Hormonal changes may make you more sensitive than ever to certain tastes and smells. It all ultimately leads to food cravings. Most obstetricians or midwives may suggest you satisfy your food cravings. It’s a good habit as long as the food you consume is nutritious. 

How essential is dental care in pregnancy?

A poor diet is likely to interfere with dental health. You should control your dental health and uplift it with:

  1. Regular dental treatments if and as needed
  2. Regular dental checks
  3. Floss
  4. Regular cleanliness dedicated to the overall dental upkeep.

How about your eating habits?

If you have a chronic health condition to manage, you may be on a restricted diet. Personal beliefs are also a reason why some women restrict their eating habits. If you are planning to conceive, start with a consultation with your obstetrician/GP. Some women may have an eating disorder like anorexia nervosa or bulimia. It’s important to design a proper diet in such cases. Some health forums are also available nowadays online. You may consider following the health forums. However, always ask your GP or obstetrician about what suits your overall pre-pregnancy health. 

Start practising food hygiene:

Food poisons are risky for everyone. Some foodborne illnesses are dangerous for your baby’s health even before you conceive. 

How can I get pregnant fast naturally?

The foods you prefer before you start your efforts towards conception may have a crucial role to play. These may be the conceiving foods determining your health and your baby’s future health. A conceiving diet influences your fertility nutrition effectively and allows you to carry your pregnancy to term for a hale and hearty childbirth. Pregnancy care is a comprehensive subject that works best when you include every favourable toolkit in your lifestyle. The period spanning a few months before the conception is an ideal phase to review your diet. It’s also an opportunity to make informed decisions towards an effective pregnancy. 

Healthy pregnancy and weight:

Pregnancy starts with taking prenatal vitamins and a set of obstetrical guidelines. Constant and gradual weight gain achieved by combining informed decisions and conceiving foods is best for your health. Pregnancy is not an ideal time to lose weight. 

Pre-conception nutrition:

Pre-conception nutrition forms a crucial part of pregnancy preparations. A diet that balances healthy vitamin and mineral levels improves ovulation, chances of fertility and boosts reproductive health. Nutritional interventions for a healthy pregnancy facilitate ideal weight, insulin resistance, hormonal balance and dietary richness. 

Prenatal vitamins:

It’s no longer a secret that a dietary regimen full of prenatal vitamins allow both mom and baby to thrive on the nutrients. However, it may not be advisable always to wait until you are pregnant. If you combine the right fertility vitamins, you will be pregnant in due course of time. Studies show the efficacy of fertility vitamins performing many functions apart from increasing the chances of pregnancy. Multivitamins are found to play a crucial role in increasing sperm parameters and enhancing egg quality. A cluster of multivitamins suffice. Nonetheless, a personalized approach is irreplaceable to optimize the overall health of you and your pregnancy. Therefore, your obstetrician may begin with a comprehensive analysis of the vitamins you need. Your obstetrician would guide you about the vitamins and their dosage.

  • Folic acid and vitamin D:

It’s ideal to start with multivitamins as you prepare yourself for a conception. If you are planning for a pregnancy, make sure you contain a multivitamin containing at least 400 mcg of folic acid and 200-400 IU of vitamin D.

  • Iodine:

Iodine is one of the most important components of thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones regulate the metabolism. Before conception, thyroid hormones control ovulation. They are also crucial in regulating metabolism and weight management. These factors influence the chances of natural conception. Include as much iodine as directed by your physician. 

  • Vitamin E:

Vitamin E helps various functions. Vitamin E is mainly associated with the repair of the cells. That’s what makes it effective as a fertility booster. Being an essential nutrient for ovaries, it’s also an antioxidant that resists the process of ageing. 

  • Selenium:

Many obstetricians call selenium a super-vitamin for fertility and pregnancy. Selenium harnesses its antioxidant properties that facilitate healthy uterine follicles. Uterine follicles harbour the development and release of the eggs. Studies show that acute selenium deficiency may lead to gestational complications, harm the foetal nervous system and cause miscarriages. 60mcg selenium is recommended. However, the amount may differ based on various parameters. 

  • Omega-3s:

Omega-3 fatty acids are some of the irreplaceable parts of a fertility diet. Studies demonstrate that omega-3s aid the function of healthy ovulation. Consuming DHA fatty acids may raise progesterone levels, a hormone controlling the lining in the uterus. DHA consumption is also linked to a decrease in anovulation. 

  • B Vitamins:

Every vitamin in group B aid the process of reproduction. Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Pyridoxine (B6), Cyanocobalamin (B12) are the vitamins belonging to the B group. VitaminB6 regulates the levels of progesterone in the woman’s body. It’s crucial even in the improvement of the luteal phase. Therefore, it allows a proper time gap between ovulation and menstruation. That’s why it contributes to a successful pregnancy. B group of vitamins are found abundantly in banana, clas, cauliflower, mustard greens, whole grains, chickpeas and eggs. 

  • Beta-Carotene:

Skin and hair depend mainly on vitamin A or retinol. Beta-carotene gets converted into Vitamin A. Beta-Carotene also plays a crucial role in healthy eyesight, proper immune function and mucous membranes. It acts as a hormone regulator in pregnancy thereby aiding the prevention of miscarriage. Carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli and kale are some of the foods rich in Beta-Carotene. 

  • Exercise:

Joining a pregnancy exercise class apart from conceiving healthy foods is necessary to ensure the proper distribution of energy levels. Many experts recommend that physical activity of around 30 minutes to 1 hour/day is essential. You may achieve your ideal weight for fertility through various activities. Walking, swimming, bicycling and aerobics are some of the mild exercise techniques. Yoga shines out as an ideal way to start a day due to various health benefits. Yoga helps improve posture, respiration, concentration and overall wellbeing. All these are the essentials to facilitate healthy labour.?˜

Below are the foods to include as you start preparing for pregnancy:

  • Green leafy vegetables:

Green leafy vegetables offer an abundance of vitamin C. Vitamin C contributes to healthy ovulation. It even cuts the risks like miscarriage and genetic abnormalities.

  • Nuts and dry fruits:

Dried fruits and nuts contain vitamins, minerals and protein. Nuts are a rich source of selenium which helps prevent chromosomal disruptions in eggs. 

  • Berries:

Berries offer natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients thereby boosting fertility levels. They also offer vitamin C and folate which aid in foetal development. Being an active ingredient helping in weight loss, including berries in the diet is highly beneficial. 

  • Beans:

Beans contain iron and lean protein. Iron is essential for the production of healthy eggs. It may lead to the production of less healthy eggs in response to abysmal iron content. 

  • Bananas:

Bananas are a rich source of vitamin B6. They also contribute to the process of forming a zygote by controlling the hormones involved in ovulation. Being a rich source of potassium and vitamin C, bananas may help satiate many nutritional requirements before and during pregnancy. 

Below are some quick recommendations for a healthy pregnancy:

  1. Enjoy milk every day.
  2. Prefer carbohydrates with high fibre content. They get digested slowly thereby aiding the control of blood sugar and insulin levels.
  3. Based on your obstetrician’s opinion, take multivitamins that provide you 400mcg of folic acid every day. 
  4. Replace animal protein with plant protein.
  5. Replace trans fats with something healthier as directed by your obstetrician.
  6. Include high doses of unsaturated fats aiding a good insulin sensitivity and counteract inflammation. Restrict or remove saturated fats.
  7. Women willing to conceive should include 400mcg of folic acid regularly.
  8. You may consider obtaining fortified foods or supplements apart from including foods rich in folate.
  9. Drink more water and replace sugary sodas possibly causing infertility. 
  10. Make sure that you perform physical activities within your comfort zone preferably every morning. 

What care should be taken during first three months of pregnancy?

precautions during first three months of pregnancy
Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Motherhood Hospitals, Sarjapur

By the time a woman conceives, her body prepares itself for various changes. These changes are important to help a pregnant lady carry her pregnancy to term. A list of changes occurs in the first three months of pregnancy. These occurrences are a precursor to signs that develop throughout all the trimesters. 

The first trimester of pregnancy:

The first trimester of pregnancy starts the day a woman conceives and lasts till the 12th week. The need for first-trimester care strikes right here as the first trimester involves crucial changes and challenges. The pregnant lady may gain weight or feel apathetic followed by the common episodes of morning sickness. Various other symptoms associate themselves with the first trimester. It’s a phase that involves quick foetal growth. This is when various vital organs of the foetus develop phenomenally. They include the spine, nervous system and digestive tract. The foetus obtains a human form by the end of the first trimester. A healthy lifestyle is a mandate during the first trimester. Pregnant women may have to maintain dietary control throughout the pregnancy. Pregnant women should seek an obstetrician’s advice early in pregnancy for better outcome (healthy child).

Below are the precautions to take as a crucial part of pregnancy care:

  • Hydration – marking your healthy pregnancy:

A rise in blood volume is a significant part of the first trimester. The blood volume increases to actively contribute to the oxygen and nutritional requirements of the foetus. The expectant mother needs more fluids throughout the pregnancy. Various sudden changes in the body warrant a steep rise in the demand for fluid intake. Fresh juices and clean water support you like never before in the pregnancy. 

  • Stay away from smoking:

Pregnancy is the time when all kinds of addictions negatively influence foetal growth. Smoking in pregnancy raises the risk of miscarriage, premature labour, and ectopic pregnancy. The inhalation of the unhealthy vapours hinders the foetal development risking the overall success of the pregnancy. Practice a lifestyle free of addictions and especially smoking to ensure the safety of yourself and your munchkin.?˜

  1. Hb electrophoresis test
  2. Screening tests may be needed to find out if the baby is at risk for certain inheritable health issues.
  3. Blood type and antibody screen
  4. Complete Blood Count (CBC) to check if you have Anaemia or low platelet count. 
  5. RPR tests to detect any exposure to Syphilis
  6. Fasting glucose checks for diabetes(HbA1c)
  7. Prenatal vitamins:

Vitamins play a crucial role in determining the overall status of health. Take prenatal vitamins based on your doctor’s recommendation. The early phase or first-trimester health remains crucial for both mother and her unborn. Folic Acid is the most important supplement as it helps prevent birth defects. Iron helps in the prevention of Anaemia. 

  • Avoid hot baths and sauna:

High temperatures may interfere with healthy foetal development. Avoid hot showers. Consult your orthopaedic doctor or general physician if you have a history of back pain or joint pain. Some pregnant women can use pads wrapped in a towel to treat their pain. However, it’s important to keep the temperature of the pad below 100-degree F or 37-degree. 

  • Avoid or restrict seafood:

Seafood is widely accepted as a source of dozens of essential nutrients. Various seafood items contain abundant proteins and fats. But shark, swordfish and other similar fish species contain high levels of mercury. Some seafood items may lead to growth deficits in kids. The first trimester is the best phase to avoid seafood. It’s even better to avoid seafood throughout pregnancy. And if you feel like eating any seafood items in pregnancy, consult the right dietician or your obstetrician.?˜

  • Avoid processed foods:

Majority of the processed foods are dangerous in pregnancy. They contain additives and substances detrimental to foetal development. Many food additives contain traces of sodium nitrate and carcinogenic substances. Pesticides are also known to leach into processed foods. It’s, therefore, essential that you stick to organic foods and avoid packaged items. Make sure that the fruits and vegetables in your kitchen are properly washed and sanitized. 

  • Be choosy while zeroing your search for the right diet:

Effective weight management and healthy metabolism are the two essential parts of a well-defined pregnancy. And healthy food choices facilitating a balanced diet give you all you expect from a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you are getting abundant vitamin D, mostly from the sunlight. Incorporate more nuts and seeds that fulfil your need for omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids aid the healthy development of your baby’s brain, eyes, and nerves. Include more calcium through spinach, tofu and broccoli. Dairy products are rich sources of Calcium. 

  • Exercise:

Start with the mild sessions of warm-up or leisurely walks. Avoid brisk walks in the pregnancy. Yoga forms the irreplaceable part of a healthy lifestyle, specifically in pregnancy. Avoid heavy or strenuous exercises that may interfere with your baby’s healthy growth. Some exercises may even lead to preterm labour. Activeness and metabolism are the two essentials of a healthy pregnancy. Light exercises serve the purpose to the fullest, especially during pregnancy. 

  • Be cautious about prescription medications:

Your obstetrician may scrutinize you for at least 30 minutes if you have a sensitive medical history. He or she may ask you about the prescription medicines you are taking when you are in the first trimester. Some medications may contain teratogens – substances causing birth defects. Antibiotics like streptomycin and tetracycline, anticonvulsants like Coumadin, and Acne medication Accutane are some detrimental medications in pregnancy. It’s better to avoid a different doctor or physician prescribing any medication for you in pregnancy. If you have no other choice, it’s better to consult your midwife/obstetrician.

  • Occupational hazards:

If your occupation involves anything risky like handling chemicals such as mercury, it’s better to inform your immediate supervisor. It’s difficult for pregnant women, irrespective of their trimester, to pursue a job that demands strenuous physical effort. Consider taking early maternity leave or cut back on your routine.

  • Practice mindful eating during pregnancy:

Practicing mindful eating is a key component of maintaining a healthy and nutritious diet. Mindful eating involves being present and fully engaged in the eating experience, paying attention to hunger and fullness cues, and making conscious choices about the foods you consume. To ensure healthy eating during pregnancy, focus on a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods. This means incorporating ample amounts of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats into your meals. To alleviate nausea during pregnancy, it is advisable to avoid foods that trigger discomfort.

Few facts you must know if you are pregnant

Essential facts for a healthy pregnancy journey - Motherhood Hospitals India
  1. What changes happen in the uterus in the 1st month of pregnancy?

After conception, the fertilised egg travels from the fallopian tube to the womb and is implanted in the uterus lining. The uterus gets bigger and puts pressure on your bladder so you feel the need to urinate (pass water) more often.

2. How do I track my babyŸ??s development? How often should I visit the gynaecologist?

Tracking your babyŸ??s progress and development will help you understand what’s happening to your body from conception up until youŸ??re nine months pregnant and ready to welcome your new baby. In this regard, professional and medical advice is the best way to go ahead. However, there are pregnancy tracking apps which can be fun and helpful when it comes to tracking your and your babyŸ??s growth over time. You may choose one that you think is best!

The first three months of your pregnancy is probably the time of most anxiety and excitement. During this period, it is advisable to visit your gynaecologist once a week.

3. Is it safe to have sexual intercourse during pregnancy?

Sex during pregnancy is extremely safe for most women with uncomplicated, low-risk pregnancies. As long as your pregnancy is progressing normally, you can have sex as often as you like (some exceptions may include a history of miscarriage or preterm labour).

However, itŸ??s common for some women to experience bleeding during intercourse, especially in the first trimester. Such spotting or bleeding is generally nothing to worry about, but you should still mention it to your doctor.

4. Can you drink alcohol if you are pregnant?

The straightforward answer is Ÿ??noŸ??. ItŸ??s safest not to drink alcohol at all during pregnancy. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy could pose a long-term risk to your unborn baby, and the more you drink, the higher the risks. ItŸ??s especially important to stay off alcohol in the first trimester, because of the risk of miscarriage.

However, if you do decide to drink while youŸ??re pregnant, limit it to one or two units of alcohol, no more than once or twice a week, and never enough to get drunk.

Book an appointment at Motherhood Hospitals. We offer a complete birthing experience to couples by handholding them through their journey towards parenthood. With the highest standards of clinical competency, backed by state-of-the-art technology and proven protocols, Motherhood is committed to offering the best outcomes for the mother and child.

Services we offer:

 Comprehensive pregnancy care by a team of highly experienced obstetricians /gynaecologists, high-risk pregnancy care, 3D/4D ultrasound, early pregnancy scan, NT scan, anomaly scan, growth scan, pregnancy tests and vaccinations, maternal-foetal medicine, antenatal care, diet and nutrition by clinical dietician, exercises for pregnancy by experienced physiotherapist, antenatal workshops, Lamaze, lactation counselling, postnatal nutrition, postnatal fitness, 24×7 emergency care.

What are the 5 things to do when you find out you’re pregnant?

Pregnancy Care Tips & Essentials: 5 Must-Dos for a Healthy Pregnancy - Motherhood Hospital India

The pregnancy test result says itŸ??s positive, and now you donŸ??t know what to do? Suddenly, a multitude of emotions engulf your mind and heart. While the emotions of approaching parenthood will keep you elated, doing the top five things mentioned below will help you prepare, stay healthy, and have the best pregnancy you can!

1. Talk to/visit your doctor/gynecologist: While most pregnancy tests are often accurate, it is always better to confirm the pregnancy if necessary. The specialist will enlighten you with some very basic yet important things which you would need to take care of throughout your pregnancy.

2. Start taking a prenatal vitamin: Supplements that contain folic acid and an omega-3 of DHA are important to the babyŸ??s brain health and help with visual and cognitive growth, respectively.

3. Quit smoking and alcohol: Protecting the baby from tobacco and alcohol gives your baby the best chance of a healthy start in life.

4. Exercise and get adequate rest: It is important to stay healthy and workout while you are pregnant! Also, make sure your body gets enough rest.

5. Follow your and your babyŸ??s development: It is a good idea to document the progress of your baby. For yourself, you can take a lot of pictures to go along with documenting your pregnancy.

Book an appointment at Motherhood Hospitals. It offers a complete birthing experience to couples by hand-holding them through their journey towards parenthood. With the highest standards of clinical competency, backed by state-of-art technologies and proven protocols, Motherhood is committed to offering the best outcomes for the mother and child.

Services we offer:

Comprehensive pregnancy care by a team of highly experienced obstetricians/gynecologists, high-risk pregnancy care, 3D/4D ultrasound, anomaly early pregnancy scan, NT scan, anomaly scan , growth scan, pregnancy tests and vaccinations, maternal-foetal medicine, antenatal care, diet and nutrition by clinical dietician, exercises for pregnancy by experienced physiotherapist, antenatal workshops, Lamaze, lactation counselling, postnatal nutrition, postnatal fitness, 24×7 emergency care

When are you more likely to conceive? Ovulation and fertility

WeŸ??re talking about the Ÿ??fertile windowŸ?? Ÿ?? the days in a womanŸ??s menstrual cycle when pregnancy is possible. The Ÿ??fertile windowŸ?? depends on the length of the menstrual cycle, which varies among women.

The Ÿ??fertile windowŸ?? is the day when an egg is released from the ovary (ovulation) and the five days beforehand. Having sex (intercourse) during this time gives you the best chance of getting pregnant.Myth bustingMYTH

A woman can get pregnant any time of the month.FACT

A woman can only get pregnant on a few days during her menstrual cycle, because eggs and sperm only live for a short time:

  • Sperm live for around five days.
  • Eggs can only be fertilised for around 24 hours (one day) after being released from the ovary.

Eggs and sperm need to come together at the right time for fertilisation to happen to create an embryo.


Ovulation is when a mature egg is released from the ovary. The egg then moves down the fallopian tube where it can be fertilised. If sperm are in the fallopian tube when the egg is released, there is a good chance that the egg will be fertilised, creating an embryo, which can grow into a baby.

Pregnancy is technically only possible if you have sex during the five days before ovulation or on the day of ovulation. But the most fertile days are the three days leading up to and including ovulation. Having sex during this time gives you the best chance of getting pregnant

By 12-24 hours after ovulation, a woman wonŸ??t be able to get pregnant during that menstrual cycle because the egg is no longer in the fallopian tube.

ThereŸ??s almost no chance of getting pregnant if you have sex before or after the fertile window (but if youŸ??re not trying to get pregnant, donŸ??t rely on this Ÿ?? contraception is your best option!).How to know when youŸ??re ovulating

Knowing when you ovulate can help you plan for sex at the right time and improve your chances of getting pregnant. You can keep a track of your menstrual cycles on a chart, in a diary or on a free period-tracker app on your smartphone.

But if you are not able to conceive even after trying for a long time, book yourself an appointment at your nearby Motherhood Hospital. We have an eminent team of gynaecologists, fertility experts and counsellors who will guide your journey towards a comfortable and safe motherhood.

Trying to conceive: Expert advice By Dr. Jayashree Murthy

Ÿ??Doctor, we’ve been married for a few years and trying to have a baby but nothing’s happening,” is a line gynaecologists often hear. For couples trying to conceive, there are a few basic rules they should follow.

Know your fertile phase

For a woman who has regular 28-30 day menstrual cycle, the fertile phase would be from day 11 to day 18 (day 11 being the first day of the period). It is important that the couple be together during this period and have intercourse at least on alternate days at this time. If a woman has irregular periods, she could be having the Polycystic Ovarian syndrome (PCOS). In this condition she would not be ovulating regularly. A visit to the gynaecologist will confirm the ovulation status and some ovulation inducing medications will be prescribed by the doctor. Women with PCOS often tend to be overweight, and it would help if she loses weight and tries to achieve an average weight for her height (as per standard charts). This would help regularize the periods and spontaneous ovulation may then happen. Many of these women successfully conceive and go on to have a normal pregnancy.

Folic acid tablets

Folic acid tablets (1 tablet per day) is a must for women planning a pregnancy as it has been established that high levels of Folic acid in the maternal blood at the time of conception reduces certain defects in the fetus.

Live a healthy life

Maintaining a healthy body weight for both men and women is important. In overweight women especially, the extra fat cells cause hormone imbalances and affect the menstrual cycles and fertility. A healthy diet, with plenty of natural foods will help. Fruits and vegetables, those rich in antioxidants are helpful as are dry fruits and nuts which contain high levels of Vitamin E which improve fertility. About three helpings per week of nuts (almonds, walnuts and pistachios) should be consumed.

How long to try before seeking help

It is advised for a couple to try for at least one year (one year of unprotected intercourse) before seeking a doctorŸ??s advice. This much time should be allowed as many couples conceive on their own within this period.
Content Credits: Dr Jayashree Murthy


Making motherhood a blissful experience,Motherhood Indiranagar

Women require unique and specialised health care in every stage of life; some for themselves and some for their children. With a view to providing women in Bangalore a healthcare facility close to home,Motherhood, Bangalore inaugurated the new wing of their Indiranagar facility on 14th November 2013.

The facility known as the Advanced Women & Child Healthcare Centre is equipped with ultra-modern medical facilities to provide comprehensive care in Gynaecology, Neonatology and Paediatrics. The centre was inaugurated by Mr. U.T. Khader, Honourable Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Karnataka.

While most pregnancies progress without any problems, some require specialized care. Motherhood has partnered with leading experts in fetal medicine, The Bangalore Fetal Medicine Center (BFMC) to give this expert care to the unborn baby primary care while it is still in the womb, making it possible to diagnose and manage genetic and other abnormalities in the fetus. Fetal medicine specialists, sonologists and emotional counsellors provide the most advanced treatment and care.

Motherhood has also partnered with Kosmoderma Skin Clinics &Medispa’s, a leading skin, hair and laser clinic in South India. Motherhood  Mommy  Makeover for new mothers provides customised cosmetology services to women before, during and after pregnancy.The Mommy Makeover program includes, Anti-stretch Mark Treatment for body, Post Delivery Tummy Toning, etc.

We recognise that the health of women and children is very essential in building a self-reliant, healthy, stable and confident community. Our healthcare centre functions with the assistance of world-class expertise and technology, coupled with compassion and a home-like setting.