What Time Is the Right Time to Stop Seeing a Paediatrician?

Finding the right paediatrician is very important because they take care of your child’s heath. They are involved in every milestone of the child. In short, the period during childhood to adulthood is where paediatricians play a massive role in our children’s lives. And while it is hard to think about bidding farewell to our go-to family child doctor, at a certain point, we must say goodbye.

But a popular wonder among parents and young youths (soon turning adults) is, ‘what time is the right time to stop seeing a paediatrician’. Well, generally the common consensus is- once a child turns 18, that is when they gradually shift to a general doctor. However, sometimes, people continue to see their paediatrician even until 21 years of age (i.e., college graduation). 

Should you continue to see your paediatrician even into adulthood? 

There are many reasons patients even after turning adults continue to visit their paediatricians. Some of the reasons may include intellectual disabilities, doctor-patient familiarity, etc. However, in other cases, patients suffering from lifelong illness experience a hard time switching and thus, they stick to their childhood doctor. Among the reasons, some of them include-

College stress: 

Leaving for college can be a scary feeling for many children- new environment, new faces, overwhelming study pressures, etc. All these factors may not give them a chance to find a new doctor or even make them feel more comfortable to visit their already familiar paediatrician. 

Lifelong illness: 

Patients who ail with chronic conditions such as intellectual disabilities continue to see their paediatricians even into adulthood- to avoid the emotional trauma of having to confide in someone new. Other conditions that make transitioning to adult care difficult include cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, etc. 

If you’re looking for?˜the best paediatrician in Noida, many multi-speciality hospital chains provide holistic child care such as Motherhood Hospital- Mother Hospital is a Leading Chain of Women & Child Care Hospitals with the best gynaecologists, the best obstetricians, and?˜the best paediatrician in Noida.?˜

5 Things to Keep in Mind While Choosing a Pediatrician

Who is a pediatrician?

A pediatrician is a doctor who specializes in the medical care of infants, adolescents and children. They are especially trained to take care of the health of your child and treat any physical, mental or behavioral issues. Therefore, they are better equipped to manage the health of your child than most medical professionals.

They are crucial in ensuring the following:

  • Your child gets the required vaccinations at the right time
  • Checking if your child’s physical, mental, behavioral as well as skill development meets the necessary milestones
  • Diagnosing and treating any illnesses 
  • Advising you on the physical as well as the mental needs of your child

What are things you should keep in mind while choosing a pediatrician for your child?

Bearing in mind the critical role pediatricians play in ensuring the good health and overall well-being of your child, it is crucial that you make the right choice.

Things you should consider while choosing a pediatrician include:

  1. The educational qualifications and credentials of the specialist
  2. The years and kind of experience the pediatrician has
  3. The hospital that the pediatrician is affiliated with if any
  4. What the patients of the pediatrician have to say about their experience with him/her
  5. How comfortable you and your child feel with the pediatrician 

If you are looking for an expert pediatrician in Noida, then Motherhood Hospital Noida boasts a highly experienced and skilled pediatrics department. The hospital specializes in the care of women and children and is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care to their patients. It also boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure and is considered to have the best pediatrician in Noida as part of its team.

Chickenpox in Toddlers: By Dr. Mohammed Yunus Kafil

Chickenpox in Toddlers:

Chickenpox (varicella), a viral illness characterised by a very itchy red rash, is one of the common infectious diseases amongst children. It is usually mild in children but occasional complications like bacterial pneumonia may occur.

People who have had chickenpox almost always develop lifetime immunity (meaning you are extremely unlikely to get it again). However, the virus remains dormant in the body and it can reactivate later in life and cause shingles.

What causes chickenpox?

Chickenpox is caused by the herpes varicella-zoster virus. It is spread by droplets from a sneeze or cough, or by contact with the clothing, bed linens or oozing blisters of an infected person. The onset of symptoms is 10 to 21 days after exposure. The disease is most contagious a day or two before the rash appears and until the rash is completely dry and scabbed over.

What are the symptoms of chickenpox?

Chickenpox appears as a very itchy rash that spreads from the torso to the neck, face, and limbs. The symptom lasts for 7 to 10 days, the rash progresses from red bumps to fluid-filled blisters (vesicles) that drain and scab over. Vesicles may also appear in the mouth, on the scalp, around the eyes or on the genitals and can be very painful.

This cycle repeats itself in new areas of the body until all of the sores have healed (takes about two weeks). The disease is contagious until all the spots have dried up. Unfortunately, the virus is also contagious for at least one day before the rash breaks out.

When to seek medical advice?

  • You think your child has chickenpox. A doctor can confirm your diagnosis
  • Chickenpox is accompanied by severe skin pain and the rash produces a greenish discharge and the surrounding skin becomes red, these are signs of a secondary bacterial skin infection
  • Chickenpox is accompanied by a stiff neck, persistent sleepiness or lethargy as these are symptoms of a more serious illness such as meningitis or encephalitis. Get medical help immediately
  • While your child is recovering from chickenpox and gets fever, convulsions, starts vomiting, or feeling drowsy. Get medical help immediately
  • An adult family member gets chickenpox
  • You are pregnant, have never had chickenpox and are exposed to the disease. Your unborn child may be at a risk so seek medical advice without delay.

What is treatment for chickenpox?

Chickenpox is extremely contagious. Keep your child at home until all of the blisters have burst and crusted over.

Most cases of chickenpox require little or no treatment beyond treating the symptoms.

The prescription antiviral drug Aciclovir is effective for shortening the duration of chickenpox symptoms and may be recommended for certain people with chickenpox, such as pregnant women, those with a weakened immune system and adults who seek medical advice within 24 hours of the rash appearing.

In addition, your doctor may recommend painkillers and an antihistamine to relieve pain, itching and swelling. Antibiotics are used if a secondary bacterial skin infection arises or if the person with chickenpox develops bacterial pneumonia.

Vaccination for chickenpox:-

IAP(Indian academy of pediatrics) recommends two doses of chickenpox vaccine for children, adolescents, and adults.

Children should receive two doses of the vaccine’the first dose at 15 months and a second dose at 4 and half years.

Kids who are older than 5 years but younger than 13yrars, who have not had chickenpox also may receive the vaccine, with the two doses given at least 3 months apart.

Kids 13 years or older who have not had either chickenpox or the vaccine need two vaccine doses at least 1 month apart.


Dr. Mohammed Yunus Kafil | Know your doctor https://www.motherhoodindia.com/dr-mohammed/

Teaching Your Child Good Manners

They say parents are the first teachers in the life of a child. That is why it is important to start inculcating good behaviour in your child as early as possible. Good behaviour can be taught at any time and any place, at family meals, outings, etc. In this blog we provide parents basic tips they need to teach good behaviour to their child. This will improve the child’s personality and promote positive social behaviour. Be a role model to your child Remember the old saying, Practice what you preach ? That’s exactly what you need to do. If you want your child to say please and ‘thank you , you need to be good examples. You need to give respect to earn respect from others, including your child. Family meals are the best time to showcase the right behaviour to the child. Use polite language while talking to your spouse and other members of the family especially in the presence of the child. Table manners can be easy to teach when the family eats together. Let others try teaching your child Do you think your child is not listening to you? Maybe you should let someone your child looks up to, to help you out. Maybe a neighbour, friend, or relative that your child really looks up to or is very fond of should motivate your child to display good manners. blog food Also get the same people to behave in good way in front of the child. Other too must be a good influence on your child. After all children are extremely impressionable and can easily learn impolite behaviour. Acknowledge and appreciate good behaviour It is important that you appreciate your child each time he demonstrates good behaviour.Encourage him to be quiet and well behaved when you go to public places like restaurants and the movies. When he does remain quiet and well behaved, tell him how impressed you are with his behaviour. Places like the mall or a kiddie restaurant can be a good place to practice good manners. Rewarding good behaviour is also a good idea but don’t let the child behave well only for the rewards. Eventually, when you take your child out to fancy restaurants and other social gatherings, he will know exactly how to behave. Be polite, positiveandpatient The key ingredients to raising a well-behaved child include the three P’s:
  • Politeness: Remember to be polite to your child while correcting wrong behaviour. Keep your voice low but firm and look straight into his eyes while talking. The child must understand that you are correcting him because you care and not because you want to control.
  • Positivity: Parents must always have a positive attitude while teaching the child good manners. Don’t use negative words that can make the child feel threatened, fearful or not loved .Choose your words wisely while correcting the child.
  • Patience: Patience is important as well. Teaching good manners is not an overnight affair. At first you might feel you are fighting a losing battle, but success doesn’t come easy. Give your child to understand and learn the benefits of good behaviour. Also remember that every child is different and you might have to use a different, customised approach if required. Combine these tips with your parenting instincts, and you re good to go!

Tips for Feeding Fussy Infants &Toddlers

Expert Tips on Healthy Nutrition Guidance to Feeding Fussy Infants/Toddlers - Motherhood Hospital India

Looking after a toddler can be an overwhelming task in more ways than one. Not only do you have to deal with your hyperactive kid who’s extremely curious about everything that he comes across, feeding time can seem like a long battle often lost to the young explorer.You might be cooking up the healthiest meal for your child and in a matter of minutes see it splattered all over the table or floor.

To make things worse, you often take this rejection of your cooking quite personally, which adds to the stress. Let’s look at some successfully tried and tested tips on how to feed picky infants and toddlers.


Ways to tickle their taste buds.

  1. Offer small quantities of food at regular intervals throughout the day. Breaking the meals into small portions aids digestion and helps the body absorb the nutrients better.
  2. Make use of an ice tray to add different varieties of food in each section. Use foods of different colours to make it look more interesting. For example, you can place a variety of foods like bit-size pieces of boiled vegetables or cut fruits, cereals, cheese bits, etc.
  3. Also, give the above mentioned finger foods some interesting names or cut them into fun shapes. For instance, you can call broccoli florets little trees or thinly sliced carrots ‘swords . Use your creativity or the vast amount of free online resources to come up with something new every once in a while and soon you ll be a pro!
  4. Invite a few friends your child’s age and let them share a meal. Sharing food and watching another child eat may arouse some interest in the food and also inculcate some good habits.
  5. Pack the food in some fanciful way, to make it look like you re making a special delivery just for him. Use easy kitchen tools like a pizza or a cookie cutter to cut idlis, parathas, etc. into interesting shapes.
  6. Make dips out of cheese, fruit or vegetable puree. Kids often enjoy dipping boiled vegetables and toast into their favourite dips.
  7. Make an interesting picture with different food items on the plate and encourage the child to make it disappear one by one (by eating it of course!)
  8. Join your child in the meals and say positive words like, umm’this is so yummy! and, I just love these so much, don’t you?
  9. Don’t keep any hard and fast rules as to what should be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Give your child whatever he prefers during any meal.
  10. Be as inconsistent as possible when it comes to food. The more the variety the more there is chance of the child being interested in eating sooner or later.

The most important factor in dealing with fussy eaters is to be patient. Don’t be surprised if your child does not show interest in the first few days of the change you introduce. Remember that this is just a passing and constantly changing phase. More importantly, remember that it is a perfectly natural developmental phase of your child’s life.

For further details or queries , kindly contact us at motherhoodindia.com