How Parents Can Understand And Reduce Risky Teen Behaviour?

Risk-Taking Behaviour in Teenagers - Motherhood India Hospital

Teenage is all about the rush of thrills, risk, and adventure. But when it comes to parenting a teenager, one must be careful of the ,risky teenage behavior. The sense of expression and individuality in a teenager has to be channelized for the well-being of your child. But how do you identify risky teenage behavior?

Common Risky Behaviors Among Teens

Teenage risky behaviour is identified by several changes in the child.

The risky behaviour includes –
Unprotected sexual activities
Risky use of social media like sexting and other activities
Tobacco smoking
Alcohol and other illegal substance use
Risky driving
Other illegal activities like trespassing and vandalism
Fighting and truancy

How Parents Can Understand And Reduce Risky Teen Behaviour?

Teenagers are thrill lovers. Thrill excites them like nothing else. But there are high chances of indulging in risky behaviors. But this energy could create wonders for teenagers who could channel this energy for good. Here’s how you can channel the teenage thrill of your child into positive outcomes.

Try to channel all the rush into activities like Martial arts, rock climbing, and other constructive kinds of stuff, give more autonomy and independence to the teenager. Avoid using negative words.
Try to talk about behavior and consequences without making it sound like a lecture.
Keep an eye but be cautious. It shouldn’t look like you’re monitoring their activities.
Instil values through examples. It will be more effective.

All in all, you can reduce risky teen behavior by simply staying connected. Try to instill constructive energy without letting them know that they are being monitored. Try to avoid situations that could make them rebellious.

Encouraging a wide social network could help the teenager with self-acceptance and instill a positive attitude towards every situation. Apart from this teenagers must be guided on handling peer behavior as a teenager is a crucial time when peer pressure could take a toll on their mental health.

Early Warning Signs Of Thyroid Disorder

Author – Dr. Astha Jain Mathur MBBS, DGO

Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Motherhood Hospital, Indore

Did you know that any imbalance in the thyroid hormone can have an impact on the energy, weight, metabolism, heart rate, cholesterol levels, bones, moods and women’s menstrual cycles? Thyroid hormone is an important constituent in the working of the body, and there are many signs that can point towards its imbalance which need proper treatment.

Quick fact

The imbalance in the hormone refers to the levels becoming too high or too low that concurs to many problems. When the thyroid hormone is produced in lesser amounts, it is called hypothyroidism which can result in weight gain and lack of energy. In contrast, when hormones are produced in large amounts it is called hyperthyroidism, which can relate to the loss of weight.

Hence, it becomes important to keep an eye over the changes that may take place after this hormonal imbalance. After the signs or symptoms appear, it is better to opt for thyroid testing to diagnose the problem, and start its treatment at the right time by consulting the best endocrinologists nearby. If you are heading towards thyroid checkup and counseling, Motherhood Hospitals  leads the forefront with the best and famous endocrinology doctors dispensing advanced and effective services to the patients.

Early signs of thyroid disorder

While many of the biological functions of the body are dependent on the thyroid hormone, there are many early signs and symptoms that may appear due to its imbalance and indicate there is an issue with your thyroid,  such as:

  • Fatigue or excessive tiredness: Fatigue caused by thyroid disorders can’t be cured by taking ample amounts of sleep or rest. If there is any problem with the thyroid gland, a person may feel tired and fatigued for most of the time. Though in older women, they mistake fatigue with the symptoms of menopause. But after some time the fatigue persists for a longer time which can be a sign of undiagnosed thyroid disorder.
  • High heart rate: Hyperthyroidism can concur to an excessive heart rate. When the thyroid gland is produced in large quantities, blood pressure can increase which can lead to an increasing heart rate. If your heart rate is frequently over 80 beats per minute, you should consult a physician.
  • Anxiety: Many people may suffer from feelings of anxiety when they have hyperthyroidism. There can be some emotional outbursts where they may feel trouble controlling it, along with angry feelings.
  • Weight gain: Since thyroid hormone regulates your metabolism, it can greatly impact your body weight. This is usually due to the water and salt retaining in the body. Hypothyroidism can result in weight gain where in severe cases, it can lead to significant weight gain with 5-10 pounds extra. 
  • Weight loss: Due to thyroid problems, there can be weight loss as well which is the early signs of it. The amount of weight lost during this condition will be dependent upon the severity of the problem.
  • Body shakes: Since there can be high blood pressure during this condition, it can lead to trembling as a result of nervousness. If you have repetitive signs of shaky hands or body twitches, there is a need to go for thyroid testing.
  • Sensitivity to head and cold: When you have an overactive thyroid, you may feel sensitivity to heat as a common symptom. Moreover, people suffering from hypothyroidism can experience cold hands and feet as well. As the metabolism slows down, it decreases your energy levels where you become quite sensitive to temperatures.

There are various ways you may be affected with thyroid disorders depending upon the type of disorder you may be dealing with. You need to follow a diagnostic procedure and must make it a point to visit the best endocrinologist nearest to you.

PMS and hygiene for teenage girls – staying clean during and after

Dr. Archana Dubey- Best Gynaecologist near me

Author: Dr. Archana Dubey, MBBS, MS (OBG)

Consultant – Gynecologist, Infertility and Laparoscopy at Motherhood Hospitals, Indore

Dr. Archana Dubey- Best Gynaecologist near me


When a teenage girl enters puberty, her body goes through several changes both physical and biological. This includes significant changes to the reproductive system which also marks the beginning of her monthly menstrual cycles, to continue till the woman reaches her 50s and menopause. This is also a phase of excitement and confusion for the girl who has stepped into womanhood. She is experiencing a lot of things, has a lot of questions and is too shy to ask someone. While the mother does answer a few, a lot more remain a mystery, waiting for her to discover by herself. Friends and the internet are another source.

What are periods?

A girl child will go through several changes once she reaches puberty, and the most significant milestone in her life is her first period. Periods are an integral part of the menstrual cycle that occur because of changing hormone levels in the ovaries, which influence the uterus. 

The following changes happen during a menstrual cycle:

  • The ovaries produce the hormone oestrogen in cysts or sacs called follicles. This stimulates the follicles to produce eggs. Usually, a single egg matures and this is let out after which the ovaries produce progesterone, another hormone.
  • This egg travels from the ovary through the fallopian tube towards the uterus.
  • The hormones oestrogen and progesterone activate the uterus to create a lining to receive and implant a fertilised egg.
  • In case the egg is not fertilised, there will be a drop in hormone levels which results in the lining of the uterus, consisting of blood and other tissue, being discharged through the vagina – this step is referred to as period.

For most young women, their first periods start between the ages of 11 and 14, but the beginning of a period anywhere between 9-16 years is normal.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and hygiene

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is what the girl experiences in her body and her mood before or during her periods. It is usually very intense for 4 days before her period and tapers down 2-3 days after her period begins. Hygiene is a very important aspect that teenage girls need to learn and practice as they enter womanhood. Here are a few important things they need to know.

Choosing between pads, tampons and menstrual cups

Children must discuss this with their mothers or doctors, or at school with counselors. They must learn of the advantages and disadvantages of the various options available for them to use during their periods such as sanitary pads, tampons or menstrual cups. It is important to know what pads, tampons, period-proof underpants, and sanitary cups look like and how to use and dispose them, and also how to use and clean a menstrual cup. It is better for the child to start with period-proof underpants or pads before she goes on to try menstrual cups or tampons. A good thing would be for the child to practice using a tampon or a menstrual cup between periods, by inserting and removing them.

Pads, tampons, period-proof underpants or menstrual cups – how many would be needed

A child will need about 3-6 sanitary pads or tampons a day, although fewer may be necessary when the flow is lighter. Pads or pads with wings could also be used.

1 to 2 period-proof underpants could be needed each day although this depends on how heavy the bleeding is. These underpants must be washed and dried between each use so one may need about 2 to 3 pairs.

Home-made cloth pads carry the risk of infections including severe white discharge, smelly discharge, burning, etc. If these are being used, they have to be washed thoroughly and dried before they are ready for use again.

If using a tampon, one cannot be used for more than 4 hours. It has to be replaced and the used one disposed, by wrapping it in a piece of paper.

Scented products must be avoided for genital hygiene

Best Gynaecologist Motherhood Hospitals, Indore
  The PMS impact and managing it During PMS, the girl might go through sadness, mood swings, crankiness, fatigue, anxiety, irritation, food cravings, bloating, backache, pimples, diarrhoea, sore breasts or other kinds of discomfort. For food cravings a balanced diet consisting of fresh fruit and vegetables is recommended. To reduce bloating, practice a low salt diet.
  • To reduce anxiety, it is good to avoid caffeine and get plenty of exercise
  • For sore breasts, backache, and headache a warm heating pad could be used or a pain killer (only if necessary).
  • Yoga helps in keeping the mind calm and the body flexible
During the period, particularly in the first few hours, many girls experience severe cramps, caused by prostaglandin, a chemical that contracts the muscle in the uterus. A warm pad or a pain killer can alleviate the situation (it is better to manage naturally unless it is imperative or pain killers could become a habit). Post their first period, most girls settle into a regular cycle and are able to manage their symptoms at home. It is advisable to have a healthy diet, sleep cycle, and an exercise routine. It is advised to rest well during periods and keep active so the monthly cycle can be managed well over time. However in case you are not able to manage the symptoms or are experiencing any other discomfort, it is best to contact your family doctor or a gynaecologist for advice. At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of excellent doctors and super specialists specialising in women and children care. Do take an appointment with our doctor at any centre close to you and discuss your PMS related issues with her. You are assured of sound advice to help you/ your child manage the condition effectively and lead an active life. At Motherhood Hospitals, we deliver exceptional healthcare services to women and children with highest standard of care and competence. book your appointment with Dr. Archana Dubey, for all the Gynaecological issues.

Sports injuries in children: Should we be concerned?

Proactive Measures for Kids' Sports Injuries - Motherhood Hospital India

By Dr. Shilpi Srivastava, Consultant Physiotherapits, Lactation Expert and Child birth educator, Motherhood Hospital, Noida

Eight-year-old Suresh is enthusiastic about sports and he is so passionate about it that he even doesn’t want to give a break to it if he is sick or met with some injury. Since he doesn’t take adequate rest after meeting such injuries, his body has become prone to wounds and sprain. The health experts even suggest that the tender bones and tissues of children are often subjected to some kind of injuries when they play without taking proper precaution and don’t rest after having a muscle pull or sprain.

Even a report from Centres from Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that more than 2.6 million children from 0-19 years old are treated in the emergency department each year for sports and recreation-related injuries. Some sports, which require frequent contact, are more dangerous than others. Contact sports such as football or basketball can be expected to result in a higher number of injuries like sprains and strains than a noncontact sport such as swimming. All kinds of sports can result in an injury either from the trauma of contact with the other players or from overuse or misuse of a body part.    

Most frequently occurring injuries

The most common injuries are muscle-joint sprains, bruises, dislocation and fractures and all these occur at frequent injured areas of the body, knee, ankle and shoulder joints. These injuries are short-lived and can be recovered within 10-15 days. According to the experts, only 4 in 10,000 injuries are that severe, which results in quitting sports. 

In all these injuries, diagnosis and care play an utmost pivotal role. Since children have soft tissues and bones unlike adults, their X-ray or MRI reports should be carefully evaluated by the pediatric orthopedic or radiation specialists familiar with such kind of reports. Even parents, doctors and faculty members should be cautious enough to give a good-enough time to the kid to resume sports. Unlike movies, they should be refrained from participating in any kind of sports competition during the treatment procedure.

Treatment of sports injury

The treatment of such injuries depends on how badly the kid is hurt. Here are some of the options your doctor may give you:

First aid: If the injury is minor, the kid may only need to put ice on your knee, elevate  his leg, and stay off his feet for a while. He can reduce swelling by wrapping an ace bandage around his knee. Crutches can help to keep weight off his knee.

Medications: Anti-inflammatory drugs can help to reduce swelling and pain. The doctor may suggest over-the-counter medications or prescribe something stronger.

Physical therapy: The child may need this a few days a week to get his knee back in working order. During these sessions, he will do exercises to strengthen the muscles around his knee that will help him regain a full range of motion. He may be sent home with exercise to do on your own.

Surgery: The doctor may tell you that you need this if your ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) is torn badly. A surgeon will remove the damaged ACL and replace it with tissue to help a new ligament grow in its place. With physical therapy, kids who have surgery can often play sports again within 12 months.

Key Prevention Tips

Take proper time to heal completely

In general, an injury takes 12 to 16 weeks to be fully healed. But mostly, children start feeling better after a span of four weeks or so. And, they often get back to sports. This practice can have serious repercussion on bone health and might lead to disability. So, one should take full prescribed time for resting.

Always wear protective gears

Parents or teachers should create awareness among kids about the importance of wearing right protective gears such as elbow and knee pads, helmets, wrist guards for their activities.  Also ensure that all the protective gears are in right condition.  For example, avoid wearing such gears which have missing or broken buckles or compressed or worn padding. Poorly fitting equipment may be uncomfortable and also does not offer the best protection.

Warm up is the key

Before playing any sports, a kid should devote 20 minutes of his/her time in stretching the muscles, side shuffling and warming up.  They help in activating muscles and reducing injuries during the sport.

Stay Hydrated

To avoid heat-related injuries or illness, give some time to the child athletes to get their body gradually adjust to the weather conditions. Parents and coaches should make sure that players are hydrated well. Injuries occur when a child is not hydrated or rested well.

Follow the guidelines

Ensure that your child’s sports program or school has an action plan that includes information on how to teach athletes ways to lower their chances of getting a concussion and other injuries. Get more concussion safety tips.

Menstruation Matters

Menstruation is a unique phenomenon in a woman’s life. It is the mark where a girl enters the womanhood and is blessed with the gift of giving life. However, this gift is always encircled by taboos that isolate women from the social and cultural life.

Till date, menstruation is described with code words such as red alert, shark week, on the rag, and so on which proves that talking about it is a taboo in the society. Therefore, such taboos make the period cycle a topic of stigma and shame to be discussed out in the open which leads to a ton of misinformation related to it. To cater to the needs of this series of misinformation, given below are answers to a few unanswered questions related to menstruation, give it a read.

Can the change of diet ease my period pain?

Well, yes. Your diet can be your friend or foe when you’re on your period. Consumption of certain foods during your periods can worsen the symptoms than usual. Try to avoid salty and spicy food or any food that can cause bloating, pain and discomfort. Hence, stick to clean and healthy food for a happy period.

Is there a way to tackle irregular periods?

A typical cycle length is of 28 days, and any changes in it mean that your cycle is unpredictable or irregular. There are many reasons for it. To have a more unobstructed view of this, we suggest you consult with your healthcare specialist.

Other than that you can maintain healthy body weight, exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet and regulate your thyroid levels to avoid such instances.

How often should I change my pad?

Be it your heavier days or lighter flow days you should change your pad every 3 or 4 hours. It is to avoid any odor from the bacteria growing in the blood.

What is the idea behind using a menstruation cup?

A menstruation cup is a flexible cup made of silicone or rubber (used inside the vagina) used to collect menstrual blood. It collects the menstrual flow rather than just absorbing it as tampons or pads do. It is gaining popularity because it is easy to use, reduces the foul odor and maintains the vaginal pH.

How do I deal with my first period?

Menarche or your very first period may not be the happiest time of your life cause of the cramps and bloating, but don’t forget that it is a stepping stone to your fertility which officially makes you a woman!

Here are a few things that you can do to make yourself more comfortable:

1. Cut back on coffee
2. Cut down on deep-fried foods
3. Consume more antioxidant-rich foods
4. Consume food rich in Iron

Even though we have come so far in the today, few things still need progress and advancement. That is why menstruation needs attention and an open conversation in the society.

Love and Limits?? Parenting playfully

Harmonious Family Life Tips to Balancing Love and Limits - Motherhood Hospital India

Discipline and Freedom: What’s the correlation between these two powerful words? Discipline is taken up as a serious business by some parents, they curb their child’s freedom to choose or act. But as they say, freedom brings in opportunities to learn likewise disciplining needs to bring in the freedom to think and choose. Our goal as a parent is to teach the child all about inner discipline or ‘self-discipline (Thoughts, feelings and choices) which takes a while for the child to learn and absorb. This inner discipline comes from a high sense of principles or values, understanding and conscience rather than the use of punishment, which uses scale or stick, shame, humiliation or even isolation.

Self-discipline is internalizing responsible actions and respect for others, the environment, and oneself. Discipline shouldn’t be about forcing a child to do something against his or her will, scaring the child into compliance or causing physical or emotional pain. Instead, validate the child’s feelings, empathize with his or her experience or pain, remove the stressor, point out the needs and feelings of others, encourage restitutions, help the child brainstorm alternative forms of actions and allow freedom of choice.

It starts with parents feeling the lack of freedom, stressing and focusing more on the role they play. However, grandparents are a lot more relaxed and experimental.They enjoy freedom, explore and bond with children a lot more, because their focus is on relationship and not responsibilities. A child feels empowered when given a chance to explore, play and feel free An essential element to grow. Our nature wants us to be free, try everything, taste everything and do everything.

Need for a paradigm shift

Parents often see uncooperative behavior as a challenge to their authority. Once we understand that uncooperative behavior may be the communication of a child’s unmet need, a hurt or any unpleasant emotion or stress, then we do not have to take the behavior, personally. A child behaves in a certain way, either in a new situation or a recurring one, because he does not know the accepted way. Using commands and threats may work immediately, but sustainability comes when such situations are dealt with love, respect, compassion, freedom and positive reinforcements. 

A child needs love the most, when we think he doesn’t deserve it.

Give your child the freedom to choose his outfit for the day, lunch for school, choose how to spend his time, play or do homework. Simple questions like these make a child feel important, involved and most importantly, valued. This freedom may require you to set limits, simple rules and directions towards acceptable and unacceptable behavior, as a family. Explain these to your child in a way that makes sense to him and most importantly benefits him, which is undoubtedly a skill for a parent to learn. Talking about positive and negative consequences helps the child connect his actions to the outcomes and eventually helps him understand the concept of cause and effect. He is then empowered to think through and predict the possible consequences before he acts.

You may have to set this new pattern, reinforce and remind your child till he is ready to accept it, with love being the key. This takes time, but the only way we learn to make responsible decisions is through practice, which comes with trial and error. And it is through freedom and practice that the child learns how to discipline himself and how to be a responsible person. He identifies feelings and develops his inner compass for what is right and wrong.

The idea is to help children develop a conscience through a strong, connected parent child relationship, allowing them to feel secured, confident and teaches them how to reconcile their mistakes. We teach best by being the example. Define love as a culture, use respect as a tool and hold compassion as the attitude to teach your child the essential lessons of behavior.


Making motherhood a blissful experience,Motherhood Indiranagar

Women require unique and specialised health care in every stage of life; some for themselves and some for their children. With a view to providing women in Bangalore a healthcare facility close to home,Motherhood, Bangalore inaugurated the new wing of their Indiranagar facility on 14th November 2013.

The facility known as the Advanced Women & Child Healthcare Centre is equipped with ultra-modern medical facilities to provide comprehensive care in Gynaecology, Neonatology and Paediatrics. The centre was inaugurated by Mr. U.T. Khader, Honourable Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Karnataka.

While most pregnancies progress without any problems, some require specialized care. Motherhood has partnered with leading experts in fetal medicine, The Bangalore Fetal Medicine Center (BFMC) to give this expert care to the unborn baby primary care while it is still in the womb, making it possible to diagnose and manage genetic and other abnormalities in the fetus. Fetal medicine specialists, sonologists and emotional counsellors provide the most advanced treatment and care.

Motherhood has also partnered with Kosmoderma Skin Clinics &Medispa’s, a leading skin, hair and laser clinic in South India. Motherhood  Mommy  Makeover for new mothers provides customised cosmetology services to women before, during and after pregnancy.The Mommy Makeover program includes, Anti-stretch Mark Treatment for body, Post Delivery Tummy Toning, etc.

We recognise that the health of women and children is very essential in building a self-reliant, healthy, stable and confident community. Our healthcare centre functions with the assistance of world-class expertise and technology, coupled with compassion and a home-like setting.