Vaccinating the baby

List of baby vaccinations

Author – Motherhood Medical Team

Vaccines are products given in childhood to stimulate the body’s natural defenses hence preparing it to fight diseases effectively.

Why should your child get vaccinated?

  • It provides protection against diseases like measles and whooping cough.
  • It is a highly effective way to keep your child healthy
  • Vaccinations are timed in a way that the immune system of your child will respond to it at various ages. Thus, they provide protection at all ages.
  • To strengthen the child’s immune system

What type of diseases do the vaccines for children cover?

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Rotavirus
  • Diphtheria
  • Tetanus
  • Acellular pertussis
  • Haemophilus influenzae
  • Polio
  • Pneumococcal disease
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Rubella
  • Varicella
  • Influenza

Ingredients of the modern day vaccines:

Today vaccines make use of certain ingredients like –

  • Adjuvants that boost the body’s response
  • Stabilizers that keep vaccines effective after being manufactured.
  • Formaldehydes are used to prevent contamination by bacteria
  • Thimerosal used in the manufacturing process.

Do you know that certain vaccines protect the babies before birth?

Yes, babies receive antibodies during pregnancy from  the vaccines their mothers had. For example, the measles vaccine protects the baby in the womb for a short time span. However, this protection wears off after a certain time and is thus injected again when they are 12-18 months old. Babies get the shots at this age to keep them protected from measles and two other diseases.

How do the vaccines work?

Vaccines spark the immune response to specific diseases. So, the next time that the virus Or bacteria invades your body in the future, your immune system will already know how to fight it. Thus, the body is now ready to fight infections more efficiently.

Vaccines form a significant part of baby health. The infants bear a weak immune system. They need vaccines to strengthen immunity. It is thus highly recommended that you ensure that your child is fully vaccinated in the early stages of life.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Neonatologist who are experts providing optimum state-of-the-art care for critically ill, as well as recovering, neonates and infants.

Do take an appointment with the best Neonatology hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with our doctors, please book your appointment here.

Second child syndrome

Sibling Jealousy

Author – Motherhood Medical Team

Second child syndrome is a situation in which the second or middle child is adversely affected by the presence of his/her siblings. There are times when parents often end up pampering the youngest child and giving all the responsibilities to the eldest one. This induces a sense of rivalry and jealousy in the mind of the younger ones.

Renowned psychologist Kevin Leman argues that when children are caught between two siblings, they often feel ignored and suffer badly. This is known as second child syndrome. He further stated that the younger ones may not give words to their experience, but rather communicate their distress with their behavior. The situation arises when parents exercise an extreme amount of favoritism and partiality towards one child.

Signs of child syndrome:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Jealousy
  • A feeling of directionlessness
  • Feeling that nothing is expected from them
  • Anger
  • Irritability
  • Shying away

Characteristics of child syndrome:

  • The child yearns for affection
  • Tries to grab attention
  • Hates comparison
  • Sibling rivalry
  • Confusion between behaving as an introvert Or an extrovert

Possible triggers:

Identity crisis – looking for places to fit in and struggles to understand the situation

Parental support – looking for parental support. The child hates the feeling of biasness and unfulfilled needs.


  • The parents must be mindful of each child’s individual needs.
  • Try to be a listener, not a judge
  • Play along with them. Encourage them. Stay connected.
  • Instill a feeling of love for the siblings
  • Try not to over pamper
  • Let them be different
  • Make them feel special
  • Teach them to share with you.

Second child syndrome often results in low self-esteem in the child. Parents must take care of the individual needs of each of their kids. The middle child usually suffers from jealousy. Parents must try to instill feelings of love and acceptance towards the elder sibling.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist who are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological needs, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best women and childcare hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with our doctors, please book your appointment here.

Family planning and child care

How to make a family plan?

Author – Motherhood Medical Team

Family planning is the right of everybody where it depends upon the couples whether they choose to have a baby or not. Family planning allows you to understand the importance of pregnancy spacing and the factors that are to be considered before trying to conceive. If you are planning on for a pregnancy, you should also know about the care your child will require at different stages of life.

Quick Fact: Many unplanned pregnancies can occur in the very few months after giving birth to a child.

Family Planning

It is always better to plan your pregnancy so that you are ready for conception or otherwise. While you may not be ready to have a child for some years, family planning gives you another benefit to prepare and time your pregnancy as well. For those who already have a child, trying for another pregnancy can be question they might be pondering upon. Therefore, spacing between pregnancy becomes also important where your preferences matter. While the research suggests than you should plan your second pregnancy after 18 to 24 months, but keeping this space below five years is considered better.

When it comes to not having a baby, it is better to look out if you are having unprotected intercourse. Talking to your doctor and conferring with the use of contraceptives can help you plan your life accordingly.

Child Care

If you planned to go ahead with pregnancy and start your family, you need to be committed towards the care and development of your child as well. It is up to the parents to ensure their child is safe, stimulating and growing in the environment along with yielding opportunities for his development. Parents need to understand that how children grow and how to respond to their needs as well. Besides, they should also make up to the clean and safe environment around them along with looking upon their nutritional requirements.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist who are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological needs, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best women and childcare hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with our doctors, please book your appointment here.

Tips To Handle An Underweight Baby

Author: Dr. Nishant Bansal MBBS, Fellowship in Neonatology (IAP), DCH, DNB

Consultant – Neonatologist at Motherhood Hospital, Noida

When it comes to the weight of a newborn, every mother wants her baby to be healthy, unlike underweight children that are a point of concern for them.

Quick fact: Low birth weight contributes to 60 to 80 percent of neonatal deaths worldwide.

Low birth weight: Usually, low birth weight is primarily due to the premature delivery in which the weight of the baby is likely to be less than 2.5 kg, so it becomes significant to handle such cases with profound supervision. The neonatal intensive care unit is the place where care and protection is given to low birth weight or preterm babies. Motherhood Hospital has one of the best infant baby care hospitals specializing in rendering the best service for the baby that satisfies the caring notion of parents.

Underweight baby vs Normal baby 

When a child is born underweight, that makes every mother worrisome. But how do you differentiate between a normal baby and an underweight baby? There are some differences that must be highlighted to understand the concept where the steps for treatment will follow.

An underweight baby usually weighs less than 2.5 kg unlike a normal baby that weighs in between 2.5 kg and 3.5 kg, and is physically smaller than a normal one.

While some underweight babies can be healthy, some are exposed to serious health problems that require treatment. Premature delivery is one of the common causes attributed to low birth weight of the baby as most of the normal babies are born at a right time, unlike a premature birth. A baby is considered premature when it is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy while as a normal baby is born between 37 weeks to 41 weeks.

Treatment for underweight babies 

Here are some treatments that underweight babies might receive –

The underweight baby may be born with complications and the doctor might try to treat the child by feeding it through a tube. They might also use an IV or an intravenous line to feed the child to give the necessary nutrition. It is significant for the concerned mother to visit the best maternity hospitals that have a specialized neonatal intensive care unit.

Tips to handle an underweight baby

If the underweight baby does not need any special care from the doctors, you, as a mother can follow the following tips to give the best nourishment to your underweight baby.

  • Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding is the best nourishment for any baby. If your baby is underweight, focus on making a schedule. You must breastfeed your baby quite often, following a strict routine to ensure feeding from time to time. It is ideal if you can breastfeed your precious little one after every two to three hours. Do not feed your little one anything other than breast milk as it contains much needed nutrition that promotes the growth as well as immunity to the baby.
  • Massage your baby: Massage is good for all newborns. Underweight babies can also benefit from regular massages. Oil massages can help your baby gain weight at a consistent and steady pace. For the first few months, you can consider massaging your baby yourself for better results.
  • Skin-to-skin contact: Skin-to-skin contact with your baby or ‘kangaroo care’ is proven to help your baby . Kangaroo care or skin-to-skin contact with your baby has multiple benefits such as maintaining the baby’s warmth, and regulating the baby’s heartbeat and breathing rates as well. Skin-to-skin contact also helps the baby get healthy sleep and the right nutrition from breast milk.
  • Seek support and help: If your baby is still underweight after trying all the tips to handle its low weight, it might be more serious. It is best if you seek the right help from the right doctors to receive the best underweight treatment for your precious little one.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Neonatal specialists in sector48, Noida. Our Neonatology Department has expert neonatologists, paediatricians, paediatric surgeons, and nurses that are trained in new-born care.

Do take an appointment with the top Neonatal hospital in Chennai, Alwarpet. Meet our doctors, who will do the necessary investigations, identify the problem, and suggest the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Nishtant Bansal, please book your appointment here.

When should I seek medical help for my newborn?

Dr. Sunil Puraswani  - Best Pediatrician near me

Author: Dr. Sunil Puraswani  MBBS, MD (Paediatrics), Fellowship in Neonatology

Consultant – Paediatrician and Neonatologist at Motherhood Hospitals, Indore

Dr. Sunil Puraswani  - Best Pediatrician near me

Parenthood is an exciting phase but along with it comes several challenges as well. Providing neonatal care is not an easy task since newborns don’t come with any instruction manual. With so many self-proclaimed newborn caring experts present around, you may often find yourself in a situation where you may not what’s the best. And times like being clueless about the right action for your baby’s health is something you want to avoid. 

It’s fine if you are worried after seeing certain symptoms in your newborn which may be harmless. On the other hand, it’s also risky to avoid these symptoms and not look for the best neonatal services in Bangalore since it may lead to serious health conditions. Your thumb role should be “When in doubt, consult your doctor”. Also, avoid going to hospitals for every small matter since it may put an effect on your savings while also exposing your newborn to various infections with frequent health care visits.

Best Pediatrician Motherhood Hospitals, Indore

Symptoms and signs of sickness in your newborn

Practically it is not possible to call your doctor every single moment during the small issues but the following symptoms and signs are something which you shouldn’t avoid:

1. Your baby is avoiding required feed

The first sign of a sick baby is avoiding the required dose of feed. Since babies have small stomachs, they need to be fed at small and frequent intervals along with having very little energy reserves. If your newborn is not showing interest in feeding then you need to get in touch with your doctor.

2. Your baby’s skin is too warm or cold

A small baby’s body is capable of catching a cold or fever very quickly. In case your baby’s skin is too cold or too warm then start with checking their temperature. A temperature of 100.4 F or higher is the sign of fever while 97.7 F or lower is too low for your baby. Contact the child doctor or best fetal medicine specialist for further advice.

3. Your baby is dehydrated

If you want to check whether your baby is dehydrated then you can look for lack of tears when the baby cries, reduced number of wet diapers (normal frequency is 6-8 diapers a day), sunken soft spot on the baby’s head, dry mouth and sunken eyes. Dehydration can be a dangerous situation for your baby and should be addressed immediately with the best neonatal intensive care unit.

4. Disturbed bowel movements

Take note of the number of wet and messy diapers your child makes, too few or too many is the sign of disturbed bowel movements. In case of signs like hard or scanty stools, loose or watery stools or a baby struggling during bowel movements, get in touch with your child’s paediatrician.

5. Change in behaviour

In case you see your baby being too lethargic, floppy, sleepy or crying inconsolably, it is a sign for you to get in touch with your child’s doctor.

6. Rashes on the skin

Contact your child specialist if you see your child’s skin developing rashes, mottled or pale on the body with a temperature that’s higher or lower than normal. Apart from this, your baby’s doctor needs to be contacted in case of developing jaundice that doesn’t go away or spreads throughout the body parts.

7. Difficulty in breathing

Rapid breathing, grunting, stuffy nose, flaring nostrils, coughing, retraction of the ribs or bluish skin colour are the signs to contact your paediatrician immediately.

8. Eye or ear discharge

Sticky discharge from one or both eyes or ear drainage needs immediate attention from your paediatrician.

9. Appearance of blood

Blood appearing in the baby’s spit-up, poop, nose discharge or navel should be immediately addressed by the doctor. Apart from this, pain or bleeding from the penis is also a concerning situation.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we deliver exceptional healthcare services to women and children with highest standard of care and competence.

Book your Appointment with Dr. Sunil Puraswami for all the paediatrics related issues.


Pediatrician examining a baby during a medical check-up - Motherhood Hospitals India

It is often a difficult choice for mothers to make whether to care for the sick baby at home or to seek medical help. When is the right time for a parent to make this important call?  Sometimes, what seems like a minor ailment can turn into a  major health complication, when left untreated without any proper medical attention. You need not fret for every little thing.  Nevertheless, whenever you are in doubt, do not hesitate to take medical guidance as the right professional help can safeguard your precious little one from serious illnesses and severe infections

In this feature, let us understand the various aspects of seeking medical attention at the right time when your baby falls sick. 

High temperature: One of the most important red flags of  0 warning would be fever with a temperature higher than 102 F.  It is always better not to delay, especially when you observe that the temperature doesn’t drop even after a day.  

Diarrhoea and vomiting: Look out for severe loose motions and vomiting, sometimes with the presence of blood. Irrespective of using quick home remedies, this condition requires immediate medical attention. 

Breathing issues: If you observe rapid and heavy breathing in your baby, this could often be connected with lungs and chest congestion. Please do not take this easily as the regular flow of oxygen is very important for your baby’s well-being.

Urinary issues: If your baby has difficulty urinating or passing stool, this could be because of a urinary infection. This can be quite uncomfortable and painful for the baby causing much agony to the parents as well. Timely medical intervention can help resolve the problem. 

Vaccinations: As discussed in our earlier article on the importance of immunization, please follow the vaccination schedule for various diseases such as flu, hepatitis, polio, etc. This will help you prevent a whole lot of diseases and improve your baby’s immunity to counter any infections in the future. 

Eye problems: If you observe discharge in your baby’s eyes which could be caused due to irritants such as baby products or some allergic substances, then please consult the doctor immediately. Some of the signs to catch are swelling of the eyelids, watery eyes, etc. In such cases, please don’t be tempted to line your kid’s eyes with kohl or kajal. Keep them natural as such beauty enhancers can irritate your baby’s eyes. 

Other health-related issues: In cases of persistent sore throat,  severe headache, or pain in the stomach area which are commonly occurring symptoms along with fever, please seek medical advice. 

Dullness and inactivity: If you observe that your child is not at his/her playful self and exhibits dull and inactive behaviour persistently, then please speak to your doctor. Though the child might not experience overwhelming health issues, sometimes this can be linked to his/her overall well-being and any medical conditions in disguise. 

We understand that caring for a sick baby can take an emotional toll on the parent. However, with the right kind of medical attention, you can help your baby regain health and happiness.  Please understand that these symptoms or signs may not appear very scary but a little delay on your side can cause a  major impact. Our message would be: Don’t worry too much but at the same time, don’t take your baby’s health lightly. 

For more information on this topic, talk to our experts


Does your baby have acne? Does it sound strange? Yes, some babies do have acne. Generally, children in their teens develop acne due to hormonal changes. However, in the case of infants,  the hormones of the mothers present in the bloodstream of the babies cause acne. In addition to acne that occurs in some babies, insect bites are also a common issue seen in these little fairies. As mothers, it is natural for you to feel concerned about baby acne and insect bites. The good news is that these are minor issues and can be easily addressed with little care and attention. 

Baby acne is small, reddish-looking pimples that usually occur in the facial area such as the forehead, chin, cheeks, and eyelids. It usually occurs in a quarter percentage of babies when they are  2-3 weeks old. In some cases, acne can be seen in the neck,  back, and chest areas as well. Considering babies have delicate and sensitive skin, it is easier for them to develop acne especially with their under-developed pores attracting dirt and dust in the surroundings. Therefore, it is important to maintain regular cleanliness and hygiene in the baby’s circle of activities.  

Here are some tips to take care of when your baby has acne: 

  • For some people, squeezing acne is a natural tendency.  However, do remember it is your baby’s skin. Please be patient and deal with baby acne carefully otherwise there are chances of leaving unwanted marks.  
  • When the acne is a little dry, don’t be tempted to scrub them.  Instead, always use lukewarm water to cleanse the area gently twice or thrice in a day. Always pat the area dry with a soft towel or baby wipes. 
  • Do not use any chemical-based products or more specifically any adult-use products on your baby’s skin. In case the acne increases and doesn’t naturally subside, it is always better to consult your doctor to treat this skin condition. 

Now that we have learned a bit about baby acne, let us also understand another commonly occurring issue in babies Ÿ?? insect bites. It is common for babies to have mosquito bites and red ant bites. Though not all insect bites cause many medical issues and are often treatable with lotions and ointments, they can cause a  certain level of discomfort to your child. Let us understand how to prevent these irritants and keep the baby’s smiles intact.

  • Most insect bites are dependent on the weather as certain seasons in a year are breeding grounds for insects. Therefore,  it is important for you to keep your indoors safe with nets and baby-friendly repellents. 
  • You can choose to close certain windows and doors to prevent the entry of these insects. However, ensure to keep the baby’s room ventilated with a fresh breeze and adequate light.  
  • While you take your baby on a stroll to the nearby park,  please protect your little one with the right clothing and any other steps recommended by your doctor. 

Whenever your baby is affected by an insect bite, do remember to remove the stinging tweezers from the skin and clean the affected area with baby soap/wash and water. You can also use cooling natural products such as aloe vera gel or an ice pack to soothe the baby. 

We hope that this feature on baby acne and insect bites proved to be informative and useful.  
For more tips and understanding on these topics, talk to our experts.

Get to know all about Paediatric Endocrinology and its conditions from Dr Venkatachalapathy, Best Paediatric Surgeon Hebbal, Bangalore

What is paediatric endocrinology?

Paediatric Endocrinology involves diagnosis, prevention and treatment of children and adolescent populations with endocrinological conditions. The science of Paediatric Endocrinology specializes in the prognosis and treatment of the disorders of the endocrine glands. Dr Venkatachalapathy, a notable paediatric surgeon, explains paediatric endocrinology and its conditions.

The disorders of the endocrine system may include:

Disruptions in physical growth and variations involving lack of physical and sexual development in childhood

What are the objectives of a paediatric endocrinologist?

The objectives of a paediatric endocrinologist include:

  1. understanding the anatomy and functionality of the endocrine system
  2. Identifying the endocrinological diseases linked to the environment
  3. Discovering the chemicals that disrupt the endocrine system

What are the common endocrinological issues in kids? 

  1. Endocrine cancers
  2. Hypospadias and Cryptorchidism
  3. Precocious puberty
  4. Diabetes
  5. Obesity
  6. Thyroid disorders 

Why do kids suffer from endocrinological disorders?

A few challenges with the endocrine system may create disruptions. Any hormone in excess may complicate paediatric health. Similarly, lack of secretion of a hormone or its scarcity may be harmful to the body. One of the examples may be taller kids owing to the excess of the growth hormone. The lack of growth hormone may disrupt the natural height of kids.

What are the main constituents of the human endocrine system?

The glands that constitute the human endocrine system are:

  1. Reproductive glands
  2. Adrenals
  3. Pineal body
  4. Parathyroids
  5. Thyroid
  6. Hypothalamus
  7. Pituitary

Despite being a part of the digestive system, the pancreas is also a part of the endocrine system. The pancreas secretes and produces digestive enzymes. Endocrine glands are those that generate hormones. Pancreas, liver, thymus, lungs, heart, brain and skin, placenta and kidneys are also the organs that release hormones. 

Endocrinological disorders and kids:

  • Hyperthyroidism:

Hyperthyroidism involves excessively high levels of thyroid hormones in the blood. There are various symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

What are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism?

A. Weight loss

B. Protrusive eyes

C. Swollen neck with an enlarged thyroid gland (goitre)

D. Excessive perspiration

E. Increase in the heart rate

F. Blood pressure or hypertension

G. Tremors

H. Nervousness

  • Hypothyroidism:

Hypothyroidism involves abnormally low levels of thyroid hormones in the blood. The deficiency of thyroid hormone may slow the body processes. There are various symptoms of hypothyroidism.

The symptoms of hypothyroidism may include:

A. slow heart rate

B. Dry skin

C. Fatigue

D. Delay in the puberty

E. Slow growth

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is one of the autoimmune conditions children may suffer. It involves an autoimmune response from the immune system, which ends up blocking thyroid production. 

  • Endemic Cretinism:

Endemic cretinism involves the onset of hypothyroidism during conception. The cause of endemic cretinism is dietary iodine deficiency hindering the normal thyroid hormones. There are various symptoms of endemic cretinism.

The symptoms of endemic cretinism may include:

A. Spastic Dysplasia

B. Problems with Gross Motor Skills and Fine Motor Skills. These problems stem from damage to both pyramidal and extrapyramidal systems.

  • Diabetes:

Diabetes is a severe condition involving abnormal elevation of blood glucose. Inadequate insulin production is the primary cause of diabetes. It may lead to serious health concerns, including premature death.

It is already affecting over 220 million people worldwide. Low-income countries and middle-income countries are in the clutches of this illness, with over 80% of deaths linked to these countries.

What are the types of diabetes?

  1. Type-1 diabetes
  2. Type-2 diabetes

Type-1 diabetes was previously called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (DDM) or juvenile-onset diabetes. Type 1 diabetes stems from an autoimmune process destroying the pancreatic islets. The condition mainly affects kids and youngsters. The main risk factors for diabetes mellitus type 1 may be hereditary, autoimmune or environmental. There are various symptoms of type-1 diabetes.

The symptoms of diabetes mellitus type-1 include:

A. Excessive thirst

B. Abnormal hunger

C. Weight loss

D. Excessive urination

Are there any risk factors linked to type-1 diabetes? 

There are various chemicals or drugs which may trigger diabetes.

They may include:

A. Alloxan

B. Streptozotocin

C. Pentamidine

D. Rodenticides

These are the risk factors that may trigger an autoimmune response. The response may end up destroying the pancreatic islets. 

  • Type 2 Diabetes:

Type 2 diabetes is often called non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or adult-onset diabetes. 

Type 2 diabetes affects over 90% of diabetics worldwide. The risk factors for type 2 diabetes are obesity and deskbound lifestyle or inactive lifestyle. 

The symptoms of diabetes mellitus type 2 are similar to that of type 1 diabetes. The symptoms of type 2 diabetes remain latent for years to decades. Therefore, the diagnosis may occur later in life. Most patients report that they discovered their diabetes after the complications arose. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is leading to obesity in children worldwide. 

Are there any risk factors for diabetes mellitus type 2?

  1. Old age
  2. Family history 
  3. History of gestational diabetes
  4. Impairment in the glucose metabolism
  5. Deskbound or sedentary lifestyle
  6. Obesity or being overweight 
  • Hypospadias:

Hypospadias is one of the common birth defects. Hypospadias may affect 1 in 250 newborns. The number has recently doubled. The cause of Hypospadias remains unknown. Some studies correlate it with maternal exposure to endocrine disruptors. 

Are there any risk factors for Hypospadias and Cryptorchidism?

Preterm birth may lead to Cryptorchidism. Small gestational age and paternal smoking may lead to hypospadias. Paternal pesticide exposure may be one of the risk factors for Cryptorchidism.

Are there any ways to cope with these problems?

Positive changes in the environment and maintaining an ideal weight are two essential parts of a healthy lifestyle. Youngsters should develop healthy food habits. Parents should encourage their children to eat more organic foods. Children may prefer regular exercise and reduce sedentary lifestyle. Curbing the global problem of obesity requires us to opt for a multidisciplinary approach. 

Dr Venkatachalapathy, an expert paediatric surgeon in Hebbal, affirms that it’s necessary to abide by the doctor’s guidance. A paediatric surgery may help diagnose, treat, and manage the surgical needs of kids. Finding a good paediatric surgeon in Bangalore is subject to a general knowledge of endocrinology. 

Understanding Colic


Every mother loves to see the smiles of her child but not the painful crying. It would be quite stressful for mothers, especially new mothers to see her baby crying. Every parent would have been through such a situation. Are you concerned with your little one’s crying? One of the causes is colic and every parent needs to understand more about this condition. 

Colic is prolonged and intense crying or irritability in a healthy infant. Do you know that about 1 in 5 babies have colic? This kind of episode can start from three weeks of age and gradually subside when the baby is 3-4 months. How can you detect that your baby is suffering from colic? Check out for signs when your baby cries uninterruptedly even after a cuddling session with the mother. 

Some important aspects of colic that you need to know are: 

  • Painful crying with screeching, screaming quality 
  • Crying without a definite reason even after a feed and diaper change 
  • Continued irritability even after the crying episode has ended 
  • Discolouration of the face and stiffened legs & arms  
  • Crying episodes happen around the same time every day
  • Interrupted and erratic sleep schedules 

Food allergies, issues in the digestive system, etc. are some of the possible causes. Though it does not cause severe medical issues to the child, it is a stressful time for the parents. Don’t fret about this situation as this is a regular aspect of the baby’s early growth phase and won’t last forever. To help alleviate pain, you can try some of these easy home interventions: 

  • Lay your baby on his/her tummy, or give a nice, gentle rub on the tummy 
  • Wrap around a soft blanket around your baby and hold  him/her close to you 
  • Lay your baby on your lap and give a gentle massage on the  back 
  • To calm your baby down, a pacifier is a good go-to solution
  • Give a nice, warm bath to your baby

While you are taking care of your baby with colic, ensure to take care of yourself. Plan out the colic care schedule with your spouse so that you can have a few hours to unwind and vice versa. While music can soothe your child while having a colic spell, it can work wonders on you and help you overcome anxiety. Wear your headphones and listen to some pleasant music while you are tending your baby. Sometimes, a little sharing can be helpful. Speak to a friend or a counsellor if you need a listening ear. This can help you beat the blues. 

We hope that you understand colic in a better manner. Though it might not be a major matter of concern; it is always good to know about colic and if there’s anything more than the usual,  medical help is always available. Understand the symptoms of colic in terms of the frequency of episodes, patterns, etc. 

In case your baby experiences more discomfort and cries  intensely more than the regular norm, talk to our experts. 

Baby Care and breastfeeding when you have COVID-19

Breastfeeding in a pandemic: An overview:

COVID-19 is disrupting various routines worldwide. Every front of human life is under dispute and disharmony. The pandemic warrants quick actions under clinical observations. When a breakthrough becomes available, it may require subsequent guidelines to establish proper care. Breastfeeding is essential to optimize neonatal health. The health and growth benefits of breastmilk are undisputed and demonstrated. To establish secure breastfeeding in a pandemic like COVID-19, we should thoroughly understand the effects of the pandemic on maternal and neonatal health.

First of all, we should understand how the clinical characteristics of COVID-19 apply to breastfeeding. We should even understand the protective properties of breastfeeding. The tenets of neonatal healthcare may even include the importance of skin-to-skin care. The evidence available till today suggests that the risk of transmission of COVID-19 via breastmilk is very low. Breastfeeding is known for its irreplaceable health benefits both for the mother and the baby. Infection control strategies should be in place with stiff adherence to them. 

How to uphold care and caution while breastfeeding during the pandemics like COVID-19?

World Health Organization (WHO) rules that mothers with COVID-19 or suspected to carry the virus may opt to breastfeed their babies provided they follow every safety protocol. Breastfeeding is likened to promote anti-inflammatory responses along with antimicrobial properties and healthy immune responses. The components in breastmilk may also help prevent the incidence of respiratory tract infections. Breastmilk is loaded with an irreplaceable nutritional value contributing to the healthy growth of infants.

Even breastfeeding from women with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection can benefit the infants. Breastmilk constitutes a primordial form of health and development in infants. Breastfeeding establishes itself as the ideal food for kids during the first 6 months. With an irreplaceable nutritive value, it betters the immune response of kids strengthening the defense mechanisms against common and opportunistic infections. Regular and frequent breastfeeding also associates itself with a decrease in neonatal morbidity and mortality. 

How does the risk of COVID-19 endanger pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Current evidence is unclear about the vertical transmission of COVID-19 from the mother to her foetus through the placenta in pregnancy. Studies found no traces of the virus in amniotic fluid, placental tissue or umbilical cord blood. As stated above, the traces of novel coronavirus weren’t found in the breastmilk. Precautions are necessary to ensure a low risk of COVID-19 in babies and mothers who are breastfeeding. Mother-infant proximity is a healthy practice even amid the pandemics provided every safety protocol is in place. Healthcare professionals may extend their support to mothers who are unable to breastfeed in the wake of serious complications of COVID-19.

The women who are unable to breastfeed their baby may avail themselves of alternative methods. They may seek help from certified donor milk bank services or other centres dedicated to uplifting breastmilk supply. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the babies during the first 6 months of life. Even after including solid food in the diet of a child, mothers may continue breastfeeding their kids for 6 additional months. They may uphold this practice till the child reaches the age of 2. Mothers with COVID-19 must realize the importance of breastfeeding and opt for the same under stiff obstetric supervision. 

Why do people worry about the effects of COVID-19 on pregnancy and breastfeeding women?

Pregnant women aren’t more likely to fall prey to the COVID-19 infection than the nonpregnant counterparts. However, pregnancy itself involves many physiological changes including changes in the immune system and its response to the virulent microorganisms including COVID-19. Therefore, the incidence of COVID-19 in pregnancy may often relate to more severe symptoms of COVID-19. The COVID-19 pneumonia cases reported to date include mild to moderate symptoms and carry fair rates of recovery.

Pregnant women with other conditions such as hypertension, diabetes or high body mass index may develop complications following exposure to COVID-19. The pandemic itself may raise the risk of prenatal depression and anxiety in women. It may be important to extend proper obstetric care to pregnant and breastfeeding women. 

How to regularize breastfeeding and postnatal care in the pandemics like COVID-19?

More studies are needed to confirm whether the high-risk newborn babies are at a raised risk of complications or not. Infection of COVID-19 following any contact with virulent respiratory secretion may be a cause of concern. The healthcare staff and facilities may consider temporary separation in the event of maternal COVID-19 infection. 

Please follow the guidelines below if you find that temporary separation is mandatory:

  1. The healthcare team should assess the risks and benefits of temporary separation and communicate the same to the mother.
  2. The infants should be availed of a separate isolation room.
  3. In the event of the clinical obligations for colocation (rooming-in), of the baby and his/her sick mother in the same facility, facilities should consider every important aspect to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 from mother to child.
  4. The staff at the healthcare facility might consider using physical barriers to maintain safe distances between the mother and her child.?˜
  5. If there’s nobody to look after the new-born baby except the mother (COVID-19 infected or suspected) herself, the mother should maintain hygiene and practice hand sanitization under obstetric guidance. These standards should continue as long as the mother is under observation for the possibility of vertical transmission.


  1. Mothers willing to breastfeed their babies even under temporary separation should consider expressing their milk.
  2. Expressing milk offers various health benefits both to the mother and her baby including establishment and maintenance of the proper milk supply.
  3. Mothers can use dedicated breast pumps for seamless milk extraction. 
  4. Mothers should accustom themselves to safety protocols and hand hygiene as they start expressing breastmilk.
  5. After each session of milk extraction, every part of the pump should be sanitized and disinfected as directed by the manufacturer/medical official.
  6. Healthcare teams should include a healthy caregiver to ensure proper distribution and consumption of the expressed breastmilk.
  7. The mother and baby in colocation should be under proper clinical observation.
  8. The mother willing to feed the baby at the breast should always wear the facemask alongside the appropriate standards of hand hygiene before and after each feed.