Factors which decide IVF Success Rates Blog by Dr Geetha R

Dr. Geetha R on IVF Success Factors - Motherhood Hospital India

Reproductive medicine is an evolving field constantly working towards improving the success rates IVF has contributed to more than 6 million babies worldwide, innovations keep emerging and the success rates keep improving.

Success rates with IVF treatment though high cannot be 100% always.
The success rates are influenced by many external and internal factors

Internal factors:
Age of the couple and the type of infertility

External factors :
Lifestyle factors
Laboratory quality
Experience and the Skill of the Clinician and the embryologist

1. Age of the couple:

Age has got its own impact on fertility as in any other system .Advancing age has an impact on both the quantity and quality of available oocytes
More than 80% of embryos formed out of oocytes obtained from woman >42 years are found to be aneuploidy or chromosomally abnormal
The IVF success rates dramatically decreases when the woman is >35 years
Success rates are 40% if the woman is <35
30% – 35-37 years
22% – 38-40 YEARS
10% in 40-42
<5 % in woman>43 years

Paternal aging also has an impact on fertility by compromising the sperm quality by increasing the damage on the Sperm DNA hence decreasing the fertilisation capacity as well as embryo quality
Sperm DNA damage is considerably increased in men over 45 years.

2. Type of Fertlity problem

The most important factor which decides the success with IVF is the ovarian reserve.
The higher the number of follicles available, higher the number of oocytes obtained which translates to higher success rates.

Woman with low reserve yield less number of oocytes, < 3 oocytes is considered a decreased ovarian response which compromises the success rates

Low reserve may be a part of aging or conditions like endometriosis, surgery on the ovaries, some autoimmune or chromosomal problems or an exposure to chemotherapy or Radiotherapy
Success rates are very high even upto 80% when infertility is only due to tubal factor or low sperm counts
Suceess rates are compromised when multiple factors are present, Higher the number of factors contributing to infertility poorer are the success rates.

Success rates decease when the woman has multiple fibroids closer to the cavity, or adenomyosis.Both these factors may affect the implantation

External Factors

1. Lifestyle factors


Obesity in both male and female is proven to affect the gamete quality.It can also affect the way the body responds to fertility medications, very high doses of gonadotropins may be needed to achieve a desired response
Obesity may cause procedural difficulties which may affect oocyte yield
It is also known to affect implantation and is associated with increased rates of miscarriage

Smoking: Cigarette smoke has serious reproductive consequences for both men and women. The sperm of male smokers has been found to have reduced fertilizing capacity, and embryos from that sperm also display lower rates of implantation. In female smokers, the aging of the ovaries is faster, and their uteruses are less receptive. Overall, the outcome of IVF cycles has been found to be significantly worse in female smokers, who may require twice as many IVF cycles to become pregnant.

2. Laboratory quality

IVF laboratory plays a very crucial part in determining the success rates.After all the gametes need to be handled in a highly controlled and protective environment as the human body

Ÿ?? Microorganisms such as germs or fungi can have an adverse effect on developing embryos, so excellent air quality is a must. Specially designed Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) units equipped with charcoal filters and high-efficiency particulate (HEPA) air filters and enough dair pressure to completely change the air in the room 20 times per hour should be standard.

Ÿ?? Temperature and light: In the first few delicate hours and days of development, both of these factors are crucial. Keeping embryos at body temperature and filtering out ultraviolet light are two ways to eliminate stress which could damage growth.

An IVF lab with highest quality control constantly maintained by regular auditing of the lab conditions and procedures can definitely help in achieving highest success rates.

3. Experience and expertise of the clinician/Embryologist

Well experienced and qualified IVF clinician/Andrologist are of utmost importance in optimising the success rates as they can offer adjuvants , individualised protocols and sperm selection methods based on the ovarian reserve and sperm parameters respectively.Success of IVF also depends on the optimal preparation of the endometrial lining and the ease of embryo transfer technique.However good quality the embryos may be if fails to implant if the uterine environment is unfavourable or when difficulty is encountered in embryo transfer.A well experienced can make a big difference in these areas.

Qualification and the experience of the embryologist is also invaluable in determining the success rates.Minimal handling of the embryos, speed and gentleness of the procedures like ICSI, embryo freezing, thawing are critically important for high success rates, the minimum the exposure of the gametes/embryos outside the incubator, the maximum are the success rates.

Every fertility journey has an element of uncertainty, but there is a lot that your fertility clinic can do to contribute to IVF success

By Dr. Geetha R


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Our team is trained to maintain a friendly environment and always-ready-to-help approach is wore on sleeves by Motherhood team. To elevate the comfort level of mothers and reduce the stress level of everyone around them, the services are designed keeping all those practical realities in mind.

The intention behind being the best maternity hospital in Banashankari is to provide an all-inclusive set of maternity care facilities, starting from conceiving to delivery. The specialized team of paediatricians ensures regular check-up and visits, there are no delays or exceptions. While you are in the most dedicated maternity health care centre, no need to worry about any complication or unusual experience during your pregnancy. The doctors are primarily concerned about the health of the mother and child. Special assistance for a nutritious diet, care at home, and handling pre-delivery anxiety is what the maternity centre guides the mother and family about.

All pregnancy conditions and situations differ; hence, all the cases are treated with a customized approach, which helps our team to empathize with the parents at best. Post-delivery the doctors stay in regular touch to share their advice for breastfeeding, childŸ??s health and growth, diet and much more. They are always there to help you go through different stages of progression with the child. We know that a small word with your doctor is enough to comfort you in a difficult situation.

A HAPPY ENDING FOR THE YOUNG COUPLE- By Dr. Mirudhubashini Govindarajan

For long, this young pair had been dreaming of a happy home resounding with the gurgles and laughs of their little bundle of joy. But when this dream failed to turn into reality despite many tries there was extreme disappointment.

Thanjavur-based couple, 24-year-old Sowmya (name changed) and her 31-year-old husband Shrikant (name changed), had been married for three years. After they failed to conceive naturally, they consulted many IVF clinics but to no avail. They were put through many fertility treatments such as Ovulation Induction (in this treatment, a woman is given medication to help in the ovulation process or to increase the number of eggs released from the ovary) and two cycles of Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), wherein the sperms from the male partner are directly placed in the uterus of the woman to increase the chance of conception. But all these treatments failed to get any results. That is when the couple decided to visit Womens Center by Motherhood, Coimbatore.

When they came to us, the couple’s previous reports showed that the male partner’s sperm count was fluctuating quite remarkably – from no sperms in the semen to about 10 million. We did detailed evaluations of both the husband and wife at our hospital; we found that the wife’s parameters were more or less normal while the husband had hormonal imbalances, including low testosterone levels, said Dr. Mirudubhashini Govindarajan, Clinical Director-Obstetrics, Gynaecology & IVF Specialist at Womens Center by Motherhood.

To add to this, the man was morbidly obese with a BMI of 38, which could have been one of the contributing factors. As a first step, the doctor advised him to reduce weight and also put him on medication to bring his hormone levels to normal.
In two months, there was considerable progress. The male partner’s weight had reduced, and his hormones levels were better. As a result, the number and quality of the sperms improved.

Ÿ??Following this, we stimulated a few of the wife’s eggs for ovulation and carried out an IUI procedure on her. The treatment has borne fruit, and she is pregnant, added Dr. Mirudubhashini.

Many a time, when an infertility couple are seeking fertility treatment, the women is investigated for the cause and a cursory treatment is started. Often, not much attention is paid to the male partner. In about half the couples, there is a problem on the male side also. This may not be apparent by doing semen analysis alone and requires a proper work up to complete the initial assessment. This couple were a prime example of what can be achieved by this approach.

For more information on Advanced Fertility Procedures and Appointments, call 98848 38349.

My breastfeeding story – Mrs. Ramya

This is my breastfeeding story

Like any other new mother, I thought breastfeeding my newborn would be one of the easiest and natural things to do and no extra work was needed to be put in, especially mentally or emotionally. But was I so wrong! I found out the very second day after my baby was born that she wasn’t latching onto my breasts the right way and was losing weight because she isn’t taking in enough milk.

To me I didn’t know there was a right or a wrong and you could say I was very naive about it. I was in tears most times from the very beginning of my journey, whether be it cracked nipples, blocked ducts, milk blisters, engorgement, sore nipples etc. you name it I had it. Initially I even taught it may be because I did not have enough milk and that’s why my baby wasn’t putting weight which was not the case. I was producing enough or rather more than needed. It was at the hospital where I began expressing milk through a breast pump and I fed my baby. I had to resort to pumping because she needed it even after her direct feeds. I was producing so much milk that was way more than required.

In a way I would say I was lucky that I produced that much because even though she had a bad latch there was some milk entering her and she slowly started to gain weight. Initially she refused feeding from a feeding bottle and would drink very little through direct feeds. So, you can see I was challenged in in all sorts of ways. Then, after the third week she somehow latched onto the bottle and drank the required amount and gained so much weight that she was back on track but then she refused to get back on my breasts and thatŸ??s when my exclusively pumping journey began.

It was not easy to exclusively pump, the tears continued to roll down and it felt I couldn’t catch a break at all. There were times when I just felt defeated and decided to give her powder formula because excessive pumping was taking a toll on my mental and emotional stability. I was on the verge of getting into serious postpartum depression.

I didn’t give up though. I somehow found my strength to bounce back from these challenges just so that I could continue feeding my baby girl the best food I can give her which is a mother’s milk. From giving up in the first month I slowly pushed my giving up time to three months and then six months and now my baby is seven months old and I continue to exclusively pump.

It is because I had to make the hard choice of going against the stereotypical breast feeding. My baby has gained weight and her immune system has improved so much better. I will continue pumping till I can and until I feel it’s necessary.

Also, I am happy and proud to do this all myself and for all the milk I donated for those mommies with less milk and newborns who needed breast milk!

PS: No mommy should be obliged to forcefully go through this path. This is just my story of strength. I have found the courage to find happiness in feeding my baby girl through pumping.

Excessive or abnormal vaginal discharge: What can be the reasons?

Vaginal discharge is quite common, and thereŸ??s usually no reason to worry too much about it. However, thereŸ??s a sense of uncertainty involved in it which causes confusion and doubt for the person who is facing this problem.

While vaginal discharge is the way a womanŸ??s body manages fluid and cells, it can also indicate vaginal infections and whether you have a potential health issue which needs the attention of a gynaecologist. The reason for white discharge varies from woman to woman, and can change depending on multiple factors such as potential infections, menstrual cycle, hormones and pregnancy.

Excessive vaginal discharge or leukorrhea is often caused by an infection. Some commonwhite discharge causing infections include bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, yeast infection, vaginal atrophy, vaginitis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and human papilloma virus (HPV) or cervical cancer.

Bacterial vaginosis is likely to affect women who receive oral sex or who have multiple sexual partners. It has a strong, foul and sometimes fishy odour. Trichomoniasis results ina yellow or green discharge that has a foul odour. Pain, inflammation, and itching are also common symptoms. A yeast candida infection causes white, cottage cheese-like discharge in addition to burning and sometimes no discharge, just itching sensations.

Vaginal atrophy is the thinning and drying out of the vaginal walls during menopause while Vaginitis is characterised by irritation in or around the vagina.

Gonorrhoea and chlamydia are sexually transmitted infections (STIs) that can produce an abnormal discharge. PID occurs when bacteria spread up the vagina and into other reproductive organs. HPV or cervical cancer spreads through sexual contact. Cervical cancer can easily be screened with yearly Pap smears and HPV testing.

Stay aware of normal and abnormal changes in vaginal discharge. This allows you to identify infections and other health problems. You should contact your doctor if you notice your vaginal discharge has changed from its typical consistency, colour and smell or if you have other symptoms in your vaginal area. You should discuss your white discharge reason with your doctor if:

  • It has changed in consistency and appears yellow, green or even gray
  • It resembles cottage cheese in colour and consistency
  • It looks foamy or frothy and has a strong smell of fish, yeast or another odour
  • It is brown or blood-stained
  • You experience vaginal itching, swelling burning, or pain

If you have any questions about the vaginal discharge youŸ??re experiencing, contact Motherhood Hospitals which has a team of highly experienced gynaecologistŸ??s for white discharge treatment and quick relief from the problem. Older women should see a doctor promptly if they have a discharge, particularly if the discharge contains blood or is brown or pink (possibly indicating a small amount of blood). A discharge that occurs after menopause can be a warning sign of a precancerous disorder (such as thickening of the lining of the uterus) or cancer and should not be ignored. Our experts mitigate risk and suggest you thorough options, medicinal as well as highly advanced minimally invasive procedures like endometriosis surgery (hysteroscopy, laparoscopy).


Endometrial Cancer

Supportive care and treatment options for endometrial cancer - Motherhood Hospital India

Safe Surgical Treatment For Every Woman

Many conditions affecting the reproductive organs may go unnoticed till the patients suffer severe symptoms like bleeding and pain. Advanced gynaecological surgeries can help women get back to normal. So, Motherhood hospital’s gynaecological programme ensures that women get the advantage of a timely diagnosis and effective treatment that includes advanced gynaecological surgeries wherever necessary.

Dr Suhasini Inamdar, Consultant, Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Motherhood hospitals, Indiranagar talks about a few conditions and the advanced treatment for them:

Endometrial Cancer

Endometrial cancer arises from the cells that make up the endometrium, which is the lining of the uterus. This type of cancer is known to affect 3-4 per 100, 000 women in India, according to a study published in the US-based Journal of the National Cancer Institute in October 2017. The 15-year study, across 43 countries, conducted by researchers from the American Cancer Society and International Agency for Research on Cancer found that endometrial cancer was more common among postmenopausal women. One of the most common signs of cancer of the endometrium is bleeding after menopause.


  1. Vaginal bleeding/post-menopausal bleeding
  2. Pelvic pain
  3. Irregular menstruation
  4. Bleeding between periods

The condition can be diagnosed through a hysteroscopy. One of the patients who presented with endometrial cancer at Motherhood Hospital was a 50-year-old woman with a history of breast cancer.

Around 15 years ago, the patient had undergone a procedure to remove a lump in her breast. At that time, doctors had also performed an oopherectomy (a surgical procedure to remove the ovaries) on her to prevent cancer from recurring. Later, she was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and was taking radioactive iodine as treatment. As a result, she became hypothyroid.


When she consulted us this year, she had severe post-menopausal bleeding. Because of the hypothyroidism, the patient had become obese. We did a hysteroscopy and found that the endometrial lining was thickened considerably. The best option is to do a laparoscopic hysterectomy. The risk was high because of the patient’s weight and her earlier procedures, said Dr Inamdar.

Laparoscopic hysterectomy is a minimally-invasive procedure to remove the uterus. It is carried out with the help of a laparoscope, a thin lighted tube with a camera at the end. Small incisions are made near the navel and the lower abdomen; the device is inserted through one of them and the surgeon performs the procedure by seeing the images beamed from the camera on a screen.

In this case, the expertise of the doctors at Motherhood ensured that the surgery had a successful outcome. The patient also made a quick recovery as blood loss and pain was minimal.

Large Fibroids – Dr Sireesha Reddy

Advanced gynae surgeries for women

Diagnosing the condition early and giving the right treatment can help in alleviating the pain of the affected woman. That is what sets Motherhood Hospital apart Ÿ?? as medical experts who have the know-how and experience to deal effectively with complicated conditions including multiple fibroids, cysts, endometrial cancers, pelvic prolapse and other problems. State-of-the-art technology and medical prowess of the doctors at Motherhood ensure the patients make a speedy recovery.

Dr Sireesha Reddy, Consultant, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Motherhood Hospital, Hebbal talks about some of the complex conditions and their advanced gynaecological surgery solutions which are being conducted at the hospital on a regular basis.

Large Fibroids?˜?˜

In most instancesŸ?? fibroids may not pose any major problems or show marked symptoms. But, when they grow large and cause debilitating pain and bleeding, thus interfering with day-to-day activities Ÿ?? it is time to act.

Gynaecological surgery is a good option, yet many women continue to suffer and refuse surgery, as they are scared to go undergo them. That is what happened with 40-year-old Seema (name changed) who was diagnosed with large fibroids.

Ÿ??The patient had heavy bleeding and was extremely anaemic. She was on hormone therapy to regulate her periods and a host of other medications, when she came to us. Even though none of them were working, she was reluctant to have surgery, as she was scared, she would have a huge scar on her abdomen and that she would be bedridden for long. But at Motherhood, we convinced her to undergo a laparoscopic hysterectomy to remove the uterus, as the incisions would be tiny and she would make a quick recovery,Ÿ? informed Dr Sireesha Reddy, who conducted the surgery.


Despite the patient having large fibroids, the doctor was able to successfully remove the uterus through the minimally-invasive procedure. In fact, upon removal, the uterus weighed 1.2 kg. The patient was thrilled with the outcome, as the tiny incisions were hardly visible, and the blood loss was also minimal. She did not have to endure much pain and got back to a normal lifestyle shortly.

Vaginal Vault Prolapses – Dr Suhasini

Dr. Suhasini Explains Vaginal Vault Prolapses and Causes and Treatment Options - Motherhood Hospital India

Advanced Gynae Surgeries for Women

Certain gynaecological conditions can make day-to-day life miserable for many women. These specialised procedures give them much-needed relief.

Every year, thousands of women in India are diagnosed with serious gynaecological conditions. Of these, some may seek timely treatment while many may not be aware of the dangers of these problems.

Dr Sireesha Reddy, Consultant, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Motherhood Hospital, Hebbal talks about some of the complex conditions and their advanced gynaecological surgery solutions which are being conducted at the hospital on a regular basis.

Vaginal Vault Prolapses

A pelvic prolapse is a condition wherein one of the organs in the pelvic region starts coming down abnormally, causing a lot of discomfort. This could happen because of age-related causes including wear and tear of tissues over time, pregnancy and childbirth or due to congenital factors. When the tissues supporting the top part of the vagina become weak, resulting in that part of the vagina to sag or drop down into the vaginal canal, it is called vaginal vault prolapse. Sometimes, the sagging part of the vaginal wall may even be visible through the vaginal opening. Some women, who have undergone hysterectomy, may experience this condition because of the pelvic support tissues becoming weakened over the years.


  1. Discomfort and pressure in the pelvic region
  2. Back pain
  3. Difficulty in urinating/passing motion
  4. Urinary incontinenceTreatment

Apart from being a birthing centre, Motherhood Hospital is well-equipped and has an envious line-up of medical experts to carry out advanced surgical procedures for complicated gynaecological conditions. This includes minimally-invasive procedures to correct prolapse.

Advanced surgery to repair a vaginal vault prolapse will prevent the sagging and give relief from the symptoms, helping an affected woman lead a normal life without discomfort. We had a 65-year-old woman who came to us with symptoms of pressure and difficulty in passing urine. She had undergone a hysterectomy about 20 years ago. Investigations revealed that she was suffering from a vaginal vault prolapse. We performed a laparoscopic sacrocolposuspension procedure, which gave her much-needed relief from her symptoms, said Dr Sireesha Reddy.

In this minimally-invasive procedure, the surgeon makes tiny incisions on the lower abdomen and the top part of the vagina is connected to the tail bone through a graft. As in all laparoscopic procedures, scarring and blood loss is minimal and the patient makes a quick recovery.

Multiple Fibroids – Dr Suhasini

Multiple fibroids and their treatment options with Dr. Suhasini - Motherhood Hospital India

Safe Surgical Treatment for Every Woman?˜

Women are often so busy looking after the needs of their loved ones and trying to strike a work-life balance that they fail to take care of their health.

Many women may experience setbacks in their reproductive health yet suffer discomfort silently till it becomes unbearable. Dr Suhasini Inamdar, Consultant, Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Motherhood hospitals, Indiranagar talks about a few conditions and the advanced treatment for them and ensures that women get the advantage of a timely diagnosis and effective treatment that includes advanced gynaecological surgeries wherever necessary.

Multiple Fibroids:

Fibroids are benign growths that occur within the uterus and are quite common among women. Uterine fibroids affect around 20-40 per cent of women in their reproductive age.?˜They grow on the wall of the uterus and may be single or in clusters. Most fibroids go undetected as some patients may not show any signs of symptoms.


  1. Vaginal bleeding
  2. Bleeding between periods
  3. Painful periods
  4. Pain and discomfort in the pelvic region
  5. Heaviness and bloating of the lower abdomen
  6. Infertility

In some women, fibroids can interfere with day-to-day functioning as they cause severe pain and bleeding. As a result, the quality of life suffers considerably. In such cases, surgical treatment can help the patient get back to a normal, productive life.

Talking about a challenging case, Dr Suhasini said:

Ÿ??We had a 30-year-old patient who came to us with complaints of severe pain in the abdomen and heavy bleeding. She was anaemic and because of that she was always tired and unable to work to her full potential. Investigations revealed that the patient had multiple fibroids in her uterus. In fact, one of the fibroids was jutting into the lining of the womb, displacing the endometrium.Ÿ?


Myomectomy: As the woman was in her reproductive years and wanted to conceive, the main challenge was to remove the fibroids while preserving the uterus. Also, care had to be taken not to damage the fallopian tubes. So, doctors performed myomectomy, a?˜surgery?˜to remove fibroids without taking out the healthy tissue of the uterus. A cut was made in the abdomen and the fibroids were carefully extracted. This procedure is recommended for women who want to get pregnant.

Ÿ??We removed more than 90 fibroids from her uterus, in such a way that there was no scope for infection in future and the tissue was not scarred. As a follow-up we have conducted a hysteroscopy (procedure to investigate the inside of the uterine cavity using a hysteroscope, a pipe-like device with a camera at one end) and the patient is recovering well,Ÿ? added Dr Inamdar.

Another surgical treatment for multiple fibroids is total hysterectomy, where the entire uterus and cervix are removed. This can be performed through the minimally-invasive route as well, even when the fibroids are large.

Can Short Intervals between Pregnancies Increase the Risk of Preterm Birth? – Dr. Suhasini Inamdar

No doubt pregnancy is a wonderful journey, but when your babyŸ??s health is your top priority, it is essential to learn about preterm birth. After all, 33, 41,000 babies are born prematurely in India each year out of which 3, 61,600 children under the age of five die due to health condition related to preterm complications.

Please donŸ??t let these numbers spin your head because fortunately most Ÿ??preemiesŸ? or prematurely born babies grow up to be perfectly fine!

What causes Preterm Birth?

Even though preemies generally grow up to be healthy and fine,?˜ it does not hurt to learn about it, starting with these top causes:

  • Preeclampsia
  • HELLP Syndrome
  • Early Uterine Contractions
  • Multiple Births
  • A Family History of Preemies
  • Age of the Mother (a teenager or someone over 40)
  • Chronic Stress
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle (of the mother)
  • Closely Spaced Pregnancies

Can Closely Spaced Pregnancies Increase the Risk of Preterm Birth?

Well, yes!?˜ A study conducted by the Ohio Department of Health strongly agrees to it.

The study was done to learn about the influence of inadequate birth spacing on the duration of the subsequent pregnancy taking account of 4, 54,716 live births from women with two or more pregnancies over a period of six years. The time recorded from the immediate preceding birth to the subsequent conception of the next pregnancy was defined as a short interpregnancy interval or IPI by the researches. Here, women with short IPIs were divided into two distinct groups; IPI less than 12 months and IPI 12-18 months.

The results showed that in women belonging to the first group, i.e. IPI less than 12 months, 53.3% of the women (4, 54,716) had delivered the baby before completing 39 weeks. Also, the rate of preterm birth before 37 weeks of gestation was higher in these women. This study proved that mothers with shorter IPIs were more likely to give preterm delivery when compared to women with optimal birth spacing that is greater than or equal to 18 months.

Why are Closely Spaced Pregnancies not Good for You and Your Baby?

Closely spaced pregnancies are another cause of premature birth. Remember that you just had your baby and your body has gone through a lot; therefore, it needs time to recover. The more time you give, the lesser are the chances of birthing a preemie or vice versa.

Your pregnancy stresses your body, it exhausts the body of nutrients and hence the body takes time to build up the supply of protein, vitamins, and everything in between. Your body can barely support you; that is why you need to focus on restoring those levels.

Also, the vaginal canal and the bacterial balance have to restore especially if you had vaginal infections. So, if you want another baby, we suggest you wait for at least 18 months, keeping in mind your health and the health of your bundle of joy. Remember, without enough time to recover, preterm birth is highly likely.

Why Motherhood?

Motherhood Hospital provides services which include our highly accomplished clinicians, nursing care ably supported by the latest technologies and treatment protocols. With state-of-the-art NICUŸ??s, Labor Suites, Adult ICUŸ??s, Operative Rooms, Laboratory Services, and 24/7 pharmacy, Motherhood delivers the best in women, newborn and childrenŸ??s health care.

Our Obstetric services include:

  • Prenatal Check
  • Antenatal Care (before birth)
  • Intrapartum Care (during labour and delivery)
  • Postnatal Care (after birth)

Therefore, there is more than one reason to trust us! Motherhood has got your back during your entire journey of pregnancy and after that. Our team of professionals can guide you through the whole process of pregnancy from start to finish.

Book your appointment today with our experts or send us an inquiry.