Getting Your Toddler Moving: The Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
Having healthy habits from the initial stages of a baby’s life makes them develop a healthy lifestyle, in the future. Now your toddler needs to develop a variety of habits, but some are more important for their well-being than others. And this article solely focuses on the habits that you as a parent should teach your toddler.
Wash hands: The best habit to develop is washing your hands, and this goes for adults and children. Explaining the significance of handwashing to your toddler is the first step you should take in teaching them the value of it.
Nurturing Healthy Eating Habits in Your Toddler
Fruits and vegetables in the meals: Children who consume fruits and vegetables at every meal fill up on the proper amounts of high-fiber, high-nutrient foods.
Cut back on added sugars: The average child consumes 10 teaspoons of added sugar each day, or 16% of their total calories. Keep it between 0-5%
Creating a Safe and Stimulating Environment for Your Toddler
Maintain healthy oral hygiene: Early instruction of twice-daily tooth brushing will help your toddler avoid cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease.
Choose whole grains: Whole-grain foods like whole wheat, brown rice, oats, and popcorn all provide fiber and B vitamins in addition to an energy boost.
Make sleep a priority: Your toddler needs a good 7-8 hours of sleep for physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
4 meals a day is a must: Children who are permitted to graze may have fewer appetites and an interest in trying new meals. They can go without food in between meals. They’ll be more hungry when it’s time to eat and will enjoy the filling meals.
Diversify protein source: A child’s diet should contain a variety of good sources of protein, including seafood, poultry, lean meat, eggs, dairy products, beans, peas, nuts, and seeds.
Make learning a habit: To keep your child cognitively stimulated from an early age, start soon by reading books to them and looking into early childhood education choices.
Drink water: Sweetened drinks can be preferred well by your toddler instead of water but they have been held accountable for a number of the health issues affecting kids, so sticking to water is a must too.
Toddler years are said to be a period of transformation; especially between 12-24 months, when your toddler is learning to consume table food and absorbing new tastes and textures. When your child was an infant, breast milk and formula were ideal, but now that they’re toddlers, it’s time for them to start obtaining what they need from a range of foods.
Recommended Food Groups for Toddlers: What Your Child Needs to Stay Healthy
Toddlers require between 1,000-1,400 calories per day, depending on their age, size, and amount of activity. And to provide your child with the required amount of nutritious diet, you must understand exactly what a healthy diet is, and today, we’re going to focus solely on that topic. Listed below are 5 must-need food items that you should add to your child’s diet.
Veggies and fruits:
You weren’t surprised to see it, were you? Well, that’s the thing, fruits and vegetables are must-needed items in your little one’s diet for proper nutrition. While if your little one is a picky eater and is more biased toward fruits, it’s fine! Children tend to favour fruit over many veggies because of the fruit’s inherent sweetness. But if it’s the vice-versa, then congratulations, mommy! No more tension for you.
You should consume grains in about 25% of your diet. Pasta, rice, and bread fall into this category. And if your toddler is already in love with these, then it’s a win-win situation for you.
Eggs are an extremely nutritious, affordable, versatile, and delectable complete protein.
Lentils and legumes:
Most individuals don’t eat enough garbanzo beans, often known as chickpeas, which are inexpensive and flavorful. Red lentils are pleasant and simple to prepare, which I find youngsters really enjoy. In many dishes, ground beef can be replaced with puy lentils, other brown lentils, or black beans.
Fish provides additional advantages besides being a good source of protein. Oily fish like sardines and mackerel are the richest sources of omega 3. Many children dislike “fishy fish.” Whitefish, on the other hand, has far less omega 3 but is typically more well-liked by children.
Author – Dr. Chetan B MBBS, DCH, DNB(pead), FIPM(NNF),MNAMS
Consultant – Neonatologist at Motherhood Hospital, Mysore
What Is Baby Food?
Baby food is food that is specifically formulated or prepared for infants and young children, typically those under the age of 2. Baby food is typically soft, mashed, or pureed, as infants do not have the teeth or ability to chew well.
There are several types of baby food, including:
Breastmilk or infant formula: For infants under 6 months old, breastmilk or infant formula is the main source of nutrition.
Single ingredient purees: These are purees made from a single type of fruit or vegetable, such as mashed banana or cooked and mashed sweet potato.
Multi-ingredient purees: These are purees made from a combination of two or more ingredients, such as a mixture of cooked and mashed vegetables or a fruit and vegetable blend.
Finger foods: These are soft, cooked, and mashed foods that infants can pick up and eat on their own, such as soft cooked and mashed vegetables, cooked and mashed fruits, and soft cooked and mashed meats.
Snacks: These are small, easy-to-eat foods that can be given as an occasional treat, such as small pieces of soft fruit or cheese.
Infant digestion differs from that of adults in several ways:
Infants produce more enzymes, which help to break down food.
Infants have a shorter digestive tract, which means that food passes through their system more quickly.
Infants have less developed immune systems, which means that they are more prone to infections and food sensitivities.
There are several factors that can affect infant digestion, including the type and amount of food that they eat, the presence of any underlying medical conditions, and the presence of any digestive disorders.
How Do I Transition From Liquid To Solids?
Transitioning from liquid to solid food is an important milestone for infants, as it marks the beginning of their journey towards a varied and nutritious diet. Here are some general guidelines for transitioning infants from liquid to solid food:
Wait until the infant is ready: Infants typically show signs of readiness for solid food when they are around 6 months old. Signs of readiness include the ability to sit upright with support, the ability to coordinate the movements of their eyes, hands, and mouth, and the ability to swallow food.
Start with single ingredient purees: When introducing solid food for the first time, it’s best to start with single ingredient purees, such as mashed banana or cooked and mashed sweet potato. This will help you to identify any allergies or sensitivities.
Gradually increase the variety and texture of foods: Once your baby is comfortable with single ingredient purees, you can gradually increase the variety and texture of the foods that you offer. This may include adding small amounts of rice cereal to breastmilk or formula to make a thicker consistency, as well as introducing mashed or pureed finger foods, such as soft cooked and mashed vegetables, cooked and mashed fruits, soft cooked and mashed meats, and soft cooked and mashed beans.
Pay attention to your baby’s cues: It’s important to pay attention to your baby’s cues when introducing solid food. If they are not interested in eating or if they seem to be struggling to swallow, it may be best to wait a few days before trying again.
Is Breastfeeding Important?
Breastfeeding is the recommended method of feeding infants for the first 6 months of life, and it should be continued for up to 2 years or beyond, along with the introduction of appropriate complementary foods. Breastfeeding has numerous benefits for both infants and mothers, including:
Nutritional benefits: Breastmilk is the perfect food for infants, as it contains all the nutrients that they need in the right balance and in a form that is easy for them to digest. Breastmilk also contains antibodies that help to protect infants against infections and diseases.
Bonding benefits: Breastfeeding promotes bonding and attachment between mothers and infants, as it involves close physical contact and skin-to-skin contact.
Health benefits: Breastfeeding has been shown to reduce the risk of a number of health conditions in infants, including asthma, allergies, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. It has also been shown to reduce the risk of some types of cancer in mothers.
Economic benefits: Breastfeeding can save families money, as it eliminates the need to purchase formula and related feeding supplies.
It’s important to note that breastfeeding may not always be possible or desirable for all mothers and infants. In these cases, infant formula can be used as a suitable alternative. It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for personalised recommendations. A healthy diet for an infant includes a variety of foods from all food groups. It’s important to provide a balance of nutrients, including protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, and minerals.
Guidelines For Feeding An Infant
For infants under 6 months old, breastmilk or formula is the main source of nutrition. After 6 months, solid foods can be introduced and gradually increased in variety and quantity. The World Health Organization recommends introducing solid foods at around 6 months of age, when an infant has developed the physical ability to swallow and chew.
Here are some general guidelines for feeding infants:
1-6 Months Baby Food Chart:
Breastmilk or formula, as the main source of nutrition
Single ingredient purees, such as mashed banana, cooked and mashed sweet potato, cooked and mashed carrots, cooked and mashed peas, cooked and mashed green beans
6-8 Months Baby Food Chart:
Breastmilk or formula, as the main source of nutrition
Single ingredient purees, such as mashed banana, cooked and mashed sweet potato, cooked and mashed carrots, cooked and mashed peas, cooked and mashed green beans
Add small amounts of rice cereal to breastmilk or formula to make a thicker consistency
Start introducing mashed or pureed finger foods, such as soft cooked and mashed vegetables, cooked and mashed fruits, soft cooked and mashed meats, soft cooked and mashed beans
10-12 Months Baby Food Chart:
Breastmilk or formula, as the main source of nutrition
Mashed or pureed finger foods, such as soft cooked and mashed vegetables, cooked and mashed fruits, soft cooked and mashed meats, soft cooked and mashed beans
Soft, cooked, and mashed grains, such as rice, quinoa, and lentils
Small amounts of unsweetened yoghurt
Soft, cooked pasta
Soft, cooked and mashed eggs
Soft, cooked and mashed fish
It’s important to remember that every baby is different and may progress at a different pace. It’s also important to introduce new foods one at a time and to watch for any signs of allergies. Consult with your child’s paediatrician before introducing any new foods.
At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Paediatrician Mysore, Mysuru. Our Neonatology Department has expert neonatologists, paediatricians, paediatric surgeons, and nurses that are trained in new-born care. Do take an appointment with the best childcare hospital in Mysore, Mysuru at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.
While trying to conceive, some couples may get pregnant immediately while for some it may take longer than expected. Therefore, the path towards parenthood can be challenging, sometimes. However, there are some ways by which you can increase your fertility.
Quick fact
Caffeine intake by a woman can impact how long it takes for her to get pregnant.
Tips to boost your fertility
Following are some ways in which improve the chances of conceiving:
Maintaining a healthy weight: Healthy weight is an important factor that can help you with fertility where an overweight or underweight woman may find it difficult to conceive. Hormone regulation can get affected by weight which can impact the ovulation.
Know when you ovulate: You can keep the track of your ovulation (when your ovaries release an egg) which is the best time for conceiving. Provided you are having regular periods, it means you can try to conceive on days 8-19 after periods, while as in case of irregular cycles, you should use a calendar to track it.
Limit your alcohol intake: Excessive alcohol consumption can affect the ovulation in women along with affecting the production of hormones in men, leading to decreased chances of fertility. It is better to limit your alcohol intake.
Eat healthy foods: Eating healthy foods can help you obtain critical nutrients to maintain a healthy body. Your diet should comprise of variety of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, dairy foods etc. Besides, you should consume about 8-10 cups of water a day.
Quit smoking: Smoking is ascribed with fertility problems where it can effect ovaries. It is better to stay away from smoking, and increase your fertility.
Exercising: You don’t need to stress about your pregnancy where you can exercise daily to cope with the pressure.
Try for conceiving often: Try to have sex often, at least 3 times a week. There are more chances to conceive when you try continuously.
At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist who are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological needs, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.
Do take an appointment with the best maternity hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.
A healthy and balanced diet concurs to the healthy physical life of a person. Besides having this benefit, a well-balanced diet can also affect our mental health in a positive manner. It has been observed that a good food can have positive impact on the overall mental wellness along with being productive in managing mental illness like depression and anxiety.
When a healthy diet is consumed that is rich in nutrients, it can help to better the mood along with increasing the required energy levels. When the body is having a nutritious diet, it gains the tendency to think well with the elements that compromise our regular intake.
Importance of good food for sound mental health
When the food rich in carbohydrate is consumed, it contains the energy derived from the blood glucose which is used for the functioning of the body, of which 20% energy is devoured by the brain. Thus, having less carbohydrates tends to less energy which leads to the feeling of weakness, tiredness and vague thinking. Besides, fluctuating glucose levels can impact on the mood leading to the feelings of lowness, irritation etc.
Proteins are also required by the brain to regulate the thoughts and feelings.
Vitamins and minerals can also affect the physical and mental health where the lack of iron and vitamin B can lead to the feeling of tiredness, irritation, lowness etc. Besides, deficiency of folate and selenium can lead to the increased chances of depression and negative mood states.
Staying hydrated is also important to concentrate and think clearly.
Therefore, eating a balanced diet full of nutrition can help in the improvement of your mood, provide you more energy and also help you in thinking clearly.
At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Nutritionist customized diet plans for pregnant women and monitor their health throughout the period of pregnancy, in consultation with gynaecologists.
Do take an appointment with the best women and childcare hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.
Pregnancy pertains to the physical and hormonal changes in the body where the needs of the person also alter. The growing fetus inside the womb requires sufficient nutrients during the stage of development. For coping the nutritional requirements that correspond to the healthy lifestyle, appropriate weight gain, a balanced diet, exercising regularly, vitamin and mineral supplementation should be considered.
Calorie intake during Pregnancy
During the course of pregnancy, 300 extra calories are required for maintaining the healthy body and suffice the needs of the fetus. To incorporate these calories, a balanced diet comprising of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains should be consumed. Besides, it is better to limit the intake of sugar and fats as a balanced diet can help in relieving the symptoms of pregnancy.
Fluid intake should also be taken into consideration during pregnancy as it forms a significant part of nourishing the body. Alongside water, juices and soups should also be consumed in subtle amounts.
Nutritional foods during pregnancy
For vitamin A and potassium: Carrots, sweet potatoes, amaranth, spinach, tomatoes, squash, bell peppers, cantaloupe, ragi, jowar, etc. are good source of vitamin and potassium as it helps to maintain the balance of fluids and electrolytes.
Calcium, potassium, Vitamin A and D: Fat free or low fat yogurt, milk, soya milk etc. should be a part of balance diet as calcium helps build the baby’s bones and regulate fluids.
Iron and folic acid: Grains inclusive of cereals reduces the risk of neural tube defects and increase the blood flow.
Proteins: Beans, chickpeas, soybean, chia seeds, quinoa, etc. provide proteins to the baby and mother which are required for the proper growth of baby, along with increasing blood supply.
At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Nutritionist customized diet plans for pregnant women and monitor their health throughout the period of pregnancy, in consultation with gynaecologists.
Do take an appointment with the best women and childcare hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.
Maintaining good health during the weeks of pregnancy provides your baby with the nutrition it needs as it steps into the world. Doing regular exercise, following a balanced diet and keeping up with scheduled appointments with your doctor are some of the pregnancy care tips that help you to have a healthy pregnancy. Let’s learn more about the steps you could take right from the first month of pregnancy:
1. Focus on eating healthy – Inculcate a healthy and balanced diet in your regime: Here is what you could include:
Have five portions of fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Consume fresh fruits or fresh juices and avoid drinking packaged or canned ones. Along with this, also avoid vegetables that come packed in saltwater. Do not forget to drink plenty of water.
Starchy foods such as pasta, rice, bread and potatoes should make more than one-third of all the food you are eating. Furthermore, always choose whole grain variants instead of the white ones since you need plenty of fibre. Also, leave the skin on potatoes while cooking to provide more nutrition for you and your baby.
Have daily servings of protein from good sources like eggs, fish (two portions weekly should be oily such as mackerel, salmon or sardines), pulses, lean meat, beans, or nuts.
Consuming dairy foods such as yoghurt, milk and cheeses is also recommended right from the first trimester of your pregnancy.
2. Take your supplements
During your pregnancy, you and your growing baby need to have regular folic acid and Vitamin D supplements. These will be required even if you are having a well-balanced diet. Although it is recommended to eat healthily and have your daily quota of vitamins, minerals and nutrients from your diet, if you are having issues with consuming the right kind of food, talk to your doctor for all the required supplements your body might need for a healthy pregnancy.
3. Regular exercise
Regular exercise gives your body several benefits not only during pregnancy but also in post-pregnancy care. Make sure to include the following exercises during your pregnancy weeks:
Brisk walking
Aquanatal classes
Get in touch with your exercise instructor and inform that you’re pregnant so he/ she can tailor classes or exercises specifically for you.
4. Perform pelvic floor exercises
The wide sling of muscles present at the base of your pelvis is what’s known as your pelvic floor. The functionality of these muscles is to support your bladder, vagina and back passage. During the weeks of pregnancy you may feel these muscles are getting weaker because of the extra pressure on them. To ensure adequate strength is maintained in these muscles, perform pelvic floor exercises including Kegel exercises regularly. Do take your doctor’s advice on which type of exercise best benefits you. The benefit will be experienced once you start building up to 10 long squeezes of 10 seconds followed by 10 short squeezes thrice a day.
5. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol
Regardless of the concentration, alcohol of any type will reach your baby rapidly via your bloodstream and placenta. Hence, there is no safe or minimum level of alcohol to drink during your pregnancy and one should avoid drinking to put the baby under any harm. Similarly, smoking during pregnancy can expose you and your baby to serious health problems such as miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or placental abruption.
6. Stop caffeine intake
High caffeine content elevates the risk of stillbirth and miscarriage late in pregnancy. Hence try not to consume too much coffee, energy drinks, cola, tea or chocolates. Apart from the mentioned risks, caffeine can also contribute to having a low-birth-weight baby or premature birth.
At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of expert doctors, super specialists and highly trained nurses backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We ensure complete care and advice to ensure a safe delivery at any of our centres. All our centres are equipped with modern equipment and the expertise to handle complex deliveries. Do take an appointment at a centre closest to you with our doctor and have a safe delivery of your baby.
What are the prerequisites for good pregnancy care?
Pregnancy care remains one of the most significant topics in obstetrics and paediatrics. It may include healthy lifestyle choices such as taking prenatal vitamins and seeking the right consultation for pregnancy and wellness. Prenatal care is all about assuring nutrition that helps your body develop the right setup. Proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, minerals and vitamins help your body prevent exhaustion in various ways.
Prenatal nutrition:
Evidence suggests that a high body mass index (BMI) before pregnancy, poor nutrition and excessive weight gain hamper the overall quality of pregnancy and childbirth. It may even contribute to non-communicable diseases. Both underweight and overweight new-borns may struggle with metabolic diseases in their lifetime. The mother’s health before pregnancy is affected by genetics and nutrition. These are the two main factors. The presence of congenital issues and exposure to occupational toxins are the other factors affecting the overall quality of pregnancy.
Pre-pregnancy weight influences your baby’s birth weight. Underweight women may give birth to small babies. Overweight women may be at a higher risk of high blood pressure or gestational diabetes. Consult your healthcare provider to find out more about healthy weight gain or loss toward healthy childbirth.
Below are the basic guidelines:
Avoid artificial sweeteners and drinks, sweets, cakes, biscuits and marmalades.
Eat more unsaturated fats like nuts, healthy seeds, avocados.
Lentils, beans, fruits and vegetables are the right suggestions.
Avoid saturated or bad fats. Bad fats may further create problems like bad cholesterol.
Fried foods, pastries, biscuits, cakes and pies are the foods to avoid.
Wholegrain high fibre foods are essential to ensure health throughout all the trimesters.
Consider joining a pregnancy exercise class.
Stay updated with every instruction given by your dietician/obstetrician.
Yoga is one of the healthy ways to live. It’s helpful especially when you start preparing your body for a healthy pregnancy.
Pregnancy tips on safety and nutrition:
Prenatal nutrition assures that the pregnancy is well-prepared and well-defined. Weight in proportion to height and dietary regimen are the two factors determining foetal health. Find out how many additional calories you may need in pregnancy. The concept called ‘eat for two’ may be a fact for some but a myth for many. A gradual rise in calories alongside the baby’s development will help you. If it’s your first trimester, you may need 0 extra calories. If you are in the second trimester, you may need up to 300-350 extra calories a day. If you are in the third trimester, you may need 450 extra calories.
Follow the guidelines and details given below:
DHA is essential for your baby’s brain development and growth. DHA is known to help you maintain a healthy pregnancy all along.
Vitamin C:
Vitamin C helps in the development of healing abilities. Vitamin C helps your baby develop teeth and bones.
Fat is the energy we need. It’s one of the essentials that aid the development of your baby’s organs and placenta. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) aid the growth of your baby’s nervous system, retina and brain.
Calcium is one of the essentials in the healthy growth of your baby’s bones, teeth, muscles, nerve functions and heart functions. Calcium controls the overall inflow of fluid.
Iodine is important for a healthy brain and a good nervous system. Substantial intake of iodine helps the baby move, feel and think appropriately.
Protein is helpful in the development of your baby’s tissue. It aids the growth of your baby’s breast and uterine tissue, muscles, and blood in pregnancy.
Iron is essential in the manufacture of haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is a protein present in red blood cells that carries oxygen to your tissues. The need to supply the blood adequately to the baby rises in pregnancy. The amount of blood in the body increases in pregnancy.
Folic Acid:
Folic acid plays a crucial role in making blood during pregnancy. Folic acid is essential for the baby’s brain and spine. Folic acid is also a key element when it comes to preventing neural tube defects (NTD) in the baby. An adequate supply of folic acid helps prevent 70% of all NTDs. All these essentials contribute to a healthy pregnancy and wellness.?
Daily Nutrient Requirements:
DHA – 200 mg/day
Iodine – 220 mcg/day
Vitamin C – 85mg/day
Vitamin D – 600 IU/day
Folic Acid – 60 mcg/day
Iron – 27 mg/day
Protein – 75-100 g /day
Calcium – 1000 mg/day
Do you develop cravings?
The actual cause of food cravings in pregnancy isn’t well established. The majority of the researches suggest that hormonal changes in pregnancy may lead to cravings. Hormonal changes may make you more sensitive than ever to certain tastes and smells. It all ultimately leads to food cravings. Most obstetricians or midwives may suggest you satisfy your food cravings. It’s a good habit as long as the food you consume is nutritious.
How essential is dental care in pregnancy?
A poor diet is likely to interfere with dental health. You should control your dental health and uplift it with:
Regular dental treatments if and as needed
Regular dental checks
Regular cleanliness dedicated to the overall dental upkeep.
How about your eating habits?
If you have a chronic health condition to manage, you may be on a restricted diet. Personal beliefs are also a reason why some women restrict their eating habits. If you are planning to conceive, start with a consultation with your obstetrician/GP. Some women may have an eating disorder like anorexia nervosa or bulimia. It’s important to design a proper diet in such cases. Some health forums are also available nowadays online. You may consider following the health forums. However, always ask your GP or obstetrician about what suits your overall pre-pregnancy health.
Start practising food hygiene:
Food poisons are risky for everyone. Some foodborne illnesses are dangerous for your baby’s health even before you conceive.
You may have just discovered that you might be pregnant. You are already feeling the excitement. And congratulations on starting one of the best phases of your life. However, your diet in pregnancy and breastfeeding influences your baby’s health in various ways. Breastfeeding care is also one of the most important subjects in postpartum health. The pre-pregnancy period gives you ample time to decide on the right diet and healthy lifestyle choices.
Healthy breastfeeding diet – what does it mean?
A healthy pregnancy diet or breastfeeding diet doesn’t just mean eating for two. The facts may contradict a few beliefs prevailing today. The onset of the 3rd month of pregnancy implies that you just need an extra 200-300 kcal per day in addition to your diet before pregnancy. A healthy diet involves a mixture of various food items that satiate your nutritional requirements. Add lots of fruits, vegetables, beans and lentils with a small amount of dairy and meat if and as needed.
What are the foods to avoid while breastfeeding?
While dietary essentials and multivitamins prescribed by your obstetrician/dietician are important, you should avoid certain foods and lifestyle habits while breastfeeding.
Below are the foods to avoid while breastfeeding:
Fish with high mercury:
The consumption of fish high in mercury level or other foods with mercury may affect breastfeeding. Breast milk with high mercury levels may interfere with your baby’s neurological development. If your obstetrician asks you to avoid seafood, avoid it strictly. If you love to eat fish or seafood, make sure that you don’t exceed two portions a week.
It’s best to avoid peanuts if your family has a history of allergies to peanuts. The allergens in the peanuts might progress into the production of breastmilk. They may hamper your baby’s health. As a result, the baby may suffer from various health issues. The disorders may include hives or rashes and at times, cough with wheezing. Even a small consumption of peanuts ends up complicating the production and nutritional value of your breastmilk.
Never drink alcohol in pregnancy. Even occasional drinking is forbidden in certain cases. Alcohol tends to cross the placenta and hamper your baby’s growth in various ways. It may create physical, mental or growth issues in babies. Most obstetricians will forbid you from drinking alcohol the day you conceive. Avoiding alcohol while breastfeeding is as important as avoiding it throughout pregnancy.
Citrus fruits:
Citrus fruits are known to give a sense of relaxation. They are perhaps the best source of Vitamin C. But they can interfere with your baby’s tummy as they are acidic. Babies have an amateur gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it’s hard for their gastrointestinal tract to digest the acidic components. Babies may develop rashes and start spitting up after you breastfeed them. Although grapefruits and oranges can be fussy during breastfeeding, you won’t have to remove them from your diet. If you think you are prone to their adverse effects, opt for the other vitamin-C rich fruits. You may consider including pineapples or mangoes in your diet.
Broccoli is a vegetable that offers dozens of health benefits. But if you are to breastfeed your munchkin, avoid Broccoli. If you will breastfeed your baby after consuming Broccoli, your baby may develop flatulence or gassiness. Even onions, cauliflower, cabbage and cucumber cause flatulence. It’s best to avoid or restrict them while you breastfeed your baby.
The various ways caffeine impacts the foetus are under scientific scrutiny. The amount of caffeine in coffee is double the amount in cocoa, colas and tea. Try to limit your coffee intake or abstain from it throughout your breastfeeding phase. Some portion of caffeine from the coffee you regularly consume may end up in your breast milk. Insomnia and irritability are the two main signs that caffeine in your breastmilk is affecting your child’s health. Caffeine may cause other detrimental effects. It may include a decrease in the levels of haemoglobin. Caffeine hampers the iron content in the milk interfering with the baby’s overall nutrition.
Chocolate, tea and coffee have a common feature. They stimulate the brain. They are the stimulants that uplift your mood. Chocolate is a rich source of Theobromine. Theobromine is known for an effect similar to caffeine. You might be a chocoholic. But it’s time now to take a break. If you are breastfeeding, restrict the occasions you prefer chocolate or chocolate drinks on. Analyse the way your baby behaves if you breastfeed your baby after enjoying your favourite chocolate. If you see irritation and crankiness in your baby, it’s a likely sign that chocolate traces in your breastmilk are affecting your baby. The erratic and grumpy behaviour of your baby becomes more evident if you consume over 750 mg of Theobromine every day. It may cause insomnia in the mother as well.
Herbs are known to cure old ailments. They act as a remedy when you have almost no other alternative around. They are helpful specifically if you are allergic to certain medications. But when the herbs like peppermint are taken in large doses, they may interfere with the production of breastmilk. The mothers who are lactating should always avoid peppermint.
Breastmilk is vulnerable to various dietary habits and lifestyle choices. The smell of garlic may interfere with the smell of breastmilk. If your baby develops apathy or discomfort while nursing, it’s likely that your baby dislikes the breastmilk. Many babies start frowning when they encounter the smell of garlic. It’s better to avoid garlic when you are breastfeeding.
Dairy products:
Food intolerances and food allergies are growing nowadays due to various reasons. Some babies may develop intolerance to cow milk. Allergens may enter breast milk if the mother is lactating and consuming dairy products in high quantity. Stop consuming dairy products temporarily if you see your baby developing an allergic reaction after you breastfeed your baby. Skin allergies, eczema and insomnia may follow if your baby is allergic to the breastmilk with traces of dairy products. Replace high-fat dairy products with something like organic food products or toned milk.
Almost everyone close to an expectant mother motivates her to eat for two. How does it apply to pregnancy and pregnant women? Although it implies that pregnancy is a license to enjoy overeating, maternal nutrition is much above plenty of food. It means ample calories and proper nutrients are vital to a healthy pregnancy. Consuming the right foods and choosing the right diet allows full-fledged foetal development. The mother needs to gather the right bits of information on prenatal diet and supplements. The mother should plan her diet and ensure that the unborn is getting the proper nutrients. And certain tips for new mothers are a key to assuring health throughout all the trimesters.
Prenatal nutrition ?? An overview:
Nutrition is known as the most significant factor in healthy foetal development. The availability of the nutrients for the foetus depends on various factors. The factors may include nutritional stores, diet and maternal body composition. Prenatal nutrition stands as the most important determinant of various developments. It impacts foetal growth, physiological functionality and Gestational Weight Gain (GWG). Gestational Weight Gain (GWG) is a complex phenomenon contributing to active foetal growth and development. Maternal metabolism, maternal physiology and placental metabolism influence the GWG. The changes in maternal homeostasis interfere with the placental structure and function thereby influencing the growth of the foetus.
How to count calories for pregnancy?
Exceptions may exist even in terms of maternal health as they do elsewhere. Many pregnant women feel perplexed that they don’t require any additional calories in the first trimester. The second trimester, however, may mark the onset of about 340 additional calories per day. The third trimester involves the consumption of about 450 additional calories every day.
Weight gain remains a normal change in pregnancy. Most obstetricians view weight gain as a normal development in pregnancy. Maternal weight gain influences the growth of the foetus. Poor growth and shortened gestation may raise the risk of babies with low birth weight.?
How does pre-pregnancy nutrition affect foetal growth?
The maturation of sperm and oocytes mark the onset of the periconceptional period that occurs before fertilization. The period extends until the fertilized egg implants. The overall process completes relatively faster (about 9 days in humans) than expected. But various developmental, metabolic and genetic changes render the process different. The embryonic genome sees epigenetic changes. More formally, the changes to the DNA don’t alter the genetic code, they instead affect how a gene gets expressed by turning the expression on or off.
Such modifications are sensitive to environmental conditions and prominent nutrients. They might adjust to facilitate survival under available conditions. Nonetheless, the gene pattern may be deleterious in environmental conditions outside the uterus. It may ultimately contribute to ailments later in life.
Epigenetic changes prevail throughout one’s lifetime. The periconceptional period, however, remains unique as only a small number of cells are present in the period. Complete exposure to the environment facilitates the overall cell population to consolidate a genetic program that prevails throughout the development.
Does it influence the present situation? And how so if it does?
The concept doesn’t stand as a new trend. Previous analyses have studied the impact of periconceptional maternal nutrition on the disease and development of offspring. Maternal obesity or maternal overeating can negatively influence the metabolic regulation in a child. Various factors including undernutrition may raise the risk of metabolic disease in the offspring.
Essential nutrients for pregnant women:
Various nutrients vital for maternal health determine the foetal health throughout the development of the foetus. Various nutrients shape foetal nutrition and development throughout pregnancy.
Below are the essential nutrients:
Iron is an irreplaceable mineral carrying oxygen to the maternal and foetal organs and tissues. The dietary iron needs tend to double in pregnancy due to various reasons. Blood volume increases both for the mother and her unborn in pregnancy. The recommended iron dose for pregnant women is 27mg. Most dieticians and obstetricians recommend an iron-fortified prenatal vitamin. Red meats, leafy greens, oats, fortified grains, lentils and beans offer opulent iron content. Citrus fruits, peppers, tomatoes and strawberries in combination with iron-fortified vitamins or supplements will aid in iron digestion and absorption.
Healthcare professionals worldwide recognize folate as an essential nutrient for foetal growth. Folate stands as a vital nutrient for foetal brain development and spinal cord development. The folate deficiency is often linked to neural tube defects. Women should consider administering folate before they conceive.
Pregnant women need at least 600 mcg of folate a day. Nuts, seeds, eggs, leafy green vegetables, broccoli and fruits are the rich sources of iron. Confide in your doctor while you are expecting. It’s best to openly discuss your medical history with your obstetrician. It helps your obstetrician to recommend the right dosage of folate and other nutrients.
Calcium plays a crucial role in foetal bone development and teeth. It has a role even in maternal orthopaedic health. The scarcity of calcium in prenatal health leads to the exhaustion of the maternal calcium stores. Mother’s bones may suffer as a result. Calcium intake in expectant women may aid in dozens of healthy developments. 3-4 cups of dairy may suffice the daily requirement of 1000mg calcium. Soy products, broccoli, canned salmon, dark leafy vegetables are recommended in the absence of dairy. 500mg calcium may aid in better absorption of calcium. Various calcium supplements are available today in the marketplace.
Choline is a dietary essential helping the brain and spinal cord maturation in pregnancy. Eggs, beans, nuts and animal products offer rich choline content.
Vitamin D:
Vitamin D works in collaboration with calcium towards the healthy development of foetal bones and teeth. Therefore, most obstetricians maintain that Vitamin D is a must for pregnant women. The recommended dose of Vitamin D in pregnancy is 15 mcg. Sunlight, fatty fish, eggs, fortified milk and mushrooms are various sources of Vitamin D.
Fibre always remains one of the most integral dietary essentials. Many pregnant women complain about developing constipation during pregnancy. Various fruits and vegetables rich in fibre are recommended right from the first trimester of pregnancy. Water is another natural resource that helps prevent constipation.