What are the factors affecting IVF Success Rates?

IVF is a standard procedure including various stages starting from ovarian stimulation and ending with the embryo transfer and luteal phase. The main determinants of pregnancy and successful implantation are transfer efficiency, uterine receptivity and embryo quality. Embryo transfer is the final step in a standard IVF procedure

Below are the factors affecting IVF success:

Age: (H3 Tag)

The correlation between age and IVF success rates is an important factor. Women below 35 years of age may have higher chances of live births. The percentage of live births per egg retrieval for those below 35 might be about 55%. Women between 35 years and 37 years may denote a lower percentage of live births. Women aged between 35 and 37 may have about 42% chances of live births per egg retrieval. Women between the ages of 38 to 40 may see 26.7% chances of live births. Women who cross 40 years of age but are below 42 may witness 13.8% chances of live births per egg retrieval. And women aged about 43 and above may be left with merely 4.2% chances of live births per egg retrieval.

Types of fertility issues:

IVF treatment or IVF procedure offers success rates in some medical conditions. The tubal blockage is one of those conditions effectively treated by standard IVF protocols. Persistent miscarriage or thin endometrial lining may, however, complicate the success rates of IVF. Uterine malformations, fibroids and TB are some of the conditions hampering the overall success rates of IVF. Male factor infertility is another cause why the IVF success rate may be reduced. 

Duration of infertility:

Duration of infertility may warrant many consequent actions. Since the duration of infertility associates itself with advanced maternal age, it may hamper the success rate. The solution to the advanced maternal age may be egg donation.

Recurrent or persistent miscarriage:

Medical history involving previous pregnancy or persistent miscarriage may present additional challenges. The IVF experts may ask a couple to take additional precautions and specific medications based on their medical history. Live birth in such cases may be a hurdle. A persistent or recurrent miscarriage may be hard to tackle in the absence of alternative therapies. 

Dual factor infertility:

These scenarios are exceptionally difficult. As the category suggests, dual-factor infertility involves both partners suffering from infertility. These conditions may diminish the overall quality and success rate of IVF procedures. 

Ovulatory dysfunction:

Ovulatory dysfunction may present many obstructions to effective IVF cycles. Patients with high FSH levels and low AMH levels may end up being disadvantaged. And ovarian dysfunction disrupts the overall IVF success rate. 

Use of donor eggs:

Advanced maternal age emerges as an undesirable element in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). Women above 35 or 40 years of age require donor eggs. Using eggs of young females may increase the chances of IVF success rate. 


We all know how crucial exercise is for our day-to-day health. It allows us to stay mentally and physically fit. Taking care of one’s physical health is vital to reserve the benefits of IVF. Follow your IVF expert’s advice while you exercise when your IVF cycle is in progress. Mild or moderate exercise allows you to stay active and alert throughout the day. Make sure you aren’t indulging in any risky postures in your exercise regimen. Working in your comfort zone is important as your exercise shouldn’t interfere with your IVF cycles. It’s better to avoid cardiovascular activities. Avoid them at least till your childbirth. Work comfortably for 5-6 hours a week. Focus more on the activities that refresh you keeping you relaxed and contented. Ask your obstetrician to share her viewpoints if you find any exercise risky or strained. 


The stress during an Assisted Reproductive Technique is palpable. Couples have already grappled with a lot of stress and low spiritedness. And when it comes to IVF, they may be worried about its parameters including chances of success, complications, contraindications and fear of failure. Emotional stress during IVF may play a unique role in the overall IVF outcome as multiple factors are shaping the stress. They may be previous experiences and overall psychological predisposition while opting for the IVF cycle. Mood swings, migraines, dejections and past flashes are some of the emotional effects of IVF. Couples undergoing IVF may sustain many issues based on various factors. They may include financial, religious, socio-ethnic or sociocultural, physical and emotional factors. 

How would you maximize the IVF success rates?

Stay ahead and updated:

You are preparing for a cycle that may need updated information. Collect the relevant details from your IVF expert and plan appropriately. A well-informed decision will keep you away from anxiety and misinformation. Stay informed about the body, the IVF process and treatment schedule.

Confide in your IVF expert:

Be clear and precise about how you communicate your thoughts and feelings. Be firm about the decision you have made. Your ordeal coping with the infertility diagnosis may have changed your overall emotional situation. 

Find the right pillars of emotional support:

Many others have been through what you may be going through now. They overcame those barriers and are parenting a kid now. They successfully surmounted it and so will you. Get the right confidante. It may be your sibling, best friend, colleague or relative. You may consider having a spokesperson. Start chatting or sharing rapport with others grappling with infertility. They know and understand what you wish to hear today. Emotional support groups throng the internet today and are keen on knowing your expectations. 

It’s time to be choosier:

Be choosy about what you wish to take control over and how you can do it. Avoid unnecessary stress and decisions interfering with your overall welfare. You may count on your favorite hobbies and exercises. You will no longer feel lonely or overridden by the sense of alienation. 

Enhance your knowledge base:

IVF treatment will be better if you will stay informed. Discuss how many embryos will be transferred and what best you may incorporate to maximize the chances of a successful pregnancy. Your knowledge base will guide you on how you can reduce the possibility of multiple babies. You may even discuss how you can manage the leftover eggs or extra eggs. Extend the discussion appropriately so that the IVF procedure is more effective. Avoid improper disposal of the eggs. 

Strengthen the communication with your partner:

Set a proper schedule to discuss everything about how IVF is done. Know what IVF pregnancy is and how many injections you may need for IVF treatment. Shedding light on how to make IVF successful for the first time will help you and your partner plan better. You may have already studied how IVF works step by step. Carefully consider together how many days you may rest as the IVF patients. Plan everything about what to do after IVF transfer/embryo transfer. Render the necessary emotional support to each other throughout the IVF process. 

Motherhood hospital is always here to transform your expectations into a fantastic reality. Let us know how we can help you in your journey to blissful parenthood.

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Preparation for IVF treatment?

IVF: An overview

When it comes to fertility treatments, IVF tops the list of almost everyone. In vitro fertilization (IVF Process) signifies fertilization that occurs in a glass. IVF treatment involves the fertilization of an egg by sperm in a plastic dish. IVF entails a technique of assisted reproduction. In the IVF procedure, the egg and sperm are fertilized outside the body towards the formation of an embryo. The embryo gets transferred subsequently to a uterus for implantation and pregnancy. IVF was brought into existence to assist women having blocked fallopian tubes. IVF procedure still actively helps women with disadvantaged fallopian tubes. IVF assists even when a couple grapples with unexplained infertility. 

Below are the other conditions wherein IVF may offer some promise to the couples willing to become parents:

  1. Cervical issues
  2. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 
  3. Fibroids
  4. Endometriosis
  5. Ovulatory problems
  6. Male factor infertility

Is IVF procedure stressful?

IVF isn’t an event or technique that completes in a day. IVF treatment involves a series of events to be completed. Some couples may feel bored with mood swings and anxiety often joining the joy and excitement. The women and their experience going through IVF may hugely depend on various factors around them. They may be their overall emotional predisposition, thoughts or ideas about IVF, their support pillars, and relationship with the partners. The way they respond to fertility medicines and their length is yet another factor.

How would you prepare your body for IVF?

You should consider giving time for relaxation and recovery after each phase of treatment. You mustn’t lead a life you did before starting IVF. The couples should develop a proper level of sensitivity to the treatment. They should accept the transformations brought to their energy levels. The couples should try to abstain from the activities harmful to the conception. They may consider prioritizing the activities mentioned by theirIVF experts or support members at the clinic. 

Prepare your body for the IVF in some easy steps:

Being diagnosed with infertility itself may distress you. You should give yourself at least 3-6 months and start preparing your body for IVF. You may have lesser time than 3-6 months. It’s best to start preparing yourself physically and emotionally for an experience lasting for months.

Achieve the desired weight and prepare yourself metabolically:

Evidence suggests that body mass index (BMI) has a role to play before pregnancy. Weight gain and nutritional history are two important determinants in an effective pregnancy. A poor nutritional history before IVF may hinder IVF. Being obese may interfere with the overall IVF outcome. Therefore, it’s important to maintain an ideal weight to increase the chances of IVF’s success. Various clinics may issue various guidelines about IVF. And the experts at motherhood guide you as to how you can achieve your target. 

Eat whatever boosts your reproductive health:

Enjoy fresh fruits and add some vegetables to your platter as directed by your IVF expert/staff members. Stop consuming burnt meat, red meat, sugar, refined grains or processed foods. Add spices and herbs to your routine diet. Avoid foods containing mercury including various fish species. You may even design your diet under obstetric or expert supervision. Include chickpeas, lentils and various other leguminous products. Start relying on low-fat milk and low-fat dairy food. Take Avocado, nuts and seeds in abundance. You may start taking prenatal vitamins. You must take an obstetrician’s advice before starting any prenatal vitamin. Your obstetrician will surely alert you about a category of chemicals. The category is called Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDC). 

Don’t drink and avoid smoke in every way possible:

One good decision to kick the butt brings hundreds of sighs of relief. Smoking is a dependence that creates many hindrances. Stop smoking preferably at least 6 months before you start planning for IVF. Studies show that Nicotine can interfere with ovaries and age them. They may render eggs resistant to fertilization. One can’t even imagine how severely it may damage foetal development and health. Alcohol is also known to hinder the success levels of IVF by more than 50%. Caffeine is another ingredient you should abstain from as you progress to your IVF treatment. 

Stay committed to Yoga and other exercises:

The way you breathe has many things to convey about you. When you take healthy breaths, many issues may start resolving on their own. And nothing replaces Yoga when it comes to assuring those healthy breaths naturally. Yoga will be the first good move to help you relax and rejuvenate effectively. Light yoga and relaxation techniques will guide your healthy way through those IVF protocols. You may consider registering for online exercise classes. They are mostly conducted by experts. They will inspire you to adopt a healthy lifestyle and stay on track from the day you conceive with IVF till the day you deliver your baby.  

Start preparing for healthy sleep as you do for a successful IVF:

Sleep is vital to ensure many aspects of your health. The quality of sleep influences sperm production, sex hormones, and ovulation. Make sure both you and your partner are getting ample sleep as your IVF expert directs. 

You may consider adopting the following habits for healthy and undisturbed sleep:

  1. Unwind by reading some comic or light-hearted stuff before getting off to bed.
  2. Make sure you have made a timetable and are sticking to it every night.
  3. Stop using alcohol or any stimulant ingredients that may interfere with your sleep.
  4. Enjoy some good exercise routines every day.
  5. Exercise routines come up with many perks. Aligning you with a peaceful sleep pattern every night is one of those invaluable perks.
  6. It may create psychological burdens if you have a TV, laptop, or other electronic items in the bedroom.
  7. Try to keep your bedroom free of any professional material like journals, books, files, or other documents.
  8. Address and treat stress. Emotional stress may hamper many good things you enjoy every day.

These steps will allow you to stay active and refreshed as you progress to various phases of your IVF cycle. Your obstetrician will always be there to guide you on essentials or lifestyle choices based on your medical history. 

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When should you see a fertility specialist?

Expert guidance on fertility concerns - Motherhood Hospitals India

If you are facing any difficulty in conceiving or are unable to carry your pregnancy to term, your General Physician will prescribe a formal visit to the fertility specialist or a Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE). A fertility specialist acts a guide in your birthing journey.

In such cases it is okay to feel anxious, but know that you arenŸ??t alone in the quest. Approximately, 8% to 10% of couples worldwide are suffering from fertility problems. The ability of conception right when they are physically and mentally ready is something almost every couple takes for granted. Most couples are even shocked to realize that the conception isnŸ??t occurring as planned. 

What is infertility?

Infertility is a condition involving the inability to conceive after a year or longer of unprotected physical intimacies. Infertility is caused by various factors which may include issues with ovulation and other causes differing from person to person. Infertility may be an issue with unknown complexities. But, dozens of treatments can uplift the chances of conception and make a coupleŸ??s journey to parenthood smoother than they think. 

Your General Physician might recommend an early fertility evaluation under various circumstances. Or you or your partner should consult a relevant specialist in certain scenarios if:

  1. The male partner has a varicocele.
  2. The semen analysis reports of the male partner are abnormal.
  3. The genital pathology of the male partner is clinically worrisome.
  4. The male partner carries undescended testes.
  5. The male partner carries a medical history of surgeries like urogenital surgery.
  6. The female and/or male partner carries a history of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) or pelvic inflammatory disease.
  7. The female partner carries a medical history of examinations like abnormal pelvic examination.
  8. The female partner has a medical history of surgeries such as abdominal or pelvic surgery.
  9. The female partner carries medical conditions like Amenorrhoea or oligomenorrhoea.
  10. The female partner is more than 35 years of age and is unable to conceive even after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.
  11. The female partner has Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI), Uterine Fibroids, Endometriosis and age above 40.

Are there any genetic predispositions causing infertility? 

Yes. Genetic abnormalities are making it hard for a lady to become pregnant. A woman with certain genetic predispositions may face issues carrying the pregnancy to term. Rearrangement of genetic material or translocation is the two examples of genetic predispositions. There are more complicated occurrences in the wake of which a couple with genetic issues may wish to avoid inheriting certain illnesses to their future generation. 

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) combined with IVF present a range of benefits if a couple wishes to screen their heritable genetic abnormalities. PGD enables a couple to discover genetic details about their embryos before the couple proceeds for the implantation of the embryos. However, this type of treatment is helpful in certain clinical situations. An obstetrician or gynaecologist recommends this treatment based on various factors like medical history and current situation of the couple. 

Clinical evaluation of infertility in men:

Smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity and old age are some of the common factors contributing to male factor infertility. However, these factors manifest as additional risk factors. Some of the main causes of infertility in men are antinuclear or autoimmune antibodies to sperm, chromosomal abnormalities, systemic diseases, history of infections, injury and anatomic variances. 

Evaluation of male factor infertility begins with a medical history and the physical examination based on previous surgeries. The evaluation in the laboratory starts with a semen analysis. The analyst or laboratorian may ask the patient to abstain from ejaculation for 48-72 hours before the patient appears for the semen analysis. The sperm generation time spans mostly across 2 months. Therefore, the patient might have to wait for at least three months before going for the semen analysis again. 

Clinical evaluation of infertility in women:

The clinical evaluation of infertility in women primarily covers the history of surgeries on reproductive organs. The analysis could look out for the factors such as tobacco consumption, alcohol consumption, occupational exposure, substance abuse, medication use, previous pregnancies and results, a previous usage of contraceptive medicines, time and frequency of sexual intercourse and menstrual history.

Below are the principles of care and advice for a healthy conception:

  1. All the experienced Reproductive Endocrinologists (RE) or fertility experts deploy a specialist team to treat a couple grappling infertility.
  2. The mainstay of the infertility treatment involves the couple, the sensitivity of the expert team towards the coupleŸ??s clinical and emotional needs and patient information literature.
  3. Couples are advised to stop smoking or being around passive smokers.
  4. Couples are advised to stop or limit alcohol intake.
  5. Couples are requested to stay away from recreational drug use.

Are there any special instructions for men?

Men are advised by the andrologist/expert to avoid using tight clothes or underwear as they can cause testicular hyperthermia. 

What is the key advice for the women willing to conceive and carry the pregnancy to term?

  1. Obstetricians might start with the analysis of Rubella. It may be followed by immunization as and if needed and the expert may chalk out further advice on pregnancy.
  2. The expert may seek to enhance the physical and emotional welfare before conception. It may range from proper BMI management to diabetic control.
  3. The advice may further include the prescriptions of 400 mcg Folic Acid before conception and up to 12 weeks of gestation.
  4. Most experts in Reproductive Healthcare may focus on extra precautions if the woman is on anticonvulsants or antidiabetic medications.
  5. The women on anticonvulsants or antidiabetic medications or those having a child with neural tube defect are prescribed 5 mg folic acid per day.
  6. The women with a body mass index greater than 29 kg/m2 are advised to lose weight.

The backbone of managing any illness including infertility is prevention. It tends to be difficult if not impossible to manage infertility caused by the congenital factors. The good news is unexplained infertility has treatments like intrauterine injections and IVF.

Advice to women planning to delay pregnancy for some reason 

A womenŸ??s fertility is at peak upto 30 to 35 years and thereafter it starts going downhill . In some women it may go down even at younger age . If for reason it is not possible to conceive earlier please see a Gynaec and get your ovarian reserve checked by AMH blood test and or sonography. If your ovarian reserveŸ??s is not so good the it is important to conceive In time or freeze your eggs to be used at later stage This is known as social egg freezing. 

How can I become more fertile?

Pregnancy care remains one of the most important subjects when a happy couple prepares for happy parenthood. Fertility issues tend to affect about 15% of the global population. The doorway to effective parentage can sometimes be full of hurdles and challenges. Fertility issues may differ from person to person based on various parameters. Thankfully, there are natural ways to increase your fertility. Lifestyle changes and food choices play a crucial role in boosting your fertility. The quest for parenthood starts with taking prenatal vitamins and passes through various significant phases. A conceiving diet is the diet that balances all the nutritional contents.

  • Start with removing the burden of free radicals:

Antioxidants are turbocharged conceiving foods with high nutritional value. Antioxidants such as zinc and folate improve fertility in both men and women. An increase in folate consumption may improve the rates of implantation, clinical pregnancy and live birth. Men may improve their healthy sperm parameters with foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids. The studies are still on to confirm how antioxidants improve fertility. But studies favour the fact that antioxidants have the potential to enhance sperm quality. Conceiving foods like vegetables, nuts, grains and fruits help improve fertility in both men and women. Beta Carotene, lutein, folate, vitamins C and E offer the right reproductive health.

  • Make sure you maintain an ideal weight:

Both male and female partners in a couple strive for the ”perfect weight”. But the perfect weight may not always be a healthy or ideal weight for fertility. People struggling to cope with weight loss or weight gain find it difficult to conceive. Weight is one of the important parameters influencing overall fertility. Weight may affect hormonal regulation and ovulation. Women with PCOS may grapple with weight issues. Healthy weight in women, on the contrary, helps regulate normal ovulation and improve the chances of conception. 

  • Ensure the optimum sperm quality:

The importance of having sperm with optimum quality parameters is the key to healthy parenthood. Sperm motility, concentration, structure and volume are the key determinants affecting reproductive health. Men can go on to establish an exercise routine and a standard dietary regimen. Men may also have to adopt certain lifestyle changes. Avoid smoking, maintain a healthy diet, manage stress and address free radicals with antioxidants. Treat infections and safeguard yourself from occupational exposures to toxins. Some andrologists suggest that a healthy male partner should keep the area around the scrotum cool. It’s under research as to how a cool scrotal area betters male fertility. Men should avoid wearing tight underwear that may affect their scrotal region. Men should even avoid hot tubs or saunas. Some studies recommend that men should keep laptops and cell phones away from the scrotum.

  • Avoid recreational drugs:

Studies denote that recreational drugs may interfere with the creation of a healthy progeny. Recreational drugs are linked to the risk of birth defects in the child and medical problems in the mother. 

  • Avoid caffeine:

Caffein in large doses may increase the risk of miscarriage. Caffeine is present today in various disguises apart from our regular coffee. Restrict your coffee consumption. Even colas and energy drinks contain caffeine. You likely end up consuming more caffeine than you think. Caffeine may associate itself with boosting sperm motility. Nonetheless, above 300mg of caffeine every day may end up damaging the sperm DNA. When caffeine influences your lifestyle in combination with smoking and alcohol, it may result in low-quality sperm. 

  • Manage your stress and control it effectively:

The overall process of trying for conception includes various steps and prerequisites. Stress is known to interfere with our life in various ways. Studies link stress to the increased production of prolactin in women. Prolactin may interfere with regular ovulation. Stressed men may encounter various reproductive health issues. Enjoy spending time in the activities like yoga and aerobics. 

  • Enjoy a jumbo breakfast:

Enjoying a mega breakfast may help you include a healthy lifestyle habit. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is known to be one of the major causes of infertility. Studies show that mega breakfast every day may improve the hormonal effects of PCOS. If Women having PCOS with moderate weight consume most of their calories at breakfast, it balances two of their hormones. Regular and heavy breakfast may reduce insulin levels by 8 per cent and testosterone levels by 50 per cent. Both these hormones are known to interfere with healthy fertility. However, it’s important to downsize the dinner when breakfast is heavy.?˜

  • Include a fibrous diet:

Fibre intake is known to benefit your health in various ways. Fibre helps us get rid of excess hormones and keep blood sugar under control. Certain dietary practices that include fibre may help remove excess oestrogen by binding to it in the intestines. It further helps the overall process by removing the oestrogen from the body as waste. Avocados, fruits and sweet potatoes may help lower the oestrogen and progesterone. The most significant fibre that helps remove excess oestrogen is the soluble fibre from fruits. Always consult your obstetrician/dietician to ascertain a healthy level of fibre in your diet. 

  • Check and address your protein sources:

Animal proteins like fish, meat and eggs are harmful to some people. Replace the animal proteins with healthy proteins to obtain from nuts, seeds or beans. Some animal proteins may interfere with overall fertility in women. It may help decrease ovulatory infertility by more than 50 per cent if women replace animal proteins with vegetable proteins. 

  • Enjoy 30 minutes or an hour of regular exercise:

Exercise comes with a lot of fun and a few irreplaceable packs of excitement. It has various health benefits. A rise in moderate physical activity helps maintain finer levels of fertility in both men and women. Men should regularise various fronts of their daily plan. Men should get involved in every physical activity that helps them maintain a healthy BMI. Men may consider including a diet with lean proteins and fresh fruits and vegetables. It’s important to remember that spermatogenesis is a process occurring at slightly below body temperature. Exercise in a good space and avoid overheating yourself. Stop excessive exercise as it may interfere with your reproductive health. When it comes to women, rigorous or strenuous exercise may counteract ovulation and the hormone progesterone. Everyone has his or her own dietary and fitness expectations. Therefore, always ask your obstetrician and dietician about various suitable dietary regimens and exercise techniques. 

Helping you create a life!

Motherhood is a beautiful part of life and for many women getting pregnant can be a demanding phase. Doctors from the best IVF centre in Indore are there to help smoothen the conceiving process for you and your partner. For everyone, it is not easy to conceive and in such a scenario in vitro fertilization is an option you can consider. Infertility can be caused by many factors like imbalance in the menstrual cycle, vaginal infections, polycystic ovarian syndrome, ovulation disorders and endometriosis. 

What you need to know about In vitro fertilization? 

In vitro fertilization is a series of procedures performed to help you with the conception of a child. Mature eggs are collected from the ovaries and fertilized by the sperm in a lab. IVF is one of the most effective methods of assisted reproductive technology which you can access from an IVF specialist in Indore. Women with various causes of infertility and different age groups can visit the best IVF centre in Indore for assistance. 

How can we help you?

Our teams of doctors are renowned?˜IVF specialists in Indore?˜who will hold your hand through the whole IVF process and help you in every step. Being one of the?˜best IVF centres in Indore, our team of doctors will recommend you treatments after testing you thoroughly and will pay heed to your customized needs.?˜

In recent times, women are reaching out to science and technology to help them solve infertility related problems. If you and your partner are keen on getting pregnant and are facing any kind of difficulty, it is advised that you seek professional help and guidance from an?˜IVF specialist in Indore.?˜

When are you more likely to conceive? Ovulation and fertility

WeŸ??re talking about the Ÿ??fertile windowŸ?? Ÿ?? the days in a womanŸ??s menstrual cycle when pregnancy is possible. The Ÿ??fertile windowŸ?? depends on the length of the menstrual cycle, which varies among women.

The Ÿ??fertile windowŸ?? is the day when an egg is released from the ovary (ovulation) and the five days beforehand. Having sex (intercourse) during this time gives you the best chance of getting pregnant.Myth bustingMYTH

A woman can get pregnant any time of the month.FACT

A woman can only get pregnant on a few days during her menstrual cycle, because eggs and sperm only live for a short time:

  • Sperm live for around five days.
  • Eggs can only be fertilised for around 24 hours (one day) after being released from the ovary.

Eggs and sperm need to come together at the right time for fertilisation to happen to create an embryo.


Ovulation is when a mature egg is released from the ovary. The egg then moves down the fallopian tube where it can be fertilised. If sperm are in the fallopian tube when the egg is released, there is a good chance that the egg will be fertilised, creating an embryo, which can grow into a baby.

Pregnancy is technically only possible if you have sex during the five days before ovulation or on the day of ovulation. But the most fertile days are the three days leading up to and including ovulation. Having sex during this time gives you the best chance of getting pregnant

By 12-24 hours after ovulation, a woman wonŸ??t be able to get pregnant during that menstrual cycle because the egg is no longer in the fallopian tube.

ThereŸ??s almost no chance of getting pregnant if you have sex before or after the fertile window (but if youŸ??re not trying to get pregnant, donŸ??t rely on this Ÿ?? contraception is your best option!).How to know when youŸ??re ovulating

Knowing when you ovulate can help you plan for sex at the right time and improve your chances of getting pregnant. You can keep a track of your menstrual cycles on a chart, in a diary or on a free period-tracker app on your smartphone.

But if you are not able to conceive even after trying for a long time, book yourself an appointment at your nearby Motherhood Hospital. We have an eminent team of gynaecologists, fertility experts and counsellors who will guide your journey towards a comfortable and safe motherhood.

50% of infertility issues are male related, know more!

Up to 15% of couples are infertile. This means they aren’t able to conceive a child, even though they’ve had frequent, unprotected sexual intercourse for a year or longer. In over a third of these couples, male infertility plays a role.

Male infertility is due to low sperm production, abnormal sperm function or blockages that prevent the delivery of sperm. Illnesses, injuries, chronic health problems, lifestyle choices and other factors can play a role in causing male infertility.Symptoms

The main sign of male infertility is the inability to conceive a child. There may be no other obvious signs or symptoms. In some cases, however, an underlying problem such as an inherited disorder, a hormonal imbalance, dilated veins around the testicle or a condition that blocks the passage of sperm causes the following signs and symptoms:

  • Problems with sexual function for example, difficulty with ejaculation or small volumes of fluid ejaculated, reduced sexual desire or difficulty maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction)
  • Pain, swelling or a lump in the testicle area
  • Recurrent respiratory infections
  • Inability to smell
  • Abnormal breast growth (gynecomastia)
  • Decreased facial or body hair or other signs of a chromosomal or hormonal abnormality
  • A lower than normal sperm count (fewer than 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen or a total sperm count of less than 39 million per ejaculate)

When to see a doctor

See a doctor if you have been unable to conceive a child after a year of regular, unprotected intercourse or sooner if you have any of the following:

  • Erection or ejaculation problems, low sex drive or other problems with sexual function
  • Pain, discomfort, a lump or swelling in the testicle area
  • A history of testicle, prostate or sexual problems
  • A groin, testicle, penis or scrotum surgery

Not being able to conceive a child can be stressful and frustrating, but a number of male infertility treatments are available at Motherhood Fertility. We are a renowned fertility and reproductive centre well equipped with expert doctors (male andrologists), skilled team of nurses, counsellors, physiotherapists and clinical dieticians. The team of experts provides comprehensive fertility services backed by our state-of-the-art andrology lab and advanced laparoscopic and surgical treatments for complete resolution of male fertility issues.

Factors which decide IVF Success Rates Blog by Dr Geetha R

Dr. Geetha R on IVF Success Factors - Motherhood Hospital India

Reproductive medicine is an evolving field constantly working towards improving the success rates IVF has contributed to more than 6 million babies worldwide, innovations keep emerging and the success rates keep improving.

Success rates with IVF treatment though high cannot be 100% always.
The success rates are influenced by many external and internal factors

Internal factors:
Age of the couple and the type of infertility

External factors :
Lifestyle factors
Laboratory quality
Experience and the Skill of the Clinician and the embryologist

1. Age of the couple:

Age has got its own impact on fertility as in any other system .Advancing age has an impact on both the quantity and quality of available oocytes
More than 80% of embryos formed out of oocytes obtained from woman >42 years are found to be aneuploidy or chromosomally abnormal
The IVF success rates dramatically decreases when the woman is >35 years
Success rates are 40% if the woman is <35
30% – 35-37 years
22% – 38-40 YEARS
10% in 40-42
<5 % in woman>43 years

Paternal aging also has an impact on fertility by compromising the sperm quality by increasing the damage on the Sperm DNA hence decreasing the fertilisation capacity as well as embryo quality
Sperm DNA damage is considerably increased in men over 45 years.

2. Type of Fertlity problem

The most important factor which decides the success with IVF is the ovarian reserve.
The higher the number of follicles available, higher the number of oocytes obtained which translates to higher success rates.

Woman with low reserve yield less number of oocytes, < 3 oocytes is considered a decreased ovarian response which compromises the success rates

Low reserve may be a part of aging or conditions like endometriosis, surgery on the ovaries, some autoimmune or chromosomal problems or an exposure to chemotherapy or Radiotherapy
Success rates are very high even upto 80% when infertility is only due to tubal factor or low sperm counts
Suceess rates are compromised when multiple factors are present, Higher the number of factors contributing to infertility poorer are the success rates.

Success rates decease when the woman has multiple fibroids closer to the cavity, or adenomyosis.Both these factors may affect the implantation

External Factors

1. Lifestyle factors


Obesity in both male and female is proven to affect the gamete quality.It can also affect the way the body responds to fertility medications, very high doses of gonadotropins may be needed to achieve a desired response
Obesity may cause procedural difficulties which may affect oocyte yield
It is also known to affect implantation and is associated with increased rates of miscarriage

Smoking: Cigarette smoke has serious reproductive consequences for both men and women. The sperm of male smokers has been found to have reduced fertilizing capacity, and embryos from that sperm also display lower rates of implantation. In female smokers, the aging of the ovaries is faster, and their uteruses are less receptive. Overall, the outcome of IVF cycles has been found to be significantly worse in female smokers, who may require twice as many IVF cycles to become pregnant.

2. Laboratory quality

IVF laboratory plays a very crucial part in determining the success rates.After all the gametes need to be handled in a highly controlled and protective environment as the human body

Ÿ?? Microorganisms such as germs or fungi can have an adverse effect on developing embryos, so excellent air quality is a must. Specially designed Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) units equipped with charcoal filters and high-efficiency particulate (HEPA) air filters and enough dair pressure to completely change the air in the room 20 times per hour should be standard.

Ÿ?? Temperature and light: In the first few delicate hours and days of development, both of these factors are crucial. Keeping embryos at body temperature and filtering out ultraviolet light are two ways to eliminate stress which could damage growth.

An IVF lab with highest quality control constantly maintained by regular auditing of the lab conditions and procedures can definitely help in achieving highest success rates.

3. Experience and expertise of the clinician/Embryologist

Well experienced and qualified IVF clinician/Andrologist are of utmost importance in optimising the success rates as they can offer adjuvants , individualised protocols and sperm selection methods based on the ovarian reserve and sperm parameters respectively.Success of IVF also depends on the optimal preparation of the endometrial lining and the ease of embryo transfer technique.However good quality the embryos may be if fails to implant if the uterine environment is unfavourable or when difficulty is encountered in embryo transfer.A well experienced can make a big difference in these areas.

Qualification and the experience of the embryologist is also invaluable in determining the success rates.Minimal handling of the embryos, speed and gentleness of the procedures like ICSI, embryo freezing, thawing are critically important for high success rates, the minimum the exposure of the gametes/embryos outside the incubator, the maximum are the success rates.

Every fertility journey has an element of uncertainty, but there is a lot that your fertility clinic can do to contribute to IVF success

By Dr. Geetha R


A HAPPY ENDING FOR THE YOUNG COUPLE- By Dr. Mirudhubashini Govindarajan

For long, this young pair had been dreaming of a happy home resounding with the gurgles and laughs of their little bundle of joy. But when this dream failed to turn into reality despite many tries there was extreme disappointment.

Thanjavur-based couple, 24-year-old Sowmya (name changed) and her 31-year-old husband Shrikant (name changed), had been married for three years. After they failed to conceive naturally, they consulted many IVF clinics but to no avail. They were put through many fertility treatments such as Ovulation Induction (in this treatment, a woman is given medication to help in the ovulation process or to increase the number of eggs released from the ovary) and two cycles of Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), wherein the sperms from the male partner are directly placed in the uterus of the woman to increase the chance of conception. But all these treatments failed to get any results. That is when the couple decided to visit Womens Center by Motherhood, Coimbatore.

When they came to us, the couple’s previous reports showed that the male partner’s sperm count was fluctuating quite remarkably – from no sperms in the semen to about 10 million. We did detailed evaluations of both the husband and wife at our hospital; we found that the wife’s parameters were more or less normal while the husband had hormonal imbalances, including low testosterone levels, said Dr. Mirudubhashini Govindarajan, Clinical Director-Obstetrics, Gynaecology & IVF Specialist at Womens Center by Motherhood.

To add to this, the man was morbidly obese with a BMI of 38, which could have been one of the contributing factors. As a first step, the doctor advised him to reduce weight and also put him on medication to bring his hormone levels to normal.
In two months, there was considerable progress. The male partner’s weight had reduced, and his hormones levels were better. As a result, the number and quality of the sperms improved.

Ÿ??Following this, we stimulated a few of the wife’s eggs for ovulation and carried out an IUI procedure on her. The treatment has borne fruit, and she is pregnant, added Dr. Mirudubhashini.

Many a time, when an infertility couple are seeking fertility treatment, the women is investigated for the cause and a cursory treatment is started. Often, not much attention is paid to the male partner. In about half the couples, there is a problem on the male side also. This may not be apparent by doing semen analysis alone and requires a proper work up to complete the initial assessment. This couple were a prime example of what can be achieved by this approach.

For more information on Advanced Fertility Procedures and Appointments, call 98848 38349.

How does laparoscopy help in infertility?

Laparoscopy plays a very important role in the management of subfertility. Its suggested for women where after the basic investigation like hysterosalpingogram for tube assessment, ultrasound for assessment of uterus and ovary, and hormone analysis for the female partner and semen analysis in a male partner have not yielded any reason for subfertility or when on ultrasound in female partner has shown certain abnormality .

Laparoscopy is a very simple procedure. In subfertility usually it a day care procedure.it is done under anaesthesia but hysteroscopy can be done without anaesthesia which we call it as office hysteroscopy. Like women is admitted in the morning and discharged by evening, as it being diagnostic in nature most of the time. Even if we have do some corrective procedure like adhesiolysis, drilling, cystectomy, tubal cannulation, polypectomy or septal resection

Usually in a diagnostic lap with create 2 small incision of 5mm on the abdomen through which lap instruments are passed through and the procedure completed. If we need to do some operative procedure like cystectomy or adhesiolysis we create one more incision. As the cut are very small the problems associated with surgery is very minimal. Patient generally do not complain of pain and usually can go back to normal routine work in a daysŸ?? time.

Although there are many scientific methods to treat infertility such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) assisted reproductive technologies (ART), laparoscopy is inevitable in conditions where the reasons for infertility remain unknown.

When is diagnostic laparoscopy for infertility recommended?

After the initial work up of the couple if we find that thereŸ??s no obvious reason for subfertility then we recommend further investigation with diagnostic hystero- laparoscopy. And also when there are certain indications like

  • In case of an previous pelvic surgery
  • In case of suspected mild to moderate endometriosis.
  • In case of suspected pelvic inflammatory disease or tuberculosis.
  • In case of severe pain and cramps during menstrual cycles.

When is laparoscopic surgery recommended?

Is indicated when on initial investigation reveals certain correctable causes of subfertility.

  • In case of polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • In case of an endometrial deposits
  • If the fallopian tubes are blocked
  • If Hydrosalpinx is suspected
  • If ovarian cysts block fallopian tubes

Benefits of Laparoscopy:

  • Helps in having a comprehensive and detailed look inside the abdominal region
  • Helps in getting rid of pelvic pain
  • Helps in removing scar tissues, fibroids, and endometrial deposits