Fibroids: Symptoms and Treatments 

Fibroids Symptoms and Treatmentss

AuthorDr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Fibroids: Symptoms and Treatments 


Fibroids or Uterine fibroids refer to the abnormal growth in or on the uterus. These are non-cancerous tumours that might not even go unnoticed for several years. According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology, not all fibroids show symptoms, but when they do, it may lead to heavy menstrual bleeding, frequent urination, and pain during sex. Moreover, small fibroids do not require any treatment, the larger ones, however, need to be treated with medications or surgery.  

What are Uterine Fibroids? 

Uterine fibroids are abnormal growths of muscle and tissues in or on the wall of your uterus. These can either grow as a single nodule or in a cluster. According to the best gynaecologist & obstetrician doctors in Gurgaon, cluster fibroids can range from 1 millimetre to more than 20 centimetres in diameter. Although non-cancerous, these can show severe symptoms in some patients.  

What are the Types of Uterine Fibroids? 

The type of uterine fibroid depends on where they are located and attached. The common types are: 

1. Intramural fibroids: These grow on the muscular wall of the uterus. 

2. Submucosal fibroids: These grow under the inner lining of the uterus. 

3. Subserosal fibroids: These grow under the lining of the outer surface of the uterus. 

4. Pedunculated fibroids: These grow like mushrooms on your uterus

What are the Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids? 

As mentioned earlier, fibroids do not cause any symptoms and do not even require any treatment. Larger fibroids, however, cause a variety of symptoms as follows: 

1. Excessive bleeding during periods. 

2. Bleeding between your periods. 

3. A feeling of fullness in the abdomen or bloating. 

4. Frequent urination. 

5. Pain during sex. 

6. Constipation. 

7. Chronic vaginal discharge. 

8. Low back pain. 

9. Increased abdominal distention. 

What are the Causes of Uterine Fibroids? 

 The exact cause of uterine fibroids is not known, the best gynaecologist & obstetrician doctors in Gurgaon, believe that hormones like oestrogen and progesterone play a vital role. Fibroids develop when these hormone levels are higher. Apart from this, some risk factors also increase your chances of developing fibroids: 

1 .Obesity and high body mass index (BMI). 

2. A family history of fibroids. 

3. Early onset of menstruation. 

4. Late menopause. 

How are Uterine Fibroids Treated? 

The treatment of uterine fibroids depends on the size, number, location, and symptoms of fibroids. If you are not experiencing any symptoms, you may not need any treatment. Small fibroids, usually, are not treated. The larger ones, however, may require the following treatments: 

1. Over-the-counter medications. 

2. Iron supplements. 

3. Birth control pills. 

4. Oral therapies. 

5. Fibroid surgery. 

Fibroid surgery or myomectomy is a procedure to remove fibroids. The procedure is performed in the following ways: 

1Hysteroscopy: In this procedure, the best gynaecologist & obstetrician doctors in Gurgaon insert a scope (a thin, flexible tube) into your vagina to reach the uterus and the fibroids are removed. 

2. Laparoscopy: In this procedure, the doctor inserts a laparoscope (a thin, flexible tube attached to the camera and tiny surgical instruments) through a small incision in your abdomen. 

3. Laparotomy: In this procedure, the doctor creates a large incision on your abdomen to remove fibroids with one cut. 

 Fibroid treatment depends largely on the medical condition of the patient. Some patients may not require any treatment, the others may need immediate medical attention. If you feel sudden pain and discomfort along with heavy menstrual bleeding, visit Dr Preety Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals for immediate medical attention. 

5 Key Nutrients for a Healthy Pregnancy Diet and Their Benefits  

5 Key Nutrients Every Pregnant Woman Should Prioritizes

AuthorDr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology

5 Key Nutrients for a Healthy Pregnancy Diet and Their Benefits 


During pregnancy, the mother must provide nutrition to herself and the baby. Hence, the nutritional requirements are higher during pregnancy. Out of which, certain vitamins are crucial for the overall development of the baby. According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology taking prenatal vitamins and eating healthy foods can help you get all the nutrients for you and the baby. The best gynecologist in sector 57 creates a treatment plan that has a balance of both prenatal vitamins and foods to give you the required nourishment. 

5 Key Nutrients for a Healthy Pregnancy Diet and Their Benefits 

Prenatal vitamins are multivitamins specifically crucial for pregnant women. Compared to regular multivitamins, these have more nutrients that meet the requirements during pregnancy. The gynecologist in Gurgaon recommends the following vitamins during pregnancy: 

1. Folic Acid 

Folic acid is vitamin B that is required for the healthy growth and development of the body. Consumption of folic acid before and during pregnancy can help prevent birth defects including spina bifida. During pregnancy 600 mcg of folic acid is recommended. Do not, however, self-administer and consult a gynecologist in Gurgaon for supplements. 

 2. Iron 

Iron is another crucial element that is required to make hemoglobin in the body. Due to excess requirement, iron is needed twice as much during pregnancy than before pregnancy. During pregnancy, you need at least 27 milligrams of iron each day. Apart from this, you can also get iron from food sources. In addition to iron, vitamin C is also required as it increases the absorption of iron in the body.  

3. Calcium 

Calcium is another important mineral that helps in developing a baby’s bones, teeth, heart, nerves, and muscles. The best gynecologist in sector 57 recommends 1000 milligrams of calcium each day. You can meet this requirement by taking prenatal vitamins as well as food sources including dairy, broccoli, and so forth. 

4. Vitamin D 

Vitamin D is also a crucial vitamin as it helps your body to absorb calcium. Moreover, it also helps in the proper functioning of muscles, nerves, immune system, and helps in the growth of teeth and bones. During pregnancy, at least 600 IU (international units) of vitamin D are required daily. You can take the prenatal supplement as prescribed by the best gynecologist in sector 57 and include rich sources of the vitamin in your diet.  

5. Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 

Docosahexaenoic acid also known as omega-3 fatty acid is crucial for the overall growth and development of the baby. During pregnancy, you need DHA for the development of the brain and eyes of the baby. It is also important to note here that all prenatal vitamins might not contain DHA, hence it is best to discuss this with your gynecologist in Gurgaon.  

6. Other Nutrients  

Apart from the above, the other nutrients required for pregnancy are the following: 

1. Iodine 

During pregnancy, iodine is required for the development of the baby’s nervous system. You require at least 220 mcg of iodine every day during pregnancy. Apart from this, you can include iodine-rich sources of food in your diet. 

2. Protein 

 Protein is another important nutrient for the proper growth and development of baby’s tissues and organs. It is also required for increasing blood supply. Focus on completing at least 70 to 100 g of protein per day. 

As much as prenatal vitamins are important during pregnancy, a healthy and balanced diet cannot be sidelined. Make sure that you are eating a nutritious diet and limiting processed food. The best way to ensure this is by getting yourself checked and creating a customized plan with Dr Preety Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals. 

What Causes Abnormal Menstrual Bleeding?


AuthorDr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

What Causes Abnormal Menstrual Bleeding

Periods are considered abnormal if they last for more than 7 days, have less than 24 days of cycle, or more than 35 days. Moreover, heavy bleeding is also considered abnormal. According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology menstrual bleeding is considered heavy if you have to change tampons or pads more than every two hours, or if you are passing clots larger than 1 inch. In such cases, you should visit the best gynaecologist & obstetrician doctors in Gurgaon as early as possible.

What is Abnormal Menstrual Bleeding? 

Most women experience menstrual periods lasting for four to seven days. Your menstrual cycle usually ranges from 21 days to 35 days; with an average cycle length of 29 days. A lot of factors can cause irregular periods including stress, other health conditions, medications, and so forth. 

How to Identify Irregular Periods? 

Your period will be considered abnormal or irregular by the best gynaecologist & obstetrician doctors in Gurgaon if it varies from the normal cycle. Your periods will be considered abnormal in the following cases:

  1. Periods occurring fewer than 21 days or more than 35 days apart. 
  2. Missed three or more periods in a row. 
  3. Menstrual flow that is much heavier or lighter than usual. 
  4. Periods that last more than seven days. 
  5. The length of time between cycles varies by more than nine days.  
  6. Periods are accompanied by severe pain, cramping, nausea, or vomiting. 
  7. Bleeding or spotting between periods, after menopause, or after intercourse. 
  8. Using more than one tampon or pad in an hour.

What are the Conditions Related to Irregular Periods?

Irregular periods are categorized as follows based on your medical condition:

  1. Amenorrhea: A condition where your periods have stopped suddenly or absence of periods for 90 days or more. 
  2. Oligomenorrhea: A condition where periods occur infrequently. 
  3. Dysmenorrhea: A condition with painful periods and severe cramps. 
  4. Abnormal uterine bleeding: Abnormal bleeding between monthly periods.

What are the Causes of Irregular Periods?

According to the best gynaecologist & obstetrician doctors in Gurgaon, a variety of factors can contribute to irregular periods, such as:

  1. Endometriosis: It is a condition when endometrial tissue grows outside of your uterus. It may lead to abnormal bleeding, cramps, and severe pain. 
  2. Pelvic inflammatory disease: This is a bacterial infection caused by a sexually transmitted infection. It may also cause heavy vaginal discharge, irregular periods, and pelvic pain. 
  3. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): The higher levels of a hormone called androgen lead to PCOS. This also causes irregular periods. 
  4. Bleeding disorders: You may also have heavy menstrual bleeding in between periods if you have a bleeding disorder.

Apart from this, any kind of disruption or change in your daily routine can also impact your menstrual cycle. This includes:

  1. Stress. 
  2. Sudden weight loss or weight gain. 
  3. Exercise routine resulting in very low body fat. 
  4. Viruses or other illnesses.

The other causes of abnormal bleeding include:

  1. Birth control pills: Certain birth control pills contain a variety of hormones. Going on or off on birth control pills can also affect menstruation. 
  2. Medications: Certain medications including steroids or anticoagulant drugs. 
  3. Ectopic pregnancy: Fertilized egg implants outside your uterus. 
  4. Surgery: Any kind of surgery in your uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes. 

Abnormal menstrual bleeding is a combination of different factors put together. The best way to avoid this is by following a healthy lifestyle, taking rest, and avoiding birth control pills. You can also consult Dr Preety Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals for any issues.

Antenatal Maternal and Fetal Screening

fetal heart monitoringg

AuthorDr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Antenatal Maternal and Fetal Screening

Antenatal tests are an important part of your pregnancy journey as these tests ensure that you and your baby are healthy throughout your pregnancy. According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology some tests are recommended for everyone while some tests are only recommended for some women who are at a greater risk of a particular condition. Before starting your pregnancy journey, make sure that you discuss these tests with the best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon. 

What are Antenatal Tests?

Antenatal tests are screening tests and scans that are required to check your and the health of your baby. These tests are particularly important as they are designed to assess the chances of you or your baby having a medical condition. If the best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon notices a high risk on the screening test, additional diagnostic tests will be conducted to ascertain the condition.  

Which Antenatal Tests are Conducted During Pregnancy? 

Different types of antenatal tests are conducted at different times during pregnancy, including blood tests, urine tests, ultrasound scans, and other tests. It includes: 

1. Screening Tests 

These are conducted to assess if your baby is likely to have a health condition. Screening tests can help you decide if you want to have a diagnostic test. If the best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon suspects high-risk, a diagnostic test will be conducted. 

2. Diagnostic Tests 

Once a screening test is done, a diagnostic test is conducted to ascertain if your baby has a health condition. Moreover, diagnostic tests also indicate some risks for your baby including miscarriages.  

3. Blood Pressure Check 

The best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon will conduct a blood pressure check to ensure you do not have preeclampsia. Preeclampsia refers to high blood pressure occurring after the 20th week of pregnancy. It can lead to serious problems. Hence, blood pressure must be monitored. 

4. Urine Test 

A urine test will be conducted to check for infections including kidney or bladder infections. Moreover, a high amount of protein in the urine may also be a sign of preeclampsia. 

5. Blood Tests 

A blood test will also be conducted to check for certain infections including syphilis, hepatitis B or HIV. Furthermore, a blood test is also used to find out your blood type and Rh factor to check for anaemia. This is important to safeguard the health of the baby. 

6. Foetal DNA Testing 

A foetal DNA test checks your blood for your baby’s DNA. The DNA is evaluated for certain genetic conditions including Down’s syndrome. It also ascertains if your baby has a birth defect or not. 

7. Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) 

This diagnostic test is also conducted to check if your baby has any genetic condition. In this test, a tissue from the placenta is checked at 10-13 weeks of pregnancy. The test will usually be conducted if you have a family history of genetic conditions. 

8. Ultrasound 

An ultrasound uses sound waves to picture your baby inside the womb. This is done to ensure that your baby is growing correctly. 

9. Maternal Blood Screening 

This is another screening test that checks your blood to see if your baby is at risk of birth defects. The test is usually conducted at 15-22 weeks of pregnancy. 

Antenatal maternal and foetal screening is important to ensure that the pregnancy is safe. It also checks if the baby and mother are not at risk or if the baby may develop any genetic condition. The tests should be conducted at certain time intervals. To create a pregnancy plan, you can consult Dr Preety Aggarwal  at the Motherhood Hospitals.

7 Fun and Educational Activities to Support Toddler Development  

7 Fun and Educational Activities to Support Toddler Developmentt

AuthorDr. Devesh Aggarwal



7 Fun and Educational Activities to Support Toddler Development  


Toddles are quick to observe, learn, and adapt. According to Dr Devesh Aggarwal, MBBS, DCH, Consultant-Paediatrics, toddlers grasp learning basic concepts including shapes and colours quickly in their initial days. They also begin to grasp more complex skills including language and maths with advancing age. The best paediatrician & neonatologist in Gurgaon recommends utilizing this opportunity by introducing their toddler to learning activities at home. 

7 Fun and Educational Activities to Support Toddler Development 

 The best neonatologist doctor in Gurugram suggests easy projects for toddlers including recognizing names, counting items, differentiating colours, and so forth. Here are a few educational activities that can help your toddler learn: 

 1. Displaying Their Name 

 Dr. Devesh Aggarwal tells us that at the age of 2, the child begins to recognize letters that create their name. To help them learn you can display it throughout your home including on the bedroom door, fridge, and so forth. 

 2. Reading Signs 

 The best paediatrician & neonatologist in Gurgaon recommends pointing out words and letters on street signs, stores, and so on. You can also use the rhyming words together to help them understand. 

3.  Counting Everyday Items 

 To your surprise, your toddler may be able to recite the numbers from one to ten in order. You cannot, however, expect them to do so until their preschool. What you can do is make them count the buttons of their dress or the number of rotis on their plate. This will acquaint them with numbers. 

 4. Differentiate Objects by Type or Colour 

 Early mathematics development starts with observing, comparing, and contrasting objects. You can ask your toddler to separate their soft toys based on colour or type. Another way is to let them segregate different-sized spoons. 

5.  Create a Shape Book 

 Although you can easily find one shape book in the store, yet, it would be better if you let your toddler create their own. The best neonatologist doctor in Gurugram suggests copying shapes from newspapers or magazines onto a drawing book. Moreover, let them identify the shapes around them. For instance, let them draw a square, and ask them to observe and tell if they can notice any square shape around them. 

6. Finger Painting 

Another way to familiarise your toddler with colours is by letting them dip their finger into paints. Name the colour as they begin to spread it on a book. Once the colours dry, you can ask them to identify these colours around your home.  

7. Teach Them Shapes in the Kitchen 

 If you want your toddler to recognize shapes efficiently, the kitchen is the best place to do so. Instead of giving them the food in its proper shape, you can cut it differently and let them recognize the shape. For instance, you can cut your pancakes into triangles, or bread in a round shape to help them recognize. 

Another kitchen hack is to talk to them with descriptive language. For instance, ask them if they want a red apple or a yellow banana. This will help them relate colours with food items. 

 Teaching your toddler with creative activities can be fun, both for you and your child. Apart from the ones listed above, you can also come up with innovative ideas to connect with your child. If you wish to learn more about such helpful techniques, you can also consult Dr Devesh Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals to help you with toddler development.  


10 Ways to Prioritize Self-Care During Each Trimester of Pregnancy

Ways to Prioritize Self-Care During Each Trimester of Pregnancy

AuthorDr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

10 Ways to Prioritize Self-Care During Each Trimester of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exhilarating journey. The expectant mothers look forward to the changes with the hope of welcoming the baby. Apart from all the excitement, the pregnant ladies can also utilize their time to prioritize themselves. According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology, pregnancy is the perfect time for mothers to indulge in self-care and do all the things they love. You can discuss all your pregnancy expectations and desires with the best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon to prioritize self-care above everything else. 

10 Ways to Prioritize Self-Care During Pregnancy 

1.Eat a Variety of Colours Every Day 

Your baby requires a wide range of vitamins and minerals. One way to ensure this is by eating a variety of nutrients from a broad colour spectrum of fruits and vegetables. Before doing this, however, discuss your food choices with your doctor since certain foods are restricted during pregnancy. 

2.Drink Plenty of Water 

As a part of your pregnancy, you must keep yourself hydrated. Try to aim for at least two litres of water every day. Drinking plenty of water will also reduce tiredness, constipation, and your chances of urinary tract infections. 

3.Get Enough Sleep 

Pregnancy can be both physically and emotionally demanding. At times, women may also find it difficult to sleep due to hormonal changes and discomfort. You can, however, set up a bed routine to ensure a good quality sleep. 

4.Practise Mindfulness 

Mindfulness helps you connect with the world around you on a deeper level. Pay attention to small moments of your life including feeling your baby’s kicks. This will help you in building more connections with your baby. 

5.Get Yourself a Massage 

A massage is an excellent way to de-stress yourself and treat frequent pregnancy mood swings. You can ask your partner to give you a foot massage or a lower back massage for de-stressing. 

6.Get More Exercise 

Even if exercise is the last thing on your mind, it can boost your overall well-being during pregnancy. Make sure, however, that you meet a high-risk pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon before doing any exercise on your own. You can try yoga and low-impact exercises to avoid complications. 

7. Talk About Your Mental Health 

A mother goes through a wide range of emotions during 9 months. You can be perfectly happy one moment and worry about your baby the next. Instead of putting up a façade, don’t be afraid to speak your mind. Be open about how you feel and if you want to discuss these issues with the best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon for professional help. 

8.Learn About Labour 

As an expectant mother, it’s normal for you to worry about labour. In such cases, you can learn more about it by either discussing it with your doctor or joining antenatal classes. 

9.Treat Yourself 

Your pregnancy should all be about you. If you crave for certain food item, treat yourself with it. Of course, you cannot binge on junk but occasionally would not cause any harm. 

10.Focus on Your Baby 

Whenever you feel down, pause for a moment and focus on your baby bump. Research has shown that as early as 15 weeks, your baby can hear your voice. You can try singing, chatting, or reading to your bump. This will be a great way to bond with your baby. 

Maintaining positivity during pregnancy is crucial for both the mother and baby. One way to do so is by focusing on yourself during this time. To ensure that you are doing everything correctly, you can meet a high-risk pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon, Dr Preety Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospital. 

Everything You Need to Know About Babyproofing 

Everything You Need to Know About Babyproofing_

AuthorDr. Devesh Aggarwal



Everything You Need to Know About Babyproofing 

When it’s time to welcome your newborn home, you need to be sure that the house is completely ready to receive him. The best way to ensure that your house is ready and safe for the baby is by baby-proofing. Ideally, according to Dr. Devesh Aggarwal, MBBS, DCH, Consultant-Paediatrics, baby proofing should start at least three months before your due date. Since, some baby-proofing preparation can take time, make sure that you have sufficient time in your hand. The best paediatrician in Gurgaon also recommends second baby proofing when your baby is 6 to 10 months old.  

Tips On How to Baby Proof Your House

The paediatrician in sector 55, Gurgaon recommends baby-proofing to keep your home safe throughout for the baby. You can ensure baby-proofing with the following: 

1. Ensure curtain rods, blind cords, and wires are out of the baby’s reach. 

2. Do not keep small or harmful items around your baby’s reach as they tend to put everything into their mouth. 

3. Cover sharp corners on furniture. 

4. Use door jammers to stop doors from trapping your baby’s fingers. 

5. Secure furniture to the wall to prevent it from falling over your child. 

6. Keep batteries, matches, lighters, and cigarettes out of your child’s reach. 

7. Do not leave windows open or even unlocked as your child might climb or fall out of it. 

Baby Proofing Cupboards and Drawers 

The best paediatrician in Gurgaon suggests baby-proofing your cupboards and drawers all around your house as you would not know where your baby’s hands get into. For instance, you can replace the locks with adjustable ones or latch hooks. 

Baby Proofing Hallway and Stairs 

Babies also tend to climb stairs which puts them at the risk of falls. Hence, baby-proofing stairs and hallways is crucial. You can do this by: 

1. Fit your stair gates securely at both the top and bottom. 

2. Make sure that you do not leave objects lying around on the stairs as these could cause tripping.  

3. Make sure that the rugs or carpets around do not cause tripping. 

4. Keep your stairs well-lit so that you do not trip while carrying your baby up and down. 

5. Take extra care if your home has a balcony to prevent your child from accessing it. Do not leave objects lying around as your child could climb near the balcony. 

Baby Proofing Corners 

Corners are the most harmful. Hence, these are the ones you should be most watchful for: 

1. Use corner protectors, especially for tables. 

2. Use foam corners. 

3. Use corner cushions. 

4. Use impact protection foam. 

 Baby Proofing Your Kitchen 

The kitchen is also dangerous for crawling babies. Here are some ways you can reduce the danger: 

1. Keep all cleaning products including washing detergents out of your child’s reach. Mostly, make sure that you keep these items locked in a cupboard. 

2. Do not leave knives or appliances including iron or kettles on the worktop. 

3. Always cook using the back rings of the hob and don’t let pan handles overhang. 

4. Fit safety catches on low cupboards and appliances including fridge and freezer. 

       Baby proofing is important to safeguard your baby from tripping. You must start baby-proofing your home way before your baby arrives. If you want to know expert opinion on the same, you can consult Dr. Devesh Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals. 

 Effective Fever Management: 8 Tips Every Parent Should Know 

Effective Fever Management 8 Tips Every Parent Should Know_

AuthorDr. Devesh Aggarwal



Effective Fever Management: 8 Tips Every Parent Should Know 


When it comes to children, parents are extremely concerned about their health. Sometimes they might be awakened in the middle of the night and notice the forehead of their child is too hot to touch. The first thing that comes to mind in such cases is to visit the best child specialist in sector 57 Gurgaon. Dr Devesh Aggarwal, MBBS, DCH, Consultant-Paediatrics, however, suggests managing symptoms at home instead of running to a doctor in the middle of the night. If the temperature of your child is constantly at its peak, do not hesitate to visit a doctor at the earliest. The common symptoms, however, can be managed at home. 

Effective Fever Management: 8 Tips Every Parent Should Know 

Here are some tips that can help you manage the fever of your child: 

1. Let Them Rest 

Any type of activity can raise the body temperature of your child. Hence, getting ample sleep is important to fight fever-causing viruses. If, however, you notice that the fever is accompanied by shortness of breath or any other unusual symptom, visit the best child specialist in Gurgaon at the earliest. 

2. Sufficient Hydration 

Fever can lead to fluid loss and dehydration. Hence, it is important to drink plenty of fluids and water to keep the body hydrated. 

3. Cool Environment 

Keeping the room temperature cool and sleeping with a light blanket and help your child relax and feel cooler. 

4. Light Clothing 

When in fever, you must get your child dressed in light clothes since lighter clothing can also have a cooling effect. A study has shown that warm clothing can increase the body temperature of your child even when they are not sick. Hence, make sure that the clothes are light. 

5. Tepid Sponging 

Place a cool, damp washcloth on your child’s forehead and the back of their neck to make them feel better. You can also give them a tepid sponge bath in high-heat areas including armpits and groin. Wearing lighter clothes, a cool environment, and tepid sponging together can help your child lower the temperature. 

6. Over the Counter Medicine to Reduce Fever 

Fever can be uncomfortable for your child. In such cases, you can try giving them an over-the-counter medicine to reduce body temperature. 

7. Give them a Hot Drink 

Fever also affects the palate and makes it difficult to eat. If your child refuses to eat, give them a hot cup of milk or turmeric milk to keep the body full. 

 8. Give Oral Rehydration Solution  

 If you notice diarrhoea along with fever, give your child an oral rehydration solution. This will not only restore the electrolyte balance but will also help in managing fever. 

 When to Visit a doctor? 

 All kids get a fever from time to time, and in most cases, they are back to the normal routine within a day or two. As a parent, you must make your child feel comfortable, follow the above tips, and watch their symptoms throughout. You should, however, visit the best paediatrician in sector 55 Gurgaon at the earliest, if you notice: 

1. A temperature higher than 100.4°F (38°C). 

2. The child develops other symptoms along with fever such as diarrhoea, vomiting, or rash. 

3. Extreme sickness. 

4. Extreme dehydration. 

5. A rash. 

 If you wish to consult the top paediatrician in the city, you can consult Dr Devesh Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals. 

 Common Childhood Allergies and How to Handle Them 

Common Childhood Allergies_

AuthorDr. Devesh Aggarwal



Common Childhood Allergies and How to Handle Them


Children have weak immune systems compared to adults and thus are more prone to allergies. According to Dr. Devesh Aggarwal, MBBS, DCH, Consultant-Paediatrics, MBBS, DCH, Consultant-Paediatrics, any child can develop allergies but kids with a family history of allergies are at greater risk. Of course, as a parent, you cannot control everything your child is exposed to. You can, however, focus on monitoring their symptoms. The top paediatrician in Gurgaon recommends monitoring symptoms for early identification of allergies. This will improve the child’s quality of life and help you understand the health of your child. 

What Causes Allergies in Children? 

Certain allergic triggers can lead to allergies in children. The common triggers or allergens are: 

1. Tree, grass, and weed pollen. 

2. Certain food items. 

3. Dust mites. 

4. Molds. 

5. Animal dander, urine, or oil from the skin. 

6. Certain medicines. 

7. Feathers. 

8. Bee stings. 

9. Pests include cockroaches and mice. 

What are the Common Allergy Symptoms in Children? 

An allergic reaction can occur anywhere in the body including skin, eyes, lining of the stomach, sinuses, throat, and lungs. These are the places where immune system cells are present to fight off germs that are breathed in, swallowed, or met on the skin. Hence, the top paediatrician in Gurgaon recommends to watch out for the following symptoms: 

1. Red, itchy, and watery eyes. 

2. Stuffy nose, sneezing, itching, or running nose. 

3. Itching in ears in the mouth. 

4. Red, itchy, and dry skin. 

5. Itchy welts or hives. 

6. Itchy rash. 

7. Asthma symptoms include shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing. 

8. Severe, life-threatening allergic reactions or anaphylaxis such as troubled breathing, diarrhoea, vomiting, low blood pressure, and fainting. 

How are Allergies Treated in Children? 

The allergic symptoms in children may mimic symptoms of other medical conditions. Hence, you must get your child’s allergy tested by the top paediatrician in Gurgaon. The most effective way to handle allergies in children is avoidance. Avoidance refers to staying away from anything that can cause an allergic reaction. Here are a few suggestions you can focus on: 

1. Control dust in the home especially in your child’s bedroom. 

2. Stay indoors when the pollen count is high and on windy days. 

3. Use air conditioning instead of opening the windows. 

4. Use a dehumidifier in damp areas of the home and clean it often. 

5. If your child is playing outside in high pollen count, make sure to bath them, wash their hair, and change clothes. 

6. Avoid having pets or indoor plants. 

7. Keep the house clean and dry. 

8. Prevent anyone from smoking anywhere near your child, especially in your home and car. 

9. Avoid those things that you know cause allergic reactions in your child. 

10. Check with the best paediatrician near me in Gurgaon, Dr Devesh Aggarwal for effective, and safe allergic relief for your child. 

Apart from avoidance, allergy shots (immunotherapy), and medicines can help in managing common allergies in your child. Make sure that you visit the top paediatrician in Gurgaon for any allergic symptoms in your child. The doctor will conduct an allergy test and provide appropriate prevention and treatment. If you are wondering which doctor to visit, you can consult Dr. Devesh Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals. 

Feeding Challenges and Solutions for Premature Babies

Feeding Challenges and Solutions for Premature Babiess

Author: Dr. Sanjay Wazir

MBBS, MD – Pediatrics, DM – Neonatology

Consultant: Medical Director (NCR)- Neonatology at Motherhood Hospital Gurgaon

Feeding Challenges and Solutions for Premature Babies

Premature babies (born before 37 weeks of pregnancy) have special feeding and nutritional needs. Dr Sanjay Wazir, MBBS, MD-Paediatrics, DM-Neonatology, Medical Director (NCR)-Neonatology, tells us that preemies often need extra support to grow and continue developing. Some preemies may not have the strength or coordination to breastfeed or bottle-feed. They can, however, overcome this challenge with a little help and patience. As a parent, you need to understand your baby, learn some techniques, and know when to consult the top paediatrician in Gurgaon for expert help. 

Feeding Challenges and Solutions for Premature Babies

In the early stages, your preemie may find it challenging to eat. This is because of their underdeveloped muscles, nervous system, and other body parts. Hence, they may find it difficult to gulp and digest enough milk. Dr. Sanjay Wazir tells us that around 49% of preemies have feeding problems due to the following issues:

1.Lack of Sucking Skills

Unlike normal babies, preemies are not born with mature sucking skills. To drink milk from a bottle or breast, the babies need to suck that is coordinated and does not interfere with their breathing patterns. Babies who are unable to coordinate may choke or stop breathing entirely.

2.Lack of Strength

Babies need to have developed muscles in their tongues and jaws to suck and swallow milk easily. Eventually, the preemies develop this strength with practice. Until then, you may notice your baby getting exhausted during a feeding session. When you observe such, it is time for you to visit the top paediatrician in Gurgaon for consultation.

3.Underdeveloped Digestive System

Preemies are born with underdeveloped gastrointestinal tracts. This means that even if your baby takes the milk in, he might not be able to get the nutrients from it. The stomachs of preemies are not proficient in breaking down milk proteins.

4.Medical Conditions

Preemies are prone to developing medical conditions such as low body fat, breathing problems, jaundice, and so forth.

How to Feed Your Premature Baby?

According to the top paediatrician in Gurgaon, the feeding method of your baby in the NICU may depend on their gestational age and medical conditions. The doctors may combine one method with the other for better results.


Although difficult sometimes preemies do get a hang of nursing in the NICU.


To bottle-feed, you can either pump your breast milk or use a formula in the bottle. Sometimes the top paediatrician in Gurgaon may recommend feeding your baby with breast milk or formula from a bottle to check the amount of milk your baby is having.

3.Feeding Tube

A feeding tube is used when your baby is unable to get milk from breast or bottle feeding. In such cases, they may need a gastronomic tube that feeds directly into their stomach. Babies on feeding tubes are also given a pacifier to strengthen their mouth muscles and practice their sucking skills.

4.Intravenous Line

This is considered the last resort and is usually restricted to babies with serious medical conditions. In this method, an intravenous line directly feeds and supplies the nutrients into the baby’s bloodstream.

Preemies require extra care as compared to normal babies. The top paediatrician in Gurgaon recommends skin-to-skin contact with your preemie as it is also seen as beneficial for both the mother and the baby. If, however, you feel that your preemie is not getting expert care and attention, you can reach out to Dr. Sanjay Wazir at the Motherhood Hospitals for expert guidance and support.