Avoiding Headaches Naturally!

Headaches are a common concern in most pregnant women which attracts them to pills that are not advisable during pregnancy. Here are a few simple tips that can help you avoid such troublesome headaches.

Preventing headaches:

  • Avoid headache triggers: Keep track of your meals, activities and headaches for several days to help pinpoint your headache triggers then do your best to avoid those.
  • Include physical activity in your daily routine: Try a daily walk or other moderate aerobic exercise.
  • Manage stress: Find healthy ways to cope with the stressors in your life, such as delegating tasks on your to-do list and spending time with people who lift your spirits.
  • Practice relaxation techniques: Try calming activities such as deep breathing, yoga and visualisation.
  • Eat smaller, more-frequent meals throughout the day: This will keep your blood sugar on an even keel.
  • Create a social network with other would-be moms
  • Drink plenty of fluids: Staying hydrated can keep you feeling your best.
  • Follow a regular sleep schedule: Fatigue and lack of sleep can contribute to headaches during pregnancy. Go to bed and wake up at about the same time every day, even on weekends.

When headache strikes:

  • Rest. Lie down in a dark, quiet room with your eyes closed.
  • Include physical activity in your daily routine: Try a daily walk or other moderate aerobic exercise.
  • Use a compress. Apply a warm compress (such as a hot towel) to your face, eyes and temples?? or try a cold compress on the back of your neck.
  • Try massage. Ask someone to massage your shoulders and neck to relieve tension. You might rub your temples, too.

For further details or queries , kindly contact us at?  tomotherhoodindia@gmail.com

Iron Kids

Why Iron is Crucial?

Iron is essential to your child’s growth and development. Lack of iron in the diet may result in iron deficiency where the blood lacks adequate healthy red blood cells (RBCs). RBCs carry oxygen to the body’s tissues, providing energy and giving skin a healthy colour. Untreated iron deficiency in children can lead to delays in their physical and mental development and advance to iron deficiency anaemia.


Who’s at risk?

  • Babies born prematurely or have low birth weight.
  • Babies fed on cow’s milk before age 1 (cow milk has low iron).
  • Breast-fed babies who aren’t given iron rich complementary foods after age 6 months.
  • Babies fed on non-iron fortified formula.
  • Children ages 1 to 5 who drink more than 710ml (24 ounces) of cow’s milk, goat’s milk or soy milk a day.
  • Children with chronic infections or restricted diets.
  • Adolescent girls lose iron through menstruation.

What are the signs?

  • Fatigue or weakness
  • Pale skin
  • Poor appetite
  • Shortness of breath
  • Irritability and behavioral problems
  • Inflammation of the tongue
  • Difficulty maintaining body temperature
  • Increased likelihood of infections
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Unusual cravings for non-nutritive substances, such as ice, dirt or pure starch

How to prevent?

  • Breast-feed or use iron-fortified formula
  • Encourage a balanced diet
  • Consider iron supplements

To keep your child’s growth and development on track, pay attention to how much iron your child is getting through his or her diet and talk to your child’s doctor about the need for screening and iron supplements. Remember, excessive iron intake is also harmful for children. Never give iron supplements/pills without consulting your doctor.

For further details or queries , kindly contact us at tomotherhoodindia@gmail.com

Prenatal Vitamins

Why You Need It?

Most women during pregnancy might be uncomfortable with the idea of popping pills. However, when recommended by your health care provider and complemented with a well-balanced diet, prenatal vitamins will prove beneficial in ensuring a healthy pregnancy.

Despite a healthy diet most women fall short on key nutrients. If you’re pregnant or hoping to conceive, prenatal vitamins can help fill such gaps.


Prenatal Vitamins Vs. Standard Vitamins

Prenatal vitamins typically contain more folic acid and iron than do standard adult multi-vitamins.

  • Folic acid helps prevent neural tube defects.
  • Iron supports the baby’s growth and development and helps prevent anaemia.

Additionally, research suggests that prenatal vitamins decrease the risk of low birth weight. A prenatal vitamin should contain:

  • Folic acid 400 to 800 micrograms
  • Calcium 250 milligrams
  • Iron 30 milligrams
  • Vitamin C 50 milligrams
  • Zinc  15 milligrams
  • Copper  2 milligrams
  • Vitamin B6  2 milligrams
  • Vitamin D 400 international units.

Side Effects:

  • Nausea:If this happens to you, take your prenatal vitamin with a snack or before you go to bed at night.
  • Constipation:To prevent this –
    • Drink plenty of fluids.
    • Include more fibre in your diet.
    • Include physical activity in your daily routine, as long as your doctor at Motherhood is OK.

Remember, prenatal vitamins are a complement to a healthy diet not a substitute for good nutrition.

For further details or queries , kindly contact us at tomotherhoodindia@gmail.com