How Do Vaccinations Work

Protective benefits of vaccination: Essential components of immunization - Motherhood Hospital India

A newborn is immune to some infections because it receives antibodies from its mother; this is called “passive immunity“. Passive immunity lasts for a few weeks or months. Ironically, that immunity begins to fade away in the first few months of life. So, it’s very important to follow an immunization schedule.

What is vaccination?

Vaccination protects you from specific diseases that can make you very sick, disable or even kill you. Vaccines help develop immunity by imitating an infection as it would react when it recognizes and fights the real infection. They trick the body into thinking it is under assault & trigger the immune system to produce its own antibodies (substances produced by the body to fight disease), as though the body has been infected with a disease without actually infecting us and harming us with the disease. This is called “active immunity“.

Thus, vaccination is like a dress rehearsal for your immune system so it is prepared for the real show .

How does it work?

When germs, such as bacteria or viruses, invade the body, they attack and multiply quickly. This invasion is called an infection , which causes the illness.

  • The vaccine contains antigens: harmless substances (such as dead bacteria or molecules) associated with the disease.
  • The body assumes the antigens are the actual disease, and its immune system stimulates white blood cells to activate and create antibodies – proteins that can fight the disease’s bacteria or viruses – the invading organism.

How are vaccines created?

Viruses and bacteria can be produced in the laboratory by infecting cells grown in tissue culture; thereby weakening or attenuating it by growing it repeatedly to carefully select a strain that’s less dangerous.The treated pathogen is then combined with stabilizers and preservatives, to produce a vaccine dose.

Does it have any harmful side-effects?

Seldom, vaccination can cause minor symptoms, such as fever. They are normal and can be expected as the body builds immunity. If a child was given 11 vaccines all at the same time, it would only use a thousandth of its immune system, so it does not harm the baby!

How long is the vaccine effective?

Generally vaccinations provide lifelong protection against a disease, but others need boosting. The duration depends on the disease that is being protected against, the vaccine and the person’s inbuilt immunity.

Some vaccines provide high levels of protection like MMR provides 90% protection against measles and rubella after single dose. Others are not as effective typhoid vaccine provides around 70% protection over three years; Tetanus may need boosters.

The antibodies don’t disappear even after their work is done. If these germs reappear, whether it’s a few weeks or many years later, the antibodies are ready to protect & prevent the infection.

Is one vaccination enough to give my child immunity?

The antibodies are very specific. They have been created to combat to a specific disease. The mumps virus, cannot to work against rubella. Thus, one should follow the immunization schedule. Young children are vulnerable to many potentially dangerous infections.

Can vaccination eliminate diseases?

The disease can be eradicated completely if the vaccination is given to most people, as has happened with smallpox and polio. If enough people in a community are vaccinated, it’s harder for a disease to infect even those people who have not been vaccinated. This is called “herd immunity“.

15 Tips for a healthy pregnancy

1) When in doubt, ASK. See a gynaecologist. It is essential to consult a doctor when you have missed your periods. She will guide you well through your most crucial phase : the first trimester.

2) Change your food habits to include a healthy variety of foods.

3) Food Hygiene : One should be aware about the environment & food intake as it has a direct implication on your fetal health. Undercooked meat or unpasteurized milk can be toxic & fatal to your baby’s health.

4) Stop smoking. The risk of child birth defects triple with smoking.

5) Take early pregnancy classes like lamaze & yoga. Stretching exercises help your muscles relax & keep cramps at bay. These foster physical as well as mental relaxation.

6) Follow a regular exercise regimen  it will help you stay in shape throughout your pregnancy, ease birthing process & help lose your post-pregnancy weight faster.

7) Incorporate some pregnancy super foods that you may have never tried before like quinoa, broccoli, avocado, blueberries, flax seeds to name a few. 

8) Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water. Keep yourself well hydrated to avoid fatigue & dizziness.

9) Practice pelvic tilts to overcome lower back pain & help baby assume a good birth position which will be pivotal during birthing.

10) Alcohol Addiction is detrimental to your baby’s health. It can cause birth defects, disorders or even lead to miscarriage. The first trimester is crucial in deciding your baby’s health condition.

11) Attend breast-feeding classes to prepare yourself to nurture your child during it’s formative years. A well breast-fed child has higher immunity, lower risk of obesity & higher resistance towards allergies.

12) We know you love shoppin. Indulge in a shopping spree & enjoy the beautiful & unforgettable journey of Motherhood.

13) We know you love your morning coffee. But too much caffeine is said to increase the risk of miscarriage & have other implications like low birth weight. So next time judiciously choose your morning beverage.

14) It is a common belief that a pregnant woman should consume double the amount of food since she is also feeding her child. UNTRUE. A woman with normal weight need not consume not more than 300-400 additional calories to her daily diet  that’s just about a bowl of curd.

15) Relax! It maybe your first or third pregnancy. We understand your anxiety & fear of the unexpected. Do not stress out. Pamper yourself at a spa. 

Healthy Pregnancy, Happy Motherhood.

Post Pregnancy Care

Post-pregnancy is a crucial phase of motherhood. Your responsibility doubles once you deliver your little one. Few things that have to be kept in mind after the delivery are to get enough rest and nutrition in order to be able to breastfeed and nursing your baby. This is the phase where you give your body ample of rest and follow a proper diet plan to recover properly.

Crash diet should not be an option because if you are breastfeeding, you will not have sufficient nutrition in your body to keep the breast milk flowing. A well-balanced diet must be followed which helps you in the process of recovering and keeps your body well-nutritional for your baby. However, if you are concerned about your weight and body shape, you can follow a diet which has excessive nutrients but low on calories.

Your choice of food must be based on the simple theory that you must consume food that is low in calories but bulk in quantity so that you are full like fruits, steamed vegetables, baked eats, whole- grains, pulses etc. Calcium is essential for you because the baby needs proper amount of breastfeeding. About four to five portions of calcium and protein rich food is necessary.

It has been researched that the mothers who breastfeed their babies lose weight at a comparatively faster pace because production of milk in the body helps in burning down about 500 calories a day. It is strictly advised by the doctors that newbie mothers should not put themselves on a weight-losing diet immediately after delivery. They need abundant amount of energy and strength for they have to nurse their new-born.

Few women are obsessed with the idea of losing weight post-pregnancy to retain their weight pre-pregnancy. And they end up going on a crash diet which results in the bad interest of both, the mother and the baby. Instead of taking up a stringent diet, going on a sensible diet that is fulfilling but low in fat will help in gaining better results. Newbie mothers are expected to nurture their babies first and then set goals to lose weight after pregnancy.

It is not impossible to lose weight post-pregnancy, but it is highly realistic to accept that it will take some time. If you want to go back to looking how you were before pregnancy, a well-balanced diet and good (not hectic) amount of exercises will be useful. But it might just take more than a couple of weeks to get there. So, be patient and follow a good routine of exercises to fetch your pre-baby body back backed by sufficient nutrients.

Preparing for Motherhood

Pregnancy comes as a surprise to some women. For others, it is a result of much planning and waiting. If you and your spouse are ready for the pattering of little feet around your house, here’s what you should know before trying to conceive.

Stop the pill

If you have been using contraceptives in the form of injections or pills, now is the time to stop using them. Let your periods regularize so you can keep track of your cycles.Research also suggests that use of lubricants act as barriers to sperms and so, use of lubricants should be avoided.

Know your body

It helps to know what happens during conception and how a pregnancy advances. Prior to that, observe and time your menstrual cycles and figure out when you ovulate. This is very essential as you stand a chance of conceiving only when the egg is still in your reproductive system. You will find several online tools to help you calculate your ovulation period or your most fertile period.

Also remember that you have just a 20 percent chance of getting pregnant each month. So don’t be alarmed if you did not get pregnant in your first attempt. Regular sexual intercourse specifically during the fertile period is important. However, if you have been trying for more than a year (or 6 months for women over 35 year), it might be time you met a fertility specialist.

Visit a gynaecologist

You don’t necessarily need to wait to get pregnant, in order to meet a gynaecologist. It is recommended that you schedule your first appointment as soon as you decide you want to have a baby. You can discuss your fears, apprehensions, medical history, and nutritional habits with your doctor. A gynaecologist might put you on multivitamins and folic acid supplements couple of months in advance.

It is also advisable to get a dental check-up done before you get pregnant.Some dental complications cannot be treated effectively during pregnancy and are linked to pre-term birth and underweight babies.

Eat healthy and exercise

You could also book an appointment with a nutritionist who can inform you the recommended daily nutrition needs based on your lifestyle and diet preferences. If you are underweight or overweight, it is advisable to get to a healthy weight before pregnancy. Also note that underweight/overweight women can have irregular ovulation, which can delay pregnancy.

Quit smoking and drinking

If you are a heavy drinker and smoker, you will have to cut down on it and eventually, stop completely. These habits have a very negative impact on reproductive health including ovulation and pregnancy. Talk to your physician about how you can quit smoking and drinking.

Most women get pregnant without much problem but if you follow the above tips, you can be assured that you are on the right track. We hope you found this information useful. Please feel free to share your thoughts on this topic in the comments section below.

Importance of Antenatal Visits

Antenatal or prenatal care refers to the care that a woman receives during pregnancy. This includes healthcare services to the would-be mother as well as the unborn baby. Also, other health concerns regarding pregnancy are addressed during antenatal visits.

Most women do not realise the importance of consulting a gynaecologist right from the beginning of pregnancy.Often, they try to evade pregnancy tests and scans in trying to curb costs.However, care for the mother and the baby should begin as soon as pregnancy is confirmed.

In this blog we will highlight some of the most important benefits of prenatal visits to a healthcare centre.

Prenatal check-ups during the first trimester

  • During the first trimester, the mother needs to ensure that she consumes a well-balanced diet so as to provide the baby with all the necessary nutrients for growth and development. Folic acid supplements are recommended as they reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the foetus during the first 12 weeks.
  • Consuming alcohol and smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of premature delivery and birth d
  • effects in the foetus. Visiting the obstetrician during early pregnancy can help you receive important advice regarding diet and lifestyle.
  • Certain medications can be extremely harmful to the unborn baby. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, an antenatal check-up will help you understand how it can affect your pregnancy and your healthcare provider will advise you on ways to bring it under control.
  • Also, it is during the first trimester that the first ultrasound scan is done to observe the development in the foetus and to determine the expected date of delivery. Multiple pregnancies can be identified during the scan.A blood test will also be conducted to rule out possibilities of infections, blood cell count, blood typing, and screening for Rh antibodies.

Prenatal check-ups during the second trimester

Until the end of the second trimester, you will typically have an antenatal check-up every 4 weeks. Tests that you can expect during this time include:

  1. Urine test  you will be asked to give a urine sample to check for blood sugar and protein.
  2. Blood test  is conducted to rule out possibilities of infections, blood cell count, blood typing, and screening for Rh antibodies.
  3. Ultrasound  ultrasound scan helps observe the developments like heart rate, head-to-toe measurements in the foetus, etc. Down syndrome, which is a chromosomal abnormality, can also be identified during this stage.
  4. Measurements  the size and shape of your uterus is measured.
  5. Blood pressure and weight  your blood pressure and weight will be checked at each prenatal visit.

Prenatal check-ups during the third trimester

In the third trimester, you will be expected to visit your obstetrician every two weeks.This helps identify the position of the baby as it drops low in the uterus in the head down position, in preparation for the birthing process, towards the end of the trimester.

Without regular prenatal check-ups, problems in the placenta, foetal abnormalities and other complications will go unnoticed, posing a health threat to both the mother and child. Even if you feel perfectly fine or have gone through healthy pregnancies previously, you still require regular antenatal check-ups from the beginning of your pregnancy until the birth of your baby.

Remember, there is no substitute for good prenatal care!

Importance of Folic Acid during the First Trimester

Every woman naturally pays special attention to her diet and lifestyle as soon as she discovers she is pregnant.While its important to eat healthy during pregnancy, it is particularly important to eat foods that provide all the necessary nutrients necessary to ensure normal development of the baby and the mother’s good health.

Folic acid is one such essential nutrient that is required right from the pre-conception period until the first trimester. Let us take a look at what folic acid is and the role it plays in ensuring a healthy pregnancy and baby.

Folic acid and its benefits

Folic acid is also known as folacin or folate. It is a B vitamin that naturally occurs in certain foods. It works along with vitamin B12 in generating healthy red blood cells in our body. Folic acid is essential for the healthy development of the unborn baby’s brain, spine and skull.

It is known to reduce the chances of the unborn baby developing neural tube defects likespina bifida. Spina bifida is a birth defect wherein the spine of the baby remains under-developed, causing some severe physical disabilities including paralysis.Folic acid can also help prevent many other birth defects like cleft palate (cleft lip) and heart defects by as much as 70%.

When you need it most?

It is during the first trimester (first 12 weeks) of pregnancy that your baby’s brain and nervous system are developing. It happens at a very fast pace and so makes it very vital that you have folic acid rich foods along with folic acid supplements during this time.

Majority of women have an unplanned pregnancy and do not realise they are pregnant until 4-6 weeks into their pregnancy. By this time most of the vital organs in the foetus have already begun to form. That is why, doctors recommend women of reproductive age and those trying for a baby to have a folic acid rich diet.

Foods rich in folic acid are:

  • Oranges/ orange juice
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Lean red meats
  • Brown rice
  • Black-eyed beans
  • Broccoli
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Folic enriched foods like whole grain bread and cereals

(Talk to your obstetrician or pregnancy dietician for further advice)

Points to remember

  1. Do not boil vegetables as this dissolves the folic content in them. Steam or microwave instead.
  2. Overcooking vegetables can also destroy folate content.
  3. Ensure that you eat your multivitamins just before/after your meals to improve absorption.
  4. If you are going through any other medical treatment like that of epilepsy, diabetes, blood pressure, etc., consult your doctor to know how it can affect your pregnancy.
  5. Folic acid deficiency can cause anaemia.
  6. Folic acid rich foods alone cannot fulfil the daily requirement of folic acid during pregnancy and so, supplements recommended by your obstetrician should be taken on a daily basis.

After you have crossed your first trimester, you can discontinue eating folic acid supplements. However, there is no harm in continuing with the prescription even in the following trimesters.

Motherhood begins its Chennai chapter


For the past 2 years Motherhood has been giving mothers in Bangalore a reason to smile. With its superlative technology and expertise in women and childcare, Motherhood is the best choice for women who desire the best for themselves and their precious bundles of joy. Now mothers in Chennai too can entrust the most important phase of their life into the hands of our expert clinical and support team.

Motherhood brings to Chennai its very first birthing boutique that promotes a family centred atmosphere. Personalised maternity counselling is offered to make every family member a part of the womanŸ??s journey into the beautiful experience of giving birth. Our Lamaze and Antenatal programs also help the parents-to-be get accustomed to the process of giving birth naturally. Our innovative labour practices have helped many women achieve a comfortable pregnancy and childbirth experience. Deluxe rooms and suites that contain highly sophisticated birthing beds ensure that the mother-to-be is most comfortable during the birthing process.

Motherhood understands the role of women as building blocks in the development of the society. Women generally tend to neglect their own health while devoting their lives for the betterment of others. We offer a range of healthcare services dedicated to women of all age groups. We intend to provide every woman a nurturing and safe environment during her road to recovery. We achieve this by offering them a blissful and homely atmosphere which takes away all the apprehensions that a woman may have regarding medical procedures.

Motherhood is conveniently located in TTK Road, Alwarpet, Chennai. We invite all women in Chennai to take advantage of its personalized, patient centred-care.


DisclaimerThe information contained in this issue is not a substitute for medical advice. All content including text, graphics and images are for general information purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Teaching Your Child Good Manners

They say parents are the first teachers in the life of a child. That is why it is important to start inculcating good behaviour in your child as early as possible. Good behaviour can be taught at any time and any place, at family meals, outings, etc. In this blog we provide parents basic tips they need to teach good behaviour to their child. This will improve the child’s personality and promote positive social behaviour. Be a role model to your child Remember the old saying, Practice what you preach ? That’s exactly what you need to do. If you want your child to say please and ‘thank you , you need to be good examples. You need to give respect to earn respect from others, including your child. Family meals are the best time to showcase the right behaviour to the child. Use polite language while talking to your spouse and other members of the family especially in the presence of the child. Table manners can be easy to teach when the family eats together. Let others try teaching your child Do you think your child is not listening to you? Maybe you should let someone your child looks up to, to help you out. Maybe a neighbour, friend, or relative that your child really looks up to or is very fond of should motivate your child to display good manners. blog food Also get the same people to behave in good way in front of the child. Other too must be a good influence on your child. After all children are extremely impressionable and can easily learn impolite behaviour. Acknowledge and appreciate good behaviour It is important that you appreciate your child each time he demonstrates good behaviour.Encourage him to be quiet and well behaved when you go to public places like restaurants and the movies. When he does remain quiet and well behaved, tell him how impressed you are with his behaviour. Places like the mall or a kiddie restaurant can be a good place to practice good manners. Rewarding good behaviour is also a good idea but don’t let the child behave well only for the rewards. Eventually, when you take your child out to fancy restaurants and other social gatherings, he will know exactly how to behave. Be polite, positiveandpatient The key ingredients to raising a well-behaved child include the three P’s:
  • Politeness: Remember to be polite to your child while correcting wrong behaviour. Keep your voice low but firm and look straight into his eyes while talking. The child must understand that you are correcting him because you care and not because you want to control.
  • Positivity: Parents must always have a positive attitude while teaching the child good manners. Don’t use negative words that can make the child feel threatened, fearful or not loved .Choose your words wisely while correcting the child.
  • Patience: Patience is important as well. Teaching good manners is not an overnight affair. At first you might feel you are fighting a losing battle, but success doesn’t come easy. Give your child to understand and learn the benefits of good behaviour. Also remember that every child is different and you might have to use a different, customised approach if required. Combine these tips with your parenting instincts, and you re good to go!

Tips for Feeding Fussy Infants &Toddlers

Expert Tips on Healthy Nutrition Guidance to Feeding Fussy Infants/Toddlers - Motherhood Hospital India

Looking after a toddler can be an overwhelming task in more ways than one. Not only do you have to deal with your hyperactive kid who’s extremely curious about everything that he comes across, feeding time can seem like a long battle often lost to the young explorer.You might be cooking up the healthiest meal for your child and in a matter of minutes see it splattered all over the table or floor.

To make things worse, you often take this rejection of your cooking quite personally, which adds to the stress. Let’s look at some successfully tried and tested tips on how to feed picky infants and toddlers.


Ways to tickle their taste buds.

  1. Offer small quantities of food at regular intervals throughout the day. Breaking the meals into small portions aids digestion and helps the body absorb the nutrients better.
  2. Make use of an ice tray to add different varieties of food in each section. Use foods of different colours to make it look more interesting. For example, you can place a variety of foods like bit-size pieces of boiled vegetables or cut fruits, cereals, cheese bits, etc.
  3. Also, give the above mentioned finger foods some interesting names or cut them into fun shapes. For instance, you can call broccoli florets little trees or thinly sliced carrots ‘swords . Use your creativity or the vast amount of free online resources to come up with something new every once in a while and soon you ll be a pro!
  4. Invite a few friends your child’s age and let them share a meal. Sharing food and watching another child eat may arouse some interest in the food and also inculcate some good habits.
  5. Pack the food in some fanciful way, to make it look like you re making a special delivery just for him. Use easy kitchen tools like a pizza or a cookie cutter to cut idlis, parathas, etc. into interesting shapes.
  6. Make dips out of cheese, fruit or vegetable puree. Kids often enjoy dipping boiled vegetables and toast into their favourite dips.
  7. Make an interesting picture with different food items on the plate and encourage the child to make it disappear one by one (by eating it of course!)
  8. Join your child in the meals and say positive words like, umm’this is so yummy! and, I just love these so much, don’t you?
  9. Don’t keep any hard and fast rules as to what should be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Give your child whatever he prefers during any meal.
  10. Be as inconsistent as possible when it comes to food. The more the variety the more there is chance of the child being interested in eating sooner or later.

The most important factor in dealing with fussy eaters is to be patient. Don’t be surprised if your child does not show interest in the first few days of the change you introduce. Remember that this is just a passing and constantly changing phase. More importantly, remember that it is a perfectly natural developmental phase of your child’s life.

For further details or queries , kindly contact us at

Introducing solid foods to your baby

A babyŸ??s digestive system is not ready for solid food until after the baby is about 4 to 6 months old. Until then it is recommended that the baby is exclusively breast-fed or formula-fed. Breast milk or formula milk has the nourishment and calories required for your babyŸ??s development in the first 6 months of her life.

Most mothers want to be sure that they introduce solid food at the right time. There are some signs you can look for in order to know when your baby is ready to include solids in her diet. However, make sure the baby can hold her head up, can lean or sit upright on a highchair.

Signs to watch out for in the baby

  • Starts to put things into her mouth
  • Opens mouth when you take food close to her mouth
  • Asks for more frequent feeds or cries for more after her bottle is empty
  • Shows interest in food that others are eating
  • Can hold small bits of food in the mouth and push it to the back of the mouth
  • Her weight has doubled from her original birth weight

What should I feed my baby the first time?

Babies should ideally be given liquid or semi-solid foods with a spoon to see if they are ready and also to make it easier for them to go through this process. One important thing to remember here is to feed the same kind of food for the first few days just to make sure that your baby is not allergic to a particular food, and also observe if her stools are normal. Move on to a new variant if there are no allergic reactions like vomiting, rashes and diarrhoea. You can try the following options:

  • Boiled and pureed vegetables like pumpkin, carrot, potato, avocado, etc.
  • Boiled and pureed single-grain cereals like rice, ragi or lentils
  • Mashed fruits like banana or apple puree
  • Yogurt
  • Custard

Things to remember when introducing solids to your baby

  • Avoid using vegetables like spinach, beetroot that are high in nitrates. Nitrates can cause a type of anaemia in small children.
  • You donŸ??t need to enhance the flavour of the food with salt or sugar.
  • Start with a few spoons at a time and increase the quantity gradually.
  • Make sure that there are no lumps in the food as the baby can choke on it.
  • If you are using commercial baby food, ensure you use boiled water while preparing it.
  • Avoid giving solids in a bottle so that the baby understands the difference between solids and liquids. This will also help the baby adapt to other solid foods eventually.

Once your baby is about 8 months old and has tried different kinds of pureed foods, you can begin introducing some more solid varieties of food. Your baby will most likely begin to chew at this stage although she doesnŸ??t really have any grinding teeth. This is a good time to switch to Ÿ??finger foodsŸ??. These are small bits of foods that can be easily mashed when in the mouth. Babies will begin grasping the food in their hands

  • Soft cheese,
  • Small pieces of boiled vegetables,
  • Cooked pasta,
  • Cut or thinly sliced fruits like banana,
  • Minced meat or chicken are good options during this stage.

Feeding a baby can be a messy affair! So make sure you have a bib and some cleaning cloth in place to clean spills. Another essential ingredient is to have lots of patience. It is not necessary that your baby will like and eat the food in the very first attempt. Feed the baby in a place where there arenŸ??t many distractions so that feeding time is not just a nutritive but a fun learning process for your baby.

For further details or queries , kindly contact us at