Understanding Pneumonia in Children: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Pneumonia in Children

Autor – Dr. Amit Gupta 

MD (peds) KGMC LUCKNOW, PGPN (Boston), NNF Instructor, Fellowship in Neonatology (Canada ) 

Senior Consultant – Peadiatrician & Neonatologist 

Understanding Pneumonia in Children: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment


Pneumonia is a common respiratory infection that can affect people of all ages, but it can be particularly concerning when it strikes children. As a seasoned child specialist with 18 years of experience, I aim to provide you with a comprehensive educational article on pneumonia, covering its causes, symptoms, and treatment, to help parents and caregivers better understand this condition and its management. 

What Is Pneumonia? 

Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lungs caused by various infectious agents, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms. In children, bacterial and viral pneumonia are the most common culprits. Pneumonia can range from mild to severe, and it is crucial to recognize its signs and symptoms to ensure timely intervention and proper treatment. 

Causes of Pneumonia in Children: 

Bacterial Infections: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae type b, and Staphylococcus aureus are some common bacterial pathogens responsible for pediatric pneumonia. 

Viral Infections: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza virus, and adenovirus are frequent viral causes of pneumonia in children. 

Fungal Infections: While less common, fungal pneumonia can occur, primarily in children with compromised immune systems. 

Symptoms of Pneumonia in Children: 

Recognizing the symptoms of pneumonia in children is essential for early diagnosis and prompt treatment. These symptoms may vary in severity and can include: 

  • Cough, often producing yellow or green mucus. 
  • High fever, sometimes accompanied by chills. 
  • Rapid or difficult breathing, which may be visible as chest retractions (sucking in between the ribs or below the ribcage) or flaring of the nostrils. 
  • Wheezing or grunting. 
  • Fatigue and decreased activity. 
  • Loss of appetite. 
  • Rapid heart rate. 
  • Cyanosis (bluish discoloration of the lips, nails, or skin). 
  • Diagnosis of Pneumonia: 

When a child presents with symptoms suggestive of pneumonia, a thorough evaluation is necessary. Diagnostic measures may include: 


Physical examination: Listening to the child’s breathing sounds with a stethoscope to identify abnormal breath sounds, crackles, or wheezing. 

Chest X-ray: An essential tool for confirming the presence of pneumonia and determining its extent. 

Blood tests: To assess the severity of infection and the type of pathogen involved. 

Sputum culture: To identify the causative bacteria and guide antibiotic treatment. 

Treatment of Pneumonia in Children: 

The treatment approach for pediatric pneumonia depends on the underlying cause and the child’s age and overall health. Key strategies include: 

Antibiotics: If bacterial pneumonia is diagnosed, antibiotics are prescribed. The choice of antibiotic depends on the suspected pathogen. 

Antiviral medications: For pneumonia caused by specific viruses, such as influenza or RSV, antiviral drugs may be considered. 

Supportive care: This includes ensuring the child gets plenty of rest, maintaining hydration, and managing fever and discomfort with appropriate medications. 

Oxygen therapy: In severe cases, oxygen supplementation may be required to ensure adequate oxygen levels in the blood. 

Hospitalization: Some children with pneumonia, especially infants or those with severe symptoms, may require hospitalization for close monitoring and intravenous treatments. 

Prevention of Pneumonia: 

Preventing pneumonia in children is a priority for parents and caregivers. Here are some essential preventive measures: 

Vaccination: Ensure that your child is up-to-date on vaccinations, including those against common pathogens like pneumococcus and Hib. 

Good hygiene: Promote handwashing and respiratory hygiene to reduce the spread of infectious agents. 

Avoid secondhand smoke: Exposure to tobacco smoke can increase the risk of pneumonia. 

Breastfeeding: Breastfed infants have better immunity against infections, including pneumonia. 


As a child specialist, I understand the concern and worry that parents and caregivers may experience when a child is diagnosed with pneumonia. Early recognition of symptoms, prompt medical attention, and appropriate treatment can significantly improve the outcome for children with pneumonia. By focusing on prevention and staying informed, we can work together to keep our children healthy and safe. 

A Step-By-Step Guide to IVF 

Step by step guide for IVF guid

AuthorDr Shruti Mane

MBBS, M.S, PG Diploma in ART and Reproductive Medicine, Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine (MUHS),

Consultant Infertility Specialist

A Step-By-Step Guide to IVF 


 In-vitro fertilization or IVF is a type of fertility treatment for couples dealing with infertility. According to Dr Shruti Mane, MBBS, MS, PG Diploma in ART and Reproductive Medicine, Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine (MUHS), Consultant- Infertility Specialist, IVF is a type of assisted reproductive technique (ART) that is effective in patients who are unable to conceive naturally. It involves various steps including pre-evaluation to ensure that your body is ready for the procedure. Since it is a complex process, it is best if you refer to the best IVF doctor in Navi Mumbai. 

What is In-vitro Fertilization (IVF)? 

As mentioned by the top IVF doctor in Navi Mumbai, IVF is a type of ART. During this process, the sperm and eggs are fertilized outside of the human body in a laboratory. The entire process starts from retrieving eggs from your body and sperm from your partner. Once the egg is fertilized in the laboratory, it is placed inside your uterus. Your pregnancy starts the moment this fertilized egg or embryo attaches itself to the uterine wall. 

What are the Steps of IVF? 

If you are unable to conceive naturally, the best IVF specialist in Navi Mumbai will discuss your options to achieve pregnancy; IVF being one of the top-most treatments. Here are the steps involved in the IVF process: 

1. Enhancing Your Egg Production with Superovulation 

At the beginning of the process, you will be given fertility drugs to initiate stimulation or superovulation. The drug contains follicle-stimulating hormone which signals your body to produce more eggs. The more your number of eggs, the more your chances of successful fertilization. Apart from this, the top IVF doctor in Navi Mumbai will also conduct ultrasounds and blood tests to monitor your hormone levels and ovaries. 

2. Egg Removal 

Once the best IVF doctor in Navi Mumbai is sure that your eggs can be retrieved, you will receive another hormonal injection a day before the retrieval. This injection will ensure that your eggs mature quickly. Following this, you will also have a minor surgical procedure to remove eggs from your body.  

3. Sperm Collection from Partner 

When your eggs are removed, the sperm of your partner or donor will also be collected simultaneously. The collected sperms are put through a high-speed wash and spin cycle to find the healthiest one. The healthiest sperm, thus, is selected for fertilization. 

4. Combining Sperms and Eggs 

Once the doctor has sperm and egg samples, the mixing stage will begin. Your best eggs will be selected along with the healthiest sperm and combined for insemination. It usually takes a few hours for a sperm to fertilize the egg. If needed, your doctor might also inject these sperms directly into your egg known as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).  

5. Transfer of Fertilized Egg into Your Uterus 

Once your egg is fertilized, you will receive another medication to prepare the lining of your uterus for the fertilized egg. After around 3-5 days of your fertilization, the doctor will place embryos in your uterus. Multiple embryos are placed to increase your chances of implantation. At times, more than one embryo can be implanted in the uterus which is common for IVF. A few days after this process, a pregnancy test will be conducted to confirm your pregnancy. 

In-vitro Fertilization is a safe and effective procedure for pregnancy. If you are having problems conceiving, you can discuss more about it with Dr Shruti Mane at the Motherhood IVF. 

Fertility and Cancer: What are Your Options?

Fertility and Cancer

AuthorDr Shruti Mane

MBBS, M.S, PG Diploma in ART and Reproductive Medicine, Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine (MUHS),

Consultant Infertility Specialist

Fertility and Cancer: What are Your Options? 


Cancer can be frightening regardless of your age. It is more difficult when you are in your reproductive years. According to Dr Shruti Mane, MBBS, M.S, PG Diploma in ART and Reproductive Medicine, Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine (MUHS), Consultant Infertility Specialist, a lot of couples are worried about their chances of conceiving when fighting cancer. Modern medicine, however, provides solutions and allows cancer survivors to embrace parenthood. On this note, the best IVF doctor in Navi Mumbai recommends cryopreservation.  

What is Cryopreservation? 

Cryopreservation embryo freezing or embryo preservation is a process of storing and freezing embryos for future use. The best IVF specialist in Navi Mumbai recommends this technique to safeguard your chances of pregnancy. 

What is the Procedure for Cryopreservation? 

The primary goal of cryopreservation or embryo preservation is to save embryos for later use. The produced embryos are controlled and maintained in such environmental conditions to ensure that the embryo does not die. The top IVF doctor in Navi Mumbai explains the following steps: 

1.Embryo Selection: 

 Initially, the IVF doctor may give certain medications or injections to stimulate your body to produce more eggs. Similarly, your partner is also given medications to produce more sperm cells. Both sperm and eggs are mixed in the laboratory to generate plenty of embryos. The embryos go through extensive testing to select the healthiest one. These healthy embryos are stored for later use. 

2. Removing Water Content: 

The selected healthy embryo cannot be frozen directly since the water content from cells has to be replaced. According to the best IVF doctor in Navi Mumbai, the water from the cells is removed as it also freezes or crystallizes. These crystals can expand over time and burst the cell open to die. 

3. Embryo Freezing: 

 As the water is removed, the embryo is cooled and frozen. The embryos are put inside a tube to save them from any damage. The temperature inside the tubes is gradually lowered to prevent ageing and damage. Once an optimal temperature is reached, the tube is transferred from the freezer and stored in a liquid nitrogen container to maintain a temperature of -196 degrees Celsius.  

How are Embryos Used Again? 

The process to de-freeze an embryo is called thawing. When embryos are required, it is retrieved from the liquid nitrogen container and kept in a water bath to gradually increase the temperature. Once a required temperature is reached, the embryo is ready to be transferred into your uterus. 

Fighting cancer has its challenges as it hampers every aspect of your being. Mostly, it affects your chances of parenthood. The modern assisted reproductive techniques, however, including IVF and cryoprotection have made it easier for you to get pregnant after your cancer therapy. It is, however, also important for you to visit the top IVF doctor in Navi Mumbai when you are diagnosed with cancer to discuss your future options. You can visit Dr Shruti Mane at the Motherhood IVF for expert guidance. 

How to Deal with High-Risk Pregnancy? 

how to deal with high risk pregnancy

AuthorDr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

How to Deal with High-Risk Pregnancy? 


A few moments in life are as powerful as the joy of getting pregnant. If, however, you have been diagnosed with a high-risk pregnancy, the emotions can turn towards anxiety and concern. According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology, high-risk pregnancies can also have healthy babies and safe outcomes with early and regular prenatal care. Of course, a high-risk pregnancy will demand additional changes from your end, hence, it is important to have the best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon by your side during this crucial period. 

How to Deal with High-Risk Pregnancy? 

If you are diagnosed with a high-risk pregnancy and wish to know how to deal with it, here is all you need to know: 

1. Stay Informed 

A high-risk pregnancy is a condition that can potentially harm either the health of the child, mother, or both. The best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon says that a lot of contributing factors can result in high-risk pregnancy. Conditions such as high blood pressure, preeclampsia, twins, placenta previa, gestational diabetes, and previous miscarriages generally lead to high-risk pregnancies. If you fall into any of these, it is important to get yourself checked before getting pregnant to avoid complications. 

2. Create a Plan with Your Doctor 

 By discussing your outcomes with the laparoscopic surgeon in Gurgaon, you will have a proactive plan in hand which will give you peace of mind. Hence, you need to discuss this with your obstetrician and attend all prenatal care appointments.  

3. Prioritize Your Self-Care 

By prioritizing your self-care, you will ensure better outcomes for yourself and the baby. Self-care ensures a healthy diet, reduced exposure to toxins, exercise, getting enough sleep, and avoiding situations that create stress.  

4. Listen to Your Body 

 Do not expect too much from yourself and listen to what your body is telling you. If you need some rest, allow yourself to sleep. Since your body is growing a foetus, you may not have enough energy throughout the day. Listen to your body and if you feel something is not normal, consult the best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon at the earliest. 

5. Address Mental Health Concerns 

Research shows that depression is common in women with high-risk pregnancies. You need to know that such feelings may arise and it is alright to feel this way. A lot of women tune into the vicious cycle of blaming themselves for the difficult pregnancy but it is not the truth. If you ever feel that the pregnancy is taking a toll on your mental health, visit Dr Preety Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals. 

6. Have a Support System 

Surround yourself with people whom you are comfortable with and who care for you. High-risk pregnancy will ask you to make several lifestyle changes that may also require you to scale back on commitments or obligations. Hence, having a core group of family and friends during this time can take you out of the guilt. If needed, you can also join a high-risk pregnancy support group in Gurgaon or share your concerns or feelings with your doctor. 

7. Develop a Right Mindset 

Stress and anxiety can trigger your pregnancy. Staying relaxed and calm, however, can help you in overall wellbeing. Despite how jittery you feel, make sure to do things that make you happy. This will help you regain a sense of normalcy and take your mind off worries. 

High-risk pregnancy can be difficult to manage with all the growing concerns and worries. With the right support, however, you can surpass this with better outcomes. If you need an expert to help you on this journey, consult Dr Preety Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals. 

Preparing for Pregnancy: A Checklist for First-time Mothers 

preparing for pregnancy checklist

AuthorDr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology,

Preparing for Pregnancy: A Checklist for First-time Mothers 


Pregnancy is a remarkable journey, especially for first-time mothers. As a first-time mother, the thought of having a baby is both exciting and overwhelming. With so many things to plan and do, the mothers can get confused. According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the need to make everything perfect can make the mothers stressed out. Instead of being overwhelmed, a checklist can help women to do all the right things without any worries.  

A Checklist for First-time Mothers  

The best gynaecologist & obstetrician doctors in Gurgaon have created a checklist for first-time mothers as follows: 

1.Schedule a Pre-conception Checkup 

A lot of women do not consider the need for a pre-conception checkup. This checkup, however, is important to ensure your health or any changes you need to make before getting pregnant. The doctor will conduct a thorough assessment to rule out any medical condition that can affect your pregnancy. 

 2. Evaluate Your Lifestyle 

A healthy pregnancy is a by-product of a healthy lifestyle. Before getting pregnant, make sure that you are following the right lifestyle. Eat a healthy and balanced diet, exercise, get enough sleep, and limit alcohol consumption, and caffeine intake. 

3. Start with Folic Acid 

Folic acid or vitamin B is an important vitamin that prevents birth defects in the baby. This vitamin, hence, is to be started before pregnancy. Do not, however, self-administer and consult the best gynaecologist & obstetrician doctors in Gurgaon for your folic acid intake. 

4. Evaluate Your Work Environment 

If you are exposed to hazardous chemicals during work, it’s probably time for you to change the job. Any kind of demanding job or exposure to harmful chemicals can put your health at risk. Hence, make sure that you discuss it with your doctor as well as your employer for suitable options. 

5. Find an Obstetrician 

An obstetrician is someone with whom you will be sharing your entire pregnancy journey. Make sure to choose the best gynaecologist & obstetrician doctors in Gurgaon that you can trust and feel comfortable with. Take your time to research, schedule a consultation, and discuss your goals. 

6. Create a Birth Plan 

A birth plan refers to your pregnancy outline. It includes your preferences for labour and delivery, pain management, whether you prefer vaginal or caesarean delivery, or your postpartum care. Creating a birth plan can help you in knowing yourself better and it will help you to have a positive birth experience. 

7. Prepare Your Home 

Welcoming your new baby requires a lot of preparation at the back end. Make sure that you baby-proof your home with all the necessary renovations. Prepare a room for your baby that you always dreamt of and your journey will become more fruitful. 

8. Research Your Insurance Options 

Another important aspect to consider before getting pregnant is the insurance. Make sure that your existing insurance covers your maternity along with all the costs associated with prenatal care and delivery. If not, you can add a supplementary insurance policy to cover additional costs. 

9. Pack Your Hospital Bag 

 Instead of jittering at the last moment, learn how a hospital bag is to be prepared. You can also discuss the essentials with your doctor to ensure you do not forget anything. 

First-time mothers are kind of on a rollercoaster ride with their pregnancy. They experience all sorts of emotions in one go. In a nutshell, the mothers want their pregnancy and eventually, the baby to be safe and sound. Hence, a checklist is important to make sure that you are doing everything right. You can discuss all your options and create a customized checklist based on your diagnosis with Dr Preety Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals. 

Low Blood Pressure in Pregnancy and Its Treatment 

low blood pressure in pregnancy

AuthorDr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Low Blood Pressure in Pregnancy and Its Treatment 


 According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology, a woman’s body goes through several hormonal and physiological changes during pregnancy. Some of these changes can also cause gestational diabetes or low blood pressure (hypotension). To nourish the growing foetus, the blood vessels in the woman’s body are dilated. This also reduces blood pressure and may also affect the baby if left untreated. Low blood pressure is common during pregnancy and can also be managed by dietary and lifestyle changes.  

What Causes Low Blood Pressure in Pregnancy? 

The best gynaecologist in sector 57 tells us that low blood pressure in pregnancy lasts for close to 24 weeks and resolves on its own as the mother’s body starts adjusting to the pregnancy. A prolonged lowering of blood pressure, however, is detrimental to the health of the mother and the baby.  

The common reasons behind low BP are: 

1. The hormones responsible for the baby’s growth cause dilation of blood vessels. 

2. A growing foetus utilizes your energy for cell division and growth so you feel low on energy levels. 

3. Since nausea and vomiting are also common in pregnancy, the diet slows down which also leads to low energy. 

The other causes also include: 

1. Dehydration. 

2. Excessive vomiting. 

3. Anaemia. 

4. Loss of blood or internal bleeding. 

5. Infections. 

6. Other medical conditions include heart disease. 

What are the Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure? 

The gynaecologist in Gurgaon states the following common low blood pressure symptoms: 

1. Nausea. 

2. Fatigue. 

3. Weakness. 

4. Increased thirst. 

5. Lethargy. 

6. Double or blurred vision. 

7. Weakness. 

8. Cold skin. 

 It is important to note that the initial symptoms of hypotension may not be alarming. A sudden drop in BP, however, can cause: 

1. Falls and shock. 

2. Organ damage. 

3. Ectopic pregnancy. 

 A continued low BP can be fatal for the growing foetus and the mother. Hence, you should reach out to the gynaecologist in Gurgaon for immediate support. 

What is the Treatment for Low Blood Pressure During Pregnancy? 

Since hypotension is common during pregnancy, it is usually managed by medications. Apart from medications, the best gynaecologist in sector 57 also recommends lifestyle modifications, this includes: 

1. Diet 

The diet in pregnancy should include a balanced meal. You can create small portions and frequent meals throughout the day instead of one large meal to avoid nausea. Apart from this, make sure to hydrate yourself with coconut water or fruit juices. 

2. Adequate Rest 

If you have low BP, do not get up abruptly from a seated position or while lying on the bed to prevent sudden changes in BP. If you feel dizzy, lie on your left side to increase blood flow to the heart. Make sure that you give yourself sufficient rest. You can also try wearing loose clothes or high-knee compression stockings to improve your blood circulation. 

3. Exercise 

Although sudden physical activity may not be suitable for women with low BP, moderate exercise may help you in the long run. Before starting any workout regime, make sure that you consult a gynaecologist in Gurgaon to prevent complications. 

If you are experiencing low blood pressure during pregnancy, it is important to know when to seek medical attention. You should contact Dr Preety Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals if you are experiencing prolonged symptoms.  

All You Need to Know About Fibroid Treatments

all you need to know about fibroid treatment

AuthorDr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

All You Need to Know About Fibroid Treatments

Treatment for fibroids can range from no treatment at all to surgery. Usually, small fibroids do not cause any symptoms and are not treated. The big fibroids, on the other hand, show symptoms including excessive bleeding or bladder problems for which treatment is required. According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology, fibroids are generally harmless until they show disabling symptoms. If your fibroids are causing excessive pain and making it difficult for you to carry out your daily activities, it is time to get yourself treated.

All You Need to Know About Fibroid Treatments

The best laparoscopic gynaecology doctors in Gurgaon suggest the following treatment modalities for patients with fibroids:

1. Medications

The medications are a temporary solution to fibroids and generally improve symptoms. The medications cannot make your fibroid go away. The medications, however, do help with heavy bleeding or pain.

2. Intrauterine Devices (IUD)

Although IUDs are normally used to prevent pregnancy, they may also provide other benefits. An IUD releasing a small amount of hormone into the uterine cavity can decrease the bleeding caused by fibroids.

3. Myomectomy

Myomectomy refers to removing fibroids while preserving the uterus. The surgery is suitable for women with fibroids who want to have children in the future. Although the surgery is effective the fibroids can re-grow. The surgery can be performed in the following ways:

  • Abdominal myomectomy: During this procedure, the doctor will make an incision on the lower abdomen. The fibroids will be removed and the incision will be sewn back together. The recovery may take four to six weeks. 
  • Laparoscopic myomectomy: During this procedure, the doctor will make a small incision on your abdomen. A thin, telescope-like tube will be inserted through the incision to remove the fibroid. The recovery with this procedure is shorter from around two to four weeks. 
  • Hysteroscopic myomectomy: Women with only submucosal fibroids are treated with this procedure. During this surgery, the doctor will place a speculum in the vagina and a telescope will be inserted. The telescope will remove the submucosal fibroids. The recovery with this procedure is also within two to four weeks.

4. Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy refers to the surgical removal of the uterus. The majority of women go for a hysterectomy instead of a myomectomy to prevent the recurrence of fibroids. After hysterectomy, however, a woman cannot get pregnant. It is performed in the following ways:

  • Vaginal hysterectomy: During this procedure, the uterus is removed through the vagina. The recovery is for four weeks. 
  • Abdominal hysterectomy: During this procedure, the uterus is removed through the lower abdomen.  
  • Laparoscopic hysterectomy: During this procedure, the best laparoscopic gynaecology doctors in Gurgaon will create a small incision on the lower abdomen. The doctor will insert a telescope fitted with a camera and tiny surgical instruments. The surgical tools will cut the uterus into small segments and remove it from the incision. The recovery after this procedure is usually shorter with two to four weeks.

5. Uterine Artery Embolization (UAE)

Uterine artery embolization is a new procedure that blocks the blood flow to the fibroids. Limiting blood flow causes the fibroids to shrink and die. This helps with decreased menstrual blood flow, pain, and urinary frequency.

Fibroid symptoms can cause excruciating pain and make it difficult for you to carry out your daily activities. If you are suffering from fibroids or are noticing such symptoms, consult Dr Preety Aggarwal  at the Motherhood Hospitals.

5 Treatment Modalities to Manage Menopause

modalities to manage menupause

AuthorDr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology

5 Treatment Modalities to Manage Menopause 


Menopause refers to the cessation of periods or menses. It is a natural process of ageing caused by the depletion of ovarian reserves as well as the fall of hormones including oestrogen and progesterone. According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology,  the average age of menopause is between 40-45 years. Some women, however, may experience menopause even before the age of 40. In such cases, you should consult a doctor and get yourself treated as soon as possible.  

What Causes Menopause? 

Menopause occurring before the age of 40 refers to premature menopause. It is caused by premature ovarian failure and occurs in rare cases close to 2%. In some cases, it might also be caused by:

1. Surgery: Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) or Oophorectomy (removal of uterus and ovaries). 

2. Radiation: Certain radiations can also cause your ovarian reserves to deplete and lead to menopause. 

What is Perimenopause? 

Perimenopause refers to the transition years of menopause. It is a time before and after the date of the final episode of menstrual flow. According to the best laparoscopic gynaecology doctors in Gurgaon, the transition is of 3 phases, that is, pre-menopause, menopause, and post-menopause. This transition in total can last for 4 to 8 years and even up to 12 years In some people.  

What are the Symptoms of Menopause? 

Perimenopause and menopause may cause various physical, emotional, and psychological changes in women. Dr. Shweta Wazir tells us that the period between perimenopause and menopause can lead to varying degrees of signs and symptoms. The common problems include: 

1. Hot flashes. 

2. Vaginal dryness. 

3. Night sweats. 

4. Irregular periods. 

5. Weight gain. 

6. Mood changes. 

7. Decreased metabolism. 

8. Thinning of hair. 

9. Dry skin. 

Periods are often skipped during perimenopause. If you, however, experience irregular periods during this time, a pregnancy may be suspected.  

What are the Treatment Modalities for Menopause? 

According to the best laparoscopic gynaecology doctors in Gurgaon, the treatment modalities for menopausal symptoms include: 

1. Hormonal Therapy: 

Since menopause is caused by the depletion of the oestrogen hormone. Hence, oestrogen therapy remains the cornerstone of menopause treatment. Depending on your condition, your doctor may also add progesterone to the therapy for effective results. 

2. Vaginal Oestrogen: 

Oestrogen can also be administered directly to the vagina in the form of cream, tablet, or ring to relieve vaginal dryness. The oestrogen released from these is absorbed directly into the vaginal tissues and helps in dealing with urinary symptoms. 

3. Selective Oestrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMS): 

SERMs include a separate category of drugs that act directly on the oestrogen receptors in the body. These drugs not only reduce the chances of breast cancer but also prevent osteoporosis in post-menopausal women. 

4. Antidepressants: 

A low dose of antidepressants can also be prescribed in some cases to deal with hot flashes. These are usually prescribed for women who cannot take oestrogen due to other medical conditions. These are also prescribed for women with a history of depression or a mood disorder. 

5. Gabapentin 

Another drug, gabapentin may be prescribed to reduce hot flashes. This drug is also indicated only for women who cannot take oestrogen or who also have migraines. 

Apart from treatment modalities, certain lifestyle modifications can also help you in dealing with menopausal symptoms. A balanced diet, regular exercise, enough sleep, and relaxation techniques also improve your health.  

If you are on the verge of menopause and are experiencing any of such symptoms, visit Dr Preety Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals for expert guidance. 

Cervical Cerclage: Procedure & Female Infertility Treatment 

cervical cancer

AuthorDr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Cervical Cerclage: Procedure & Female Infertility Treatment 


 Throughout the pregnancy, the cervix remains long and firm. It, however, begins to dilate and soften to allow passage of the foetus. According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the cervix in some women may lose its integrity and can result in miscarriage or preterm birth. In such cases, the best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon suggests cervical cerclage to prevent complications. 

 What is Cervical Cerclage? 

 Cervical cerclage is a procedure to keep your cervix closed during pregnancy to prevent immature birth due to a weak cervix. If your cervix is weakened, your best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon will recommend the procedure at the earliest. This will ensure that the foetus is inside of your uterus.  

 During this procedure, the laparoscopic surgeon in Gurgaon will place one or several sutures in the opening of your cervix to keep it closed during pregnancy.  

When a Cervical Cerclage is Performed? 

 Cervical cerclage may be recommended for several reasons, such as: 

1. Weak or incompetent cervix: At times the cervix may become weak due to past surgeries on the cervical tissues. 

2. Past miscarriages: A past miscarriage can also cause an abnormally shaped uterus or damage to the cervix. A past miscarriage in the second trimester usually causes a weak cervix. 

If your best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon thinks that you require a cervical cerclage, they will perform it for about 12 to 14 weeks into your pregnancy way before the cervix thins out. 

 How is Cervical Cerclage Performed? 

 During a cervical cerclage: 

1. You will be given a pain-numbing medication or a local anaesthetic. 

2. After the anaesthesia takes effect, your doctor will stitch your cervix with strong sutures. This will tighten and secure the cervix. 

 The surgery may cause a slight discomfort and pain. Some patients also experience cramping, light bleeding, or spotting for a few days after the procedure. If, however, you feel abnormal pain after the procedure, contact your laparoscopic surgeon in Gurgaon at the earliest.  

 How is Recovery after the Procedure? 

 After your procedure, you will be discharged on the same day. You should, however, ensure proper rest for at least 10 days after the surgery to let your stitches heal. Make sure that you follow all the instructions given by the doctor including follow-up appointments to monitor your pregnancy. 

 What are the Risks After the Cervical Cerclage? 

 A cervical cerclage is recommended only in severe situations. The best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon will only recommend the procedure if the benefits outweigh the risks. You may experience certain complications after the procedure such as: 

1. Bleeding. 

2. Infection in the cervix. 

3. Premature rupture of membrane; you may experience your water breaking. This may lead to preterm labour. If you notice, any spotting after the procedure, make sure that you visit your doctor immediately. 

4. Preterm labour. 

5. Cervical stenosis. 

6. Scar tissues on your cervix. 

7. Tearing of cervix or uterus. 

When Should You Visit a Doctor After the Procedure? 

 Cervical cerclage is usually safe; however, you may experience certain complications as mentioned above. You should visit your doctor at the earliest if you notice the following: 

1. A high fever. 

2. Contractions in the lower abdomen. 

3. Foul-smelling discharge from the vagina. 

4. Water breaking or leaking. 

5. Excessive bleeding. 

Cervical cerclage is a common procedure performed to improve cervical integrity and prevent preterm birth. The procedure, however, should only be performed by the best pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon to avoid complications. You can visit Dr Preety Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals for consultation and expert guidance.  

Dos and Don’ts Post Hysterectomy

dos and donts in post hysterectomy

AuthorDr Preety Aggarwal


Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Dos and Don’ts Post Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy or removal of the uterus, whether laparoscopic or abdominal, is one of the common surgeries today. According to Dr Preety Aggarwal, MBBS, DGO, DNB, Medical Director (Gurgaon)- Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the surgery is performed to remove fibroids from the uterus or to get rid of uterus-related complications. Although the surgery is uncomplicated post-operative care is important for the complete recovery of the patient. The best gynaecologist in sector 55 recommends taking extreme care after the surgery.

Dos and Don’ts Post Hysterectomy

If you went through a hysterectomy or going under one, you need to know the post-operative for recovery. The gynaecologist in Gurgaon suggests the following tips after the surgery:

1. Care of the Stitches 

Whether laparoscopic or abdominal, the stitches always need to be clean and dry. Wash the stitched-up area once the dressing has been removed, however, do take a bath daily and maintain good hygiene. Dry the stitched-up area as suggested by your gynaecologist in Gurgaon. Make sure that you also keep checking for any signs of infection including redness, wound discharge, or fever. Moreover, wear loose-fitting clothes to avoid irritation on the incision.

2. Eat Balanced Diet

Diet is an important factor after any major surgery as it replenishes the body with the required nutrients. Hence, make sure that you follow a balanced diet. Here are a few tips that can help you maintain your diet:

  • Include all seasonal fruits in your diet: Each fruit has its unique nutritive value that helps in post-operative healing. 
  • Increase fibre and water content: Hysterectomy can cause constipation in some patients. To avoid constipation, include high-fibre foods including fruits and green leafy vegetables. You can also increase your water intake by drinking water every 2 hours. Do not, however, drink fruit juices and try to have fresh fruits as much as possible. 
  • Increase protein intake: Healing of tissues after surgery requires protein. To boost your healing process, you can include lean proteins in your diet including skinless chicken and reduced-fat dairy products such as plain yoghurt.  
  • Avoid saturated fats and include good fats in your diet including cashews, eggs, and so forth. 
  • Additionally, the best gynaecologist in sector 55 will also prescribe calcium and vitamin D supplements to protect yourself from fractures. 

3. Lifestyle Changes

Apart from a balanced diet and medications, certain lifestyle changes can also add to your healing process. This includes:

  • Adequate rest and sleep: Make sure to have at least eight hours of undisturbed sleep. Do not use a smartphone or watch TV while sleeping as it can disrupt your sleep cycle. Also, avoid having tea or coffee before sleeping. 
  • Meditation: You need to relax as much as possible to boost your healing process. Meditate every morning or practice yoga; whichever works for you. This can help you stay healthy and active. 
  • Avoid lifting heavy: Lifting heavy after the surgery can put extra pressure on your stitches and increase your chances of a hernia.

4. Exercise

It is important to note that women who are physically active before the surgery will have an easier recovery and will be able to return to routine sooner. Do not, however, start any physical activity immediately after the surgery. Usually, you may be able to resume around 4 weeks after a hysterectomy. Make sure to discuss this with your gynaecologist in Gurgaon to understand the extent of physical activity permitted. 

Recovery after a hysterectomy can take time. The more you listen to your body after the surgery, the easier will be your recovery. Moreover, you can also consult Dr Preety Aggarwal  at the Motherhood Hospitals for speedy recovery.