A Quick Guide to a Hernia & Hernia Repair Surgery

What is hernia?

A hernia happens when an internal organ/body part pushes through the wall of muscle or tissue that normally keeps it in place. Hernias usually occur in the abdominal cavity region i.e. between the chest and hips.

The different types of hernias include:

  • Inguinal hernia
  • Umbilical hernia
  • Femoral hernia
  • Hiatal hernia
  • Incisional hernia
  • Spigelian hernia
  • Epigastric hernia
  • Diaphragmatic hernia

Hernias are quite common and require medical treatment as they donŸ??t get better/go away on their own. Even though they rarely need immediate attention, it is important to not ignore them and seek treatment immediately. This is because the symptoms can get worse over time and become life-threatening.

If left untreated, the symptoms of hernia include nausea, vomiting, pain in the region where the hernia protrudes etc.

What is a hernia repair surgery?

A doctor may advise surgery as a course of treatment for hernia. The procedure requires the surgeon to repair the weakened muscle/tissue with the help of a mesh. The procedure can be done with the help of a laparoscope or as a traditional open surgery. However, laparoscopic hernia repairs are usually preferred if feasible as this offers several advantages such as a shorter hospital stay, a smaller surgical scar etc.

If you need to get a laparoscopic hernia repair surgery and are looking for the best laparoscopic surgeon in Sarjapur, then Motherhood Hospitals could be the right choice for you. The renowned hospital is dedicated to the care of women and children. The hospital boasts a team of experienced doctors and state-of-the-art infrastructure. In fact, it is considered to have the best laparoscopic surgeon in Hebbal.

Cervical Cancer for Beginners

The number of cases of cervical cancer is increasing rapidly in the country. In 2018, it was the 4th most common cancer among women in India. Even though it cannot be cured, cervical cancer can be treated if diagnosed in time. Therefore, increasing awareness about this disease is crucial to defeating it and stopping it from claiming even more lives.

What is cervical cancer?

A person is said to have cervical cancer when abnormal cells develop in the cervix. The cervix is the lowermost part of the uterus and connects the vagina to the uterus. At times, the abnormal cells can also invade other organs causing cancer to spread to other parts of the body.

What are its symptoms?

The symptoms of cervical cancer include:

  • Abnormal vaginal discharge (be it change in odour, colour, consistency, presence of blood in discharge etc.)
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding (e.g. bleeding that occurs between periods, bleeding in post-menopausal women, bleeding after sex etc.)
  • Pain in the pelvis

How is it detected?

The most common test used to help in the diagnosis and detection of cervical cancer is the Papanicolaou test (Pap smear). During the test, a doctor/nurse gently inserts a spatula into your vagina to scrape a few cells from your cervix. These cells are then checked under a microscope for any abnormal change or signs of cervical cancer.

?˜If you think your symptoms match those of someone with cervical cancer, then make sure you visit a gynaecologist at the earliest to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment. If you are looking for a gynecologist in Sarjapur Road, Bangalore, then Motherhood Hospital is an ideal choice. The hospital is dedicated to the healthcare of women and children and is considered to have the best gynecologist in Hebbal Bangalore.

PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) for Beginners

PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) is an illness that is becoming increasingly common these days, especially among young women. However, awareness about this disease is still relatively low and, since the cause is unknown, it is often not diagnosed or misdiagnosed.  Therefore, educating ourselves about PCOS is crucial to helping those who are suffering from it.

What is PCOS?

PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome is a relatively common hormonal disorder that occurs in women of reproductive age (usually between the ages of 15 to 44). Women who suffer from PCOS face issues like an irregular menstrual cycle, overproduction of male hormones (androgen) and formation of small collection of fluids (follicles) in the uterus.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for PCOS since the exact cause of the disease is unknown. However, its symptoms can be managed easily by making the correct lifestyle choices which include the ensuring the right diet, weight etc.

What are its symptoms?

The symptoms of PCOS include:

  • An irregular menstrual cycle
  • Heavy bleeding during periods
  • Acne
  • Hyperpigmentation of the skin in areas like the neck, groin, under the breasts etc.
  • Excess hair on the face and the body
  • Male-pattern baldness
  • Polycystic ovaries in the uterus which can result in difficulty in having a baby

If you think your symptoms match those of a PCOS patient, then make sure you visit a gynaecologist at the earliest to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment. If you are looking for a gynecologist in Indiranagar, Bangalore, then Motherhood Hospital is an ideal choice. The hospital is dedicated to the healthcare of women and children and is considered to have the best gynecologist in Indiranagar. It also boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure and an expert team of experienced doctors.

5 Things to Keep in Mind While Choosing a Pediatrician

Who is a pediatrician?

A pediatrician is a doctor who specializes in the medical care of infants, adolescents and children. They are especially trained to take care of the health of your child and treat any physical, mental or behavioral issues. Therefore, they are better equipped to manage the health of your child than most medical professionals.

They are crucial in ensuring the following:

  • Your child gets the required vaccinations at the right time
  • Checking if your child’s physical, mental, behavioral as well as skill development meets the necessary milestones
  • Diagnosing and treating any illnesses 
  • Advising you on the physical as well as the mental needs of your child

What are things you should keep in mind while choosing a pediatrician for your child?

Bearing in mind the critical role pediatricians play in ensuring the good health and overall well-being of your child, it is crucial that you make the right choice.

Things you should consider while choosing a pediatrician include:

  1. The educational qualifications and credentials of the specialist
  2. The years and kind of experience the pediatrician has
  3. The hospital that the pediatrician is affiliated with if any
  4. What the patients of the pediatrician have to say about their experience with him/her
  5. How comfortable you and your child feel with the pediatrician 

If you are looking for an expert pediatrician in Noida, then Motherhood Hospital Noida boasts a highly experienced and skilled pediatrics department. The hospital specializes in the care of women and children and is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care to their patients. It also boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure and is considered to have the best pediatrician in Noida as part of its team.

Indian Express Doctor Availability on call

BENGALURU:  In the midst of the Covid-19 lockdown, there’s always a concern about health and how one can reach their doctors.Which is why, many hospitals have come up with online consultations, wherein patients can take part in a video conference with their doctor over Skype or Zoom. We rolled it out a few days ago, understanding the restrictions on transport, and the general apprehension of coming to a hospital at this point, says Dilip Jose, MD and CEO, Manipal Health Enterprise. On Thursday, they received about 50 consultations among various departments, including neurology and medical oncology. Doctors, who are following a rota, have access to the patients medical records, he says, adding that the fee is the same as a regular face-to-face consultation.  

It being a tough time for expectant mothers, Motherhood Hospitals has rolled out a telemedicine technology for pregnant women who can go through their routine follow-up consultations. Social distancing processes have created their own challenges in health care services and we are creating solutions to meet our patients expectations, says Vijayarathna Venkatraman, CEO, Motherhood Hospitals, adding that video consultation services are available in gynaecology, obstetrics and paediatrics.
To relieve general health anxiety, Dr Kishan Rao, founder of The White Army a group of over 1,000 medical students across India that provides online medical consultation has started a helpline for minor ailments, which is mostly to reassure patients.

In the last two days, we have received almost 50-60 calls. Most of the cases we re getting right now are solved through counselling. More than a doctor, I am trying to be a responsible citizen, he says, adding that they are open to home consultations, if required. For more serious ailments, including cancer, Onco.com, an internet aggregator for cancer care, has introduced teleconsultation to help cancer patients and caregivers get advice from oncologists through a telephonic call or video conferencing. The teleconsultation will be 20 minutes long and scheduled within 24 hours. Cancer patients undergoing active treatment, or those with blood cancers have reduced immunity and are at a much higher risk of acquiring Covid-19 infection. As patients are unable to travel and consult doctors, they can speak with their oncologists regarding treatment and address their concerns, says Dr Amit Jotwani, co-founder and Chief Medical Officer, Onco.com.  (With inputs from Tanya Savkoor)

Reach out 
Manipal Hospitals Old Airport Road: 1800-102-5555/9606457127 Motherhood Hospitals: 1800-108-8008
Onco.com: 7996579965 The White Army Online Helpline: 8105232787

Motherhood Hospitals introduces Fastrack teleconsultation services

In the wake of disruptions being caused due to lockdown situations in many cities across the country, Motherhood Hospitals is using telemedicine technology to provide continuity of care to women and children and has launched an integrated online Teleconsultation service. The video consultation services can be availed in Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Pediatrics. Pregnant women can go through their routine follow up consultations through this technology so they have continued access to their care. Similarly children requiring routine consultations particularly at this time to distinguish between common cold and other issues can also be provide through this service.

Patients opting for online consultation can access the Motherhood Hospitals website to book an appointment, which will be facilitated via a video call. Post completing the registration process, the patient will receive an email with a link to join the video call. All patient details, observations, etc. will be digitally recorded on a central system so these will go under the outpatient records of the patient. At the end of the consultation, the patient will receive a digitally signed copy of diagnosis, investigation advice and prescription via email.

On the introduction of the online consultation services, Vijayarathna Venkatraman, CEO, Motherhood Hospitals said, “In the current times of uncertainty and restrictions, we at Motherhood want to ensure that women & children are provided appropriate medical advice through virtual doctor consultation sessions. We believe through the launch of this service most of our patients will not have any break in their medical treatment and all our senior consultants in Gynaecology and Pediatrics will be available through this technology interface. He further added, Ÿ??Social distancing processes have created their own challenge in healthcare services and we are creating solutions to meet our patient expectations. All our services at the hospitals are continuing and our emergency department is open 24/7 to extend medical attention.Ÿ?

Through the launch of the Video Teleconsultation services Motherhood Hospitals has created a new model of hospital based patient care coupled with virtual care wherever applicable. At this time the anxiety levels particularly with expectant mothers and children are high, having access to their doctors will give the patients extreme comfort and confidence. This service is extended beyond Motherhood patients to the larger community on the whole.

Why chose a laparoscopic surgery?

Laparoscopic surgery is an invasive surgery which is also called keyhole surgery. During the laparoscopy procedure, the doctor conducts a small incision to insert a tube. The tube has a light attached to it. The light helps the surgeon to get a better visual inside the operated area.  Laparoscopic surgery gives a denser accuracy about the patient’s illness. Choosing a laparoscopic surgery is less painful than other surgical procedures. 

Aside from accurate assessments, less painful, cost-friendly, Laparoscopic surgery is also a short procedure. Here are the reasons in details to why you should opt for laparoscopic surgery- 

  • It provides an accurate assessment. This is appreciated massively by the doctors because it helps in determining the exact illness of the patient. And also, makes it easier to spot the treatment needed. 
  • The surgery completes in 30 to 60 minutes. However, the timing may slightly be different based on the operated area. It is a short surgery process and highly preferred by many. 
  • Laparoscopic surgery leaves the most minimal scar. In comparison to other major surgeries, laparoscopic surgery is relatively painless. The invasive steps during the operation are minimum, and this results in minimum pain. 
  • To many, cost plays a significant factor in deciding if the procedure will happen. However, laparoscopic surgery is a win in many ways. It is cost-friendly, less painful, and leaves little to no surgery scars. 
  • Laparoscopic surgery is a short surgery which is complete in under an hour. The healing period is also fast due to cuts and leads to less no surgical complications. 

Laparoscopic surgery comes with many advantages. A short surgical process with fast recovery- such operations rid unnecessary post-surgery constraints and enables a rapid return to the regular routine.  

Are you looking to make an appointment with the?˜best laparoscopic surgeon in Sarjapur or for the best laparoscopic surgeon in Hebbal? Motherhood hospitals provide top services with treatments under highly qualified doctors.

The importance of seeing a gynaecologist

Women's Health Care:Gynaecologist Importance - Motherhood Hospital India

A gynaecologist doctor is an expert in the female reproductive system. They specialize in the health & diseases field. It is essential to choose the right doctor because we trust them with our most intimate medical problems such as pregnancy, missed periods, etc. Many gynaecologists are also obstetricians who deal with pregnancy and delivery.

Every female needs to see a gynaecologist sustain good health. As reproductive organs mature during puberty, a regular gynaecological evaluation is a must. One can expect a detail explanation about normal body functions or answers to any female health-related questions upon their visit to the gynaecologist.

During the visit, a gynaecologist performs breasts & pelvic exams. Breasts exam allow the doctor to check for breast abnormalities. Pelvic exams detect potentially cancerous cells. It is encouraged for every woman to go for a pelvic exam annually to assess/prevent any disorders in the reproductive system. Here are some necessary tests conducted during a gynaecology examination- 

  • The conduct of Amniocentesis and ultrasound to detect abnormalities of the fetus in a pregnant woman. Chorionic villus sampling for evaluating the fetus.
  • The evaluation of unusual vaginal discharge is undertaken to detect sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Gynaecologists take smears to decide if the discharge is an STD-related issue. The STDs may include Herpes, bacterial vaginosis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, etc. 
  • Gynaecologist also conduct tests related to fibroid tumours, cancer, and more. They treat it with surgery or medicines depending upon the evaluation.
  • Doctors evaluate blood hormone levels for menopause symptoms such as physical and emotional turmoil. They prescribe hormone replacement therapies to eliminate these symptoms. 

Do proper research before searching for a?˜gynaecologist in Sarjapur road Bangalore. You want to pick a doctor that you feel comfortable sharing your problems. Cross-check the doctor’s education, qualifications, experience, etc. and affiliated hospitals.

Breastfeeding Story by Mrs. Afreen

Breastfeeding can turn around to be a nightmare if your wife is not guided properly or if a child does not latch on correctly or lactating.

With basic general knowledge like the baby needs to be fed for two years everything felt normal.

However, it was not meant to be.

The next three months in my wife’s life defined what a mother is all about. Every man needs to respect and support his wife for all the pain, compromise and sacrifice which we sometimes conveniently forget.

It is very important that our wives get the deserved rest at home and whenever possible handle guests yourself. Be with your wife when she is feeding especially during the night sessions to divert her mind and help her carry on as it is not easy to feed every two hours.

My wife had probably one of the worst experiences of breastfeeding. What seemed to her like a perfect latch led to extremely painful feeding sessions with cracked, bleeding and sore nipples. I hid my tears to give her strength as I could not imagine someone feeding in such a state.

However, her courage to feed her hungry baby is way beyond words. During this phase, Dr Aruna (our lactation consultant) was very helpful and handled my wife very patiently. Due to over lactation my wife was able to donate milk as well and we heard it was very beneficial to a lot of babies. Would like to conclude by urging all husbands to accompany their wives in every hospital visit and consult a lactation expert to learn the right techniques. ?˜

Conditions that can damage your Uterus health!!!


The health of the uterus is of great important to a womanŸ??s well-being. A major female reproductive organ, the uterus nurtures the fertilized ovum that develops into the foetus and holds it till the baby is mature enough for birth. The uterus provides support to the bladder, bowel, pelvic bones and organs as well. There are several conditions you must guard your uterus against!
Endometriosis: Not Your UterusŸ??s Friend

Endometriosis is a condition in which cells from the lining of your uterus implant or grow on the outside of the uterus. It causes bulky uterus which blocks your fallopian tubes, blood can get trapped in the ovaries, causing Endometrial cysts.

Common signs and symptoms of endometriosis include:

  • Painful periods (dysmenorrhea)
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Painful bowel movements or urination
  • Excessive bleeding during periods
  • Infertility. Sometimes, endometriosis is first diagnosed in those seeking treatment for infertility.

While itŸ??s still possible to get pregnant, endometriosis does decrease fertility. In fact, almost 50% of women with infertility also have endometriosis.
Another Enemy: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

If you have clusters of pearl-sized cysts, you might have a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome Ÿ?? a leading cause of female infertility.

PCOD problem affects your hormones dramatically, so you may experience these seemingly random PCOD problem symptoms:

  • Hair loss from your scalp and/or hair growth (hirsutism) in unexpected places
  • Oily skin and acne
  • Infertility (ovulation problems) or repeat miscarriages
  • Weight gain, especially around your waist
  • Menstrual problems
  • Depression and/or mood swings

If this happens, your body might fail to make the hormone progesterone, which is needed to keep your cycle regular.
When to see a doctor

If you have these signs and symptoms and facing difficulty in conception, see a gynecologist near you at Motherhood hospital with experienced team of doctors who would help you get cured the right way.

If you are planning for pregnancy book an appointment with nearby Motherhood Obstetricians/Gynecologists who are highly experienced in providing right Endometriosis treatment and PCOD treatment . Our experts mitigate risk and suggest you with a thorough options, medicinal as well as highly advanced minimal invasive procedures endometriosis surgery (hysteroscopy, laparoscopy). Consult our specialists to know about the best course of treatment and have a healthy uterus and safer pregnancy.