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As Hospital OPDs Shut In Coronavirus Lockdown, E-consulting Comes To Patients’ Rescue

E-consulting is especially useful for those who are in the family way, say in their third trimester who need regular monitoring. Doctors say there is a changing pattern in the queries of the patients.

Aruna Roy, an auto-immune warrior who has been suffering from lupus would visit her doctor every two months for a review. She had a severe sepsis attack a couple of years ago and has to taper and increase the dosage of her medicine every time her bones hurt or when she suffers from severe fatigue. She has a long-term medical condition and a weak immune system.

Due to the Coronavirus scare, she is unable to visit her doctor but is regularly in touch with her doctor through tele-consultation. Ÿ??Lupus is a disease where your white blood cells instead of protecting your body from invaders attack your cells, tissue and all vital organs. My body is prone to infection. Hence I have opted for tele-consultation and online OPD with my doctor during this period of coronavirus scare,” says Roy

Online consultation, which many doctors have started, is like a virtual visit to your doctor. The appointment is booked online, a link is sent to the patient through an SMS. The patient dials the doctor at the appointed time, get the check up done and doctor uploads the prescription with her electronic signature. “We are doing about 200 online consultations a day since the national lockdown began,” says Vijayarathna Venkatraman, CEO, Motherhood Hospitals, Bangalore.

E-consulting is especially useful for those who are in the family way, say in their third trimester who need regular monitoring. Doctors say there is a changing pattern in the queries of the patients. Dr Suhasini Inamdar, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist says: Ÿ??The queries of the patients are quite different now. Expecting mothers are concerned about their health and baby during this Coronavirus lockdown. They are concerned about the virus affecting their health. Since some pregnancies are complicated and immunity of some of the patients are low, they are worried that they might get COVID-19.Ÿ?

Most big hospitals in the metros have started e-consulting. Wockhardt Hospitals in Mumbai for instance is providing a solution for any health-related problem to every family via its virtual consultation facility. Dr Parag Rindani, centre head, Wockhardt Hospitals: “ItŸ??s a video conference between a doctor and a patient at home. The motto of this service is to provide the best healthcare facilities to the patients without them having to visit the hospital in the time of lockdown.”

According to reports, AIIMS will begin a teleconsultation facility for its patients by the end of this week as it has shut down its OPD. Majority of the issues can be solved via online consultation for minor illnesses. But for anything serious, doctors say they can’t come to a conclusive diagnosis in the absence of a physical examination and inability to prescribe tests. However, a general plan of treatment can be discussed to put the patient at ease. As Dr. Ritu Garg of Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Ÿ??While we physically canŸ??t examine our patients, we hear them out and take down the questions and symptoms they have. However, a lot of these are follow up patients of the doctors. For example, diabetes patients check their blood sugar at home and then video consult with the doctor to titrate their medications.Ÿ?

In this worrying lockdown situation, there has been an increase in demand for support from mental health professionals too. Many psychiatrists are offering virtual sessions and telephonic support which is extremely important. Says Dr Sapna Bangar, psychiatrist, Mpower, Mumbai, who is offering online consultation to her patients, Ÿ??Counselling has always been about emotions and a large part of it is interpreting what may not have been said but communicated by body language, eye contact and reading the cues some of which maybe lost online. However, with advanced technology and skilled therapists a lot can be solved too.”

The Medical Council of India has also released guidelines about prescriptions and tele-medicine. Health and wellness Apps are also witnessing a huge increase in doctor consultation on their platform. For instance, vHealth, a doctor consultation service has seen a surge in its queries. Dr Sneh Khemka of vHealth says people are using their services to check their symptoms for COVID-19. In such cases vHealth doctors are screening symptomatic patients to identify COVID-19 risks. They are proactively staying in constant touch with high and medium risk patients to help them get the required guidance. Since COVID-19 is a notifiable disease, such cases are also being reported to the government authorities.

E-consulting platforms like these, and hospitals offering virtual OPD in your city can be easily found by a simple internet search.

10 best ways to deal with morning sickness and early pregnancy symptoms?

Morning sickness is very common in early pregnancy and is often characterised by nausea and vomiting. Some women feel sick all day long and it can significantly affect their day-to-day life. Morning sickness doesn’t put your baby at any increased risk and usually clears up by 16 to 20 weeks of your pregnancy.

There’s no sure-shot treatment morning sickness. Things you can try yourself to deal with morning sickness and early pregnancy symptoms include:

  • Take plenty of rest
  • Avoid foods or smells that make you feel sick
  • Eat something like dry toast or a plain biscuit before you get out of bed
  • Eat small, frequent meals of plain foods that are high in carbohydrates and low in fat
  • Eat cold foods rather than hot ones
  • Drink plenty of fluids, such as water
  • Eat foods or drinks containing ginger as ginger may help reduce nausea and vomiting
  • Try acupressure to get relief from the symptoms
  • Try anti-sickness medication after a consultation with your doctor
  • If your nausea and vomiting are severe, immediately seek medical attention

Book an appointment at Motherhood Hospitals. It offers a complete birthing experience to couples by hand-holding them through their journey towards parenthood. With the highest standards of clinical competency, backed by state-of-art technologies and proven protocols, Motherhood is committed to offering the best outcomes for the mother and child.

Services we offer:

Comprehensive pregnancy care by a team of highly experienced obstetricians /gynecologists, high-risk pregnancy care, 3D/4D ultrasound, anomaly early pregnancy scan, NT scan, anomaly scan, growth scan, pregnancy tests and vaccinations, maternal-foetal medicine, antenatal care, diet and nutrition by clinical dietician, exercises for pregnancy by experienced physiotherapist, antenatal workshops, Lamaze, lactation counselling, postnatal nutrition, postnatal fitness, 24×7 emergency care

How to calculate your due date?

There are multiple ways to calculate your date, as follows:

First day of last period: The best way to estimate your due date is to count 40 weeks, or 280 days, from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP). Another useful way is to subtract three months from the first day of your last period and add seven days.

Conception date: If your cycle is irregular, the LMP method may not work for you. Just add 266 days to get your estimated due date.

IVF transfer date: If youŸ??ve gone throughassisted reproductive technology cycles, you can calculate your due date more precisely using your IVF transfer date.

If you are already pregnant, then book an appointment at Motherhood Hospitals. It offers a complete birthing experience to couples by hand-holding them through their journey towards parenthood. With the highest standards of clinical competency, backed by state-of-art technology and proven protocols, Motherhood is committed to offering the best outcomes for the mother and child.

Services we offerinclude:

Comprehensive pregnancy care, preconception care, pregnancy care, high-risk pregnancy care, 3D/4D ultrasound, early pregnancy scan, NT scan, anomaly scan, growth scan, maternal-foetal medicine, vaccination, antenatal classes, diet and nutrition plan by clinical dietician, physiotherapy, antenatal workshops, Lamaze, lactation counselling, postnatal nutrition, postnatal fitness, 24×7 emergency care

If you have failed IUI, IVF treatment, then book an appointment at Motherhood Fertility. We are a renowned fertility and reproductive centre, well-equipped with expert doctors (male andrologists), female fertility doctors, skilled team of nurses, counsellors, physiotherapists, and clinical dieticians. The team of experts provides comprehensive fertility services like IUI treatment, ICSI, artificial insemination and IVF treatment backed by our state-of-the-art andrology lab.The team conducts all fertility tests for men, women and advanced laparoscopic and surgical treatments for all fertility issues.

How to find the right gynaecologist for your pregnancy?

Maternity healthcare guide: Best gynecologist for your pregnancy - Motherhood Hospital India

Finding a gynecologist for your pregnancy can feel like a huge task. However, itŸ??s of paramount importance as your health, and your babyŸ??s health depends on it.

Get referrals: Consult your primary care doctor and friends for recommendations for a referral list. Research the doctorsŸ?? credentials and experience and ask for a consultation before finalizing the gynecologist.

Check the credentials: Check for any special certification that shows the doctor has the necessary training, skills, and experience to provide gynecologic care.

Consider the experience: Experience matters. The more experience a doctor has with a condition or procedure, the better your results are likely to be.

Research hospital quality: Your gynecologistŸ??s hospital is going to be your hospital. Therefore, consider the quality of care at the hospital because patients at top-rated hospitals have fewer complications.

Read reviews: Reading reviews about the gynecologist on what other people have to say can sometimes provide insight into how a doctor practices and how he/she delivers care.

Book an appointment at Motherhood Hospitals. It offers a complete birthing experience to couples by hand-holding them through their journey towards parenthood. We have a team of obstetricians/gynecologists who are highly experienced in pregnancy care and birthing. With the highest standards of clinical competency, backed by state-of-art technology and proven protocols, Motherhood is committed to offering the best outcomes for the mother and child.

Services we offer include:

Comprehensive pregnancy care, preconception care, pregnancy care, high-risk pregnancy care, 3D/4D ultrasound, early pregnancy scan, NT scan, anomaly scan, growth scan, maternal-foetal medicine, vaccination, antenatal classes, diet and nutrition plan by clinical dietician, exercise during pregnancy designed by highly experienced physiotherapist, antenatal workshops, Lamaze, lactation counseling, postnatal nutrition, postnatal fitness, 24×7 emergency care

10 things to do for a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby

During your pregnancy, you’ll get advice from everyone about how to keep yourself and your baby healthy. And choosing to stay healthy depends on you.  Below are the top 10 ways to keep you and your baby healthy.

  • See your gynaecologist as soon as your pregnancy is confirmed and keep visiting the specialist once a week for the first three months.
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet.
  • Take folic acid for at least the first three months and vitamin D for the whole duration of your pregnancy and beyond.
  • Maintain hygiene in all aspects food, utensils, hands, etc.
  • Exercise regularly as it benefits you, and therefore your baby.
  • Cut out alcohol, quit smoking and cut down on caffeine.
  • Get adequate rest including sound sleep.
  • Attend a childbirth class. It will help you feel more prepared for delivery.
  • Check your medications: Talk to your gynaecologist before taking any medicine.
  • Track your weight: Gaining extra kilos may make it hard to lose weight later. Also, not gaining adequate weight can put the baby at risk for a low-weight birth.

Book an appointment at Motherhood Hospitals. It offers a complete birthing experience to couples by hand-holding them through their journey towards parenthood. We have a team of obstetricians/gynaecologists who are highly experienced in pregnancy care and birthing. With the highest standards of clinical competency, backed by state-of-art technology and proven protocols, Motherhood is committed to offering the best outcomes for the mother and child.

Services we offer include:

Comprehensive pregnancy care, preconception care, pregnancy care, high-risk pregnancy care, 3D/4D ultrasound, early pregnancy scan, NT scan, anomaly scan, growth scan, maternal-foetal medicine, vaccination, antenatal classes, diet and nutrition plan by clinical dietician, exercise during pregnancy designed by highly experienced physiotherapist, antenatal workshops, Lamaze, lactation counselling, postnatal nutrition, postnatal fitness, 24×7 emergency care

When do you need to see a doctor immediately during the initial days of pregnancy?

Essential Pregnancy Care: Early Pregnancy Health Tips - Motherhood Hospital India

The initial days of pregnancy are very crucial for the well-being of the mother and the overall health of the baby. See your doctor immediately if you notice:

  • Vaginal Bleeding: Some spotting is normal, but heavy bleeding could be a sign of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.
  • Excessive nausea and vomiting
  • High Fever: A fever greater than 101 degrees Fahrenheit during pregnancy may be serious.
  • Pain or burning during urination
  • Leg or calf pain, or swelling on one side/severe headache
  • Recurrence of chronic diseases: Women who have certain pre-existing medical conditions such as thyroid disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, and/or lupus should note any changes in their condition during pregnancy.

If you face any of the above conditions, book an appointment with Motherhood Hospitals. We have a team of obstetricians/gynaecologists who are highly experienced in pregnancy care and birthing. With the highest standards of clinical competency, backed by state-of-art technology and proven protocols, Motherhood is committed to offering the best outcomes for the mother and child.

We also have 24*7 obstetricians/gynaecologists for emergency care, 24*7 well-equipped ambulance services,  pregnancy care, high-risk pregnancy care, early pregnancy scan, NT scan, anomaly scan, growth scan, 3D/4D ultrasound, maternal-foetal medicine, vaccination, antenatal classes, diet and nutrition plan by clinical dietician, exercise during pregnancy designed by highly experienced physiotherapist, antenatal workshops, Lamaze, lactation counselling, postnatal nutrition, postnatal fitness, 24×7 emergency care.

Dos and don’ts of nutrition during first few weeks of pregnancy

A healthy and balanced diet during pregnancy requires fine-tuning your eating habits to ensure you are receiving enough nutrition for your own health and that of your baby. You must eat from a variety of food groups including fruits, vegetables, bread grains, protein sources and dairy products.

Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits and vegetables contain many important nutrients for pregnancy especially, vitamin C and folic acid.

Bread and Grains: A woman needs energy during pregnancy and it comes from carbohydrates. These essential ingredients are found in bread and grains. One can also get the required amount of folic acid from fortified bread and cereal.

Protein: Meat, poultry, fish, eggs and beans contain the protein, B vitamins and iron needed during pregnancy.

Dairy Products: Calcium is needed to support pregnancy as it helps build strong teeth and bones, normal blood clotting and muscle and nerve function.

Prenatal Vitamins: A daily prenatal vitamin can help fill small gaps, just in case you unintentionally do not get enough key nutrients. Consult your gynaecologist about which supplement is best for you.

Can you drink alcohol if you are pregnant?

The straightforward answer is Ÿ??noŸ??. ItŸ??s safest not to drink alcohol at all during pregnancy. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can pose a long-term risk to your unborn baby and the more you drink, the higher the risks. ItŸ??s especially important to stay off alcohol in the first trimester, because of the risk of miscarriage.

However, if you do decide to drink while youŸ??re pregnant, limit it to one or two units of alcohol, no more than once or twice a week and never enough to get drunk.

Book an appointment with Motherhood hospitals. We have clinical dieticians highly experienced in planning a balanced diet and nutrition plan for women and their special needs during pregnancy and after pregnancy. We also have 24*7 obstetricians/gynaecologists for emergency care, 24*7 well-equipped ambulance services,?˜ pregnancy care, high-risk pregnancy care, 3D/4D ultrasound, early pregnancy scan, NT scan, anomaly scan, growth scan, maternal-foetal medicine, vaccination, antenatal classes, diet and nutrition plan by clinical dietician, exercise during pregnancy designed by highly experienced physiotherapist, antenatal workshops, Lamaze, lactation counselling, postnatal nutrition, postnatal fitness, 24×7 emergency care.

Few facts you must know if you are pregnant

Essential facts for a healthy pregnancy journey - Motherhood Hospitals India
  1. What changes happen in the uterus in the 1st month of pregnancy?

After conception, the fertilised egg travels from the fallopian tube to the womb and is implanted in the uterus lining. The uterus gets bigger and puts pressure on your bladder so you feel the need to urinate (pass water) more often.

2. How do I track my babyŸ??s development? How often should I visit the gynaecologist?

Tracking your babyŸ??s progress and development will help you understand what’s happening to your body from conception up until youŸ??re nine months pregnant and ready to welcome your new baby. In this regard, professional and medical advice is the best way to go ahead. However, there are pregnancy tracking apps which can be fun and helpful when it comes to tracking your and your babyŸ??s growth over time. You may choose one that you think is best!

The first three months of your pregnancy is probably the time of most anxiety and excitement. During this period, it is advisable to visit your gynaecologist once a week.

3. Is it safe to have sexual intercourse during pregnancy?

Sex during pregnancy is extremely safe for most women with uncomplicated, low-risk pregnancies. As long as your pregnancy is progressing normally, you can have sex as often as you like (some exceptions may include a history of miscarriage or preterm labour).

However, itŸ??s common for some women to experience bleeding during intercourse, especially in the first trimester. Such spotting or bleeding is generally nothing to worry about, but you should still mention it to your doctor.

4. Can you drink alcohol if you are pregnant?

The straightforward answer is Ÿ??noŸ??. ItŸ??s safest not to drink alcohol at all during pregnancy. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy could pose a long-term risk to your unborn baby, and the more you drink, the higher the risks. ItŸ??s especially important to stay off alcohol in the first trimester, because of the risk of miscarriage.

However, if you do decide to drink while youŸ??re pregnant, limit it to one or two units of alcohol, no more than once or twice a week, and never enough to get drunk.

Book an appointment at Motherhood Hospitals. We offer a complete birthing experience to couples by handholding them through their journey towards parenthood. With the highest standards of clinical competency, backed by state-of-the-art technology and proven protocols, Motherhood is committed to offering the best outcomes for the mother and child.

Services we offer:

 Comprehensive pregnancy care by a team of highly experienced obstetricians /gynaecologists, high-risk pregnancy care, 3D/4D ultrasound, early pregnancy scan, NT scan, anomaly scan, growth scan, pregnancy tests and vaccinations, maternal-foetal medicine, antenatal care, diet and nutrition by clinical dietician, exercises for pregnancy by experienced physiotherapist, antenatal workshops, Lamaze, lactation counselling, postnatal nutrition, postnatal fitness, 24×7 emergency care.

How much weight should you gain during pregnancy? Is it safe to exercise during pregnancy ?

A woman who was of average weight before getting pregnant should gain 12 to 15 kg after becoming pregnant. Underweight women should gain 13 to 18 kg. Overweight women may need to gain only 7 to 12 kg during pregnancy.

In general, you should gain about 1 to 2 kg during the first three months youŸ??re pregnant and 1 kg a week during the rest of your pregnancy.

It is safe to exercise during pregnancy if you exercise with caution and don’t overdo it. A regular exercise routine throughout your pregnancy can help you stay healthy. It can improve your posture and decrease some common discomforts such as backaches and fatigue.

The safest and most productive exercises include swimming, brisk walking, indoor cycling and low-impact aerobics. These activities carry little risk of injury, benefit your entire body and can be continued until birth.

If you have never exercised regularly before, you can safely begin an exercise program during pregnancy after consulting with your gynaecologist. If you have asthma, heart disease or diabetes, exercise may not be advisable. Exercise may also be harmful if you have a pregnancy-related condition such as bleeding or spotting, low placenta, recurrent miscarriage etc.

At Motherhood hospitals, we offer exercises during pregnancy designed by highly experienced clinical physiotherapists who organise weekly Lamaze classes to keep you fit and active during your pregnancy. Book an appointment with Motherhood Hospitals. We have a team of obstetricians/gynaecologists who are highly experienced in pregnancy care and birthing. With the highest standards of clinical competency, backed by state-of-art technology and proven protocols, Motherhood is committed to offering the best outcomes for the mother and child.

We also have 24*7 obstetricians/gynaecologists for emergency care, 24*7 well-equipped ambulance services,  pregnancy care, high-risk pregnancy care, 3D/4D ultrasound, early pregnancy scan, NT scan, anomaly scan, growth scan, maternal-foetal medicine, vaccination, antenatal classes, diet and nutrition plan by clinical dietician, exercise during pregnancy designed by highly experienced physiotherapist, antenatal workshops, Lamaze, lactation counselling, postnatal nutrition, postnatal fitness, 24×7 emergency care.

What are the 5 things to do when you find out you’re pregnant?

Pregnancy Care Tips & Essentials: 5 Must-Dos for a Healthy Pregnancy - Motherhood Hospital India

The pregnancy test result says itŸ??s positive, and now you donŸ??t know what to do? Suddenly, a multitude of emotions engulf your mind and heart. While the emotions of approaching parenthood will keep you elated, doing the top five things mentioned below will help you prepare, stay healthy, and have the best pregnancy you can!

1. Talk to/visit your doctor/gynecologist: While most pregnancy tests are often accurate, it is always better to confirm the pregnancy if necessary. The specialist will enlighten you with some very basic yet important things which you would need to take care of throughout your pregnancy.

2. Start taking a prenatal vitamin: Supplements that contain folic acid and an omega-3 of DHA are important to the babyŸ??s brain health and help with visual and cognitive growth, respectively.

3. Quit smoking and alcohol: Protecting the baby from tobacco and alcohol gives your baby the best chance of a healthy start in life.

4. Exercise and get adequate rest: It is important to stay healthy and workout while you are pregnant! Also, make sure your body gets enough rest.

5. Follow your and your babyŸ??s development: It is a good idea to document the progress of your baby. For yourself, you can take a lot of pictures to go along with documenting your pregnancy.

Book an appointment at Motherhood Hospitals. It offers a complete birthing experience to couples by hand-holding them through their journey towards parenthood. With the highest standards of clinical competency, backed by state-of-art technologies and proven protocols, Motherhood is committed to offering the best outcomes for the mother and child.

Services we offer:

Comprehensive pregnancy care by a team of highly experienced obstetricians/gynecologists, high-risk pregnancy care, 3D/4D ultrasound, anomaly early pregnancy scan, NT scan, anomaly scan , growth scan, pregnancy tests and vaccinations, maternal-foetal medicine, antenatal care, diet and nutrition by clinical dietician, exercises for pregnancy by experienced physiotherapist, antenatal workshops, Lamaze, lactation counselling, postnatal nutrition, postnatal fitness, 24×7 emergency care