Everything you possibly could need to know about finding the right Gynecologists in Noida?

The journey of bringing a new life into the world is one where you need some help, and the doctor who can care for you before, during and after your pregnancy is a Gynaecologist

A Gynaecologist is a person who is specializes in female genital tract and women’s overall health condition. All the disorders related to vagina, ovaries, cervix, and womb are examined and treated by a Gynaecologist. The gynaecologist is the one who is certified to deliver babies are the obstetrician.

Gynaecologists play a very significant role in a woman’s life, especially when she is expecting. Your gynaecologist can help you plan a family, screen you for diseases and treat the same and a lot of other things. A lot of women find it difficult to find the right gynaecologist. Inability to do so can affect you in more ways than one. So here you ll understand on how to find or choose a gynaecologist.  

How to Find the Right & best Gynaecologist in Noida?

It is important to feel comfortable and confident about your gynaecologist. So special care must be taken to find the best gynaecologist in Noida for yourself.

Here are major points that you must keep in mind while finding one.

  1. Most important, he/she should be someone with whom you feel comfortable with.
  2. The gynaecologist should have a good reputation as they are doctors who will know the most intimate and personal facets of a female’s life.
  3. Ideally, look for a Gynaecologist, who is also an Obstetrician if you are planning a baby.
  4. Consult your friends and relatives or find reviews online. It is important that the doctor lives close to your house if you are planning a pregnancy.
  5. Only friendly, caring and responsive gynaecologist makes their patient comfortable. They should be willing to answer all your queries accurately and precisely.

Remember Gynaecologist would be the part of your life in the most important phases and so choosing the right one is critical.

A Gynaecologist will be a part of one of the most important phases of your life. So make sure you trust your gynaecologist completely. Unless you are satisfied, never settle for less!

Dos And Don’ts To Follow To Protect Your Kids During COVID-19 Unlock

The ongoing lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic has forced a large part of the worldŸ??s population to stay indoors. But, in India, the government has suggested some relaxations in the lockdown period to revive the economy. The worry now is how to get kids out again without significantly raising the risk of the spread of the disease. One should not forget the fact that the deadly coronavirus hasnŸ??t gone away from our country and we are still in the process of coming up with a vaccine.

Although researchers are working on developing the vaccine, the only way we can prevent the infection is by adhering to the basic guidelines suggested by the health bodies for ourselves and our kids. Managing kids in this lockdown and keeping them safe from a host of potential threats is of importance during this time. Here are some essential dos and donŸ??ts in this regard:

Keep Recently Bought Groceries Out Of Reach Of Kids

By now we are all aware why it is extremely important to be cautious while handling the groceries we bring home every few days. Since any object coming from outside might be a potential virus carrier, make sure that you place all such stuff in a safe and secluded spot in the house which is out of reach of your children. You can place it in the storeroom or in the balcony and lock the door. Do not let the child touch any of these objects before they are thoroughly washed with soap and warm water or cooked.

Sanitise Yourself And Kids Immediately After Returning From Outside

As soon as you are back from grocery shopping or a short cycling session in the park, make sure to have a bath and put the clothes out for laundry. Do not let the child touch any object, be it keys, masks, cap, spectacles, toys etc before they are washed or sanitised.

Ensure Shoes Are Kept Outside

Kids have a habit of touching everything within their reach out of inquisitiveness. It is very important therefore, to strictly separate the shoes you take out. Place a shoe rack outside the house and always leave those shoes out so that the child does not touch them by mistake.

Keep In Touch With The ChildŸ??s Pediatrician

If possible, keep in touch with the childŸ??s pediatrician in the case that the child develops fever and common cold. In consultation with the doctor, keep a few basic medicines at home to ensure they are handy when the child needs.

DonŸ??t Delay Your KidsŸ?? Important Vaccinations

Though the infection has brought the world to a standstill, do try to get the child vaccinated where services are available because they protect them from serious diseases. World Health Organisation also warned us, saying immunisation is an essential health service which may be affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic and disruption of immunisation services, even for brief periods, will result in increased numbers of susceptible individuals and raise the likelihood of outbreak-prone vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs) such as measles.

Be Judicious About Your Choices

As a global society, we canŸ??t say for certain what will happen next Ÿ?? whether a sudden surge in new coronavirus cases will make it necessary to reinstitute quarantine measures, as has happened in Singapore and Hong Kong, or, worse still, fears of a more contagious strain come to be. The smart thing to do is remain cautiously optimistic about regaining your freedom to move, but remain realistic that we donŸ??t know what the future holds.

Maintain Respiratory Hygiene In Public Places

It is always a bad habit to cough or sneeze openly in public. Droplets through coughing and sneezing are what had led to such a spike in the number of COVID-19 cases worldwide. Thus, it is recommended to maintain your respiratory hygiene while in public. Cover your mouth with a tissue or cough and sneeze in your folded arm.

A safe space of a child’s health!

We all want our child to have the very best life possible and health is an important aspect of a person’s life. Children have a plethora of health requirements, starting from the time they are born till their teenage years. Children cannot take care of their own health, which is why going to a pediatrician in Coimbatore in a wise option.

The best pediatrician in Coimbatore will have all the required expertise in handling and caring for a child’s health. A pediatrician has the knowledge when it comes to procedures and treatments for children of all ages.

From the time a child is born, the child needs various vaccinations to ward off viruses. The developing months are important as this is when the child’s mental and physical development is taking place. During these years a child is also prone to different types of injuries that may occur during playing. They tend to fall sick and catch illnesses fast as they come in contact with a lot of different people in schools, tuition classes and during recreational activities. Then comes the teenage years, where the body experiences a lot of change, the changes are internal, mental and physical. From all of these stages, making sure your child visits a pediatrician regularly will make sure your child leads an overall healthy life and you are always informed about your child’s upkeep.

The pediatrician in the Women’s Centre by Motherhood, Coimbatore will have access to the best medical infrastructure and latest technologies for a trusted medical service. They are up to date with the popular medical trends and have the practical knowledge to provide your child with the best care possible.

From regular health check-ups, evaluations, treatments and complex procedures, this is the one stop for all the care your child’s health needs.

Special care for your special child!

Childhood is a memorable and fun period of life but it is also a time when we tend to get a lot of injuries from playing. Children are also susceptible to various illnesses and viruses due to a delicate immune system. It is essential for children to go for regular visits to a pediatrician in Noida as a child’s body goes through numerous changes in their developing years. Taking care of a child is a full-time job with fewer breathers, having a trusted pediatrician will ease up a little part of your job. From regular health-checkups, vaccinations and treatment of illnesses and injuries, a pediatrician plays an important role in providing medical supervision in a child’s life.

A pediatrician has all the expertise and knowledge about a child’s health and treatment. Some of the pediatric treatments and procedures in Motherhood Hospitals include well-child exams, vaccinations, immunization, development screening, neurology, infectious disease and rehabilitation. A pediatrician will be able to evaluate your child’s health using specialized skillsets required to deal with the health and anatomy of children and young adults. Children tend to spend a lot of time outdoors and come in to contact with a large number of people daily. From going to school, tuition classes, extracurricular activities and playgrounds, they by default are prone to illnesses and injuries very often.

Visiting the best pediatrician in Noida will make sure that your little one remains in the best of his/her health during their developing stage up till the point of young adulthood. Even for surgical care and emergencies, it is only natural that you d want your child to be in safe hands and under the care of someone who is specialized in dealing with children. It is always a better idea to be prepared and be regular with your child’s health and medical needs so they can grow up to being healthy adults.

How To Protect Children Who Are Prone To Infection During Seasonal Change

The onset of Monsoons, brings in challenges of mosquito related infections. This is when the mosquitoes start breeding. Mosquitoes like Aedes Egypti breed in pools or puddle of fresh water and can cause Dengue.

Dr.?˜ Santosh Kumar, Paediatrician &?˜ Neonatologist, Motherhood Hospitals, Banashankari, Bangalore

Monsoons are always an enjoyable time for everyone, especially kids. After a long scorching summer, they get to enjoy the pleasant rainfall and play around in the mud and rain. But this monsoon is going to be very different.

Children may not understand this, but we are dealing with a pandemic this year. Parents must be extra careful about their childrenŸ??s safety around this time. While we are all taking the necessary precautions to protect our kids from coronavirus, we should not forget the illnesses/diseases that are caused by seasonal change, especially during monsoons. This is the time when your childŸ??s immune system is weakened, making them susceptible to various waterborne diseases.

There are certain infections which are seasonal, and some specific infections are more common in certain seasons. Some of them are:

Various bacteria thrive during summer due to the heat and moisture. Children falling ill during summer is more common than one would assume. Cases of loose motion and vomiting occur often, and they result in dehydration. In extreme harsh temperatures beyond 40 degrees Celsius, newborn babies can develop dehydration related fever.

During winter, flu can be a very common phenomenon with children and therefore flu virus can be pretty active during this time. They may cause a variety of diseases from the common cold to swine flu. Coughing, sneezing, runny nose, fever, body aches, congestion become quite common during this season. Due to the cold weather, cases of lower respiratory infections or viral bronchiolitis in babies increase.

The onset of Monsoons, brings in challenges of mosquito related infections. This is when the mosquitoes start breeding. Mosquitoes like Aedes Egypti breed in pools or puddle of fresh water and can cause Dengue.

The female Anopheles mosquito breeds in marshy waters, this is the one that causes Malaria. Mosquitoes are most active during the time of sunsets, when children may be out playing. Additionally, during the rainy season, water contamination from sewage is quite common resulting in infections like diarrhea, vomiting, typhoid, cholera etc

Apart from diseases due to seasonal changes, there may be an increase in infections when children are in close proximity to each other for example at schools or at home with their siblings. We see a number of cases of the hand foot and mouth disease, which spreads from one child to another. This causes sores in the mouth or rashes on hands and feet. It is spread by direct contact with saliva or mucus.

Prevention better than cure during the pandemic

We are living in troubled times, the pandemic has changed our way of life forever. Things we took for granted must be given a lot of thought. For example, the simple task of going to a hospital. But in the current scenario, where we all are trying to maintain social distancing to stop the spread of the virus, it is better to prevent your child from falling sick, than taking them to hospital where there could be  exposures.

Guidelines for parents to ensure wellness of their children amidst the

  • Good nutrition: Healthy and balanced diet is the first step towards improving your childŸ??s health and immunity. Parents should ensure that their child consumes all seasonal fruits, green leafy vegetables, so that they get a good vitamin supply in their diet. It is very important to avoid junk food.
  • Hand Hygiene: Teach them proper hand and respiratory hygiene. This is especially important in this pandemic ridden world. Lead by example; make sure they notice you washing your hands regularly. This will make them realise its importance and they will start imitating you. Good hand and respiratory hygiene will not only protect them from Covid-19 but also safeguard them from loose motions, typhoid, and various other viral infections.
  • Protect them from mosquitoes: As mentioned before, monsoon is the time when mosquitoes thrive. Ensure there is no water stagnation near your house. Use a mosquito net or apply repellents on your children to protect them from mosquito bites.
  • Bathroom Hygiene: This is necessary. Teach your child proper hygiene measures before after using toilet.
  • Regular vaccination: Vaccination or immunization is one of the most effective ways to prevent diseases. A vaccine or immunization is a way to build the bodyŸ??s natural immunity to a disease before the individual gets sick. This acts as a protective shield and helps to keep various ailments and diseases under check
  • Regular Exercise: Regular exercise is important to keep the child active and fit. During this time, when most schools are shut it is very easy for a child to get used to sedentary lifestyle. This can cause childhood obesity, which unfortunately has become quite common among kids nowadays. Obesity might lead to complications like diabetes and hypertension .Infact exercise can also boast immunity in children..

The COVID Advice

It is natural to feel anxious about the current scenario. Although the nation-wide lockdown restrictions have been eased, parents should not let their guard down. The cases are rising and until we develop a vaccine or achieve herd immunity, we need to be careful and watchful.

However, children have an inherent immunity, but we must remember that they can be silent carriers of the infection. Kids, especially those, staying in joint families or living with elderly people must practice good hand hygiene and social distancing, so that they do not transmit infection to elderly family members.

Follow the above steps to improve your childŸ??s health especially during this monsoon. It is certainly an enjoyable time that children long for every year, but make sure they follow all the safety precautions. In case your child falls ill, consult your doctor immediately.

Helping you create a life!

Motherhood is a beautiful part of life and for many women getting pregnant can be a demanding phase. Doctors from the best IVF centre in Indore are there to help smoothen the conceiving process for you and your partner. For everyone, it is not easy to conceive and in such a scenario in vitro fertilization is an option you can consider. Infertility can be caused by many factors like imbalance in the menstrual cycle, vaginal infections, polycystic ovarian syndrome, ovulation disorders and endometriosis. 

What you need to know about In vitro fertilization? 

In vitro fertilization is a series of procedures performed to help you with the conception of a child. Mature eggs are collected from the ovaries and fertilized by the sperm in a lab. IVF is one of the most effective methods of assisted reproductive technology which you can access from an IVF specialist in Indore. Women with various causes of infertility and different age groups can visit the best IVF centre in Indore for assistance. 

How can we help you?

Our teams of doctors are renowned?˜IVF specialists in Indore?˜who will hold your hand through the whole IVF process and help you in every step. Being one of the?˜best IVF centres in Indore, our team of doctors will recommend you treatments after testing you thoroughly and will pay heed to your customized needs.?˜

In recent times, women are reaching out to science and technology to help them solve infertility related problems. If you and your partner are keen on getting pregnant and are facing any kind of difficulty, it is advised that you seek professional help and guidance from an?˜IVF specialist in Indore.?˜

When to Call your Child’s Paediatrician?

Whether it’s fever, tummy ache, or a cough, as a parent, it is only natural to worry about your little one. This article is written in an attempt to lay down the key symptoms that may require you to call the paediatrician. 


Panicking upon discovering a spike in your child’s body temperature is normal, but it should also be noted that fever isn’t a sign of danger. The body temperature of the children tends to rise when they get an infection to fight the virus, causing the infection. While this is not the case for every burst of fever, it is most common with young children. However:

  • You should call the doctor if your little one of 2-3 months old has around 100 degrees. 
  • You should call the doctor if your little one is above 2-3 months, with around 100 degrees fever and other symptoms like vomiting. 
  • You should call the doctor immediately if your child has over 104 degrees repeatedly. 

Vomiting or Diarrhoea

Try not to worry if your child vomits or show signs of diarrhoea just once. But if it persists, it means your child is getting dehydrated, which is bad. You can give them lots of fluids to keep them hydrated but if your child’s symptoms only worsen or go on for a few hours, call the doctor. The paediatrician will examine your child and may suggest an X-ray or blood and urine test or even a stool sample. 

Respiratory-related Problems

Catching a cold or cough is a common occurrence in older children. But if your child is three months or younger, a sign of respiratory problems should be alerting. Call the doctor right away to avoid the illness from turning into something more deadly like pneumonia or bronchitis.

Other symptoms, including difficulty in taking a leak or rash, could be harmless. But you may want to call the doctor if the rash becomes skin-deep or signs of unitary tract infection. 

Are you searching for the best paediatrician in Noida? Connect with Motherhood Hospital to find the best paediatrician in Noida.


Blog on Mental Health During Covid Crisis

Do’s and don’ t during the current covid crisis

How to maintain good mental heath during the current crisis.

1. stay positive

2. remember 97% recover ( there are many who have put up their stories on the net)

3. listen and follow the instructions given from authentic sources. ( doctors, govt, health care workers)

4. if you have self quarentined follow a routine at home, do not spend time lying down on the bed  watching tv. Try to be as active as possible at home.

5. stay in contact with the world digitally

6. look at what you can achieve by being at home. Enjoy it

7. Remember you are not the only one going through the crisis, the whole world is.

you are not alone

8. if you are feeling overwhelmed seek help from mental health care professionals. many are available online.

9. keep in touch with extended family members digitally

10. Humour is a good way to handle crisis.

watch movies which can make you laugh and read books if you are an avid reader.

11. Do not watch information which causes you anxiety. Avoid 24×7 watching and discussing about covid ( twice a day information from reliable sources should be enough)

12. Check the well being of near and dear ones digitally

13. Do not drink alcohol or smoke tobacco as a coping stratergy , it only worsens the situations

14. Do not sigmatise people whom have contacted the virus be supportive .

15. Bravado does not help , follow instructions given from authentic sources.

16. Do not focus on the number of cases focus on what you should do to keep safe.

Dr Vijayakumar D R


Consultant Psychiatrist 

Motherhood Hospital Hebbal 

General information and advice for all pregnant women during the coronavirus pandemic

Q. What effect does corona virus have on pregnant women?

Pregnant women do not appear to be more likely to be seriously unwell than other healthy adults if they develop the new coronavirus. It is expected the large majority of pregnant women will experience only mild or moderate cold/flu like symptoms. Cough, fever, shortness of breath, headache and loss of sense of smell are other relevant symptoms.

More severe symptoms such as pneumonia, seem to be more common in older people, those with weakened immune systems or long-term conditions. As yet, there is no evidence that pregnant women who get this infection are more at risk of serious complications than any other healthy individuals.


Q. What effect will coronavirus have on my baby if I am diagnosed with the infection?

As this is a very new virus we are just beginning to learn about it. There is no evidence to suggest an increased risk of miscarriage.

Emerging evidence suggests that transmission from a woman to her baby during pregnancy or birth (vertical transmission) is probable. There has been a report of two cases in which this seems likely, but reassuringly the babies were both discharged from hospital and are well. In all previously reported cases worldwide, infection was found at least 30 hours after birth. It is important to emphasise that in all reported cases of newborn babies developing coronavirus very soon after birth, the baby was well.

Given current evidence, it is considered unlikely that if you have the virus it would cause problems with your babyŸ??s development, and none have been observed currently.

In China, some babies have been born prematurely to women with symptoms of coronavirus. It is unclear whether coronavirus caused these premature births, or whether it was recommended that the baby was born early for the benefit of the womenŸ??s health.

Q. What can I do to reduce my risk of catching coronavirus?

The most important thing to do is to follow government guidance. For pregnant women and the rest of their households, this includes:

  • Regular hand washing
  • Use a tissue when you or anyone in your family coughs or sneezes, discard this and wash your hands
  • Avoid contact with someone who is displaying symptoms of coronavirus. These symptoms include high temperature and/or new and continuous cough
  • Avoid non-essential use of public transport when possible
  • Work from home, where possible.
  • Avoid large and small gatherings in public spaces, noting that pubs, restaurants, leisure centres and similar venues are currently shut as infections spread easily in closed spaces where people gather together.
  • Avoid gatherings with friends and family. Keep in touch using remote technology such as phone, internet, and social media
  • Use telephone or online services to contact your DOCTOR or other essential services .

Q. I am pregnant, what do I need to do?

As a precaution, you should follow government advice about social distancing; stay away from public places and avoid anyone who has symptoms suggestive of coronavirus It is still considered necessary for pregnant women to go out for essentials, such as food shopping, exercise and to attend antenatal appointments..

Q. Should I attend my antenatal and postnatal appointments?

Yes. It is really important that you continue to attend your scheduled routine care when you are well.

What Time Is the Right Time to Stop Seeing a Paediatrician?

Finding the right paediatrician is very important because they take care of your child’s heath. They are involved in every milestone of the child. In short, the period during childhood to adulthood is where paediatricians play a massive role in our children’s lives. And while it is hard to think about bidding farewell to our go-to family child doctor, at a certain point, we must say goodbye.

But a popular wonder among parents and young youths (soon turning adults) is, ‘what time is the right time to stop seeing a paediatrician’. Well, generally the common consensus is- once a child turns 18, that is when they gradually shift to a general doctor. However, sometimes, people continue to see their paediatrician even until 21 years of age (i.e., college graduation). 

Should you continue to see your paediatrician even into adulthood? 

There are many reasons patients even after turning adults continue to visit their paediatricians. Some of the reasons may include intellectual disabilities, doctor-patient familiarity, etc. However, in other cases, patients suffering from lifelong illness experience a hard time switching and thus, they stick to their childhood doctor. Among the reasons, some of them include-

College stress: 

Leaving for college can be a scary feeling for many children- new environment, new faces, overwhelming study pressures, etc. All these factors may not give them a chance to find a new doctor or even make them feel more comfortable to visit their already familiar paediatrician. 

Lifelong illness: 

Patients who ail with chronic conditions such as intellectual disabilities continue to see their paediatricians even into adulthood- to avoid the emotional trauma of having to confide in someone new. Other conditions that make transitioning to adult care difficult include cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, etc. 

If you’re looking for?˜the best paediatrician in Noida, many multi-speciality hospital chains provide holistic child care such as Motherhood Hospital- Mother Hospital is a Leading Chain of Women & Child Care Hospitals with the best gynaecologists, the best obstetricians, and?˜the best paediatrician in Noida.?˜