Understanding Your Baby Crying

Most of you would agree that apart from sleeping and feeding, crying is the most common behaviour seen in newborn babies. No matter what part of the day or night, mothers have the in-built alarm that rings, when the child cries. When the infant reaches the stage of 6-8 weeks, crying is at its summit. Do not worry, as this phase is temporary and this too shall pass! Most important is understanding the messages your child conveys through his/her crying. Have you been having a difficult time understanding the meaning behind your little one’s crying?

Do you know that infants cry for approximately three hours a day? Have you observed that most of this crying and sulking happens during late afternoons and sometimes evenings as well? However, this doesn’t apply to all babies alike, as there could be exceptions. Some babies are unusually calm and it is always good to seek medical help in these cases too. 

Babies communicate through their crying and when you respond on time consistently, they feel reassured and safe. This sense of safety helps in promoting the overall development of the child. Some babies cry incessantly and with no apparent reason which can be described as colic. We have in detail explained about colic in another feature of the Ÿ??Happy Kids series. Please feel free to reach out to us if you want to have an e-copy of the same. 

Babies cry primarily for reasons such as, when they feel hungry,  irritated, lonely, etc. It is good when you feed your baby on time and when you feed your baby immediately after he/she cries,  the baby will also feel a sense of reassurance and safety. In some cases, the crying decreases as the needs are taken care of. Here  are some quick tips and precautions: 

  • Sometimes the baby might need a nappy change or just a  cuddle or a gentle hug. Holding the baby will help to comfort the baby soon.  
  • You can also try singing a soft tune to your baby.  
  • Gently rhythmically pat your baby and this works like magic for most babies.  
  • A little bit of movement can help divert the attention of your baby when he/she starts crying. Take your baby for a little walk and see the change.  
  • On this note, please donŸ??t carry your baby to noisy public places such as cinema theatres, auditoriums, etc. The huge sounds can cause distress for your baby and also hurt their gentle ears.  

While it is important to calm your baby down and comfort with cuddles and cooing, it is equally crucial for you to take care of your well-being. The constant crying and sometimes your inability to soothe your baby into calmness might be a stressful experience for you. In case you are unable to take the strain,  please talk to your spouse and family members and seek help in taking care of the child. In case you want to speak to someone for professional advice, do consult your doctor if needed. 

The key is to quickly respond to the baby’s cries and you will see a difference for yourself. Babies need attention and every parent/caretaker is required to give that care always. For more information on baby crying and related topics, talk to  our experts.

Reasons To Immunize Your Child.

In the past few months, the word immunity has become a  commonplace term in our daily life, especially in the current  COVID19 scenario. Immunity has achieved enormous  importance and everyone is constantly striving to enhance it  through various means. As a parent, you would be naturally  concerned about your child’s immunity. To make your little one  immune to most diseases and infections, understand the  importance of immunization

Vaccines produce immunity through the manufacturing of  antibodies in the body that works like the protective agents  countering any attack of infectious diseases and other  conditions. By following the schedule of timely vaccination, your  child can be protected from a lot of diseases such as polio, whooping cough, tetanus, hepatitis, etc.  

In our country, we have various government-run health  awareness campaigns that highlight the importance of  immunization and some vaccines are available for free at  designated centres on scheduled dates. However, every parent  needs to be aware and follow the vaccination schedule that  starts from the time of birth until the child becomes a teenager. 

Today, let’s explore the reasons to immunize your child and gain an understanding of the vaccination schedule you need not  miss. 

Not only vaccination helps in countering any future dangerous  diseases but also helps in controlling the spread among children.  This gains significance as children as toddlers have more  exposure to the external environment such as schools, play  areas, creches, nurseries, etc. Despite the current COVID situation, children are less exposed; it is still recommended to  keep a tab of the immunization schedule. Isn’t it better to be  safe than sorry? On another note, we hope things get back to  normal and our children have a better and safe world to explore  and enjoy! 

Do you understand that by following a proper vaccination  schedule, you can avoid severe health complications, serious  illnesses, and hospitalization of your child?  

Despite the world not being safe enough to travel right now,  wouldn’t you want your child to travel freely without any  potential health threats? Are you aware that measles can be contracted during travel? Therefore, it is essential to take the vaccine shots as per the schedule. 

Considering our social commitment, it is important to keep our communities free from disease. You can do a small but  significant part by taking your child to the doctor for the vaccination procedure. Let us commit to keep our community  and country free from the impending dangers of diseases by doing our bit. 

Now, let us look at the vaccination schedule to be followed for  your child during the early stages: 

  • At birth, you need to vaccinate your child against polio and Hepatitis (B) and also have Bacillus CalmetteŸ??Gu??rin (BCG)  administered. 
  • When your baby reaches 6 weeks, ensure to have DTP 1, IPV1,  Hepatitis B (B2), HIB1, Rotavirus 1, and PCV1 vaccines  administered. 
  • At 10 weeks, remember to have your baby vaccinated against  HIB2, IPV 2, Hepatitis B (HB 3), Rotavirus 2, and PCV 2. 
  • At 14 weeks, your baby needs to get vaccinated against HIB 3,  IPV3, Hepatitis B (HB*4), Rotavirus 3, and PCV 3. 

From 6 months until your child enters and completes the teen  years, there is a detailed vaccination schedule.

For more information on the importance of vaccination and the  various boosters to improve, talk to our experts. 


Understanding Colic


Every mother loves to see the smiles of her child but not the painful crying. It would be quite stressful for mothers, especially new mothers to see her baby crying. Every parent would have been through such a situation. Are you concerned with your little one’s crying? One of the causes is colic and every parent needs to understand more about this condition. 

Colic is prolonged and intense crying or irritability in a healthy infant. Do you know that about 1 in 5 babies have colic? This kind of episode can start from three weeks of age and gradually subside when the baby is 3-4 months. How can you detect that your baby is suffering from colic? Check out for signs when your baby cries uninterruptedly even after a cuddling session with the mother. 

Some important aspects of colic that you need to know are: 

  • Painful crying with screeching, screaming quality 
  • Crying without a definite reason even after a feed and diaper change 
  • Continued irritability even after the crying episode has ended 
  • Discolouration of the face and stiffened legs & arms  
  • Crying episodes happen around the same time every day
  • Interrupted and erratic sleep schedules 

Food allergies, issues in the digestive system, etc. are some of the possible causes. Though it does not cause severe medical issues to the child, it is a stressful time for the parents. Don’t fret about this situation as this is a regular aspect of the baby’s early growth phase and won’t last forever. To help alleviate pain, you can try some of these easy home interventions: 

  • Lay your baby on his/her tummy, or give a nice, gentle rub on the tummy 
  • Wrap around a soft blanket around your baby and hold  him/her close to you 
  • Lay your baby on your lap and give a gentle massage on the  back 
  • To calm your baby down, a pacifier is a good go-to solution
  • Give a nice, warm bath to your baby

While you are taking care of your baby with colic, ensure to take care of yourself. Plan out the colic care schedule with your spouse so that you can have a few hours to unwind and vice versa. While music can soothe your child while having a colic spell, it can work wonders on you and help you overcome anxiety. Wear your headphones and listen to some pleasant music while you are tending your baby. Sometimes, a little sharing can be helpful. Speak to a friend or a counsellor if you need a listening ear. This can help you beat the blues. 

We hope that you understand colic in a better manner. Though it might not be a major matter of concern; it is always good to know about colic and if there’s anything more than the usual,  medical help is always available. Understand the symptoms of colic in terms of the frequency of episodes, patterns, etc. 

In case your baby experiences more discomfort and cries  intensely more than the regular norm, talk to our experts. 

Breastfeeding And Its Countless Benefits

Motherhood: All love begins and ends there. Trust that you cherish every moment with your little bundle of joy. Every mother goes through a phase of self-doubt and wants to offer the best care possible. One of the primary aspects of caregiving is breastfeeding.

Despite the divided opinion, do you know that breast milk is undeniably the perfect nourishment that you can give to your child? The medical community globally recommends breastfeeding for the first six months that can be continued with a healthy diet of vegetables, fruits, food grains, etc.

It is a personal decision. However, we would like to help you with information related to the benefits of breastfeeding. Ultimately, it is your choice!

Some quick facts on breast milk:

1. Do you know that breast milk-fed babies have a faster recovery rate from sickness or infections when compared to formula-fed babies? 

2. Are you aware that breastfeeding reduces the crying spells in young ones and also helps them through the vaccination phase? 

3. Do you know that breastfeeding helps in comforting and soothing the baby when in pain or discomfort? 

4. Are you aware that a new-born baby would require 8-12 feeding sessions in a day? 

5. Do you know that colostrum, the yellowish, thick milk  produced in the first few days is very beneficial for your baby It is potent with antibodies. 

6. Are you aware the breast milk is easily digestible for your  baby?  

With the perfect combination of vitamins, protein, and fat, breast milk is essential for your baby’s good health and growth.

Here are some benefits: 

You will be glad to know that breastfeeding can prevent diseases such as allergies, respiratory tract infections, diabetes, etc. It’s in your hands to minimize the risks.

For better immunity and a higher IQ, breastfeeding is an easy  solution. This will help your baby will grow into a healthy and  smart child. 

Due to the beneficial gut bacteria consumed through breastfeeding, your child can maintain a healthy weight and  have a reduced risk of childhood obesity. 

In addition to the innumerable benefits ensured to your child, breastfeeding will help you in these ways: 

Do you wish to drop off the extra pounds gained during  pregnancy? Breastfeeding will help you get back to your pre pregnancy weight by burning of fat and calories. 

Minimize the risks of breast and ovarian cancer in the future. By caring for your child, you are also caring for yourself. 

Research says that mothers who breastfeed their babies are at a lower risk of depression. Breastfeeding helps in your mental and emotional well-being.  

Being diagnosed with infertility itself may distress you. You should give yourself at least 3-6 months and start preparing your body for IVF. You may have lesser time than 3-6 months. It’s best to start preparing yourself physically and emotionally for an experience lasting for months.

In a nutshell, breastfeeding is extremely beneficial to your baby and you. It is a healthy, effortless, and cost-effective way of child  care. It is a precious and most personal gift that you can give to  your child. A joyful and hassle-free motherhood experience is on  your way. Have you made the choice yet? For more information on the countless advantages of  breastfeeding, talk to our experts.

New-Born Baby Care Essentials – 10 Essential Things To Know!


Motherhood is a continuous learning experience. Are you ready to journey through some essentials to learn more about your little one? Here are 10 things to know about your new-born baby

1. Baby feed: Your baby may often feel hungry. Make sure to feed your baby every 2-3 hours. Please don’t be tempted to feed your baby with solids to keep the stomach full. Strictly, no solids,  please. 

2. Holding with care: Holding a newborn baby can be a frightful experience. However, holding your baby for 2 hours in a day can be soothing. Holding your baby can promote breastfeeding,  improves confidence in the baby, and also strengthens the bond between the baby and the parent. Hold your bundle of happiness close to your heart. You will see the difference! 

3. Baby products: Use products free from fragrances and chemicals. As your baby might be sensitive or allergic to certain fragrances or chemicals, it is always the best way forward to use gentle and safe products, namely soaps, powders, lotions, etc. 

4. Massages: Give gentle massages as it will help your baby relax. Massages help to promote development in muscles and keep tummy problems at bay. Massaging will also help your confusion as you would not know the real cause of your baby’s crying Ÿ?? whether it is hunger, pain, discomfort, etc. Gradually,  you will become better at this. Understand and respond! 

8. Diaper changes: Do you know that your baby might require frequent diaper changes? Prepare mentally for this routine. On average, you might require to change the diaper approximately 6-10 times a day. This will help to avoid any discomfort your baby might undergo due to frequent discharge of urine or stool. Check your baby’s diapers after every feeding session. 

9. Tummy time: Ensure that your baby spends more time on his/her tummy during his/her waking time as this will promote strength in the back muscles. However, please take care that your baby doesn’t sleep on the tummy. 

10. Umbilical cord: Don’t be in a hurry to clip off the remnant of the umbilical cord. If you apply even little force or do anything to remove the umbilical cord unnaturally, this can lead to infections. Just keep it dry. It will fall off on its own. 

For more information on new-born care essentials, talk  to our experts.

Preparation for IVF treatment?

IVF: An overview

When it comes to fertility treatments, IVF tops the list of almost everyone. In vitro fertilization (IVF Process) signifies fertilization that occurs in a glass. IVF treatment involves the fertilization of an egg by sperm in a plastic dish. IVF entails a technique of assisted reproduction. In the IVF procedure, the egg and sperm are fertilized outside the body towards the formation of an embryo. The embryo gets transferred subsequently to a uterus for implantation and pregnancy. IVF was brought into existence to assist women having blocked fallopian tubes. IVF procedure still actively helps women with disadvantaged fallopian tubes. IVF assists even when a couple grapples with unexplained infertility. 

Below are the other conditions wherein IVF may offer some promise to the couples willing to become parents:

  1. Cervical issues
  2. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 
  3. Fibroids
  4. Endometriosis
  5. Ovulatory problems
  6. Male factor infertility

Is IVF procedure stressful?

IVF isn’t an event or technique that completes in a day. IVF treatment involves a series of events to be completed. Some couples may feel bored with mood swings and anxiety often joining the joy and excitement. The women and their experience going through IVF may hugely depend on various factors around them. They may be their overall emotional predisposition, thoughts or ideas about IVF, their support pillars, and relationship with the partners. The way they respond to fertility medicines and their length is yet another factor.

How would you prepare your body for IVF?

You should consider giving time for relaxation and recovery after each phase of treatment. You mustn’t lead a life you did before starting IVF. The couples should develop a proper level of sensitivity to the treatment. They should accept the transformations brought to their energy levels. The couples should try to abstain from the activities harmful to the conception. They may consider prioritizing the activities mentioned by theirIVF experts or support members at the clinic. 

Prepare your body for the IVF in some easy steps:

Being diagnosed with infertility itself may distress you. You should give yourself at least 3-6 months and start preparing your body for IVF. You may have lesser time than 3-6 months. It’s best to start preparing yourself physically and emotionally for an experience lasting for months.

Achieve the desired weight and prepare yourself metabolically:

Evidence suggests that body mass index (BMI) has a role to play before pregnancy. Weight gain and nutritional history are two important determinants in an effective pregnancy. A poor nutritional history before IVF may hinder IVF. Being obese may interfere with the overall IVF outcome. Therefore, it’s important to maintain an ideal weight to increase the chances of IVF’s success. Various clinics may issue various guidelines about IVF. And the experts at motherhood guide you as to how you can achieve your target. 

Eat whatever boosts your reproductive health:

Enjoy fresh fruits and add some vegetables to your platter as directed by your IVF expert/staff members. Stop consuming burnt meat, red meat, sugar, refined grains or processed foods. Add spices and herbs to your routine diet. Avoid foods containing mercury including various fish species. You may even design your diet under obstetric or expert supervision. Include chickpeas, lentils and various other leguminous products. Start relying on low-fat milk and low-fat dairy food. Take Avocado, nuts and seeds in abundance. You may start taking prenatal vitamins. You must take an obstetrician’s advice before starting any prenatal vitamin. Your obstetrician will surely alert you about a category of chemicals. The category is called Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDC). 

Don’t drink and avoid smoke in every way possible:

One good decision to kick the butt brings hundreds of sighs of relief. Smoking is a dependence that creates many hindrances. Stop smoking preferably at least 6 months before you start planning for IVF. Studies show that Nicotine can interfere with ovaries and age them. They may render eggs resistant to fertilization. One can’t even imagine how severely it may damage foetal development and health. Alcohol is also known to hinder the success levels of IVF by more than 50%. Caffeine is another ingredient you should abstain from as you progress to your IVF treatment. 

Stay committed to Yoga and other exercises:

The way you breathe has many things to convey about you. When you take healthy breaths, many issues may start resolving on their own. And nothing replaces Yoga when it comes to assuring those healthy breaths naturally. Yoga will be the first good move to help you relax and rejuvenate effectively. Light yoga and relaxation techniques will guide your healthy way through those IVF protocols. You may consider registering for online exercise classes. They are mostly conducted by experts. They will inspire you to adopt a healthy lifestyle and stay on track from the day you conceive with IVF till the day you deliver your baby.  

Start preparing for healthy sleep as you do for a successful IVF:

Sleep is vital to ensure many aspects of your health. The quality of sleep influences sperm production, sex hormones, and ovulation. Make sure both you and your partner are getting ample sleep as your IVF expert directs. 

You may consider adopting the following habits for healthy and undisturbed sleep:

  1. Unwind by reading some comic or light-hearted stuff before getting off to bed.
  2. Make sure you have made a timetable and are sticking to it every night.
  3. Stop using alcohol or any stimulant ingredients that may interfere with your sleep.
  4. Enjoy some good exercise routines every day.
  5. Exercise routines come up with many perks. Aligning you with a peaceful sleep pattern every night is one of those invaluable perks.
  6. It may create psychological burdens if you have a TV, laptop, or other electronic items in the bedroom.
  7. Try to keep your bedroom free of any professional material like journals, books, files, or other documents.
  8. Address and treat stress. Emotional stress may hamper many good things you enjoy every day.

These steps will allow you to stay active and refreshed as you progress to various phases of your IVF cycle. Your obstetrician will always be there to guide you on essentials or lifestyle choices based on your medical history. 

Team Motherhood is always here to help you in your blissful journey to parenthood. Book an Appointment!

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Baby Care and breastfeeding when you have COVID-19

Breastfeeding in a pandemic: An overview:

COVID-19 is disrupting various routines worldwide. Every front of human life is under dispute and disharmony. The pandemic warrants quick actions under clinical observations. When a breakthrough becomes available, it may require subsequent guidelines to establish proper care. Breastfeeding is essential to optimize neonatal health. The health and growth benefits of breastmilk are undisputed and demonstrated. To establish secure breastfeeding in a pandemic like COVID-19, we should thoroughly understand the effects of the pandemic on maternal and neonatal health.

First of all, we should understand how the clinical characteristics of COVID-19 apply to breastfeeding. We should even understand the protective properties of breastfeeding. The tenets of neonatal healthcare may even include the importance of skin-to-skin care. The evidence available till today suggests that the risk of transmission of COVID-19 via breastmilk is very low. Breastfeeding is known for its irreplaceable health benefits both for the mother and the baby. Infection control strategies should be in place with stiff adherence to them. 

How to uphold care and caution while breastfeeding during the pandemics like COVID-19?

World Health Organization (WHO) rules that mothers with COVID-19 or suspected to carry the virus may opt to breastfeed their babies provided they follow every safety protocol. Breastfeeding is likened to promote anti-inflammatory responses along with antimicrobial properties and healthy immune responses. The components in breastmilk may also help prevent the incidence of respiratory tract infections. Breastmilk is loaded with an irreplaceable nutritional value contributing to the healthy growth of infants.

Even breastfeeding from women with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection can benefit the infants. Breastmilk constitutes a primordial form of health and development in infants. Breastfeeding establishes itself as the ideal food for kids during the first 6 months. With an irreplaceable nutritive value, it betters the immune response of kids strengthening the defense mechanisms against common and opportunistic infections. Regular and frequent breastfeeding also associates itself with a decrease in neonatal morbidity and mortality. 

How does the risk of COVID-19 endanger pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Current evidence is unclear about the vertical transmission of COVID-19 from the mother to her foetus through the placenta in pregnancy. Studies found no traces of the virus in amniotic fluid, placental tissue or umbilical cord blood. As stated above, the traces of novel coronavirus weren’t found in the breastmilk. Precautions are necessary to ensure a low risk of COVID-19 in babies and mothers who are breastfeeding. Mother-infant proximity is a healthy practice even amid the pandemics provided every safety protocol is in place. Healthcare professionals may extend their support to mothers who are unable to breastfeed in the wake of serious complications of COVID-19.

The women who are unable to breastfeed their baby may avail themselves of alternative methods. They may seek help from certified donor milk bank services or other centres dedicated to uplifting breastmilk supply. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the babies during the first 6 months of life. Even after including solid food in the diet of a child, mothers may continue breastfeeding their kids for 6 additional months. They may uphold this practice till the child reaches the age of 2. Mothers with COVID-19 must realize the importance of breastfeeding and opt for the same under stiff obstetric supervision. 

Why do people worry about the effects of COVID-19 on pregnancy and breastfeeding women?

Pregnant women aren’t more likely to fall prey to the COVID-19 infection than the nonpregnant counterparts. However, pregnancy itself involves many physiological changes including changes in the immune system and its response to the virulent microorganisms including COVID-19. Therefore, the incidence of COVID-19 in pregnancy may often relate to more severe symptoms of COVID-19. The COVID-19 pneumonia cases reported to date include mild to moderate symptoms and carry fair rates of recovery.

Pregnant women with other conditions such as hypertension, diabetes or high body mass index may develop complications following exposure to COVID-19. The pandemic itself may raise the risk of prenatal depression and anxiety in women. It may be important to extend proper obstetric care to pregnant and breastfeeding women. 

How to regularize breastfeeding and postnatal care in the pandemics like COVID-19?

More studies are needed to confirm whether the high-risk newborn babies are at a raised risk of complications or not. Infection of COVID-19 following any contact with virulent respiratory secretion may be a cause of concern. The healthcare staff and facilities may consider temporary separation in the event of maternal COVID-19 infection. 

Please follow the guidelines below if you find that temporary separation is mandatory:

  1. The healthcare team should assess the risks and benefits of temporary separation and communicate the same to the mother.
  2. The infants should be availed of a separate isolation room.
  3. In the event of the clinical obligations for colocation (rooming-in), of the baby and his/her sick mother in the same facility, facilities should consider every important aspect to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 from mother to child.
  4. The staff at the healthcare facility might consider using physical barriers to maintain safe distances between the mother and her child.?˜
  5. If there’s nobody to look after the new-born baby except the mother (COVID-19 infected or suspected) herself, the mother should maintain hygiene and practice hand sanitization under obstetric guidance. These standards should continue as long as the mother is under observation for the possibility of vertical transmission.


  1. Mothers willing to breastfeed their babies even under temporary separation should consider expressing their milk.
  2. Expressing milk offers various health benefits both to the mother and her baby including establishment and maintenance of the proper milk supply.
  3. Mothers can use dedicated breast pumps for seamless milk extraction. 
  4. Mothers should accustom themselves to safety protocols and hand hygiene as they start expressing breastmilk.
  5. After each session of milk extraction, every part of the pump should be sanitized and disinfected as directed by the manufacturer/medical official.
  6. Healthcare teams should include a healthy caregiver to ensure proper distribution and consumption of the expressed breastmilk.
  7. The mother and baby in colocation should be under proper clinical observation.
  8. The mother willing to feed the baby at the breast should always wear the facemask alongside the appropriate standards of hand hygiene before and after each feed. 

What is IVF? How does it assist childless couples?

What is IVF?

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a process involving the combination of male sperm and female eggs in a special laboratory to generate an embryo(s). Various factors determine the success of IVF.

The factors may include:

  1. Usage of donor eggs/embryos
  2. Ovulatory dysfunction
  3. Dual infertility factors
  4. History of previous pregnancies or recurrent miscarriage
  5. Age factor
  6. Type of infertility (Fertility problem)
  7. Duration of fertility issues

is IVF treatment?

An IVF cycle typically consists of the steps given below:

  1. Medications to facilitate the growth of multiple eggs
  2. Retrieval of egg(s) from the ovaries
  3. Insemination of eggs using the sperm
  4. Culture of the resultant embryos
  5. Transfer of single or multiple embryos in the uterus
  6. Usage of hormones to nourish the uterine lining to facilitate healthy pregnancy

What is the IVF process? How is IVF done??˜

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or IVF treatment involves four main stages. IVF technology is a technology employed to help infertile women achieve fertility.?˜

  1. The first stage includes the woman taking injections towards the stimulation of her ovaries. The ovaries produce follicles. These follicles are the cysts in the ovaries filled with fluid. These fluid-filled cysts contain the egg. 
  2. Subsequently, a procedure carried out under anaesthesia removes eggs from the ovaries under the guidance of an ultrasound.
  3. The next stage involves fertilization of the egg and sperm in the laboratory under a controlled environment. 
  4. The embryos (Fertilized eggs) are subsequently transferred into the woman’s uterus to induce pregnancy.

What are the types of infertility issues IVF can treat?

A. Unexplained infertility

B. Poor or unhealthy quality of eggs

C. Low sperm count

D. Low motility of sperm

E. Problems with ovulation

F. Inability of sperm to pass through the cervical mucus or survive there

G. Issues with the uterus or fallopian tubes

H. Endometriosis

How does IVF work?

IVF shines out as one of the most popular forms of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). IVF functions by combining surgical procedures and medicines to facilitate the fertilization of an egg by the sperm. The fertilized egg subsequently implants in the uterus.?˜

What are the advantages of IVF?

IVF helps women with

A. Endometriosis:

Endometriosis involves the growth of some parts of the womb lining outside the womb. IVF offers relief from infertility caused by endometriosis. 


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS is a condition involving irregular menstrual cycles caused by hormonal imbalance. IVF helps women with PCOS to conceive even when ovulation induction fails to address infertility. 

C. Unexplained Infertility:

1 in 6 couples suffers from unexplained infertility issues nowadays. The intervention of IVF may offer promise to couples grappling with unexplained infertility.

D. Premature ovarian failure:

Menopause and premature ovarian failure may complicate the outcomes of effective pregnancy. IVF intervention using donor eggs may bring relief to the couples.

E. Damaged Fallopian tubes:

Women with blocked or damaged fallopian tubes may grapple with infertility. IVF may help increase the chances of having a baby with their eggs.?˜

F. Male infertility:

Male infertility problems are growing lately due to various health issues. Natural conception may become a challenge for couples with male factor infertility. With the interventions using IVF, couples with male factor infertility may get some promise of conception.?˜?˜

G.?˜Patients with a low ovarian reserve or older patients:

IVF helps raise the chances of conception in patients with advanced age. Women with a low ovarian reserve may struggle with conception. IVF technology assesses the overall possibility and helps older women and women with low ovarian reserve.?˜

What are the features of IVF?

IVF technology is in use for a long time with a safe track record:

IVF processes have advanced ever since the birth of Louise Brown, the first IVF baby. IVF went ahead to emerge as the IVF technology creating safer and successful options. Most effective IVF cycles promote the usage of fewer drugs to minimize any side effects like Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS). 

IVF facilitates an easy diagnosis of the fertilization problems:

Unexplained infertility may pose threat to the couple’s marital bliss. Unexplained infertility may imply miscellaneous issues. The problems as such may not become evident until someone experiments on the fertility issues. 

IVF allows effective usage of unutilized embryos:

Those who have embryos left for subsequent usage may allow others to use them to treat fertility issues. They may even save lives. These are the embryos that may facilitate various research projects. It may help other childless couples to attain parenthood. 

Embryos may be used to study inherited diseases:

IVF with Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) allows a conception safe from genetic disorders. They may be Huntington’s Disease, Muscular Dystrophy and Cystic Fibrosis. IVF allows proper examination of inheritable diseases and techniques to help prevent such health concerns. 

What determines the number of embryos being created or transferred?

Multiple factors are affecting the number of eggs to create or transfer. It may mainly depend on how many eggs are collected and maternal age. The rate of implantation may go on to diminish with the women ageing. It may facilitate the implantation of more eggs if a lady is older. More number of eggs transferred may lead to multiple pregnancies. It’s important to discuss with your IVF expert the number of embryos to implant.

Are there any precautions before IVF?

Yes. IVF doesn’t just intend to help you achieve pregnancy but a healthy pregnancy. Your obstetrician or IVF expert may ask you to change your lifestyle.


You may have to change your diet. A few species of fish containing Mercury may affect the foetal nervous system. Shortly before, during and even after IVF, you may have to stay away from some fish species. They may be King Mackerel, Tilefish, Canned Tuna Fish, Shark and Swordfish. You may have to avoid a few other fish species as your IVF expert guides you. Your IVF expert may study your medical history and help you round off a proper dietary regimen.


Drugs are just meant to be avoided as the efforts towards conception are about to start. Recreational drugs may interfere with the ability to conceive or to carry the pregnancy to term. Some drugs like Marijuana may decrease sperm concentration and hinder the production of Testosterone. 


The correlation between caffeine and its effects on fertility is under analysis. Caffeine may be linked to a decrease in the chances of conception. The cause-and-effect relationship between caffeine intake and conception is still to be confirmed. But studies show that women should limit the caffeine intake as they start trying for pregnancy. 


We are precisely aware of how smoking affects our health and the environment around us. Smoke in every form may be linked to an increase in the risk of complications. Men and women who smoke may lose their reproductive health. Studies have shown the harmful effects of smoking on foetal health in multiple ways. Parental dependence on tobacco in pregnancy and after pregnancy may raise the risk of paediatric cancers in kids. 


We know how alcohol interferes with our overall health. It affects our physical and mental health. Alcohol intake can lead to poor reproductive health. Your obstetrician may advise you to avoid alcohol. Alcohol in pregnancy may create irreversible dangers. 

Medication use:

Non-fertility medications should be avoided as you start preparing for an IVF cycle. Your General physician deserves to know about your IVF cycle. You should start avoiding medications like Aspirin and those resembling Aspirin. Certain medications interfere with ovulation. 

How much does IVF treatment cost?

Motherhood has a dedicated team that oversees standard IVF protocols and helps couple achieve parenthood at reasonable rates.?˜

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COVID-19, its prevention, vaccination and breastfeeding your child

COVID-19 infection went ahead to infect millions worldwide. WHO identified COVID-19 as a pandemic and a threat to the global economy. Pregnant women with COVID-19 are 5 times more prone to get admission in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) or end up on a ventilator than the nonpregnant counterparts. Though preterm birth may be a risk in pregnant women with severe COVID-19 complications, other obstetric complications like stillbirth or neonatal mortality aren’t evident. Some pregnant women may develop severe illness from COVID-19 infection in various scenarios. They may include factors such as advanced maternal age, risky body mass index, pre-existing conditions like hypertension, diabetes or other pregnancy-specific conditions.?˜?˜

What are the facts about taking a COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy?

Your obstetrician will guide you about the benefits and potential risks (if any) based on your overall medical history.?˜

  1. A pregnant lady who had received vaccination previously and is up to taking the next or second dose in pregnancy should take the second dose of the same vaccine. It’s recommended specifically if the vaccine didn’t create any disruptions or side effects.?˜
  2. COVID-19 vaccine is capable of preventing 95% of COVID-19 infections.
  3. COVID-19 vaccine will allow you to stay healthy avoiding the infection and keep the people around you from contracting the virus.
  4. COVID-19 vaccine doesn’t contain any constituents rendered harmful for maternal or foetal health.
  5. No serious contraindications or side effects are seen as yet. However, a few people may develop mild to moderate side effects such as:

A. Fever. B. Joint pain C. Chills D. Headache E. Fatigue F. Reactions on the site of infection including pain and soreness. G. Doldrums

  1. High fever is one of the possibilities in about 1% of the people who take the vaccine.
  2. Persistent high fever may create health issues in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  3. Owing to the serious complications of COVID-19, some pregnant women may be at the risk of spontaneous miscarriage or congenital malformations.?˜
  4. If your obstetrician says that you may be at risk, you may consider deferring the vaccine until after the first trimester.?˜
  5. You should try to update yourself about COVID-19 and its vaccine.

Are there any contraindications associated with the COVID-19 vaccine?

Every vaccine has its impacts. If you develop an allergic response to the vaccine or any of its constituents, avoid the vaccine. However, you should stay in touch with the latest developments. No evidence suggests that COVID-19 vaccines may induce side effects harmful to conception. Your obstetrician may guide you about how to start your preparations for pregnancy based on your medical history. If you have a history of vigorously reacting to any vaccine, you may discuss the same with your obstetrician.?˜

Is it right to avoid the COVID-19 vaccine only owing to the fear of birth defects?

The outset of every pregnancy marks a 3-5% chance of sustaining birth defects. The phenomenon is known as background risk. According to various analyses worldwide, a COVID-19 vaccine may not raise the risk of birth defects. If your obstetrician recommends the vaccine based on the benefits that outweigh the risks of COVID-19, take the vaccine.?˜

Who is at a mild to moderate risk of severe COVID-19 illness?

  1. People with a mismanaged or dysregulated blood pressure
  2. Immunodeficient people.
  3. People with various chronic inflammations and under treatment for inflammatory conditions
  4. People with neurological issues including dementia or stroke
  5. People who are obese
  6. People who are suffering from a chronic liver disease
  7. People grappling with diabetes
  8. People with a non-haematological cancer
  9. People with a respiratory illness including chronic lung diseases
  10. People with renal issues or chronic renal diseases
  11. People suffering from myocardial infarction or with a history

Who is at severe risk of COVID-19 infection?

  1. People undergoing intense therapy session including Chemotherapy or radiotherapy
  2. People with haematological cancers diagnosed within the last 5 years including lymphoma, myelodysplastic syndrome, leukaemia?˜
  3. People undergoing immunosuppression for illnesses such as Graft versus host disease
  4. People who underwent a bone marrow transplant in the last 2 years
  5. People who underwent organ transplant?˜
  6. People who are undergoing immunosuppression after an organ transplant?˜

You may have to consider various factors if you think you are vulnerable to side effects:

  1. If you have health conditions making you prone to severe complications after your exposure to COVID-19.
  2. If you can adopt work-from-home culture or have already adopted towards the reduction of COVID-19 risk.
  3. Try studying your health based on your medical history.
  4. Discuss with your obstetrician about your comfort level.
  5. Tell your obstetrician when you are more comfortable taking the vaccine.
  6. If you think you are comfortable taking the vaccine in the first trimester, make sure your obstetrician approves of your decision.
  7. If you are afraid of developing complications after taking the vaccine in the first trimester, tell so your obstetrician.
  8. If you defer taking the vaccine, make sure you take it as planned in the second trimester. 
  9. Even if you prefer to defer the vaccination until after childbirth, make sure your obstetrician is aware of it. 
  10. And even if you go ahead to defer the vaccine, your decision won’t affect the quantum of care you receive from your obstetrician or healthcare provider.

Possible effects of receiving COVID-19 vaccine after another vaccine:

Your obstetrician may highlight the importance of various vaccines. Tdap and Flu shot are generally recommended in pregnancy. If you prefer to take the vaccine during pregnancy or postnatal phase, you should schedule it at least 14 days before or after another vaccination.?˜

Effects of COVID-19 Vaccine during breastfeeding:

The vaccine will be available for all who wish to take it. The data available currently about the impacts of the COVID-19 vaccine taken by mothers on their babies is unclear. The constituents of any vaccine entering int the breastmilk may be dissolved quickly after the milk gets digested. Apart from everything else, your immune response may get transferred to the baby after you take the vaccine.?˜

What about the women who discover that they are pregnant during or after vaccination?

Those who discover that they are pregnant during vaccination or after being vaccinated shouldn’t be advised to terminate their pregnancy. If a lady discovers that she is pregnant during the vaccine drive (after the first dose, and ahead of the second one), the decision should depend on the analysis of the potential risks.?˜Motherhood hospital takes sincere efforts to ensure stress-free childbirth.

COVID Vaccination & Baby Care post pregnancy

COVID-19 pandemic and vaccination:

COVID-19 is leaving a significant impact on social, economic, and medical fronts worldwide. Older adults and many other age groups with existing conditions are at higher risk of COVID-19 and its morbidities. Very few cases of COVID-19 are reported in newborn babies. At present, there’s no concrete evidence of vertical transmission of COVID-19 from the infected pregnant ladies to their foetuses. Studies even see no traces of the virus in the samples of breastmilk. Studies, however, warrant preventive measures and sanitary protocols while handling the cases of COVID-19. To prevent the transmission of the virus from mothers to their kids, the women should observe standard protocols while carrying their munchkin or breastfeeding.?˜?˜

Are there any risks of COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy?

A safe vaccine presents itself such that its benefits can outweigh the risks. However, pregnant women need to take the vaccine under obstetric guidance. While taking the vaccine, pregnant women and their obstetricians should oversee the symptoms and medical history. If a pregnant woman has any existing conditions, it may be important to stay under clinical supervision. The vaccines, however, may help safeguard both mother and her child from any future issues. The mother should consider taking as many doses as recommended by the obstetrician. You should wear a mask and maintain social distancing as you previously did even after receiving vaccinations.

How does COVID-19 complicate the pregnancy?

Some women with COVID-19 may develop severe symptoms. Compared with nonpregnant counterparts, women with COVID-19:

  1. might be 3 times more likely to be treated at the ICU
  2. may require advanced life support and a breathing tube
  3. Might have a very low risk of death due to COVID-19

What types of symptoms/conditions can complicate the incidence of COVID-19 in pregnant women?

The risk of COVID-19 infection itself depends upon a pregnant lady coming into contact with someone with COVID-19. You may be at a higher risk of infection specifically if you live in a high-risk area or are in a profession where you come into contact with infected people more frequently. Advanced maternal age may be a risk factor for COVID-19 infection. Women with several pre-existing health conditions may be at a higher risk of infection. The health conditions may include a body mass index above 35kg/m2, heart diseases, diabetes or high blood pressure (hypertension). 

Are there any factors to consider before taking the COVID-19 vaccine in pregnancy?

Eligibility for COVID-29 vaccines may vary from area to area. Healthcare practitioners and staff members are likely to undergo the first vaccination drive. The next category to include in the vaccination drive might be people with certain health conditions, nurses, essential workers, and people above 60 years of age. Since pregnancy is one of the risk factors for severe COVID-19, the condition may make you eligible for the vaccines, depending on the region you are living in. 

Below are the factors you may consider discussing with your obstetrician or healthcare provider before taking the vaccine:

Consider taking the vaccine immediately as it’s available for you:

You must take the vaccine under various circumstances. You may consider taking the vaccine promptly if you have additional risk factors such as diabetes, advanced age, high blood pressure (hypertension), or obesity. If you are in a profession including healthcare and if you think you are at risk, take the vaccine as it becomes available to you. 

Consider waiting till childbirth to appear for the vaccination:

If your obstetrician confirms that pregnancy may be a risk factor for serious complications, you may consider taking the vaccine after childbirth. It’s beneficial provided you follow the obstetrician’s guidelines properly and uphold safety protocols actively. 

Discuss with your obstetrician if you think deferring the vaccination is important:

You may consider postponing the vaccination under various circumstances. A few pregnant women might have exceptional risk factors and uncontained exposures. The onset of the second trimester may minimize the risk of spontaneous abortion. If your obstetrician allows you, you may consider postponing the vaccination until after childbirth. 

If the benefits outweigh the risks

If your obstetrician recommends a vaccine whose benefits outweigh the risks after being infected with COVID-19, take the vaccine. However, it’s important to keep the concerned officials in the loop to get the latest updates on vaccine availability. The vaccines may be subject to availability in your vicinity depending on various factors.

Is it likely for the COVID-19 to be transmitted through breastfeeding?

Studies worldwide haven’t yet detected active COVID-19 in the breastmilk of any mother diagnosed with or suspected to carry COVID-19. Therefore, it might be highly unlikely that the breastmilk expressed by a mother with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 can transmit the virus. Researchers are still underway to confirm whether breastmilk can infect the baby with COVID-19 or not. 

Can a mother residing in containment zones opt to breastfeed her baby?

Yes, a mother can opt to breastfeed her baby owing to its lifelong health and growth benefits for the baby. Breastfeeding is known to even better the mother’s health. Contrary to the presuppositions, the studies worldwide haven’t detected any chances of breastfeeding infecting the baby. Your obstetrician may recommend you to breastfeed your baby with various safety protocols.

Is immediate skin-to-skin care and breastfeeding safe even if the mother has confirmed or suspected COVID-19?

Of course, it may be safe. Your obstetrician may guide you under various recommended or stopgap precautions. The safety parameters or protocols might be the same worldwide. However, stopgap solutions are a possibility under exceptional circumstances. Immediate and regular skin-to-skin care and kangaroo mother care enhances the thermal regulation of newborn babies. It may also help better various other physiological outcomes in the babies. Neonatal mortality is one of the most important factors to highlight. Keeping the baby close to the mother allows early breastfeeding. It may help curb the chances of neonatal mortality. The enormous benefits of skin-to-skin contact and kangaroo care noticeably outweigh the risks of COVID-19 transmission. 

What are the alternatives if a mother has confirmed COVID-19 or is a PUI?

There are various alternatives to breastfeeding a baby or an infant:

A. Expressed breastmilk:

  1. Hand expression may be a method to avail the breastmilk. Many may use a mechanical pump. It may be subject to the obstetrician’s approval. Both pump expression and hand expression are equally beneficial.
  2. Expression of breastmilk has many other benefits including the mother’s renewed ability to breastfeed after recovery.
  3. The helper should observe and maintain all the safety protocols under the obstetrician’s guidance.
  4. The mother’s decision may also matter while expressing the breastmilk. 

B. Donor milk:

In the event of a mother’s inability to express milk, she may consider availing donor’s milk. It may be subject to availability in these tough times. 

How to uphold and maintain safety precautions while breastfeeding if the mother has or is suspected to carry COVID-19?

If a mother is diagnosed with or is suspected to carry COVID-19, she must:

  1. Fasten the mask recommended by the obstetrician or medical staff while breastfeeding.
  2. Replace the mask promptly under the obstetrician’s or medical staff’s supervision.
  3. Avoid the reuse of the masks under any circumstances.
  4. Unbutton or unwrap the mask from behind instead of touching the frontal sections.
  5. Wash the hands regularly using the sanitizer as per the obstetrician’s guidelines.
  6. Regularly disinfect the surfaces around using the disinfectant recommended by the obstetrician/medical staff.