How can OB/GYN help with your family planning

How can OB/GYN help with family planning?

Author – Motherhood Medical Team

You may want to plan the size of your family ahead along while also thinking about a feasible space between children. This is referred to as family planning where a gynaecologist or an obstetrician (OB/GYN) can help you to preset a family plan that is suitable for you.

Quick Fact: As per WHO, 1.1 billion women among 1.9 billion reproductive women have a need for family planning.

Family Planning

You can plan the coming of your children along with controlling their number. Besides, you can keep a space between the children as well while planning with an obstetrician or gynaecologist who can help you with the rightful decisions. Planning for pregnancy

You can begin the course of planning by starting to draft a healthy plan for pregnancy with your OB/GYN. The guidelines can comprise of making the required lifestyle changes that can increase the chances of conception along with having a healthy pregnancy. You may be suggested:

  • To take prenatal vitamins
  • Consuming nutrient rich diet
  • Stopping smoking and drinking
  • Exercises and overview of medications you take

Besides, there are women who wish to conceive soon after their first child, and some prefer keeping space between the two children. While this can be a matter of safety, your OB/GYN can suggest you the right choice as per your health condition.

Preventing Pregnancy

You may want to prevent your pregnancy temporarily in case your family is complete or you don’t want children for then. There are some birth control measures where OB/GYN can guide you towards determining the right type for you. Following are some ways by which you can control the birth:

  • Birth control pills
  • Intra Uterine devices
  • Vaginal rings
  • Hormonal birth control patches
  • Birth control shots

Birth control decision is a personal decision where your healthcare professional can help in you in following effective ways.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist who are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological needs, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best delivery hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with our doctors, please book your appointment here.

Family planning and child care

How to make a family plan?

Author – Motherhood Medical Team

Family planning is the right of everybody where it depends upon the couples whether they choose to have a baby or not. Family planning allows you to understand the importance of pregnancy spacing and the factors that are to be considered before trying to conceive. If you are planning on for a pregnancy, you should also know about the care your child will require at different stages of life.

Quick Fact: Many unplanned pregnancies can occur in the very few months after giving birth to a child.

Family Planning

It is always better to plan your pregnancy so that you are ready for conception or otherwise. While you may not be ready to have a child for some years, family planning gives you another benefit to prepare and time your pregnancy as well. For those who already have a child, trying for another pregnancy can be question they might be pondering upon. Therefore, spacing between pregnancy becomes also important where your preferences matter. While the research suggests than you should plan your second pregnancy after 18 to 24 months, but keeping this space below five years is considered better.

When it comes to not having a baby, it is better to look out if you are having unprotected intercourse. Talking to your doctor and conferring with the use of contraceptives can help you plan your life accordingly.

Child Care

If you planned to go ahead with pregnancy and start your family, you need to be committed towards the care and development of your child as well. It is up to the parents to ensure their child is safe, stimulating and growing in the environment along with yielding opportunities for his development. Parents need to understand that how children grow and how to respond to their needs as well. Besides, they should also make up to the clean and safe environment around them along with looking upon their nutritional requirements.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist who are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological needs, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best women and childcare hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with our doctors, please book your appointment here.

Essential steps to a safe and healthy pregnancy

Tips to safer pregnancy

Author – Motherhood Medical Team

Pregnant? Its more than important to take care of yourself where you have to make sure you and your baby are as healthy as possible.

Quick Fact: Babies start to cry in the womb silently as early as 28 weeks.

Steps for healthy pregnancy

Here are some essential steps that you should undertake in order to have a safe and healthy pregnancy:

  • Educate yourself: There may be some questions revolving in your mind regarding childbirth along with specific concerns. You can voice your thinking by joining a childbirth class where you can learn about the pregnancy and infant care along with preparing for delivery. Besides, you can get to a healthy start by consulting a health care provider for prenatal care.
  • Eat well: While you are feeding two in your pregnancy, you need to increase your calorie intake by 300 mg a day. You need to consume a diet inclusive of calories, proteins, calcium etc. Moreover, along with having a nutritious diet you equally should stay away from food items that can pose danger to you and your baby, like undercooked meat or eggs, raw seafood, fish with mercury, etc.
  • Avoid toxins: Tobacco, alcohol, drugs etc. have been related with birth defects, preterm labor and other problems during pregnancy where they should be avoided to ensure your journey is safe.
  • Stay hydrated and drink well: You should drink ample amounts of water to stay hydrated along with keeping a healthy bowel movement. While water is the best liquid to drink, other liquids as caffeine should be limited for it lacks nutritional value.
  • Sleep and move well: While pregnancy can relate with some exhaustion, there is a need to take naps and rest enough. You can improve your sleeping with some relaxation techniques before going to bed like yoga, stretching etc. Additionally, rest is good along with exercising quotient that will help you to stay strong while keeping your heart and lungs healthy. Regular stretching and exercising can relieve you from pregnancy discomforts like backaches, constipation, morning sickness etc.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist who are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological needs, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best delivery hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with our doctors, please book your appointment here.

Is it easier to get pregnant the second time?

Advantagesand Disadvantages of second pregnancy

Author – Motherhood Medical Team

Bearing baby number two could be both exciting and scary. While the first pregnancy solves several issues, the second one comes with a new set of challenges to deal with. It is often believed that a woman is extra fertile after a pregnancy loss because of elevated progesterone levels. This is a myth. Second pregnancy has to be effectively spaced to get the best results and it is quite different from the first one as the body undergoes an ocean change in hormones.

Advantages of second pregnancy

  • First pregnancy can solve issues of endometriosis that make it harder to get pregnant for the first time.
  • The uterus can now stretch out adhesions. The adhesions make it difficult for the egg to descend from the fallopian tube to the uterus. However, the first pregnancy eases it out.
  • You have already been through the minuscule issues like gastric problems and other stuff. Second pregnancy would not have you running here and there for small things.
  • Being well acquainted with ovulation tracker and other devices could make pregnancy handling smoother than before.

What makes second pregnancy difficult?

  • The second pregnancy is quite tiring. Looking after the first child while handling pregnancy issues could stress you out, especially if the first one is at the breastfeeding stage. In such a case, hormonal issues will have you grappling with pregnancy at least for six months. You will be more anxious and less active.
  • Scarring during c – section often makes implantation and placenta formation difficult.
  • Secondary infertility and PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) could take a toll, especially if you are above 35.
  • False labor pains and morning sickness are common during the second pregnancy.

Apart from these few differences, you can enjoy the kicks that come sooner in the second pregnancy along with short labor.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist who are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological needs, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best maternity hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with our doctors, please book your appointment here.

Child spacing: An ideal age between children

After how many years should I have my second child?

Author – Motherhood Medical Team

After having been through a pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes a sea change, both physically and mentally. With such rapid changes, no woman can undergo another pregnancy. Way before the body heals, another pregnancy would be a nightmare for both the woman and her baby.

  • The practice of waiting between pregnancies is known as child spacing.
  • It is recommended that a woman should wait for at least 18 months before she could get pregnant again.
  • Child spacing is the best option for a woman’s health.

What if you don’t maintain child spacing?

It would take a toll on the woman’s health as well as the health of the baby by poor birth outcomes like premature birth and low birth weight baby. These conditions are associated with infant mortality and short and long-term health complications.

Ways to avoid unplanned pregnancy during birth spacing

  • Avoid sex during the fertile days.
  • Barrier methods: female condom, male condom, diaphragm or shield
  • Medications/ Hormonal methods: pills, injections, patches, implants, and more.

Since each of the above methods varies in the degree of effectiveness one must take care of the best suitable method keeping in mind the health status of the woman like blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, anemia, BMI(body mass index), smoking, and drinking.

Benefits of child spacing

  • By child spacing, the baby can be born at the right time and one can expect a healthy baby.
  • We can expect green shoots in the process of development as the baby will have undivided attention.
  • The mom gets more time to bond with the baby.
  • Future babies will be healthier as during the resting stages the mother was able to restore the necessary nutrients.
  • Both parents will have time for each other
  • The family will bond better
  • If you have an older child, he/she will get more time to accept the sibling. Fewer chances of rivalry between the two.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist who are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological needs, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best maternity hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with our doctors, please book your appointment here.

How does menopause affect your mental health?

Menoapause and mental health balance

Author – Motherhood Medical Team

During the menopause, the transition can bring about many changes in the physical and psychological buildup of the body. The symptoms of menopause can affect your mind, especially your mental health.

Quick fact: The incidence of depression has been seen doubling during the menopause.

Menopause and mental health

During the later stages of life, stress, anxiety and fear are common. The reason for this approach occurs due to the physical changes in the body like decreasing levels of estrogen and progesterone. The symptoms of this phase concur with hot flashes, sweating and other signs of menopause which may cause disruptions in life. Besides, the emotional reckoning of a woman where she feels that she is growing older or getting isolated makes it worse. Therefore, women are prone to develop anxiety or depression during this phase.

Mental health issues during menopause

Menopause can relate with mood swings whereupon due to low levels of estrogen, a woman can feel irritability, anxiety or depression. In regard to this, your emotions can change and vary very quickly, within minutes. It has been seen that estrogen has mood enhancing effects, where its lower levels can lead to the feelings of depression.

Moreover, sleep disturbance due to the changing estrogen levels can also cause mood changes, along with other symptoms of menopause.

Symptoms of depression

There are some symptoms that may point out towards depression:

  • Anger outbursts
  • Irritability, anxiety, or restlessness
  • Feelings of guilt
  • Trouble in decision making or concentration
  • Lack of energy
  • Sleep disruptions
  • Appetite changes

Treatment for symptoms of menopause

There are some possible treatments for symptoms of menopause like hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to replace the estrogen levels or cognitive behavioral therapy. It is always better to consult a specialist if you are going through any mental issue during menopause.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist who are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological needs, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best women hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with our doctors, please book your appointment here.

Advice on planning for a second child

What all to keep in mind while planning for second child?

Author – Motherhood Medical Team

A second child is about double love, laughter, and double responsibilities. You will now have less couple time and more shared responsibilities. Before you welcome a new member to the family, you must educate yourself on family planning. Here are a few tips one must follow for a second pregnancy.

Understand that every pregnancy is different

Every pregnancy that you go through is different as the body undergoes immense changes with fluctuating hormones. You need to be more health-conscious if you are planning a second child. It is recommended to keep a check on the iron levels to avoid preterm labor and developmental delays.

Have discussions about it

Consider your stress levels: Seek clarity on having a second child, especially if you both are working. Getting your time and attention divided without making it tough for other members is no cakewalk. You need to be decisive about your career before you go for a second child. Make decisions that you or your partner don’t regret or stress over in the later stages of pregnancy. This could adversely affect your health.

Prepare your first child

You have to ensure that your first child doesn’t have any feelings of jealousy or rivalry against the second one. Try to instill the feeling of joy about having a sibling. This would prepare the elder ones to look after the younger ones.

Place the pregnancy right

Track your ovulation to know the right time to conceive. Usually, a gap of 2-3 years is considered ideal for a second pregnancy. This could help you give your first child a lot of attention till he/she is out of the nappy stage. Less gap could result in premature and underweight babies.

Lastly, be decisive about your finances. Go for it only for yourself and only if your finances allow you. Keeping your age, health, finance, and career in mind could aid in effective decision-making.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist who are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological needs, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best maternity hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with our doctors, please book your appointment here.

How do you know at what stage of menopause you are in?

The different stages of Menopause

Author – Motherhood Medical Team

Menopause marks the end of menstrual cycle in woman which occurs around the age of 51, even though in some it may happen as they turn 40. While this concurs to the lower levels of hormones, there are menopausal symptoms that point towards its occurrence, like mood swings, hot flashes, sweating, vaginal dryness etc.

Quick fact: After menopause, women are more likely to have chances of heart disease.

Stages of menopause

The process of menopause in women is a gradual process that occurs in three stages, namely: perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause where some may be confused with at what stage they are. This whole transition occurs usually between 45 and 55 years. Every stage is attributed to some specific changes that deters its occurrence, as:

  • Perimenopause: This is phase where you have transition to menopause. The common attributes noticed during this phase are the changes in the length of menstrual cycle for more than 7 days. Besides, many other symptoms like sleep disturbance, headaches, UTIs and fatigue of perimenopause are often confused by women in the beginning. With time, symptoms can become more clear where periods can become irregular along with change in flow.
  • Menopause: When a woman goes for consecutive one year without periods, she has reached the stage of menopause. As soon as you cross this time limit, you reach postmenopause phase.
  • Postmenopause: After not having any period for 12 months, postmenopause stage begins. Some women may stop having some symptoms of menopause, whereas in some, they may continue like hot flashes, vaginal dryness etc. However, with the passage of time the intensity of many symptoms can go away. During this stage, there is an increased risk of developing the following conditions:
    • Osteoporosis
    • Cardiac diseases
    • Depression
    • Changes in vaginal health

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist who are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological needs, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best women hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with our doctors, please book your appointment here.

10 Tips to manage Hot Flashes at work

Author – Motherhood Medical Team

You may be into the middle of some business, where suddenly a sensation of heat drives away your concentration, and your heartbeat is faster, your skin becomes flushed along with upper body sweating. This corresponds to the symptoms of hot flashes which is common in women going through menopause.

Quick fact: Hot flashes usually affect up to 3 quarters of women during menopause and perimenopause.

Productive tips for hot flashes

Here are some simple ways by which you can cool yourself down while being at work:

  1. Drink cold water: You can keep off the heat of hot flashes by drinking cold water. So, you can bring an ice-cold water bottle and place it on the desk where you can regularly sip it. You can use a thermos to keep the water cold for most of the day.
  2. Keeping a small fan: You may consider bringing a small fan at your desk. It will help you to cool down along with circulating the air in the room.
  3. Wearing layers: You can dress in layers so that you can strip down when hot flashes occur.
  4. Avoiding some clothes: It is better to avoid materials like wool and silk as they trap heat and can worsen the situation during hot flashes.
  5. Avoid caffeine: Caffeine can trigger hot flashes, so you should cut back on caffeine to avoid triggers to the symptoms.
  6. Practice deep breathing: Practicing deep breaths can ease hot flashes along with reducing stress.
  7. Minimize stress: Stress can act as a trigger to elevate body temperature where you should lower the stress while you are at work.
  8. Cut back on spices: Spices are common triggers for hot flashes where they should be avoided.
  9. Consuming soy: Soy foods have been related with decreasing hot flashes where you should opt for soy foods each day.
  10. Eat cold foods: Hot soups or drinks can raise your body temperature where salads, cold pasta or any other cold food should be opted instead.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist who are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological needs, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best women hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with our doctors, please book your appointment here.

Tips To Handle An Underweight Baby

Author: Dr. Nishant Bansal MBBS, Fellowship in Neonatology (IAP), DCH, DNB

Consultant – Neonatologist at Motherhood Hospital, Noida

When it comes to the weight of a newborn, every mother wants her baby to be healthy, unlike underweight children that are a point of concern for them.

Quick fact: Low birth weight contributes to 60 to 80 percent of neonatal deaths worldwide.

Low birth weight: Usually, low birth weight is primarily due to the premature delivery in which the weight of the baby is likely to be less than 2.5 kg, so it becomes significant to handle such cases with profound supervision. The neonatal intensive care unit is the place where care and protection is given to low birth weight or preterm babies. Motherhood Hospital has one of the best infant baby care hospitals specializing in rendering the best service for the baby that satisfies the caring notion of parents.

Underweight baby vs Normal baby 

When a child is born underweight, that makes every mother worrisome. But how do you differentiate between a normal baby and an underweight baby? There are some differences that must be highlighted to understand the concept where the steps for treatment will follow.

An underweight baby usually weighs less than 2.5 kg unlike a normal baby that weighs in between 2.5 kg and 3.5 kg, and is physically smaller than a normal one.

While some underweight babies can be healthy, some are exposed to serious health problems that require treatment. Premature delivery is one of the common causes attributed to low birth weight of the baby as most of the normal babies are born at a right time, unlike a premature birth. A baby is considered premature when it is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy while as a normal baby is born between 37 weeks to 41 weeks.

Treatment for underweight babies 

Here are some treatments that underweight babies might receive –

The underweight baby may be born with complications and the doctor might try to treat the child by feeding it through a tube. They might also use an IV or an intravenous line to feed the child to give the necessary nutrition. It is significant for the concerned mother to visit the best maternity hospitals that have a specialized neonatal intensive care unit.

Tips to handle an underweight baby

If the underweight baby does not need any special care from the doctors, you, as a mother can follow the following tips to give the best nourishment to your underweight baby.

  • Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding is the best nourishment for any baby. If your baby is underweight, focus on making a schedule. You must breastfeed your baby quite often, following a strict routine to ensure feeding from time to time. It is ideal if you can breastfeed your precious little one after every two to three hours. Do not feed your little one anything other than breast milk as it contains much needed nutrition that promotes the growth as well as immunity to the baby.
  • Massage your baby: Massage is good for all newborns. Underweight babies can also benefit from regular massages. Oil massages can help your baby gain weight at a consistent and steady pace. For the first few months, you can consider massaging your baby yourself for better results.
  • Skin-to-skin contact: Skin-to-skin contact with your baby or ‘kangaroo care’ is proven to help your baby . Kangaroo care or skin-to-skin contact with your baby has multiple benefits such as maintaining the baby’s warmth, and regulating the baby’s heartbeat and breathing rates as well. Skin-to-skin contact also helps the baby get healthy sleep and the right nutrition from breast milk.
  • Seek support and help: If your baby is still underweight after trying all the tips to handle its low weight, it might be more serious. It is best if you seek the right help from the right doctors to receive the best underweight treatment for your precious little one.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Neonatal specialists in sector48, Noida. Our Neonatology Department has expert neonatologists, paediatricians, paediatric surgeons, and nurses that are trained in new-born care.

Do take an appointment with the top Neonatal hospital in Chennai, Alwarpet. Meet our doctors, who will do the necessary investigations, identify the problem, and suggest the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Nishtant Bansal, please book your appointment here.