Breastfeeding Tips For New Moms

Author – Dr. Preethika Shetty MBBS, DNB, M.S(OBGY), Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine (ICOG)

Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Motherhood Hospital, Kharadi, Pune

Worried about your nutrients intake and seeking the best ways to feed your baby? Breastmilk encompasses all the required nutrients for the baby along with the immunity factors that it provides against certain diseases or infections.

Quick fact

The nutritional composition of your milk will change over time to keep up with the baby’s nutritional needs.

Pre baby breastfeeding consultation

If you are a breastfeeding mother, planning smartly and being patient will lead you in the right path. It is advised to start pre baby breastfeeding preparation while consulting a lactation expert from your nearby pregnancy care centers. When it comes to the best pregnancy care clinic, Motherhood Hospitals transcends in providing specialized services to mothers.

Breastfeeding tips

To ease your further problems, here are some tips that can be helpful for new mothers regarding breastfeeding:

  • Breastfeed as soon as possible: Always request the doctors to keep the baby with you in the room while in hospital so that you are always available for the baby. After your baby is born, try to breastfeed within the very first hour of birth as it can help in the contraction of your uterus.
  • Anticipate your baby’s wants: You can anticipate your baby’s desires even before they start crying out loud by watching some signs like turning or raising head regularly, opening or closing of the mouth, sticking out their tongue or sucking on surrounding things. All these signs can point towards the baby feeling hungry. It creates an intimacy between the mother and the baby that further deepens the relationship.
  • It is better for the baby to decide how much and how often it needs your nursing: Don’t get used to pre planned intervals of feeding time. A baby knows better when they require feeding. Most of the mothers try to wake their sleeping baby because they haven’t fed them in hours. It is better to let them sleep peacefully and feed them once they are awake.
  • Being comfortable with the process: Since you will be breastfeeding for quite a long time, it is better to get comfortable and avoid sitting in an unsupported position that may lead to significant shoulder, back or neck pain. As a result, you may constantly be squirming or moving which can disturb your baby during breastfeeding and raise its irritability and hunger. So, it is better to maintain the best newborn breastfeeding positions that are comfortable for you and the baby. The most recommended and best position to feed a newborn is lying on your side with the baby facing you or sitting in a reclined position with the baby lying in your arms. Besides, you can use a bed or large couch with pillows to support your back and arms.
  • Relaxing is important: It is equally important while breastfeeding to take rest and relax so that your baby can feel comfortable and not sense your restlessness. If you are living in a stressful environment, try to avoid such places and make changes so that you can breastfeed in peace.
  • Help your baby get the right position: Your babies can find a right position along the way and you too can help by finding a comfortable position for them.

Here are some recommended positions:

  • The mouth of your baby should be levelling with your nipple
  • Baby’s head should be tilted backwards slightly
  • Their chin should be right up against your breast so that their nose remains clear

Don’t fear, leaking is natural: You may be leaking from your breasts in the first few weeks, which is common and will disappear with time. It is better to place a nursing pad in your bra for the absorption of leaks.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist in Kharadi, Pune. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best Gynaecology hospital in Kharadi, Pune at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Preethika Shetty, please book your appointment here.

Treating UTI During Pregnancy

Author – Dr. Asha Hiremath MBBS, MD

Consultant – Obstetrician, Gynaecologist & Laparoscopic Surgeon at Motherhood Hospital, Indiranagar, Bangalore

When any part of the urinary system is infected, it is referred to as urinary tract infection (UTI) or bladder infection. Urinary tract comprises kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra, where usually bacteria from outside can infect the urinary system concurring to problems, like an infection or inflammation. Though it is apparent in all the age groups, it is commonly seen during pregnancy. The prevalence of UTI increases in young women where during pregnancy the incidence of physical and hormonal changes lead to chances of developing a UTI.

The entry of bacteria into the urinary tract leads to its multiplication where painful urination and other symptoms become prevalent. During pregnancy, the levels of progesterone and estrogen increase which leads to the weakening of the bladder and the ureters, along with the changing anatomy of kidneys and compression of uterus and bladder. This makes it prone to UTI whereupon the excess sugar in the urine encourages bacterial growth. Therefore, it is important to consult a gynaecologist and obstetrician during pregnancy and receive urinalysis and urine culture at 12 to 16 weeks.

It is always recommended to visit the best gynaecologist nearby during the early weeks of pregnancy to look out for any prevailing conditions. Besides, there can be some symptoms that correspond to UTI whereby it becomes necessary to see your healthcare provider. Common symptoms of UTI can be:

  • Strong and frequent urge to visit the bathroom
  • Burning sensation while urinating
  • Passing small amounts of urine
  • Cloudy, red or pink colored urine
  • Foul smell in the urine
  • Pelvic pain

While these symptoms are noticeable, pregnant women can also have asymptomatic UTI’s where there are no signs or symptoms. As it progresses, it can lead to other developing symptoms or problems like symptomatic UTI or even kidney infection which requires immediate treatment.

With respect to treatment, UTI’s can be prevented in the first place by:

  • Trying to empty your bladder frequently
  • Wearing cotton underwear
  • Trying to avoid perfumes or sprays
  • Staying hydrated by drinking ample amount of water
  • Avoiding the use of harsh soaps or body wash in the genital area

When it comes to treatment, most UTI’s are treated using antibiotics. While during pregnancy the treatment would be the same where the antibiotics are safe for mother and baby usually following the 3-day low-dose and long term course. Antibiotics commonly used include amoxicillin, ampicillin, cephalosporin’s, etc. Besides, a doctor may also prescribe some pain relieving medications to get relief from the discomfort of UTI. When a UTI is recurring, a doctor may carry out some tests, like urine culture test (diagnosing the bacterial cultures in urine), visual bladder and urethra exam or CT scan of the urinary tract.

There are some home remedies that may be suggested for UTI, such as:

  • Consuming acetaminophen to get relieve from pain and reduce the fever
  • In case of stomach discomfort, placing a hot bottle on the lower stomach may relieve from it
  • In order to flush out the bacteria from the urinary tract, plenty of water should be drunk
  • Having a plenty amount of rest so that the body can fight the infection

If urinary tract infection remains untreated, it can involve kidneys and become more dangerous. In rare cases, chronic UTI’s may lead to sepsis (blood poisoning) if left untreated.

Therefore, a person should tend to the early signs of infection and take the prescribed antibiotics as soon as possible. Moreover, it is important to closely work with your healthcare provider and ask for further treatment if UTI keeps recurring.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist in Indiranagar, Bangalore. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best Gynaecology hospital in Indiranagar, Bangalore at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Asha Hiremath please book your appointment here.

Early Warning Signs Of Thyroid Disorder

Author – Dr. Astha Jain Mathur MBBS, DGO

Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Motherhood Hospital, Indore

Did you know that any imbalance in the thyroid hormone can have an impact on the energy, weight, metabolism, heart rate, cholesterol levels, bones, moods and women’s menstrual cycles? Thyroid hormone is an important constituent in the working of the body, and there are many signs that can point towards its imbalance which need proper treatment.

Quick fact

The imbalance in the hormone refers to the levels becoming too high or too low that concurs to many problems. When the thyroid hormone is produced in lesser amounts, it is called hypothyroidism which can result in weight gain and lack of energy. In contrast, when hormones are produced in large amounts it is called hyperthyroidism, which can relate to the loss of weight.

Hence, it becomes important to keep an eye over the changes that may take place after this hormonal imbalance. After the signs or symptoms appear, it is better to opt for thyroid testing to diagnose the problem, and start its treatment at the right time by consulting the best endocrinologists nearby. If you are heading towards thyroid checkup and counseling, Motherhood Hospitals  leads the forefront with the best and famous endocrinology doctors dispensing advanced and effective services to the patients.

Early signs of thyroid disorder

While many of the biological functions of the body are dependent on the thyroid hormone, there are many early signs and symptoms that may appear due to its imbalance and indicate there is an issue with your thyroid,  such as:

  • Fatigue or excessive tiredness: Fatigue caused by thyroid disorders can’t be cured by taking ample amounts of sleep or rest. If there is any problem with the thyroid gland, a person may feel tired and fatigued for most of the time. Though in older women, they mistake fatigue with the symptoms of menopause. But after some time the fatigue persists for a longer time which can be a sign of undiagnosed thyroid disorder.
  • High heart rate: Hyperthyroidism can concur to an excessive heart rate. When the thyroid gland is produced in large quantities, blood pressure can increase which can lead to an increasing heart rate. If your heart rate is frequently over 80 beats per minute, you should consult a physician.
  • Anxiety: Many people may suffer from feelings of anxiety when they have hyperthyroidism. There can be some emotional outbursts where they may feel trouble controlling it, along with angry feelings.
  • Weight gain: Since thyroid hormone regulates your metabolism, it can greatly impact your body weight. This is usually due to the water and salt retaining in the body. Hypothyroidism can result in weight gain where in severe cases, it can lead to significant weight gain with 5-10 pounds extra. 
  • Weight loss: Due to thyroid problems, there can be weight loss as well which is the early signs of it. The amount of weight lost during this condition will be dependent upon the severity of the problem.
  • Body shakes: Since there can be high blood pressure during this condition, it can lead to trembling as a result of nervousness. If you have repetitive signs of shaky hands or body twitches, there is a need to go for thyroid testing.
  • Sensitivity to head and cold: When you have an overactive thyroid, you may feel sensitivity to heat as a common symptom. Moreover, people suffering from hypothyroidism can experience cold hands and feet as well. As the metabolism slows down, it decreases your energy levels where you become quite sensitive to temperatures.

There are various ways you may be affected with thyroid disorders depending upon the type of disorder you may be dealing with. You need to follow a diagnostic procedure and must make it a point to visit the best endocrinologist nearest to you.

Involvement Of Parents In Child Development

Author – Dr. Anurag Jain MBBS, Fellowship in Neonatology (IAP), MD (Pediatrics)

Consultant – Paediatrician and Neonatologist at Motherhood Hospitals, Indore

Are you a parent? If yes, do you know you can influence your child’s development to a greater extent? The influence and support of parents can bring about the personal and moral development of a child. Parents are the first educators of their children whereupon they can bring out the best in them along with nurturing their growth and development. Therefore, it is vital for every parent to get involved with their children, and enhance their development.

Quick fact:

Family involvement improves student success, irrespective of class, or parents level of education.

The need to get involved

When a parent gets involved with their child, it means he/she is committed to actively participate in the activities and phenomenon that surround their children. This comprises many activities that can require the support and helping hand of a parent in making the learning process more flexible. The early years of children are the most important as growth and cognitive development occurs in this phase, where its impact renders throughout the life. When a parent takes the course of getting involved with his child, the extent of learning is broadened beyond other learning platforms, like preschool curriculum.

Besides, when a child is learning from his parents he usually develops a positive approach towards other things. The act of learning is a continuous process where the daily communication between the parents and children makes an environment for learning while enjoying and participating every day for better outcomes along with fostering a way towards self-discipline.

Child development through your involvement

The biggest outcome that you can expect from it is that a positive relationship is established between parents and children where affection along with support tends the positive growth and development of a child. While physical and mindful development is always there, the jovial relationship in life can help children build a positive network around them where they can connect with people out of comfort, and enhance their communication skills, which can further lead to active results.  When a parent spends time with their child along with conferring various activities like reading out to them, asking them to help out with things etc., it creates a way for enhancing the skills and carving them out. It has also been seen that involvement of parents has healthier results than children whose parents hardly get involved with them. The communication between parents and children leads to enhanced skills for sharing emotions and help in getting rid of the negative ones.
Health aspect is another feature that requires the involvement of parents where a parent can consult some best paediatric doctors, and enquire about the nutritional status that their children must intake. If you are sightseeing best pediatricians or pediatric specialists, Motherhood hospitals hold an eminent position in dispensing the best services in paediatrics.

Tips for parents

To encourage the parent involvement, here are some tips that are beneficial in the process:

  • Try to communicate: Communication on a regular basis is the key for getting to know about your child and proceed in a better way towards his development. While communicating, ask some questions as well from the caretakers or teachers at school to know about the areas your child is going great or needs improvement.
  • Attend some activities: A child is naturally attracted to the art of playing, and when you as a parent get involved in playful activities, you are able to establish a positive relationship.
  • Plan some educational trips: Trips can be really exciting for children, and if you take them around to some learning places where they can have fun along with learning, like zoos, it provides the opportunity to learn and apply the knowledge they are gaining.
  • Home based learning: If you try to sing rhymes along with your children or create some instruments at home that piques their interest, it can guide them to better understanding. Besides cooking with your child and narrating some interesting stories can help in establishing a proper diet for them so they obtain health and nutrition as well.

To improve this process as a whole, you can contact the best developmental pediatrician in your area for better results.

Women’s Nutrition: What Is Considered “Healthy Food”?

Nutrition rich foods for women

Author – Motherhood Medical Team

Women’s body requires sufficient amount of nutrients to remain healthy and prevent any disease. A healthy food comprises of nutrients primarily required for the body to work efficiently. With respect to the food, a woman should always make a healthy choice which sustains the wellbeing of the body. The main components of healthy and balanced diet comprise of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.

Healthy food should include all the varieties of food groups like whole grains, vegetables, healthy fats, dairy products, leans proteins and fruits. A woman should follow a healthy diet plan.

Foods rich in nutrients

• Whole grains such as whole-grain bread, cereals, flakes, brown rice etc. These should be consumed at least three ounces a day.

• Low fat dairy products including milk, yogurt or cheese.

• Protein foods as meat, eggs, poultry, beans tofu etc.

• Daily fresh fruits, canned or dried without added sugars

• Fresh vegetables

While this is the daily requirement of your body, most of the people consume industry food which is devoid of such ingredients. Many packaged foods with salt, sugar and saturated foods claim to be a good source of nutrition, where the amount of added calories is not taken into consideration. There are some nutritional facts that must be comprehended before opting for processed foods.

Nutritional Tips

• Sugar intake must be limited

• Women should not consume more than 1500 mg of salt.

• The less you exercise, the more proteins you should consume.

• Always add vitamins in your diet, even if they are not natural

It has been seen that over half of the population are not meeting the daily requirements of nutritious food where the sum is sometimes going beyond the total grains and protein recommendations. Therefore, it is important to look after the food you consume for healthy life.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Nutritionist customized diet plans for pregnant women and monitor their health throughout the period of pregnancy, in consultation with gynaecologists.

Do take an appointment with the Best Maternity Hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with our doctors, please book your appointment here.

Women’s Hormones: The Main Reason For Changes In Your Health?

Reasons for hormonal imbalance in women

Author – Motherhood Medical Team

Many changes associated with the woman’s body are related with the hormones as they play an integral part in the health of an individual. Along with ageing, there are different changes and symptoms women begin to experience, among which most of them are thought because of hormonal changes. While it is true that hormones are a changing factor of woman’s health, but not every experience is related to them. The different feelings a woman may be subjected to are largely due their life style choices, and stress. We will see the role of major hormones and their overall effects.

Estrogen Function

Two prominent hormones, estrogen and progesterone, have considerable effect on the woman’s health, like on menstruation, pregnancy or menopause. Estrogen is mainly responsible for the physical changes associated with puberty, and cholesterol control. The levels of estrogen changes during the month which is highest in the middle of menstrual cycle and lowest during the periods. Women having low levels of estrogen may suffer from less frequent menstruation, mood swings, hot flashes, difficultly in sleeping etc. In contrast, women with too much estrogen may experience weight gain, heavy or light bleeding, fatigue etc.

Progesterone Function

Progesterone on the other hands prepares the endometrium of woman for pregnancy. Women having low levels of progesterone will experience abnormal menstrual cycles or difficulty in conceiving. Testosterone also plays an important role in women where its high levels can lead to irregular menstrual cycle, more body hairs, acnes, struggle with infertility etc. Thyroid hormone can also relate with many changes where women over the age of 60 are likely to have hypothyroidism (production of less thyroid stimulating hormone) which can concur with fatigue, constipation, dry skin, weight gain, pain in the joints etc.

Therefore, hormonal changes are the reason for most of the symptoms that occur in women.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist who are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological needs, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best Gynaecology hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with our doctors, please book your appointment here.

Does Menopause Have Any Effect On Mental Health?

How does Menopause affect Mental Health?

Author – Motherhood Medical Team

Hormonal changes in women during menopause are attributed to some common mental health problems. The end of menstrual cycle and reproductive life in women is called menopause where there are changes in the hormonal levels of the body which can bring about many issues. These changes during the later stage of life are related with symptoms that can last for short period, or can last for quite a while.

Menopause can cause many physical symptoms like tiredness, night sweats, insomnia, hot flashes, stress, etc. Besides, mood changes like irritability, sadness, problem in concentration, and depression are also common. It has been seen that the symptoms associated with menopause can double the chances of depression during this time. Women who may have a history with depression or anxiety, may see a recurrence in symptoms.

Role of Estrogen in Menopause

The main hormone that fluctuates and cause as many symptoms during menopause is estrogen. Estrogen levels begin to drop during this period that can bring about hormonal fluctuations affecting the brain and nervous system altogether. Due to this, mood changes are common along with physical symptoms like fatigue, memory loss, tension, etc. that can cause emotional distress.

When it comes to depression, it has been seen women with a history of clinical depression are likely to witness recurring symptoms of depression during menopause. Research also suggest that menopause is linked with increasing the symptoms of bipolar disorder, where a woman with this disorder during menopause can experience more depressive episodes as well. The hormonal changes during menopause has shown that it can trigger mental health problems including psychotic conditions.

Solution for Menopause Symptoms

The treatment options for treating mental health problems during menopause can include lifestyle changes like getting enough sleep, exercising, quit smoking, seeking support groups, etc. Besides, some medications and therapies may also be recommended.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist who are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological needs, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best Gynaecology hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with our doctors, please book your appointment here.

Vaccinating the baby

List of baby vaccinations

Author – Motherhood Medical Team

Vaccines are products given in childhood to stimulate the body’s natural defenses hence preparing it to fight diseases effectively.

Why should your child get vaccinated?

  • It provides protection against diseases like measles and whooping cough.
  • It is a highly effective way to keep your child healthy
  • Vaccinations are timed in a way that the immune system of your child will respond to it at various ages. Thus, they provide protection at all ages.
  • To strengthen the child’s immune system

What type of diseases do the vaccines for children cover?

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Rotavirus
  • Diphtheria
  • Tetanus
  • Acellular pertussis
  • Haemophilus influenzae
  • Polio
  • Pneumococcal disease
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Rubella
  • Varicella
  • Influenza

Ingredients of the modern day vaccines:

Today vaccines make use of certain ingredients like –

  • Adjuvants that boost the body’s response
  • Stabilizers that keep vaccines effective after being manufactured.
  • Formaldehydes are used to prevent contamination by bacteria
  • Thimerosal used in the manufacturing process.

Do you know that certain vaccines protect the babies before birth?

Yes, babies receive antibodies during pregnancy from  the vaccines their mothers had. For example, the measles vaccine protects the baby in the womb for a short time span. However, this protection wears off after a certain time and is thus injected again when they are 12-18 months old. Babies get the shots at this age to keep them protected from measles and two other diseases.

How do the vaccines work?

Vaccines spark the immune response to specific diseases. So, the next time that the virus Or bacteria invades your body in the future, your immune system will already know how to fight it. Thus, the body is now ready to fight infections more efficiently.

Vaccines form a significant part of baby health. The infants bear a weak immune system. They need vaccines to strengthen immunity. It is thus highly recommended that you ensure that your child is fully vaccinated in the early stages of life.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Neonatologist who are experts providing optimum state-of-the-art care for critically ill, as well as recovering, neonates and infants.

Do take an appointment with the best Neonatology hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with our doctors, please book your appointment here.

Postnatal care tips every woman should follow

Postnatal care tips for new mothers

Author – Motherhood Medical Team

Pregnancy is one of the hardest yet one of the most blissful moments in every women’s life who want to be a mother. But not enough people talk about the unforeseen challenges and overwhelming amount of different kinds of emotions flowing through the veins of the mommy-to-be. And how the arrival of a newborn changes the mental and physical state of the mother.

Before giving birth, the mother’s body undergoes a great deal of change. That’s why the postnatal stage is very crucial for the mother’s health, and following some useful tips mentioned below can make the healing process faster.

5 postnatal tips to remember:

  1. Take rest:

You probably guessed it to be here, didn’t you? I can not stress the fact enough that your body needs rest after undergoing such a big change. If you think, everything around you seems a bit out of place, let it be. It’s important to get as much rest as you can to allow your body to repair. Simply remain in bed. That is all you need to do for the first few days or even a month in certain situations.

  1. Focus on your diet:

You do not need to prioritize exercise right away, just focus on eating healthily to maintain your current level of fitness. Avoid eating too much high-calorie food because it’s a myth that to better feed your infant, you must eat a lot of ghee and fat.

  1. Stay hydrated:

Your body requires a lot of water because it is still recovering from childbirth. You will urinate more frequently since your body will also be shedding the fluids it stored during pregnancy. Second, breastfeeding causes you to lose liquid once more, necessitating rehydration after each feeding.

  1. Stay physically active:

If your delivery was normal, you can begin working out right away. You can begin after a week if you underwent a Caesarean section, as staying active will help you lose pregnancy weight as well as combat stress, which is prevalent among new mothers.

  1. If needed call the doctor:

The first several weeks after giving birth, a new mother’s body is fragile. Keep your doctor’s appointment so they may examine your cuts and sutures. Do not hesitate to visit the doctor if you have a fever, shivering, disorientation, pain, or discomfort. In the event of a C-section, you should use additional caution.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist who are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological needs, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best maternity hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with our doctors, please book your appointment here.

Postnatal care – First 6 weeks of recovery

Postnatal recovery tips for women

Author – Motherhood Medical Team

No one needs to be Sherlock to understand that, despite how exciting and amazing pregnancy may seem, it is one of the most challenging experiences a woman will ever have. While some people might believe that after childbirth, the challenges are over, they are not. For the mother, the postnatal stage can be just as frantic and stressful as the first two. Therefore, it’s crucial that the mother have excellent postnatal care, especially in the first six weeks following delivery.

Postnatal healing tips:

There are some things you may do to hasten your recovery, but keep in mind that every mother’s recovery is different because every pregnancy and body are distinct. So, I’ve provided some tips for postnatal self-care here for new mothers.

1. Follow a healthy diet and nutrition:

The first step to recovery is maintaining a healthy diet. Increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins. You should also drink a lot of water if you are lactating.


To help you feel less worn out and fatigued, try to get as much sleep as you can. You will need to get as much rest as you can because your infant could not have a regular waking and sleeping schedule.

3.Try light and moderate exercise:

Exercising doesn’t have to be anything demanding; go for a leisurely stroll around, try breathing exercises, or pelvic floor exercises. However, when it is appropriate to begin exercising, your doctor will advise you.

4.Ice your perineum (for normal delivery):

Regularly ice your perineum. Specific perineal ice packs are available to buy. In the first several weeks, ice the perineum for 10 minutes at least three times per day.

5.Maintain hygiene:

You might have undergone a perineal tear or an episiotomy if you had a normal delivery. To avoid infection and hasten to healing, keep the wound clean and dry. Every time you use the bathroom, wash the wound with water.

If you had a cesarean, once the stitches are removed you can take a shower and a bath as usual After taking a shower, tap the wound dry and avoid using soap on it.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist who are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological needs, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best maternity hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with our doctors, please book your appointment here.