Pregnancy Calculator – How It works & Accuracy

How does a Pregnancy Calculator Work?

Author – Dr. Madhura Phatak MBBS, MS(OBG), FRCOG, MRCOG, CCT(UK)

Consultant – Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Motherhood Hospital, Mysore

A pregnancy calculator is a tool that can help expectant mothers and their partners determine the due date of their baby and calculate pregnancy by weeks. It can also provide information about the current stage of pregnancy, as well as other important dates and milestones. There are several different methods that can be used to calculate pregnancy weeks, each with its own set of advantages and limitations. In this article, we will explore how to calculate pregnancy weeks, different methods to do so, how the methods work, and how accurate pregnancy calculators are.

Methods Of Calculating Pregnancy

One of the most commonly used methods for calculating pregnancy weeks is the last menstrual period (LMP) method. This method involves calculating the due date based on the first day of the woman’s last menstrual period. To use this method, the expectant mother simply needs to provide the date of her last period and the average length of her menstrual cycle. The calculator will then estimate the due date by adding 280 days (40 weeks) to the first day of the last period.

While the LMP method is widely used and relatively easy to use, it does have some limitations. One major limitation is that it is only accurate if the woman has a regular menstrual cycle. If the woman’s cycle is irregular, the LMP method may not provide an accurate due date. Additionally, the LMP method does not take into account the variations in pregnancy length that can occur from one woman to another. As a result, the due date calculated using this method may not always be accurate.

Another method for calculating pregnancy weeks is the ultrasound method. This method involves using an ultrasound machine to measure the size of the foetus and determine the gestational age. Ultrasounds are typically performed at various points during pregnancy, and the results are used to calculate the due date. While the ultrasound method is generally considered to be more accurate than the LMP method, it can still be affected by a variety of factors, such as the position of the foetus and the skill of the person performing the ultrasound.

The Motherhood Pregnancy Calculator provides fairly accurate results and can be one of the tools you use to calculate your pregnancy week by week.

How Does A Pregnancy Calculator Work?

In addition to the LMP and ultrasound methods, there are also several online pregnancy calculators that can be used to estimate the due date. These calculators work by using the same information that is used in the LMP and ultrasound methods, such as the date of the last period and the length of the menstrual cycle. However, they also take into account other factors that can affect pregnancy length, such as the woman’s age and the number of previous pregnancies she has had. Online pregnancy calculators are generally considered to be more accurate than the LMP method, but they may not be as accurate as an ultrasound.

Regardless of the method used to calculate pregnancy week by week, it is important to keep in mind that the due date is only an estimate. Many factors can affect the length of pregnancy, including the woman’s age, the number of previous pregnancies she has had, and the general health of both the mother and the baby. As a result, the due date calculated using any of these methods may not always be accurate.

It is also important to note that the due date is only the estimated date of delivery. Most babies are born within a few weeks of the due date, but some may be born earlier or later. If the baby is not born on the due date, it is usually not cause for concern. However, if the pregnancy goes beyond 42 weeks, it may be considered a “post-term” pregnancy and the healthcare provider may recommend inducing labour.

How To Use A Pregnancy Calculator?

To use a pregnancy calculator or a due date calculator, you will need to provide certain information about your pregnancy, such as the date of your last menstrual period and the average length of your menstrual cycle. Some calculators may also ask for additional information, such as your age and the number of previous pregnancies you have had.

Using a pregnancy calculator can be a useful tool for planning your due date and preparing for the arrival of your baby. Here are some steps you can follow to plan your due date using a due date calculator:

  1. Find a pregnancy calculator also known as a due date calculator online or on a pregnancy app. There are many different due date calculators available, so you may want to try a few different ones to see which one you like best.
  2. Enter the date of your last menstrual period. This is typically the first day of your last period before you become pregnant.
  3. Enter the average length of your menstrual cycle. This is the number of days between the first day of one period and the first day of the next period.
  4. Some due date calculators may ask for additional information, such as your age and the number of previous pregnancies you have had. If this is the case, enter this information as well.
  5. Click the “calculate” button to see the results. The calculator will provide an estimated due date based on the information you have provided.
  6. Keep in mind that the due date calculated using a pregnancy calculator is only an estimate. Many factors can affect the length of pregnancy, and the due date may not always be accurate.
  7. Consult with your healthcare provider about your due date. Your healthcare provider will be able to provide more accurate information about your due date and can help you plan accordingly.
  8. Based on your due date, start making a list of things you will need for the baby. This can include items such as a car seat, crib, diapers, and clothing.
  9. Consider taking a childbirth education class to learn about the different stages of labour and delivery. This can help you feel more prepared and confident when the time comes for you to deliver the baby and start labour.
  10. You can go here to use our pregnancy calculator

Advantages Of Pregnancy Calculator

  1. Convenience: Pregnancy calculators can be accessed online or through pregnancy apps, making them easy to use from the comfort of your own home.
  2. Estimated due date: A pregnancy calculator can provide an estimated due date based on the first day of the last menstrual period and the average length of the menstrual cycle.
  3. Pregnancy progress: Some calculators can provide information about the current stage of pregnancy and important dates and milestones.
  4. Customised information: Some calculators can take into account additional factors that can affect pregnancy length, such as the woman’s age and the number of previous pregnancies she has had.

Limitations Of A Pregnancy Calculator

  1. Accuracy: The accuracy of a pregnancy calculator depends on the method used to calculate the due date and the information provided. Some methods, such as the last menstrual period (LMP) method, are less accurate than others, such as the ultrasound method.
  2. Irregular menstrual cycles: If the woman has an irregular menstrual cycle, the calculator may not provide an accurate due date.
  3. Variation in pregnancy length: Pregnancy length can vary from one woman to another, and the due date calculated using a pregnancy calculator may not always be accurate.
  4. Limited information: Pregnancy calculators do not take into account all of the factors that can affect pregnancy length, such as the women’s general health and the health of the baby.

Pregnancy calculators can be a useful tool for estimating the due date of a baby, but it is important to understand that they are not always accurate. The accuracy of a pregnancy calculator depends on the method used to calculate the due date and the information that is provided.

It is important to keep in mind that the due date calculated using a pregnancy calculator is only an estimate. Regardless of the method used to calculate pregnancy, it is important to keep in mind that the due date is only an estimate. Many factors can affect the length of pregnancy, including the woman’s age, the number of previous pregnancies she has had, and the general health of both the mother and the baby. As a result, the due date calculated using any of these methods may not always be accurate. It is always important to follow the advice of your healthcare provider and to attend all recommended prenatal appointments.

Can A Due Date Change?

Yes, a due date can change during pregnancy. The due date is an estimate of when the baby will be born, and it is based on the assumption that pregnancy lasts for an average of 280 days (40 weeks) from the first day of the last menstrual period. However, pregnancy length can vary from one woman to another, and a variety of factors can affect the length of pregnancy. As a result, the due date calculated at the beginning of pregnancy may not always be accurate.

It is important to keep in mind that the due date is only an estimate, and it is not uncommon for babies to be born before or after the due date. Most babies are born within a few weeks of the due date, but some may be born earlier or later. If the baby is not born on the due date, it is usually not cause for concern. However, if the pregnancy goes beyond 42 weeks, it may be considered a “post-term” pregnancy and the healthcare provider may recommend inducing labour.

If the due date changes during pregnancy, it is important to follow the advice of your healthcare provider and to attend all recommended prenatal appointments. Your healthcare provider will be able to provide more accurate information about your due date and can help you plan accordingly.

In conclusion, a pregnancy week calculator is a useful tool for expectant mothers and their partners to determine the due date of their baby. While there are several different methods for calculating pregnancy, each with its own set of advantages and limitations, it is important to keep in mind that the due date is only an estimate and may not always be accurate. To calculate your due date, click here:

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist specialists in Mysore, Mysuru. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries. Do take an appointment with the best Maternity hospital in Mysore, Mysuru at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Madhura Phatak, please book your appointment here.

Indian Baby Food Chart : 6 to 12 months

Introducing baby to solid food

Author – Dr. Chetan B MBBS, DCH, DNB(pead), FIPM(NNF),MNAMS

Consultant – Neonatologist at Motherhood Hospital, Mysore

What Is Baby Food?

Baby food is food that is specifically formulated or prepared for infants and young children, typically those under the age of 2. Baby food is typically soft, mashed, or pureed, as infants do not have the teeth or ability to chew well.

There are several types of baby food, including:

  • Breastmilk or infant formula: For infants under 6 months old, breastmilk or infant formula is the main source of nutrition.
  • Single ingredient purees: These are purees made from a single type of fruit or vegetable, such as mashed banana or cooked and mashed sweet potato.
  • Multi-ingredient purees: These are purees made from a combination of two or more ingredients, such as a mixture of cooked and mashed vegetables or a fruit and vegetable blend.
  • Finger foods: These are soft, cooked, and mashed foods that infants can pick up and eat on their own, such as soft cooked and mashed vegetables, cooked and mashed fruits, and soft cooked and mashed meats.
  • Snacks: These are small, easy-to-eat foods that can be given as an occasional treat, such as small pieces of soft fruit or cheese.
Indian Baby Food Chart

Infant digestion differs from that of adults in several ways:

  • Infants produce more enzymes, which help to break down food.
  • Infants have a shorter digestive tract, which means that food passes through their system more quickly.
  • Infants have less developed immune systems, which means that they are more prone to infections and food sensitivities.

There are several factors that can affect infant digestion, including the type and amount of food that they eat, the presence of any underlying medical conditions, and the presence of any digestive disorders.

How Do I Transition From Liquid To Solids?

Transitioning from liquid to solid food is an important milestone for infants, as it marks the beginning of their journey towards a varied and nutritious diet. Here are some general guidelines for transitioning infants from liquid to solid food:

  • Wait until the infant is ready: Infants typically show signs of readiness for solid food when they are around 6 months old. Signs of readiness include the ability to sit upright with support, the ability to coordinate the movements of their eyes, hands, and mouth, and the ability to swallow food.
  • Start with single ingredient purees: When introducing solid food for the first time, it’s best to start with single ingredient purees, such as mashed banana or cooked and mashed sweet potato. This will help you to identify any allergies or sensitivities.
  • Gradually increase the variety and texture of foods: Once your baby is comfortable with single ingredient purees, you can gradually increase the variety and texture of the foods that you offer. This may include adding small amounts of rice cereal to breastmilk or formula to make a thicker consistency, as well as introducing mashed or pureed finger foods, such as soft cooked and mashed vegetables, cooked and mashed fruits, soft cooked and mashed meats, and soft cooked and mashed beans.
  • Pay attention to your baby’s cues: It’s important to pay attention to your baby’s cues when introducing solid food. If they are not interested in eating or if they seem to be struggling to swallow, it may be best to wait a few days before trying again.

Is Breastfeeding Important?

Breastfeeding is the recommended method of feeding infants for the first 6 months of life, and it should be continued for up to 2 years or beyond, along with the introduction of appropriate complementary foods. Breastfeeding has numerous benefits for both infants and mothers, including:

  • Nutritional benefits: Breastmilk is the perfect food for infants, as it contains all the nutrients that they need in the right balance and in a form that is easy for them to digest. Breastmilk also contains antibodies that help to protect infants against infections and diseases.
  • Bonding benefits: Breastfeeding promotes bonding and attachment between mothers and infants, as it involves close physical contact and skin-to-skin contact.
  • Health benefits: Breastfeeding has been shown to reduce the risk of a number of health conditions in infants, including asthma, allergies, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. It has also been shown to reduce the risk of some types of cancer in mothers.
  • Economic benefits: Breastfeeding can save families money, as it eliminates the need to purchase formula and related feeding supplies.

It’s important to note that breastfeeding may not always be possible or desirable for all mothers and infants. In these cases, infant formula can be used as a suitable alternative. It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for personalised recommendations.
A healthy diet for an infant includes a variety of foods from all food groups. It’s important to provide a balance of nutrients, including protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, and minerals.

Guidelines For Feeding An Infant

For infants under 6 months old, breastmilk or formula is the main source of nutrition. After 6 months, solid foods can be introduced and gradually increased in variety and quantity. The World Health Organization recommends introducing solid foods at around 6 months of age, when an infant has developed the physical ability to swallow and chew.

Here are some general guidelines for feeding infants:

1-6 Months Baby Food Chart:

  • Breastmilk or formula, as the main source of nutrition
  • Single ingredient purees, such as mashed banana, cooked and mashed sweet potato, cooked and mashed carrots, cooked and mashed peas, cooked and mashed green beans

6-8 Months Baby Food Chart:

  • Breastmilk or formula, as the main source of nutrition
  • Single ingredient purees, such as mashed banana, cooked and mashed sweet potato, cooked and mashed carrots, cooked and mashed peas, cooked and mashed green beans
  • Add small amounts of rice cereal to breastmilk or formula to make a thicker consistency
  • Start introducing mashed or pureed finger foods, such as soft cooked and mashed vegetables, cooked and mashed fruits, soft cooked and mashed meats, soft cooked and mashed beans

10-12 Months Baby Food Chart:

  • Breastmilk or formula, as the main source of nutrition
  • Mashed or pureed finger foods, such as soft cooked and mashed vegetables, cooked and mashed fruits, soft cooked and mashed meats, soft cooked and mashed beans
  • Soft, cooked, and mashed grains, such as rice, quinoa, and lentils
  • Small amounts of unsweetened yoghurt
  • Soft, cooked pasta
  • Soft, cooked and mashed eggs
  • Soft, cooked and mashed fish

It’s important to remember that every baby is different and may progress at a different pace. It’s also important to introduce new foods one at a time and to watch for any signs of allergies. Consult with your child’s paediatrician before introducing any new foods.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Paediatrician Mysore, Mysuru. Our Neonatology Department has expert neonatologists, paediatricians, paediatric surgeons, and nurses that are trained in new-born care. Do take an appointment with the best childcare hospital in Mysore, Mysuru at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Chetan B, please book your appointment here.

Anomaly Scan – Diagnosis of Birth Defects

Cost of Anomaly Scan

Author – Dr. Madhura Phatak MBBS, MS(OBG), FRCOG, MRCOG, CCT(UK)

Consultant – Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Motherhood Hospital, Mysore

What Is An Anomaly Scan?

An anomaly scan, also known as a mid-pregnancy scan or a fetal anomaly scan, is a prenatal test that is usually performed between 18 and 21 weeks of pregnancy. It is a type of ultrasound exam that is used to check the development of the fetus and identify any potential abnormalities or problems.

Why Would I Need An Anomaly Scan?

There are several reasons why an anomaly scan may be needed. One of the main reasons is to identify any physical abnormalities in the fetus that may indicate a potential health problem. This can include problems with the brain, spine, limbs, and organs. It can also help to detect chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome, which can be associated with certain physical abnormalities.

In addition to identifying potential problems, an anomaly scan is also used to determine the position of the placenta, check the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus, and confirm the gestational age of the fetus.

When Is An Anomaly Scan Done?

An anomaly scan is usually performed by a trained sonographer, who will use a specialized ultrasound machine to create images of the fetus. The procedure is typically done in a hospital or clinic and takes between 30 and 60 minutes. At Motherhood Women & Children’s Hospital, our team of doctors will make sure you are healthy and well taken care of throughout the pregnancy by recommending the right time to do this scan and then follow-up on the same.

How Is An Anomaly Scan Done?

During the scan, the sonographer will place a small amount of gel on the woman’s abdomen, which will help to conduct the ultrasound waves. They will then use a handheld probe to take images of the fetus, which will be displayed on a monitor. The sonographer will look for any physical abnormalities or problems and will also measure the size and development of the fetus to confirm the gestational age.

It is important to note that an anomaly scan is not a diagnostic test and cannot definitively determine whether or not a fetus has a specific condition. However, it can identify potential problems that may require further testing or monitoring.

Some of the birth defects that an anomaly scan may be able to detect include:

  • Abnormalities in the brain: It can identify abnormalities in the structure or development of the brain, such as hydrocephalus (excess fluid in the brain), spina bifida (a birth defect in which the spinal cord does not form properly), and anencephaly (a birth defect in which a baby is born without parts of the brain and skull).
  • Abnormalities in the spine: It can also identify abnormalities in the spine, such as scoliosis (a curvature of the spine) or kyphosis (an exaggerated curvature of the upper spine).
  • Abnormalities in the limbs: It can detect abnormalities in the limbs, such as clubfoot (a birth defect in which the foot is twisted out of shape) or webbed fingers or toes.
  • Abnormalities in the organs: It can identify abnormalities in the organs, such as kidney or heart defects.
  • Chromosomal abnormalities: It can also detect chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome, which is a chromosomal condition that can be associated with certain physical abnormalities.

After the scan is complete, the sonographer will provide the expectant mother with an anomaly scan report that includes the results of the exam. If any potential problems or abnormalities are identified in the anomaly scan report, the expectant mother may be referred to a specialist for further testing or monitoring. Our team of doctors and experts at Motherhood Women & Children’s Hospital will ensure that the test results are explained and next steps are charted out for you to be at ease and comfortable with the entire process.

There are several benefits to having an anomaly scan during pregnancy:

  • Identifying potential problems: It helps to identify any physical abnormalities or problems in the development of the fetus, such as abnormalities in the brain, spine, limbs, or organs. This can allow expectant mothers to receive early treatment or support, if necessary.
  • Detecting chromosomal abnormalities: It can also help to detect chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome, which can be associated with certain physical abnormalities. Early detection of chromosomal abnormalities can allow expectant mothers to make informed decisions about their pregnancy and plan for the future.
  • Determining the position of the placenta: It can help to determine the position of the placenta, which is important for a healthy pregnancy. If the placenta is located too low in the uterus, it can cause problems during delivery, such as bleeding or preterm labor.
  • Checking the amount of amniotic fluid: It can also check the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus, which is important for fetal growth and development. If the amount of amniotic fluid is too low or too high, it can indicate a potential problem that needs to be addressed.
  • Confirming gestational age: It is used to confirm the gestational age of the fetus, which is important for monitoring fetal growth and development.

What If There Is A Birth Defect?

If an anomaly scan, also known as a mid-pregnancy scan or a fetal anomaly scan, shows a potential problem or defect, the expectant mother will typically be referred to a specialist for further testing or monitoring. This may include additional scans or tests, such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS), to confirm or rule out the presence of a specific condition.

If a specific condition is confirmed, the expectant mother and her healthcare provider will work together to determine the best course of action. This may include additional tests or procedures to monitor the health of the fetus, or it may involve discussing the options for managing the condition after birth.

It is also important for expectant mothers to know that many birth defects can be treated or managed after birth. While some conditions may cause serious health problems, others may not have any long-term effects on the child’s health. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider to understand the specific risks and potential outcomes associated with a particular condition.

Overall, if an anomaly scan shows a potential problem or defect, it is important for expectant mothers to seek follow-up care and testing to fully understand the risks and potential outcomes associated with the condition.

Cost Of Anomaly Scan

The cost of an anomaly scan, also known as a mid-pregnancy scan or a fetal anomaly scan, in India can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the location, the facility, and the type of scan being performed. In general, the cost of an anomaly scan in India ranges from around Rs 2,000 to Rs 6,000 although it can be higher or lower depending on the specific circumstances.

It is important to note that the cost of an anomaly scan may be covered by insurance in some cases, depending on the specific policy and the reason for the scan. It is always a good idea to check with the insurance provider to understand what is covered under the policy.

Overall, the cost of an anomaly scan in India can vary, and it is important for expectant mothers to discuss the costs with their healthcare provider and insurance provider to understand what they can expect to pay for this important prenatal test.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist specialists in Mysore, Mysuru. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries. Do take an appointment with the best Maternity hospital in Mysore, Mysuru at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will assist you with all the tests such as the anomaly scan so that you rule out any abnormalities. To know more about the cost of anomaly scan or processes and results, you can contact Motherhood Women & Children’s Hospital on 96203-96203.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Madhura Phatak, please book your appointment here

How to treat and cope with colic in babies?

Colic pain in newborn babies

Author – Dr. Suresh Birajdar DNB, FRACP Neonatology (Australia), M.D (PEDIATRICS), MRCPCH (UK)

Consultant – Paediatrician and Neonatologist at Motherhood Hospital Kharghar, Mumbai

A newborn often cries and fusses, particularly during the first three months. But when a much older and healthy baby cries or fusses for longer, i.e. more than 3 hours a day and three days a week, one can suspect it to be colic. Colic in newborn can be recognized by noticing the patterns in its crying.

Quick Fact: Colic can affect up to 30% of babies as people often neglect or misunderstand it.

What is Colic treatment?

Colic can cause stress for new parents due to the constant crying. Colic is something which shouldn’t be overlooked and should be treated or managed.

These specific steps can be implemented to reduce the crying of a newborn as to have colic, such as:

Holding the baby: Holding your baby in different ways can also help with infantile colic. You can try holding the baby across the arms of your lap and applying a gentle massage near their ribcage region. It is possible that your baby may have gas or abdominal pain , so doing so might help them feel relief from constant pain. You can also try rocking the baby in your arms in a swing like motion.

Comforting: You can act as a comforter for the baby by trying different movements like skin-to-skin contact, swaddling or singing for the baby. You can also try giving a warm bath, massage, and pacifier.

Visiting a Paediatrician: You can also visit a paediatrician to ensure your medications are safe for the baby. Besides, if you are using baby formula, you may have to opt for a different brand without having to change feeding patterns.

Feeding: What you consume can affect your baby as well. It is better to keep a track of what you eat. Avoid foods like caffeine, as they can act as stimulants and may cause allergies as well.

What are the signs and symptoms of colic?

The common signs and symptoms of colic are:

  • Crying intensively
  • Crying continuously without any reason, like hunger , fever
  • Extreme fussiness
  • Skin flushing
  • Tensed body like arched back, tense abdomen or stiffened legs and arms

What causes colic and how is colic diagnosed

There are no apparent reasons that cause colic.. However, there can be some potential factors that can result in colic, as:

  • Underdeveloped digestive system
  • Lack or imbalance of healthy bacteria
  • Food intolerances
  • Food allergies
  • Overfeeding
  • Infrequent Burping
  • Possibility of early childhood migraine

Colic can be diagnosed by your healthcare provider such as a paediatrician by simply noticing the frequency or pattern of symptoms.. Keeping track of when your baby eats, sleeps, its bowel movements and how often they cry can help in diagnosing the problem.

Can colic be prevented or avoided?

It is best to visit a paediatrician or child specialist to rule out any underlying reason for your crying baby. Once you are sure about it, you can adopt some techniques to cope with it in your day-to-day life such as:

  • Try moving or swaddling your baby
  • Keep your baby close
  • Wrap him for relaxation
  • Allow your baby to cry for a while when nothing goes your way.


Although it might seem like a bit too much, keeping a track of your baby’s daily routine can help analyse where the colic problem is erupting from.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Neonatal specialists in Kharghar, Mumbai. Our Neonatology Department has expert neonatologists, paediatricians, paediatric surgeons, and nurses that are trained in new-born care.

Do take an appointment with the top Neonatal hospital in Kharghar, Mumbai. Meet our doctors, who will do the necessary investigations, identify the problem, and suggest the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Suresh Birajdar, please book your appointment here.

5 Causes of heavy bleeding during your period

Colic pain in newborn babies

Author – Dr. Surabhi Siddhartha MBBS, DGO

Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Motherhood Hospital Kharghar, Mumbai

While menstruation can lead to many disruptions in everyday life, some women may also suffer from a disorder known as heavy menstrual bleeding or menorrhagia. It refers to heavy bleeding that can last for more than seven days. During menorrhagia heavy bleeding with clots is a common sight. You are bound to change your tampon every 2 hours.

Quick Fact – It has been seen that around one in four women experiences heavy menstrual bleeding, which is common in women aged between 30 to 50.

Heavy menstrual bleeding

When the heavy bleeding lasts for more than 7 days, it is referred to as menorrhagia. It is advised to consult an expert Gynaecologist who will provide you professional health care if you are having continuous heavy bleeding. Avoiding it may cause anaemia and restrict you from being at your optimum.

Causes of heavy menstrual bleeding

Though in many cases, the cause of heavy periods is unknown, yet there are several conditions that relate to it:

  • Hormonal imbalance: The hormones that regulate the lining of the uterus called endometrium are progesterone and estrogen, which are balanced in normal bleeding. If any imbalance occurs in these two, the endometrium lining can develop in excess where its shedding relates to heavy bleeding.
  • Bleeding disorder due to ovaries: Ovaries release an egg during the menstrual cycle, whereas progesterone is produced during a regular menstrual cycle. However, your ovaries may not release an egg which leads to an imbalance in the progesterone levels and lead to heavy menstrual bleeding.
  • Uterine problems: In extreme cases, cancer of the uterus or cervix can be one of the causes. Besides, any growth on the uterus, called uterine fibroids or polyps, can also lead to heavy periods.
  • Infections: Infections or injuries in the vagina can also lead to heavy bleeding
  • Pregnancy-related problems: In the case of ectopic pregnancy (when the fertilised egg gets implanted outside the uterus), a person may suffer from heavy bleeding during periods.A miscarriage can also cause heavy periods.

Signs and symptoms of heavy menstrual bleeding

The leading signs of menorrhagia are:

  • Frequent change of sanitary pads every hour
  • Using double sanitary protection to control the blood flow
  • Feeling the need to change the tampon during the night due to heavy flow
  • Bleeding for more than seven days or a week
  • Discharging blood clots that are larger in size
  • Experiencing symptoms of anaemia due to blood loss like tiredness, shortness of breath etc.
  • Diagnosis and testing

When consulting with your lady gynaecologist, she will inquire about your menstrual cycles along with medical history. She may also suggest taking some common blood tests, pap tests, endometrial biopsy or ultrasound.

Treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding

Treatment for heavy periods will depend on many factors. Some common approaches are:

  • Medications, including NSAIDs, oral contraceptives, oral progesterone etc.
  • Surgical procedures like uterine artery embolization, dilation and curettage, focused ultrasound surgery etc.


Heavy bleeding should not be considered normal especially if it extends for more than 7 days. In such cases, it is best to consult with a gynaecologist who will diagnose your heavy menstrual bleeding situation and provide an accurate line of treatment.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist specialists in Kharghar, Mumbai. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best Gynaecology hospital in Kharghar, Mumbai at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Surabhi Siddhartha, please book your appointment here.

Five ways to prepare your body for a smooth delivery

Healthy diet during pregnancy

Author: Dr. Sonal Singhal MBBS, MD

Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Motherhood Hospital, Gurgaon

A normal delivery accounts for a speedy recovery. It has been found that as the baby passes through the birth canal, it gets beneficial bacteria. However, one has to undergo robust preparation to attain a smooth delivery. Here are a few insights on the ways to prepare the body for smooth delivery.

How to prepare for normal delivery: Five tips to prepare for normal birth

Having a balanced diet

Your diet has a lot to do with childbirth. Gaining too much weight during gestation doesn’t allow normal delivery. It poses problems during labour. A balanced diet consists of a meal that comprises half a portion of fruits and vegetables, one-fourth portion of lean protein, and one-fourth portion of whole grains.


It has been found that a scheduled 30-40 minutes walk is necessary for smooth delivery. For mothers who have never exercised before, it is recommended that they begin with fifteen minutes of light walking and build it up gradually.

Prenatal yoga

Breathing exercises and squats could work wonders for labor. It has been found that prenatal stretches help in alleviating common pains associated with pregnancy like back pain, leg cramps, etc.

Kegels and perineal massage

Normal birth is the result of strong pelvic floor muscles. Kegel exercise and perineal massage work wonders for the same. The third trimester is the time when one must begin with Kegels. Perineal massage on the other hand prevents the tearing of vaginal tissues.

Drink Plenty of Water

It has been found that consuming an adequate amount of water helps to prevent urinary tract infections, dehydration, and edema and works wonders for smooth delivery.

Tips to prepare yourself throughout your pregnancy:

Benefits of Prenatal Yoga

Experts recommend that one must not wait for the baby bump to appear in order to prepare for normal delivery. Instead, the preparation must begin from the very first day itself. One must begin with mild exercises, in the beginning, to make it a habit for the later stages. Likewise, a proper diet chart must be followed from the beginning along with other supplements that are recommended by the specialist. Another aspect of preparing throughout pregnancy includes visiting the doctor regularly.

How to minimize the possibilities of complications during pregnancy?

The root cause of complications lies in an unhealthy uterus. The uterus is a muscle that must be well nourished to avoid complications. All the strength and stamina that is required to push the baby out is stored in the uterus. All the diet and exercise that one undergoes during pregnancy is a part of uterus nourishment and strengthening that is done to avoid complications. Increasing blood supply and nutrition, regular exercises, and expert guidance could therefore help with complications.

A healthy pregnancy diet:

As mentioned earlier, a healthy pregnancy diet includes a half portion of fruits and vegetables, one-fourth portion of lean protein food and one-fourth portion of whole grains. One must go for a nutrient-dense food menu. While proteins and carbohydrates form the majority of calorie intake, one must include diet supplements that account for calcium, iron, folate, and other nutrients. A total of all these forms a healthy pregnancy diet.
Normal delivery exercises:

Pregnancy exercises that help with a smooth delivery shall be enlisted as:

  • Kegel exercise can be done for pelvic strengthening.
  • Cobblers pose for increasing endurance and power
  • Squats for lower body strengthening
  • Pelvic tilt to strengthen the muscles around the midsection of the body.
  • Wall slide for spine stabilisation
  • Hip raise or bridge pose for buttock strengthening

Normal delivery exercises, especially yoga poses, are more inclined to strengthen the pelvic floor. hypnobirthing

Walking and prenatal yoga: study highlights

Prenatal yoga poses are designed especially to meet the body needs of a pregnant woman. Studies highlight that a pregnant woman’s heart rate and blood pressure lowers after doing prenatal yoga. It has been found that taking walks during active labor helps ease the intensity of labor. It can also help keep your labor progressing by moving the pelvic bones. This helps position the baby appropriately for a shorter and easier overall birth.

Natural childbirth:

Natural childbirth shall be defined as a way of giving birth that lets nature take its course, to be more specific, going through labor and delivery without the aid of medicines and pain relievers. Apart from the above-mentioned tips, natural childbirth can be aided by a few natural pain management methods that include breathing techniques, meditation, music therapy and breathing exercises that can work wonders for natural childbirth.


While eliminating surgical procedures and replacing the same with natural childbirth has been on the to-do list of several hospitals. These practitioners are easily accessible in the city as they aren’t just confined to the top maternity hospitals in Gurgaon.

Painless normal delivery in Gurgaon is thus quite easy as a result of the presence of these practitioners who combine relaxation, breathing, and visualization methods to ease labor pain. Hypnobirthing has now become a trend amongst the best hospitals for normal delivery in Gurgaon. The best gynecologists in Gurgaon ensure complete safety for all expecting and aspiring mothers.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist in Gurgaon. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best Maternity hospital in Gurgaon at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Sonal Singhal, please book your appointment here.

Weight loss guide for new moms

Tips to lose weight after birth

Author – Dt. Arti Singh MSc – Nutritional Science

Consultant – Nutritionist & Dietician at Motherhood Hospital Kharghar, Mumbai

Getting back to pre-pregnancy weight isn’t a cakewalk. After having been through extreme changes in hormones, the body is bound to undergo many changes. The right amount of nutrients and exercises might help with the same. Here’s an insight into the weight loss tips for new moms.

Do you know that initial weight loss begins at the time of delivery?

Yes, along with the baby, you lose amniotic fluids, placenta, and other fluids in the next six weeks. With the fluids returning to pre-pregnancy levels, the body naturally loses weight. However, getting back in shape becomes challenging for new moms as their body’s in the healing phase and the busy and overwhelming time brings added responsibilities along with a huge lifestyle shift.

Small portions for weight shedding: insights on portion control

Top dietician nutritionists recommend eating smaller and more frequent portions. Portion control aids healthy weight loss. It is believed that having five to six smaller meals daily could help keep up the energy levels while reducing stress and fatigue. One must however take care of even spacing throughout the day.

Best food for pregnant women: listen to what the best nutritionists say:

It is recommended that the body must get a steady supply of essential nutrients for a speedy recovery. A light, simple and nutritious diet is the key to getting back into shape. Best nutrition clinics recommend –

  • Fresh fruits
  • Sliced veggies like cucumbers, carrots, and pepper
  • Whole grain crackers
  • Small portions of almond and nuts
  • Eliminate sugars and sweets (as they are full of calories)
  • Lean meat and proteins
  • Low-fat dairy
  • Nuts, beans, and legumes
Weight loss tips for first time mothers
Diet and Healthy life loss weight slim Concept. Organic Green apple and Weight scale measure tap with nutrition vegan vegetable and sport equipment gym for body women diet fit. Top view copy space.

Apart from this, one must replace fast food with something better. A fibrous diet could help with digestion. Complex carbs form the heart of a healthy diet during pregnancy. These include beans, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and more. Simple carbohydrates can be consumed in the form of white bread, white rice, and white pasta. However, it isn’t safe to restrict food intake during pregnancy as it would affect the nutrition of the baby.

Food for breastfeeding moms: tips to follow if you’re breastfeeding the baby

Strict weight loss programs must be avoided as the baby derives nutrition from breast milk. Thus, a well-balanced diet is the need of the hour. Consuming adequate fluids like juice, water and milk could help combat feelings of thirst while breastfeeding without adding many calories. One must avoid sugary drinks and limit caffeine intake during this phase. It is recommended that breastfeeding moms derive calories from a variety of foods while breastfeeding instead of a single type of food. Tough exercises must be avoided in the first six weeks but one can always start with walking.

Data insights:

A study has found that 20% of women return to their pre-pregnancy weight within the first three months postpartum and 24% of them retain at least 10 pounds every year. On average 80% of women take more than three months to return to their pre-pregnancy weight.

It must be noted that losing baby weight will take time. New moms must not indulge in any hard practices like too much exercise or skipping meals. This could have adverse effects on both the baby and the mother.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Nutritionist customized diet plans for pregnant women and monitor their health throughout the period of pregnancy, in consultation with gynaecologists.

Do take an appointment with the Best Maternity Hospital at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dt. Arti Singh , please book your appointment here.

Qualities to look for in choosing a gynaecologist (Obs/ Gynae)

Reasons to visit a Gynaecologist

Author – Dr. Pratima Thamke MBBS, MRCOG, MD

Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Motherhood Hospital Kharghar, Mumbai

Obstetrics & gynaecology services are essential to help a woman maintain her reproductive health and wellness. It’s necessary to seek out a gynaecologist who is experienced and competent enough to understand the various issues that could arise at different ages and help you address your health concerns. This could be painful periods, issues associated with the reproductive system, infections, uterine problems, issues related to pregnancy, contraceptives, and more. You must be able to share all this and more with your gynaecologist. Even if you think you are healthy, it is always advisable to get periodic tests done to ensure all is well internally.

Tips to find the Best Gynaecologist

  1. References and recommendations – The first thing towards identifying the right gynaecologist is to gather references – it could be from your GP, friends, family or other acquaintances. Do take some time to research the Doctor’s credentials, experience and skills. Find more about certifications, institution, affiliations and training.
  2. Assess for their approachability – You’ll share your most intimate problems with your gynaecologist only if you have an atmosphere that makes you comfortable. Your doctor must have a friendly disposition and be willing to give you a patient hearing. The doctor must be effective in his/ her communication and reassuring while answering questions.
  3. Patient reviews – Look for patient reviews online before booking an appointment. Examine the number of reviews, check if they are recent and invest a little time on portals such as Google, HealthGrades or Vitals. Search for a doctor with a good star rating and then shortlist the one you think is best suited for you.
  4. Is the gynaecologist part of a network institution? – Before booking an appointment with the gynaecologist or obstetrician, see if they’re part of the network and you are covered under your insurance plan. If you decide to go for a doctor that’s out of network, you could face issues in terms of settlement or processing subsequently.
  5. Reputation of the hospital – If you’re searching for a reputed gynaecologist or obstetrician, ensure the professional is part of the best gynaecology hospital, a reputed institution with world class infrastructure. Take note of the various top-rated obstetrics and gynaecology clinics in the vicinity. If you’re pregnant, you may want to be associated with a hospital that’s easy to reach and well connected to your home.
  6. Expertise/ experience – You will need to engage with an experienced gynaecologist/obstetrician with an ability to address complex pregnancy/ menopause issues or uterine conditions. Do bear in mind that you will need the advice and guidance of a competent professional to help you address and manage your condition.
  7. Similar value systems – The gynaecologist or obstetrician will advise you on personal topics like pregnancy and contraception, issues on which individuals may have different opinions. Do confirm if there is an alignment in terms of thinking before you begin interacting with the doctor.

Finding the best gynaecologist can take a while, do your due diligence patiently, talk to people before you make your decision.
Your gynaecologist is a vital member of your healthcare team because he/ she is responsible for your and your child’s health. You must associate with someone experienced and someone you could trust during and after pregnancy. Getting the recommendations required and identifying the right specialist and you could maintain a healthy and active life with that valuable advice.

Tips to find the best Gynaecologist
Young doctor examining pregnant woman in clinic

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist specialists in Kharghar, Mumbai. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best Gynaecology hospital in Kharghar, Mumbai at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Pratima Thamke please book your appointment here

Pregnancy after 35: Risks and benefits

Pregnancy after 30

Author- Dr. Nilofar Yelurkar MBBS, DGO, DNB

Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Motherhood Hospitals Kharghar, Mumbai

Here’s an insight on the risks and benefits of pregnancy after thirty-five.

Why is pregnancy after thirty-five difficult?

We are aware of the fact that each woman is born with a certain number of eggs. An egg is released each time a woman ovulates about 14 days before periods. With advancing age, the egg count and quality deteriorate and make it difficult for the woman to get pregnant. With the ticking biological clock, more fertility problems come into the limelight. Therefore, pregnancy after 35 is considered difficult.

High-risk pregnancy complications –

The high-risk pregnancy complications include

  • Premature birth
  • Birth defects
  • Getting pregnant with multiple
  • Pre-existing diabetes
  • Gestational diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Preeclampsia
  • Miscarriage
  • Stillbirth

In-depth analysis of the complications:

Late Pregnancy

Premature birth is when the baby is born too soon. It invites health problems in the later stages of life. The baby might have low birth weight in this case. It may be less than 5 pounds. Hormonal changes and fertility treatments shoot up the chances of being pregnant with multiples in older women. On the other hand, if the woman is grappling with pre-pregnancy diabetes, it might bring in more complications. Moreover, there are chances of developing gestational diabetes and high blood pressure and an even higher chance of developing preeclampsia. Preeclampsia happens in the 20th week or after pregnancy. In this case, some organs might not be working properly due to high blood pressure and the signs include severe headaches, vision changes, and higher protein content in urine. Birth defects like down’s syndrome could affect the baby adversely. One can go for screening tests like cell-free fetal DNA screening (maternal blood screening) to know if the baby is at a higher risk for a birth defect.
It is thus recommended to consult a high-risk pregnancy doctor. Doctors for high-risk pregnancy care are known as perinatologists. These are maternal-fetal medicine specialists known as obstetricians. They are specialized in high-risk pregnancy care.

Consulting a gynecologist for geriatric pregnancy could suit your needs. The best gynecologist for high-risk pregnancy in Bangalore can be easily found online. You can refer to the internet for appointments.

Benefits of getting pregnant after 35:Research highlights and more

Well, geriatric pregnancy isn’t just about high risk. There’s a positive side too. Your child can benefit from an older mom way more than you can think. Not just the child, these benefits reach out to the mother too. Here’s an insight into the benefits –

  • A study published in the journal of the American geriatrics Society highlights that women who had their last child after 35 had sharper cognition and verbal memory. Having a baby after 35 years of age boosts brain power.
  • Studies highlight that the risk of unintentional injury in the child declines with increasing maternal age.
  • There is an undoubted sense of maturity with age. Older moms are more mentally prepared. Several studies and research highlight that maturity plays a role in better parenting. Children of older moms are thus better behaved, well socialized, and emotionally healthy in their pre-teen duration.
  • Children of older moms benefit from the educational and social progress that has been made in the days of delayed chilbearing.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Gynaecologist in Kharghar, Mumbai. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do take an appointment with the best Gynaecology hospital in Kharghar, Mumbai at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Nilofar Yelurkar, please book your appointment here.

Neonatal- What is a NICU?

NICU Insights for Empowering Neonatal Knowledge - Motherhood Hospital India

Author – Dr. Khushboo Kapasi

Consultant – MBBS, MD(PAEDIATRICS), Fellowship in Neonatal intensive care, PGPN at Motherhood Hospital Kharghar, Mumbai

Some babies may be born with health problems or can have a difficult birth due to preterm labour, where they need care and specialised treatment. In such cases, NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) dispenses the services of providing intensive medical care for the newborn.

Quick fact: Premature birth is the leading cause of death among young children.

Changes after birth

Before birth, the baby is dependent on the functions of the mother, where after coming to the world, its body’s system changes. While most of the babies have a smooth transition, some may have trouble making this change outside the womb. Babies may be born with health problems or can have a difficult birth due to preterm labor.

Therefore, special care must be dispensed for newborns that are sick or premature for which NICU has advanced technology along with trained professionals. Such babies are taken into NICU within 24 hours of their birth, where they stay as per their improving health condition. Some may stay for a few hours until they recover, or some may have to stay for weeks or months. Parents are allowed to visit the NICU and spend some time with the newborns. However, there are set visiting hours. If you are rooting for the best neonatologist doctors, gynaecologists and paeditricians, Motherhood hospital confers with the best NICU and services for pregnant women.

Babies who need NICU

Babies need special care for which NICU becomes important if they are preterm, have low birth weight i.e., less than 5.5 pounds, or may be suffering from a health condition which needs immediate and specialized care. In case of twins, triplets, or multiple babies, they can also be admitted to the NICU as such babies are born earlier and are usually smaller than the single birth babies. Besides, a newborn may be suffering from infections, cardiac problems, or any birth defects where they are taken care of in the NICU.

Factors leading to NICU

The common maternal factors that can be risky for a baby and increase the instances of getting admitted to NICU are:

  • If a mother is too young below 16 years or older than 40
  • A mother is consuming drugs and alcohol which can relate with preterm deliveries or birth defects
  • Diabetes can risk the birth of a newborn if not controlled
  • Bleeding can also pose a risk
  • Multiple pregnancies like twins or triplets
  • If there is too much or too little amniotic fluid
  • Rupturing of the membranes or amniotic sac before time

While these are the factors pertaining to mother, there can be other delivery or baby related factors:

  • Due to lack of oxygen, there can be changes in the organ system of the baby where they may lack proper development
  • Abnormal positioning of the baby in the womb
  • Umbilical cord gets wrapped around the neck of the baby
  • If a baby is born before 37 weeks or more than 42 weeks
  • Baby weighing less than 5 pounds
  • Distress in respiration such as rapid breathing, grunting etc.
  • Infections
  • Seizures and low blood sugar
  • Requiring specialized treatments like blood transfusion

Services offered in a NICU

Once a baby is admitted in the NICU, specially trained healthcare providers that have expertise in dealing with the conditions of the newborn will dispense their services. While it is a sensitive area, visitors are supposed to sterilize their hands as babies can easily catch infections in the NICU. Besides, NICU is usually a quiet and calm place, as babies may get overwhelmed by the noise and light, whereupon lights are kept dimmed. Each baby inside the NICU is kept in an incubator or heated cot so that their bodies are placed at the right temperature. If there are some breathing problems, equipment such as ventilators may be kept along with machines that can deliver fluids, and medicines which are supplied via tubes in their veins. There are also monitors attached to the baby’s body to keep checking the heart rate, breathing rate and oxygen level of their blood.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced super specialists backed by the latest in infrastructure and facilities. We have the best Neonatologist in Kharghar, Mumbai who aims to provide optimum state-of-the-art care for critically ill, as well as recovering, neonates and infants

Do take an appointment with the best women and child care hospital in Kharghar, Mumbai at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Kushboo Kapasi, please book your appointment here.