Understanding the Menopause Journey – Embracing Change with Confidence

Menopause Journey

Author : Dr. Babita Rajesh Chauhan


Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologis

Understanding the Menopause Journey – Embracing Change with Confidence

Menopause is not just a biological process; it’s a significant chapter in a woman’s life that merits understanding and attention, especially in the culturally rich and diverse landscape of India. As women approach their late 40s or early 50s, they embark on a journey that marks the end of their reproductive years. According to Dr. Babita Rajesh Chauhan, MBBS, MD(OBG), Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist , This phase, often shrouded in silence and stigma, needs to be discussed openly to empower women. At Motherhood Hospitals, we emphasize the importance of embracing this change with awareness and confidence. This article delves deep into the nuances of menopause in the Indian context, exploring its symptoms, the efficacy of hormone therapy, and the essentiality of a healthy lifestyle tailored for Indian women. Our aim is to guide and support women through this natural yet often misunderstood phase of life.

In India, menopause is a topic that is rarely discussed openly, leading to a lack of awareness and preparedness among many women. The journey through menopause can be bewildering without proper information and support. This article serves as a comprehensive guide, shedding light on what to expect and how to navigate the changes both physically and emotionally. With a focus on the unique aspects of Indian culture and healthcare, we aim to provide insights that resonate with the experiences of Indian women, ensuring that they do not feel alone in this journey. Understanding menopause is the first step towards managing its challenges effectively, and Motherhood Hospitals is dedicated to being a trusted partner in this journey.

Understanding Menopause

Menopause, medically defined as the cessation of menstruation for 12 consecutive months, signifies the end of a woman’s natural reproductive period. In the Indian context, the average onset of menopause is around 49 years, though it can vary widely. The perimenopausal phase, leading up to menopause, is characterized by fluctuating hormone levels, resulting in irregular menstrual cycles. This phase is crucial for Indian women, who often balance complex roles in both their personal and professional lives. Early recognition of perimenopausal symptoms enables women to seek timely advice and support, which is particularly important in a culture where such topics might be less openly discussed.

The journey to menopause is unique for every woman, but in India, it is often influenced by factors like lifestyle, diet, and genetic predispositions. Understanding these individual differences is vital in providing personalized care and support. Women may experience a range of symptoms, from hot flashes and mood swings to more subtle changes like sleep disturbances and decreasing bone density. Awareness and education about these symptoms are key to empowering Indian women to take proactive steps towards their health. At Motherhood Hospitals, we focus on providing culturally sensitive and informed care, helping women navigate this transition with knowledge and confidence. Recognizing and understanding the early signs of menopause can lead to better management of this life stage, emphasizing the importance of regular health check-ups and open conversations with healthcare professionals.

Common Symptoms and Hormone Therapy Options

Common Symptoms of Menopause in India The symptoms of menopause in Indian women can be as varied as the cultural tapestry of the country itself. Predominant symptoms include hot flashes, a feeling of intense heat that spreads over the body, often accompanied by sweating and flushing. These can be particularly challenging in the Indian climate, especially during the warmer months. Mood swings are another common symptom, manifesting as sudden tears or irritability. This emotional volatility can be perplexing not just for the women experiencing them but also for their families, necessitating a supportive and understanding environment.

In addition to these, Indian women often report sleep disturbances, which can range from insomnia to disrupted sleep patterns. Vaginal dryness and discomfort during intercourse are also noted, but these symptoms are less frequently discussed due to cultural sensitivities. It’s important to highlight that these changes are natural and manageable with the right approach. The varied diet and lifestyle across different regions of India can also influence the intensity and nature of these symptoms. Therefore, a personalized approach to symptom management, acknowledging these cultural and regional differences, is crucial in providing effective care at Motherhood Hospitals.

Hormone Therapy Options in India

Hormone therapy (HT) is a significant medical intervention for managing menopause symptoms in India, offering relief from hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness. However, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. The decision to use hormone therapy must be made on an individual basis, considering the woman’s health history, severity of symptoms, and personal preferences. Indian women, like their counterparts globally, must weigh the benefits against the potential risks, such as a slightly increased risk of certain diseases when using HT for prolonged periods.

In the Indian healthcare context, the availability of hormone therapy and the awareness of its benefits and risks vary. At Motherhood Hospitals, our approach is to provide comprehensive information, allowing women to make informed decisions about their health. We discuss the types of hormone therapies available, including systemic estrogen, which is the most effective treatment for menopausal symptoms, and low-dose vaginal products for localized symptoms. Alternative and complementary therapies are also gaining popularity in India, with many women seeking natural or plant-based remedies. It’s vital to discuss these options with healthcare professionals to understand their efficacy and safety.

Healthy Lifestyle Choices and The Role of Self-Care

Healthy Lifestyle Choices During Menopause Adopting a healthy lifestyle is paramount for Indian women navigating the menopausal transition. A balanced diet, rich in calcium and vitamin D, is essential for bone health, as menopause increases the risk of osteoporosis. Indian diets, traditionally rich in vegetables and grains, can be optimized by including more leafy greens, dairy products, and foods fortified with calcium and vitamin D. Regular physical activity is another cornerstone of a healthy menopausal journey. Exercises such as yoga, which is deeply rooted in Indian culture, not only help in maintaining a healthy weight but also reduce stress and improve mood, countering some of the psychological symptoms of menopause.

Another aspect of a healthy lifestyle is stress management, particularly crucial in the fast-paced life many Indian women lead. Practices like meditation, mindfulness, and deep breathing exercises can be immensely beneficial. In addition, getting adequate sleep is vital for overall well-being. Sleep disturbances, common during menopause, can be mitigated through good sleep hygiene practices like maintaining a regular sleep schedule and creating a comfortable sleep environment. At Motherhood Hospitals, we emphasize the importance of these lifestyle modifications, offering guidance tailored to the unique needs of Indian women during this transitional phase.

The Role of Self-Care and Support

Self-care during menopause goes beyond physical health; it encompasses emotional and mental well-being. For Indian women, this might mean taking time out for themselves, engaging in activities they enjoy, or simply resting. It’s a time to prioritize their own health and needs, often a challenging task in a culture where women are accustomed to putting their family’s needs first. Emotional support from family, friends, and peers who are going through similar experiences can be incredibly valuable. Sharing experiences and coping strategies can help in normalizing the menopause transition and reducing feelings of isolation.

Moreover, professional support from healthcare providers is crucial. At Motherhood Hospitals, we offer counseling and support groups where women can discuss their concerns and learn from the experiences of others. These forums provide a safe space to talk about sensitive issues like sexual health and emotional changes, which are often not discussed openly in Indian society. Empathy, understanding, and informed guidance from healthcare professionals can make a significant difference in how women experience and manage menopause. By fostering an environment of care and support, we aim to empower women to embrace this phase of life with confidence and positivity.

Motherhood Hospitals: A Partner in the Menopause Journey

At Motherhood Hospitals, we understand the multifaceted challenges Indian women face during menopause. Our commitment is to provide a holistic approach to menopausal care, combining medical expertise with empathetic support. We offer a range of services tailored to the needs of menopausal women, including specialized health check-ups, hormone therapy consultations, and dietary advice. Recognizing the importance of mental and emotional well-being, we also provide counseling services and support groups, facilitating a supportive community for women undergoing similar experiences.

Our approach is grounded in the understanding that menopause is not merely a medical condition but a significant life transition. Therefore, we emphasize education and awareness, empowering women with the knowledge they need to navigate this phase confidently. From understanding the physiological changes to managing symptoms effectively, our healthcare professionals are dedicated to providing personalized care. We also encourage women to participate actively in their health decisions, fostering a sense of control and positivity towards the menopause journey. At Motherhood Hospitals, we stand as a trusted ally, guiding women through this transition with care, respect, and expertise.

Embracing menopause with confidence is a journey of self-discovery and adaptation. This transition, while challenging, offers an opportunity for women to focus on their health and well-being in new ways. Through this article, we have explored the various facets of menopause in the Indian context, highlighting the importance of understanding symptoms, exploring treatment options like hormone therapy, adopting healthy lifestyle choices, and the indispensable role of self-care and support.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we are committed to supporting women through every stage of this journey. We believe that with the right information, care, and support, menopause can be a phase of life approached with assurance and positivity. As women in India and around the world navigate this natural transition, it is our hope that they do so with an empowered and informed perspective, embracing the change as an integral part of the extraordinary journey of womanhood.

Dr. Babita Rajesh Chauhan will respond to your query as soon as possible. For emergencies please call and reach Motherhood Hospital, Mohali.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynecologist in Mohali. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do take an appointment with the best woman care hospital in Mohali at a center closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Babita Rajesh Chauhan, please book your appointment here.

Women and Heart Health – Recognizing Risk Factors and Prioritizing Prevention

Author –  Dr Ekawali Gupta

MBBS, MS Degree in OBG, 

Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Mohali.

Women and Heart Health – Recognizing Risk Factors and Prioritizing Prevention

Understanding the Importance of Women’s Heart Health in India: Heart health is a critical issue for women in India, where changing lifestyle patterns and socio-economic conditions have led to an increase in cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Traditionally perceived as a lesser risk for women, heart diseases are now being recognized as a significant health concern. According to Dr Ekawali Gupta , MBBS, MS Degree in OBG, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist the need for awareness and proactive measures is more crucial than ever, as these conditions not only impact individual lives but also pose a broader social and economic challenge.

Redefining Awareness and Action for Heart Health: The conversation around heart health in India has predominantly focused on men, leaving women’s unique health needs in the shadows. This article aims to bridge that gap by shedding light on the distinct risk factors, symptoms, and preventive strategies pertaining to heart health in women. It emphasizes the critical role of regular health screenings and lifestyle choices in mitigating heart disease risks, and how early intervention can significantly improve health outcomes.

Unique Risks for Women’s Heart Health in India

Prevalence and Impact on Indian Women: Heart disease in Indian women is a growing concern, with studies indicating a rising trend in cardiac issues among this demographic. While traditionally heart diseases were associated with men, the reality today is starkly different. For Indian women, heart health risks escalate particularly post-menopause, but younger women are not immune. Factors like high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol play a significant role, along with a lack of awareness and delayed diagnosis contributing to the severity of the situation.

Age-Related Risks and Menopause: The risk of heart diseases in women significantly changes with age. Prior to menopause, women generally have a lower risk of heart diseases compared to men, partly due to the protective effects of estrogen. However, this risk increases post-menopause, when estrogen levels decline, leading to an increased risk of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart failure. Understanding these age-related risks is crucial for effective prevention and management of heart diseases in women.

Gender-Specific Symptoms and Diagnosis Challenges

Atypical Symptoms in Women: Heart attack symptoms in women often differ from the classic symptoms experienced by men. While chest pain is a common symptom for both genders, women are more likely to experience atypical symptoms such as shortness of breath, nausea, back or jaw pain, and fatigue. This divergence in symptoms can lead to misdiagnosis or delayed treatment, as these symptoms are often mistaken for less severe conditions.

Gender Disparities in Heart Health Care: The healthcare system has historically been more attuned to male-centric symptoms and treatment of heart diseases, leading to disparities in how women’s heart health issues are diagnosed and managed. Women are less likely to receive aggressive treatment post-heart attack and are more likely to have their symptoms dismissed or misdiagnosed. This gap in healthcare, compounded by socio-cultural factors that often prioritize men’s health, places women at a higher risk of adverse outcomes.

Lifestyle Factors Influencing Heart Health

Diet, Exercise, and Stress: Lifestyle choices play a significant role in heart health. For Indian women, balancing professional and personal responsibilities often leads to neglecting dietary needs and physical activity. A diet high in trans-fats, sugar, and salt, coupled with sedentary habits, contributes significantly to heart disease risk. Moreover, chronic stress, common in fast-paced urban environments, exacerbates these risks, impacting heart health negatively.

Urban Lifestyle and Professional Stress: The urban lifestyle presents unique challenges for women’s heart health. Increased professional responsibilities and societal pressures can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as poor diet and lack of exercise. Stress management is often overlooked, yet it is a crucial factor in preventing heart diseases. Emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and stress reduction techniques is essential for heart health, particularly for women in urban settings.

The Importance of Regular Screenings and Early Detection

Emphasizing Heart Health Screenings: Regular health screenings play a pivotal role in early detection of heart diseases, particularly for women. In India, where health check-ups are often neglected, especially among women, emphasizing the importance of regular screenings is crucial. Screenings like blood pressure checks, cholesterol levels, ECGs, and stress tests should be a routine part of healthcare, especially for those with a family history of heart diseases or other risk factors such as diabetes or obesity.

The Significance of Early Detection: Early detection of heart diseases can significantly improve treatment outcomes and reduce the risk of severe complications. For Indian women, understanding and recognizing the early signs of heart issues is key. Awareness campaigns and health education should focus on educating women about symptoms and the necessity of timely medical consultation. This can not only save lives but also reduce the long-term impact of heart diseases on women’s health.

Prevention Strategies and Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Diet and Exercise for Heart Health: A heart-healthy diet and regular exercise are fundamental in preventing heart diseases. For Indian women, incorporating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins is essential. Limiting the intake of saturated fats, trans fats, and sugars can also contribute to better heart health. Additionally, engaging in regular physical activities like brisk walking, yoga, or swimming can help maintain a healthy weight, reduce stress, and improve overall cardiovascular health.

Stress Management and Mental Well-being: Mental health and stress management are integral to preventing heart diseases. Chronic stress, common among women juggling multiple roles, can have adverse effects on heart health. Techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and adequate rest are vital for mental well-being. Creating a supportive environment, both at home and at work, can help in managing stress and promoting heart health. Community support groups and counseling can also be beneficial in addressing mental health concerns that impact heart health.


Emphasizing the Priority of Women’s Heart Health: The significance of heart health for women in India cannot be overstated. In a landscape where lifestyle changes and socio-economic factors contribute to rising cardiovascular risks, it becomes imperative to focus on proactive health management. Recognizing the unique challenges women face regarding heart diseases, from atypical symptoms to gender-specific risk factors, is a crucial step towards better health outcomes.

Advocating for Comprehensive Health Strategies: To effectively combat heart diseases in women, a multi-faceted approach is needed. This involves not only individual efforts in terms of regular health screenings and adopting healthier lifestyle choices but also broader initiatives from healthcare systems and policymakers. By ensuring that women’s heart health is addressed with the same diligence and urgency as men’s, we can begin to close the gap in healthcare disparities.

The Role of Community and Support Networks: The fight against heart diseases in women is not just a medical challenge but a social one as well. Building strong support networks, increasing community awareness, and promoting education about heart health are integral. Empowering women with the knowledge and resources to manage their heart health effectively can lead to a transformative shift in the way heart diseases are perceived and treated in India.

Looking Forward to a Healthier Future: As we move forward, the goal should be to create an environment where women’s heart health is a priority, not an afterthought. Encouraging regular medical check-ups, fostering environments that support mental well-being, and advocating for gender-specific research in heart health are key. Together, we can work towards a future where every woman in India has the opportunity to lead a heart-healthy life.

Dr Ekawali Gupta will respond to your query as soon as possible. For emergencies please call and reach Motherhood Hospital, Mohali.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynaecologist in Mohali. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynaecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do take an appointment with the best woman care hospital in Mohali at a centre closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Ekawali Gupta, please book your appointment here.

Empowering Girls – Fostering Healthy Conversations about Puberty

Fostering Healthy Conversations about Puberty

Author:   Dr. Tejinder Kaur

MBBS, Diploma in Hospital Administration, Diploma of National Board training, Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine

Consultant: Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at  Motherhood Hospital, Mohali

Empowering Girls – Fostering Healthy Conversations about Puberty:

Puberty, a critical phase in a girl’s life, signifies a transition not only in her physical form but also in her emotional and psychological realms. In the Indian context, this period is often shrouded in silence and unease, making it imperative for parents and educators to step in with guidance and openness. As per Author: Dr. Tejinder KaurMBBS, Diploma in Hospital Administration, Diploma of National Board training, Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine, Consultant: Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at  Motherhood Hospital, Mohali, by understanding the multifaceted nature of puberty, adults can play a pivotal role in easing the journey for young girls. This phase, marked by significant growth and challenges, calls for an informed and empathetic approach to help girls navigate these changes confidently and knowledgeably.

Importance of Fostering Open Conversations about Puberty

In many Indian households, the topic of puberty is treated as taboo, leaving young girls bewildered and apprehensive. To counter this, initiating healthy and open dialogues about the physical and emotional changes during puberty is essential. Such conversations not only demystify this natural process but also empower girls to articulate their feelings and seek necessary guidance. Embracing these discussions paves the way for a more informed, confident approach to the physical and emotional transformations during puberty, fostering a positive self-image and a sense of preparedness among young girls.

Creating a Supportive Environment

Encouraging Open Dialogue Starting conversations about puberty can be daunting, but it’s crucial in creating a supportive environment. Parents and educators should engage in open dialogue with girls, using simple, relatable language to explain the changes they will experience. It’s important to provide a safe space where girls feel comfortable asking questions and expressing their concerns. Creating such an environment requires patience, understanding, and reassurance, ensuring that young girls feel heard and supported.

Deepening Understanding Through Dialogue

Building on initial conversations, it’s essential to deepen understanding by discussing more specific aspects of puberty. Topics like menstrual health, emotional fluctuations, and body image should be introduced gradually and handled with sensitivity. Parents and educators can use resources like books or educational videos to aid these discussions. Ensuring that girls have access to accurate and comprehensive information is key to helping them navigate puberty with confidence and ease.

Understanding Emotional Well-being

Emotional well-being is a critical aspect of navigating puberty. Parents and educators should acknowledge and address the range of emotions that girls may experience during this time. Open conversations about feelings, mood swings, and self-esteem are important. Adults should offer a listening ear, provide comfort, and foster a positive self-image. Encouraging girls to express themselves and validating their emotions plays a significant role in their emotional development.

Fostering Emotional Resilience

In addition to understanding emotional well-being, fostering emotional resilience is vital. This involves teaching girls coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety, such as mindfulness or journaling. It also includes promoting a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, which can have positive effects on emotional health. By equipping girls with the tools to manage their emotions effectively, parents and educators can help them develop resilience and a strong sense of self.

Educating on Physical and Emotional Changes

Explaining the Physical Changes Education about the physical aspects of puberty is essential for young girls. It involves explaining the development of secondary sexual characteristics like breast growth, menstrual health, and the appearance of pubic hair. In India, where cultural misconceptions often obscure these topics, providing clear, factual, and age-appropriate information is paramount. Such education helps demystify bodily changes and equips girls with the necessary knowledge to manage these changes. Parents and educators should approach this topic with sensitivity, using straightforward, non-alarming language, and progressively deepening the discussion as the child’s understanding grows.

Navigating Emotional Changes

Alongside physical development, puberty is characterized by a myriad of emotional changes. It’s vital for parents and educators to guide young girls through these emotional shifts, which can include mood swings, increased sensitivity, and self-consciousness about their changing bodies. Open discussions about these emotional experiences should be encouraged, emphasizing that these feelings are normal and part of growing up. Activities that promote self-esteem, such as arts, sports, or journaling, can be beneficial. A supportive approach in these conversations will aid young girls in developing a balanced and healthy emotional perspective during puberty.

Promoting Hygiene and Self-Care

Hygiene Practices During Puberty The importance of hygiene during puberty cannot be overstated, especially in the context of menstrual health. It’s crucial for young girls to understand the basics of menstrual hygiene, including the use of sanitary products and the importance of regular bathing. In India, where discussions about menstruation are often limited, clear and practical guidance is essential. This education should be imparted in a sensitive and straightforward manner, helping girls to manage their personal hygiene with confidence and independence.

Furthering Hygiene Education

Expanding on basic hygiene practices, it’s important to discuss broader aspects like the significance of cleanliness during menstruation, proper disposal of sanitary products, and maintaining general body hygiene. Addressing these topics helps dispel myths and misconceptions, providing young girls with a complete picture of hygiene management. This comprehensive approach not only fosters personal responsibility but also contributes to overall health and well-being.

Self-Care and Wellness

The transition through puberty is accompanied by an increased need for self-care, encompassing both physical and mental health. Encouraging a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep is essential for physical development. Additionally, activities that support mental health, such as meditation, reading, or pursuing hobbies, play a vital role. These practices not only aid in physical growth but also help manage the stress and emotional fluctuations that often accompany puberty.

Promoting Holistic Wellness

Holistic wellness during puberty extends beyond physical health to include emotional and social well-being. Parents and educators should encourage practices that foster self-esteem and body positivity, helping girls to embrace their changing bodies. Discussions on the importance of a supportive social circle, engaging in community activities, and developing a healthy lifestyle contribute to a well-rounded approach to self-care. This holistic focus ensures that young girls are equipped to handle the challenges of puberty with resilience and positivity.

Fostering Peer Support and Community Involvement

Building a Supportive Peer Network Peer support plays a vital role during puberty, offering a sense of understanding and shared experience. Encouraging open discussions among peers helps young girls realize they are not alone in their experiences. Schools and communities in India can foster this support by organizing group activities or discussion forums, providing a platform for girls to connect and share. Such a network can alleviate the feeling of isolation and build a supportive community, making the journey through puberty less daunting.

Community and School Involvement

Schools and community organizations are instrumental in providing comprehensive puberty education and support. In India, where traditional norms may restrict these conversations, organized efforts by schools and communities can make a significant difference. Workshops, seminars, and resource distribution can provide girls and parents with much-needed information and guidance. This active involvement helps break down cultural barriers, allowing for a more open, informative approach to discussing puberty, thereby enhancing the overall support system for young girls.

Empowering Girls for the Future Navigating puberty is a significant milestone in a girl’s life, bringing physical, emotional, and psychological changes. By actively promoting open discussions and providing comprehensive education on these aspects, we empower young girls to embrace this journey with confidence and knowledge. Motherhood Hospitals plays a pivotal role in this endeavor, offering resources and expert guidance to ensure that every girl receives the support and understanding she needs. Their commitment to fostering healthy conversations about puberty exemplifies their dedication to the well-being of girls in India. Let’s join hands with institutions like Motherhood Hospitals to ensure a supportive, informed environment for every girl stepping into this transformative phase.

If you are on the verge of menopause or are going through menopause along with urinary symptoms, consult Dr Tejinder Kaur at the Motherhood Hospitals.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynecologist in Mohali. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries.

Do make an appointment with the best woman’s care hospital in Mohali at a center closest to you. Meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue, and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life.

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Tejinder Kaur, please book your appointment here.

The Ultimate Guide to Postpartum Depression – Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Support

Guide to Postpartum Depression

Author: Dr. Kiran Yadav 

MBBS, DGO, DNB Fellowship in laparoscopy Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Senior Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecology

The Ultimate Guide to Postpartum Depression – Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Support:

In India Postpartum depression, a significant mental health concern, affects numerous new mothers globally and is particularly pressing in India. Despite its growing recognition, PPD remains shrouded in silence and stigma, especially in Indian society where mental health issues are often overlooked. According to Dr. Kiran Yadav, MBBS, DGO, DNB Fellowship in laparoscopy Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Senior Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecology,  This condition, manifesting after childbirth, encompasses a range of emotional and psychological challenges that can deeply impact a mother’s well-being. The prevalence of PPD in India, a country marked by its rich cultural diversity and strong familial structures, calls for a nuanced understanding and approach to this condition. It’s essential to highlight that postpartum depression in India (PPD India) is not merely a medical concern but also a social issue, requiring holistic attention and sensitivity.

The Significance of Awareness and Support

Creating awareness about postpartum depression is crucial, particularly in the context of new mothers in India. Often, the symptoms of PPD are misunderstood or dismissed as general fatigue or moodiness associated with motherhood. This lack of awareness not only hinders timely intervention but also adds to the emotional burden of the mothers. Emphasizing the importance of support systems, be it familial, social, or medical, is vital in the journey towards recovery. Motherhood hospitals in India play a pivotal role in this context, offering not just medical care but also psychological support and guidance. Bridging the gap between suffering in silence and seeking help, these hospitals and their support systems stand as beacons of hope for many new mothers grappling with PPD in India.

Understanding Postpartum Depression

Defining Postpartum Depression and Differentiating from ‘Baby Blues’ .

Postpartum depression is a complex mental health condition that emerges after childbirth, characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, and fatigue. Unlike the common ‘baby blues’ that affect many new mothers and typically resolve within a couple of weeks, PPD is a more severe condition that requires medical attention. In the Indian context, where emotional well-being is often relegated to the background, distinguishing PPD from the normal stress and fatigue of new motherhood becomes crucial. Understanding the nature and severity of PPD symptoms is the first step towards effective management and support for new mothers in India.

PPD in the Indian and Global Context Globally, PPD is a recognized mental health issue, but its prevalence and manifestation in India present unique challenges. The cultural dynamics and societal expectations in India can exacerbate the stress and isolation felt by new mothers, potentially intensifying the symptoms of PPD. In a society where the role of a mother is idealized, women often find themselves under immense pressure to conform to these ideals, which can contribute to the development of PPD. The acknowledgement and understanding of PPD within the Indian context are crucial in formulating appropriate and culturally sensitive interventions. This recognition is especially important given the high societal expectations and mental health stigma that new mothers in India often face.

Symptoms and Identification of PPD in India

Common Symptoms of Postpartum Depression Postpartum depression manifests through a range of symptoms that can significantly affect a mother’s mental and emotional state. These symptoms often include deep sadness, a sense of hopelessness, severe mood swings, and an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion that goes beyond typical fatigue. In addition, mothers with PPD might experience difficulty bonding with their baby, changes in eating and sleeping patterns, and a lack of interest in activities they once enjoyed. These symptoms are not just fleeting moments of discomfort but persistent feelings that last for weeks or longer, profoundly impacting the mother’s quality of life and ability to care for herself and her newborn.

PPD Symptoms in the Indian Cultural Context

In the Indian context, the symptoms of PPD can be more challenging to identify and address due to cultural nuances and societal expectations placed on new mothers. The pressure to immediately adapt to motherhood and the stigma surrounding mental health can lead to underreporting of PPD symptoms. Indian mothers may also experience unique stressors such as the societal pressure for son preference, which can exacerbate feelings of inadequacy and guilt, particularly if the newborn is a girl. These cultural factors, combined with the lack of awareness about PPD, mean that many Indian mothers suffer in silence, unaware that their experiences align with the symptoms of postpartum depression. Recognizing these culturally specific manifestations is critical in providing appropriate support and treatment for PPD in India.

Causes and Risk Factors of PPD Biological and Hormonal Influences

The onset of postpartum depression is often linked to the significant hormonal changes that occur after childbirth. The rapid drop in hormones like estrogen and progesterone, along with changes in other hormones, can trigger mood swings and depression. Additionally, the physical exhaustion from childbirth and lack of sleep can contribute to the development of PPD. It’s crucial to understand that these biological factors are universal and not specific to any one culture or country, including India. This biological perspective helps in destigmatizing the condition, emphasizing that PPD is not a result of personal failure but a medical condition that requires attention and care.

Socio-Cultural Factors Specific to India

In India, several socio-cultural factors play a significant role in the development and intensity of postpartum depression. Cultural practices, societal expectations, and family dynamics significantly influence a mother’s emotional well-being. For example, the prevalence of joint family systems can lead to increased pressure and expectations, while also providing a support network. However, this support can sometimes be a double-edged sword, as it may come with its own set of demands and expectations. Additionally, factors like domestic violence, son preference, and the stigma associated with mental health issues in Indian society can significantly contribute to the risk of developing PPD. Understanding these socio-cultural dynamics is essential in addressing postpartum depression effectively in the Indian context.

Medical Treatments Available in India

In India, the treatment for postpartum depression includes a combination of medication and therapy, similar to global standards. Antidepressants are prescribed to balance the chemicals in the brain that affect mood and emotions. However, it’s crucial for healthcare providers to consider factors like breastfeeding when prescribing medication to new mothers. In addition to pharmacological treatments, therapy plays a vital role. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy (IPT) have shown effectiveness in treating PPD. These therapies help mothers deal with their emotions, develop coping strategies, and improve their relationship dynamics, which can be particularly beneficial in the context of the family-centric Indian society.

Importance of Psychological Counseling and Therapy

Psychological counseling and therapy are essential components of treating PPD in India, where mental health is often stigmatized. Counseling provides a safe space for mothers to express their feelings and thoughts without judgment. This support is crucial in a society where discussing mental health can be challenging. Therapy sessions can also educate family members about PPD, helping them understand the mother’s experience and how they can provide support. Such inclusive approaches are significant in Indian society, where family plays a central role in an individual’s life. Therapists can also address cultural and societal pressures that may contribute to the mother’s mental health, making therapy a crucial aspect of PPD treatment in India.

Family and Societal Support

In India, the family is often the primary support system for new mothers. Family members can play a significant role in identifying the signs of PPD and encouraging the mother to seek help. Support from the spouse, parents, and in-laws can greatly influence the mother’s recovery journey. Societal support, including understanding and empathy from friends, neighbors, and the community, can also contribute significantly to a mother’s well-being. In a country where communal ties are strong, building awareness and sensitivity towards PPD in the wider community can be a powerful tool in supporting mothers.

Role of Healthcare Providers and Community Resources

Healthcare providers in India, including gynecologists, pediatricians, and mental health professionals, play a critical role in diagnosing and treating PPD. Routine screening for PPD during postnatal visits can help in early identification and intervention. Motherhood hospitals in India are increasingly recognizing the importance of addressing mental health post-childbirth and are equipped to offer the necessary medical and psychological support. Community resources, such as support groups for new mothers, play a vital role in providing a shared space for mothers to discuss their experiences and feelings. These groups, often facilitated by mental health professionals, can offer invaluable peer support and practical advice for managing PPD in the Indian context.

Dealing with Stigma and Societal Pressures

In India, the stigma associated with mental health issues, including postpartum depression, poses a significant challenge for new mothers. This stigma can prevent women from seeking help and acknowledging their struggles, leading to prolonged suffering. Societal pressures, such as expectations of immediate bonding with the baby, being a perfect mother, and handling household responsibilities, can exacerbate feelings of inadequacy and guilt in mothers experiencing PPD. Addressing these stigmas and pressures is crucial. Public awareness campaigns, education, and open conversations about mental health can help change perceptions and encourage mothers to seek the help they need without fear of judgment.

  1. Balancing Traditional Practices with Modern Medical Advice

    In the Indian context, traditional postpartum practices and rituals are common, some of which may impact the mental health of new mothers. While these practices are rooted in cultural beliefs and can provide comfort and support, some may also contribute to feelings of isolation or stress. Balancing these traditional practices with modern medical advice is key. Healthcare providers should be culturally sensitive and work with families to find a balance that respects cultural practices while prioritizing the mental health and well-being of the mother. Educating families about the importance of mental health care and the benefits of combining cultural practices with medical advice can aid in creating a supportive environment for new mothers.

List of Resources Available for PPD in India

India offers a variety of resources for mothers experiencing postpartum depression, including mental health clinics, online platforms, and helplines specifically catering to PPD. Many motherhood hospitals across India provide counseling services and support groups for new mothers. Additionally, national mental health programs and NGOs offer support and guidance, making it easier for mothers to access the help they need. Compiling a list of these resources, including contact information and services offered, can be a valuable addition to the article, providing mothers with a starting point for seeking help.

Information on Support Groups and Access

Support groups play a vital role in managing PPD, offering a platform for mothers to share their experiences and feelings with others who understand their struggles. In India, these groups are available both offline and online, providing accessible options for mothers across different regions. Information about how to access these support groups, what to expect from them, and how they can be beneficial should be detailed. This information can empower mothers to take that crucial step towards seeking support and building a community that understands and empathizes with their journey.

In conclusion, understanding, recognizing, and effectively managing postpartum depression is crucial for the well-being of new mothers, especially in the Indian context. By summarizing the key points covered in the article, such as the importance of recognizing symptoms, the role of medical and familial support, and the available resources, we can reinforce the message that PPD is a significant but manageable condition. Encouraging mothers to seek help and assuring them that they are not alone in their journey can make a substantial difference in their recovery process.

Postpartum depression is a medical condition that deserves attention and care, and that help is available, can provide comfort and encouragement to those struggling. Highlighting the strength and resilience of mothers and the importance of their mental health can inspire both individuals and communities to take proactive steps towards addressing PPD in a supportive, empathetic manner.

Dr. Kiran Yadav will respond to your query as soon as possible. For emergencies please call and reach Motherhood Hospital, Gurgaon.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynaecologist in Gurgaon . We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do make an appointment with the best woman care hospital in Gurgaon  at a center closest to you. Please meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue, and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Kiran Yadav, please book your appointment here

Demystifying VBAC – A Guide for Women Considering Vaginal Birth After Cesarean

Demystifying VBAC

Author: Dr. Kiran Yadav 

MBBS, DGO, DNB Fellowship in laparoscopy Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Senior Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecology

Demystifying VBAC – A Guide for Women Considering Vaginal Birth After Cesarean:

The Rising Interest in VBAC in India: An Overview 

The landscape of childbirth in India is witnessing a significant transformation with the increasing interest in Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC). According to Dr. Kiran Yadav, MBBS, DGO, DNB Fellowship in laparoscopy Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Senior Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecology, This option, which was once less considered, is now emerging as a preferred choice for many expectant mothers. VBAC presents an opportunity for women who have previously undergone a cesarean section to experience vaginal delivery in their subsequent pregnancies. This shift reflects a growing awareness about the potential benefits of VBAC and a desire among women to explore alternative birthing options. This article aims to demystify VBAC, providing a comprehensive guide for Indian women contemplating this route for childbirth.

Understanding VBAC’s Growing Popularity

The trend towards VBAC is indicative of a broader change in attitudes towards childbirth in India. Women are becoming more informed and are actively seeking out options that align with their personal health and birthing preferences. VBAC is being seen not just as a medical procedure, but as a part of a more holistic approach to childbirth that emphasizes the mother’s choice and autonomy. This growing trend is supported by medical advancements and a better understanding of the risks and benefits associated with VBAC. In this article, we delve into the various aspects of VBAC, offering insights and information to help women in India make informed decisions about their childbirth options.

Understanding VBAC

Defining VBAC and Its Relevance Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) refers to giving birth vaginally after having a previous birth through a cesarean section. This option challenges the traditional notion that once a woman has a C-section, all subsequent deliveries must also be surgical (repeat LSCS). VBAC offers a possibility for women to experience natural childbirth, which can have significant benefits for both the mother and the child. The process involves careful monitoring and assessment to ensure the safety of both the mother and the baby. Understanding VBAC is essential for any woman considering this option, as it involves weighing the benefits against the potential risks.

Contrasting VBAC with Repeat Cesarean Sections

While a cesarean section is a common and safe method of delivering a baby, it is a major abdominal surgery and comes with certain risks and a longer recovery period. In contrast, VBAC allows women to avoid another surgical procedure, potentially leading to a quicker recovery and less time spent in the hospital. However, VBAC is not suitable for everyone and requires a thorough evaluation by healthcare professionals. Women considering VBAC should understand the factors that influence its feasibility, such as the type of incision made in the previous cesarean, indication of cesarean ,position of placenta  and the overall health of the mother.

Benefits of VBAC

Physical and Emotional Benefits of VBAC .One of the most significant advantages of VBAC is the avoidance of major abdominal surgery, that is  a repeat cesarean section. This can lead to a shorter hospital stay, quicker recovery, and less physical discomfort post-delivery. Additionally, VBAC reduces the risks associated with multiple cesarean deliveries, such as bladder or bowel injuries and complications in future pregnancies. Emotionally, VBAC can offer a more satisfying birth experience for many women. It provides them with an opportunity to actively participate in the birthing process, which can be empowering and positively impact their overall well-being.

Long-term Health Benefits for Mother and Child

VBAC not only benefits the mother in the short term but also has long-term health implications. Women who undergo VBAC have a lower risk of hemorrhage and infection compared to those who have repeat C-sections. Furthermore, VBAC can be beneficial for the child, as vaginal births are associated with a lower risk of respiratory problems and other complications that can occur more frequently in babies delivered via C-section. The opportunity for immediate skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding is often more readily available following a vaginal birth, promoting early bonding and potential long-term benefits for the baby’s immune system and development.

Risks Associated with VBAC

Understanding the Challenges of VBAC. While VBAC offers several benefits, it’s important to acknowledge the associated risks to make an informed decision. The primary concern is the risk of uterine rupture, a rare but serious complication where the cesarean scar on the uterus tears during  labor. Other potential risks include infection, injury to the mother or baby, and the possibility of an emergency C-section if complications arise. The decision to attempt a VBAC should be based on a thorough evaluation of these risks in consultation with healthcare professionals, considering the mother’s overall health, the reason for the previous C-section, and the conditions of the current pregnancy.

VBAC Risks in the Indian Context

In India, the risks associated with VBAC need to be understood in the context of the healthcare system’s capabilities and the individual’s health profile. Factors such as the availability of emergency care, the proximity to a well-equipped medical facility, and the expertise of the healthcare provider play crucial roles in managing these risks. Women should discuss their concerns and understand the specific risks related to their situation, including the likelihood of success and the potential for complications. This section will provide detailed information on these risks, particularly focusing on the Indian healthcare scenario.

Candidacy for VBAC

Criteria for VBAC Eligibility in India Determining who is a good candidate for VBAC is critical for ensuring the safety of both mother and baby. In India, the eligibility criteria for VBAC are similar to global standards but must be contextualized to local healthcare practices. Generally, women with a low-transverse incision from a previous cesarean, without a history of uterine rupture or certain types of uterine surgery, are considered potential candidates. Other factors include the reason for the previous C-section, the interval between pregnancies, and the mother’s overall health and pregnancy conditions. This section will elaborate on these criteria, helping Indian women understand if VBAC is a suitable option for them.

Assessing Individual Suitability for VBAC

Each woman’s situation is unique, and the decision to pursue VBAC should be made on an individual basis. Factors such as the type of previous cesarean incision, the number of previous C-sections, and the presence of any complicating factors like high maternal age or high birth weight of the baby are taken into account. Consulting with healthcare providers who can evaluate these factors and provide personalized advice is essential. This section will guide women through the process of assessing their suitability for VBAC, emphasizing the importance of a personalized approach in the Indian context.

Preparing for VBAC

Key Steps for a Successful VBAC Experience Preparation for VBAC involves several key steps, beginning with the selection of a healthcare provider experienced in managing VBAC cases. This includes finding a medical facility equipped to handle both VBAC and emergency C-sections. Women should ensure their complete medical history, including details of the previous cesarean, is available to their healthcare provider. Discussing VBAC during prenatal visits allows for a comprehensive assessment and formulation of a birthing plan that considers the mother’s preferences and the safety of both mother and baby.

The Role of Informed Decision-making and Support

The journey towards a successful VBAC is also supported by informed decision-making and a strong support system. Women should educate themselves about the process, potential risks, and benefits of VBAC. Support from family, friends, and healthcare providers is crucial. This section will provide practical advice on preparing for VBAC, including tips on choosing the right healthcare provider and facility, and the importance of emotional and informational support throughout the pregnancy.

VBAC in India

A Path to Empowered Childbirth In conclusion, this comprehensive exploration of VBAC in India serves as a valuable resource for women considering this option. From understanding what VBAC entails to its benefits, risks, and the inspiring stories of those who have experienced it, the aim is to provide a holistic view. The decision to opt for VBAC is deeply personal and should be made after careful consideration and consultation with healthcare providers. This article hopes to empower women with the information and insights they need to make informed choices about their childbirth experiences, ultimately contributing to their well-being and that of their families.

Dr. Kiran Yadav will respond to your query as soon as possible. For emergencies please call and reach Motherhood Hospital, Gurgaon.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynaecologist in Gurgaon . We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do make an appointment with the best woman care hospital in Gurgaon  at a center closest to you. Please meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue, and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to get in touch with Dr. Kiran Yadav, please book your appointment here

Menstrual Hygiene Management – Breaking Taboos and Empowering Women

Menstrual Hygiene Management new

Author: Dr Monika Choudhary

MBBS, MS( Obs & Gynae)

Senior Consultant – Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Menstrual Hygiene Management – Breaking Taboos and Empowering Women:

Menstruation in India is deeply enmeshed in a cultural context, characterized by a mix of silence, stigma, and traditional practices. In many parts of the country, menstruation is not just a physiological phenomenon but a matter that influences social norms, religious practices, and even educational opportunities. According to Dr Monika Choudhary, MBBS, MS( Obs & Gynae), Senior Consultant – Obstetrics and Gynecology, Despite the advancements in healthcare and awareness, many women and girls in India still face challenges in managing their menstrual health due to lack of knowledge, access to sanitary products, and the persistence of age-old taboos. These societal norms often lead to misinformation and myths about menstruation, impacting the way it is perceived and managed. This scenario presents a paradoxical picture where, on one hand, there is increasing access to menstrual hygiene products, and on the other, persistent socio-cultural barriers that prevent open discussion and education about menstrual health.

Impact on Health and Social Life

The impact of these cultural and social norms is far-reaching, affecting not just the physical health of women but also their mental and social well-being. In many rural and even urban areas, menstruating women are often considered impure and are subjected to various restrictions. This not only perpetuates a sense of shame and embarrassment but also hinders their participation in day-to-day activities and decision-making processes. The lack of proper menstrual hygiene facilities in schools leads to higher absenteeism among girls, impacting their education and future prospects. Moreover, inadequate menstrual hygiene can lead to serious health issues, including reproductive tract infections. This complex web of challenges highlights the need for a comprehensive approach to menstrual hygiene management that not only addresses the physical needs but also tackles the socio-cultural barriers.

Importance of Menstrual Hygiene Management

Defining Menstrual Hygiene Management

Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) encompasses a range of practices and services that enable women and girls to use clean menstrual management materials, have access to facilities to change and dispose of these materials, and receive adequate information about menstruation and hygiene. It’s a holistic concept that includes not just the provision of menstrual products but also ensuring privacy, safety, and dignity during menstruation. MHM is essential for maintaining physical health, as it helps prevent infections and other health complications. However, its importance extends beyond health; it is a matter of human rights and gender equality. Effective MHM contributes to the empowerment of women and girls, enabling them to participate fully in education, work, and social life without the constraints and disruptions caused by menstruation.

The Role of Education and Social Change

Education plays a pivotal role in changing the narrative around menstruation. By integrating menstrual health education in schools and communities, we can dispel myths and misconceptions, fostering a more open and supportive environment for discussing menstrual health. This education should not be limited to girls but should also involve boys, men, and community leaders to change the broader societal attitudes towards menstruation. In addition, increasing the availability and affordability of menstrual hygiene products is crucial. This involves not only providing the products but also ensuring that they are suitable for different needs and preferences. Furthermore, initiatives that promote sustainable and environmentally friendly menstrual products can have a lasting impact on both health and the environment. The goal of MHM should be to create a society where menstruation is not a barrier but a natural aspect of life that is managed with dignity and without discrimination.

Understanding Menstrual Hygiene Management

Definition and Key Aspects

Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) refers to the practice of using clean menstrual management materials to absorb or collect menstrual blood, and having access to facilities to change and dispose of these materials. Key aspects of MHM include the availability of safe, affordable, and effective menstrual products; access to clean water and soap for hygiene purposes; and private, clean, and safe facilities for changing and disposing of menstrual materials. MHM also involves educating women and girls about the menstrual cycle and how to manage it with dignity. This education is crucial in dispelling myths and promoting healthy practices. Effective MHM is not just a health issue but a matter of gender equality and human rights, impacting women’s and girls’ education, health, and overall socio-economic status.

The Role of Education and Awareness

Education and awareness are pivotal in improving menstrual hygiene practices. In the Indian context, where menstruation is often a taboo subject, educating girls and women about menstrual health is essential for empowering them to make informed decisions about their bodies and health. Additionally, education should extend to boys, men, and community leaders to change the broader societal attitudes towards menstruation. Awareness campaigns can focus on the importance of menstrual hygiene, the challenges faced by women and girls, and the available solutions. Schools can play a significant role by incorporating menstrual health education into their curriculum, providing students with accurate information from an early age. Community-based programs can also help in reaching out to women and girls who are out of the school system, ensuring they too have access to menstrual health education.

Societal Challenges and Taboos

Cultural Attitudes and Misconceptions

In many parts of India, menstruation is surrounded by a myriad of cultural attitudes and misconceptions that significantly impact women’s lives. These taboos often portray menstruation as something impure or shameful, leading to restrictions on women’s activities during their periods. Women and girls are often excluded from social and religious events, and in some cases, even barred from entering certain parts of their homes. These practices not only reinforce the stigma around menstruation but also perpetuate gender inequality. The myths and misconceptions about menstruation are deeply rooted in cultural and religious beliefs, making them challenging to change. However, addressing these misconceptions is crucial for improving menstrual hygiene and women’s health.

Impact on Women’s Health and Education

The taboos and cultural practices surrounding menstruation have significant implications for women’s health and education. The lack of proper menstrual hygiene facilities and the stigma associated with menstruation often lead to higher rates of absenteeism among girls in schools. This impacts their educational attainment and future opportunities. Furthermore, inadequate menstrual hygiene practices can result in health issues like reproductive tract infections, which can have long-term consequences on women’s health. The lack of open dialogue and education about menstrual health exacerbates these issues, as many girls and women lack the knowledge and resources to manage their menstruation effectively and hygienically. Breaking these taboos and changing societal attitudes is therefore essential for improving both the health and educational outcomes for women and girls.

Sustainable and Affordable Menstrual Products

Types of Sustainable Products

Sustainable menstrual products are crucial for both environmental conservation and menstrual hygiene. In India, there is a growing awareness and availability of sustainable menstrual products such as menstrual cups, reusable cloth pads, and biodegradable sanitary napkins. These products offer eco-friendly alternatives to traditional disposable pads and tampons, which contribute to environmental pollution. Menstrual cups, made of medical-grade silicone, provide a long-lasting and cost-effective solution, while reusable cloth pads offer a comfortable and affordable option. Biodegradable pads, made from natural materials like bamboo fiber, are also gaining popularity. These sustainable products not only help in reducing the environmental impact but also offer women more choices in managing their menstrual health.

Accessibility and Affordability

Despite the availability of these sustainable products, their accessibility and affordability remain significant challenges, especially for women in rural and low-income urban areas. Many women and girls lack awareness of these products or face barriers in accessing them due to their cost and availability. To address this, it is essential to create awareness about these products and ensure they are affordable and accessible to all women, regardless of their socio-economic status. This can be achieved through government initiatives, NGO campaigns, and partnerships with private companies. Subsidizing the cost of these products, providing them in schools and community health centers, and conducting outreach and education programs can significantly increase their accessibility. Ensuring that every woman has access to affordable and sustainable menstrual products is a critical step towards improving menstrual hygiene and empowering women.

Role of Healthcare Systems

Healthcare Support and Facilities

The healthcare system plays a crucial role in menstrual hygiene management. In India, there is a need for more comprehensive healthcare support that includes not just the provision of menstrual products but also education, counseling, and treatment related to menstrual health. Healthcare facilities should be equipped to offer advice and support on menstrual hygiene, and healthcare workers should be trained to address menstrual health issues sensitively and effectively. This includes discussing safe and hygienic menstrual practices, providing information about different menstrual products, and addressing any health concerns related to menstruation. Additionally, healthcare facilities should have the necessary infrastructure, such as private and clean toilets, to support menstrual hygiene.

Initiatives and Programs

Several initiatives and programs in India aim to improve menstrual hygiene management. Government schemes like the Menstrual Hygiene Scheme and initiatives by various NGOs focus on providing sanitary napkins at subsidized rates, conducting awareness campaigns, and improving facilities in schools. These initiatives are crucial in reaching out to underprivileged sections of society and addressing the gaps in menstrual hygiene management. However, there is still a need for more comprehensive programs that not only focus on providing menstrual products but also address the cultural and educational aspects of menstrual hygiene. Collaborative efforts between the government, NGOs, healthcare providers, and communities can create a more holistic approach to improving menstrual hygiene management in India.

Empowering Women Through Menstrual Hygiene Education

Community Engagement and Education Programs

Community engagement and education are pivotal in empowering women through menstrual hygiene management. In India, where menstrual taboos are prevalent, community-based education programs can play a significant role in changing perceptions and practices. These programs should be designed to include not only women and girls but also men and boys, as changing the societal attitudes towards menstruation requires a collective effort. Effective programs can involve interactive workshops, awareness campaigns, and the involvement of local health workers and educators. Such initiatives can help in normalizing conversations about menstruation, educating the community about menstrual health, and advocating for the rights and needs of women and girls. Community engagement also opens avenues for addressing other related issues such as reproductive health, gender equality, and women’s rights, thereby fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for women.

Breaking the Silence Around Menstruation

Breaking the silence around menstruation is a critical step towards empowering women and girls. This involves challenging the taboos and myths surrounding menstruation and promoting open and healthy discussions about menstrual health. Schools, colleges, workplaces, and community centers can be effective platforms for initiating these conversations. Incorporating menstrual health education into school curricula can ensure that young people receive accurate and timely information. Campaigns and media initiatives that portray menstruation in a positive light can also help in breaking down the stigma. By creating spaces where menstruation is discussed openly and without shame, we can empower women and girls to manage their menstruation with confidence and dignity.


The Way Forward
Addressing the challenges of menstrual hygiene management in India requires a multifaceted approach that combines education, access to affordable and sustainable menstrual products, healthcare support, and societal change. The key to progress lies in breaking the taboos and creating a culture where menstruation is not a barrier but a natural and respected part of life. This change is not only about improving women’s health but also about promoting gender equality and empowering women to fully participate in all aspects of society. As we move forward, it is crucial to continue advocating for better menstrual hygiene management, investing in education and infrastructure, and fostering community engagement to support this cause.

Whether it’s by educating oneself and others, supporting initiatives that aim to improve menstrual hygiene, or advocating for policy changes, every action counts. Motherhood Hospitals India encourages readers to join in this effort to break down taboos and empower women and girls across the nation. Together, we can create a future where menstrual hygiene management is a right, not a privilege.

Dr Monika Choudhary will respond to your query as soon as possible. For emergencies please call and reach Motherhood Hospital, Gurgaon.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynaecologist in Gurgaon . We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do make an appointment with the best woman care hospital in Gurgaon  at a center closest to you. Please meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue, and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to get in touch with Dr Monika Choudhary, please book your appointment here.

Building a Strong Mother-Baby Bond – Essential Tips for the First Year

Building a Strong Mother-Baby Bond new born kid

Author: Dr. Sonal Singhal


Senior Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

Building a Strong Mother-Baby Bond – Essential Tips for the First Year:

The bond between a mother and her baby, established in the first year, is fundamental for the child’s emotional and mental development. According to Dr. Sonal Singhal, MBBS, MD, Senior Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist,  In India, this bond is nurtured within a rich tapestry of cultural and familial values. The importance of this period cannot be overstated, as it lays the foundation for the child’s future emotional health and social interactions. This section will delve into the critical nature of the mother-baby bond, highlighting its role in the holistic development of the child within the Indian cultural context.

Cultural Perspectives on Mother-Baby Bonding

In India, mother-baby bonding is deeply interwoven with cultural practices and beliefs. These practices, ranging from traditional methods to contemporary approaches, significantly influence how mothers in India connect with their newborns. This section will explore various cultural aspects that shape the bonding experience in Indian families, providing a comprehensive understanding of how these practices support and enhance the mother-child relationship.

Breastfeeding and Bonding

The Role of Breastfeeding in Bonding Breastfeeding is a natural process that significantly enhances the mother-baby bond, especially in the first year. In India, it is regarded as much more than a mere nutritional act; it’s a cherished bonding ritual. This section will focus on how breastfeeding fosters an intimate connection between mother and child, facilitating a sense of security and love. The psychological and emotional aspects of breastfeeding in the context of Indian culture will also be explored, illustrating its profound impact on the bonding process.

Overcoming Breastfeeding Challenges

Despite its importance, breastfeeding can come with challenges for many Indian mothers, such as societal pressures, physical discomfort, and lack of proper guidance. Addressing these challenges is crucial for maintaining a healthy bonding process. This section will offer practical advice and solutions to common breastfeeding issues faced in India. It will also highlight the support systems and resources available to Indian mothers, helping them overcome obstacles and ensuring a positive breastfeeding experience that strengthens the mother-baby bond.

Skin-to-Skin Contact

Benefits of Skin-to-Skin Contact Skin-to-skin contact, a practice where the baby is placed directly on the mother’s chest, is crucial for developing a strong bond. This method, recognized globally and increasingly adopted in India, has profound benefits. It helps regulate the baby’s body temperature, heart rate, and stress levels, while also fostering a deep emotional connection. This section will discuss how Indian mothers can incorporate skin-to-skin contact into their daily routine and the significant impact it has on nurturing the mother-baby bond.

Implementing Skin-to-Skin Contact in Indian Households

Adopting skin-to-skin contact in the Indian context may come with its own set of challenges, given the diverse cultural and social norms. This part of the article will provide practical tips for Indian mothers on how to effectively practice skin-to-skin contact. It will cover aspects like overcoming common barriers in traditional households and finding support within the family structure. The goal is to empower Indian mothers to embrace this practice as a vital part of their bonding journey with their newborns.

Responsive Care Techniques

Understanding and Responding to a Baby’s Needs Responsive care is about attentively understanding and meeting a baby’s needs. For Indian mothers, this means learning to read and respond to their baby’s cues, such as hunger, discomfort, or the need for sleep and affection. This section will detail the importance of responsive care in strengthening the mother-baby bond and provide insights into how Indian mothers can develop this intuitive understanding, enhancing their connection with their babies.

Responsive Care in the Indian Context

In India, responsive caregiving can be influenced by cultural expectations and family dynamics. This section will explore how Indian mothers can balance traditional caregiving practices with responsive care principles. It will offer guidance on navigating the challenges of adhering to cultural norms while ensuring the baby’s needs are met in a nurturing and attentive manner. The focus will be on empowering Indian mothers to trust their instincts and seek support when needed to provide responsive care.

Emotional Support for New Mothers

Importance of Maternal Emotional Well-being The emotional health of a new mother is vital in forming a nurturing bond with her baby. In the Indian context, where postpartum practices and familial roles play a significant part, the mother’s emotional state can profoundly impact her bonding with the child. This section will discuss the importance of supporting the emotional well-being of new mothers, and acknowledging the unique pressures and challenges they face in India. It will also highlight the connection between a mother’s emotional health and her ability to bond with her baby.

Support Systems and Resources in India

Emotional support for new mothers in India can come from various sources, including family, healthcare providers, and community groups. This section will explore the different types of support available to Indian mothers, focusing on how these resources can help them navigate the emotional challenges of new motherhood. The aim is to provide insights into building a strong support network, ensuring that mothers receive the care and understanding they need during this critical phase, which in turn enhances the mother-baby bonding experience.

Overcoming Challenges in the First Year

Navigating Common Challenges The first year of motherhood is filled with numerous challenges that can impact the mother-baby bond. Indian mothers, in particular, may face specific issues such as adapting to new parenting roles, managing societal expectations, and dealing with physical and emotional changes. This section will address these challenges, providing practical advice and strategies to help mothers maintain a strong bond with their babies. It will focus on empowering Indian mothers with knowledge and tools to navigate this transformative period effectively.

Balancing Tradition and Modern Parenting

In India, where traditional practices often coexist with modern parenting approaches, finding a balance can be challenging for new mothers. This section will explore how Indian mothers can integrate traditional wisdom with contemporary parenting techniques to strengthen the mother-baby bond. It will guide managing the expectations and pressures from family and society, helping mothers forge their unique parenting path that respects cultural values while focusing on the well-being of both mother and child.

In conclusion, the first year of a baby’s life in India is a precious time for nurturing a strong mother-baby bond. This bond is deeply influenced by cultural practices, breastfeeding, skin-to-skin contact, responsive care, and emotional support for new mothers. Embracing these elements with cultural sensitivity and a modern outlook allows Indian mothers to overcome challenges and create a lasting connection with their newborns. Building a robust mother-baby bond not only ensures the child’s emotional and social well-being but also enriches the journey of motherhood. It’s a journey filled with love, understanding, and the promise of a brighter future for both mother and child.

Dr. Sonal Singhal will respond to your query as soon as possible. For emergencies, please call and reach Motherhood Hospital, Mohali.

At Motherhood Hospitals, we have a team of experienced supers specialists backed by the latest infrastructure and facilities. We have the best gynecologist in Gurgaon. We are experts in handling complex deliveries, gynecological, and other surgeries including a range of laparoscopic surgeries. 

Do make an appointment with the best woman’s care hospital in Gurgaon at a center closest to you. Please meet with our doctors who will carry out the required investigations, diagnose the issue, and recommend the most appropriate treatment, enabling you to lead an active life. 

If you wish to contact Dr. Sonal Singhal please book your appointment here.

Tips to strengthen mind, body, and soul

Tips to strengthen mind, body, and soul

Tips to strengthen mind, body, and soul

A holistic approach to well-being involves bringing these three aspects (mind, body & soul) of the self into balance to create harmony and health. As we become balanced and harmonious, the unavoidable pressures of life have less impact on us. We respond to situations more consciously, and our interactions with people & situations become more purposeful, calm, and relaxed. We feel union and harmony everywhere, whether it’s an office meeting, a small talk with our kids, or a social affair. Our outer world reflects the same perspective that we feel in our harmonious inner world. Live up, connect the elements of your existence, and find more meaning in life.

Get some fresh air

It’s difficult to find a place in the city where you can breathe fresh air. Because of that, never forget to use your vacation to give yourself the time to visit the countryside or any place close to nature. Surely, your body will thank you for the fresh air you’ll give it.

Energize morning routine

It’s been proven that at least 30 minutes of exercise every morning can improve your physical and mental health. If you can, start your day with jogging or exercise. Apart from that, also include a hearty meal in your morning routine to help you go through until lunchtime.


Find a warm and comfortable spot in your home or bedroom. Give yourself some quiet time. Make sure that there are no noisy people or cars around the time you meditate. Relax, breathe, and meditate.

Acknowledge your thoughts

If you have disturbing and sad thoughts, write them down and forget them. Keep a journal or diary with you all the time. Acknowledging those feelings, moods, and thoughts through writing can help you overcome them quickly and make your mind more resilient.

Stay away from the gadgets

According to research, staying on social media platforms for extended amounts of time has become one of the leading causes of stress and anxiety. While looking at beautiful pictures of successful people on the internet can be fun, it can cause you to look down on yourself and your life, which can lead to depression. Stop that, and free your soul and mind from the traffic that others on the internet desperately want you to see.


Never pass up the opportunity to travel. It’s beneficial for you. Traveling can give you an enlightening experience which can improve your body, mind, and soul’s alacrity. It can do that by forcing you out of your comfort zone, exposing you to other cultures, giving you new memorable experiences, and so on.


Give yourself time to relax. Permit it. In this modern day and age, it’s difficult for most people just to stop what they’re doing and relax. Most of them will say they must always work to survive. While your money can survive, surely you can’t. You don’t need to be against it.


You can do many things to strengthen your mind, body, and soul. While most of the things here are too obvious to do, many still need to follow any of the things listed here. Take these as a challenge and watch yourself improve in just a few weeks of discipline.

Early warning signs of thyroid disorders

Early warning signs of thyroid disorder

Early warning signs of thyroid disorder

What is a thyroid?

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck. It’s responsible for producing and regulating certain hormones in the body. The two primary hormones produced by the thyroid are:

  • Triiodothyronine
  • Thyroxine

These hormones also affect the heart rate, blood pressure, and the body’s oxygen use. If the gland produces fluctuating thyroid hormones – too many or too few – it can lead to various disorders.

What are the main types of thyroid diseases?


This is when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones, causing the metabolism to slow down. This condition is also known as an underactive thyroid.

Symptoms include:

  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Cold intolerance
  • Constipation
  • Mood disturbances like depression


This occurs when the gland produces too much thyroid hormone, which causes the body’s metabolism to speed up. This is also known as an overactive thyroid.

Symptoms include:

  • Weight loss
  • Anxiety
  • Tremors
  • Increased heart rate
  • Sweating


This is when the thyroid gland becomes inflamed, typically in response to viral infections or autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune diseases that can cause this thyroiditis include:

  • Graves’ disease
  • Hashimoto’s disease
  • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  • Postpartum thyroiditis
  • Thyroid eye disease

Thyroid nodules

Nodules are growths or lumps on the thyroid gland that can cause either the overproduction or underproduction of thyroid hormone. Nodules can be cancerous or benign.

Thyroid cancer

This is a rare type of cancer that develops in the thyroid gland. It often doesn’t cause any initial symptoms, but it is accompanied by:

  • A lump or swelling in the neck
  • An enlarged thyroid gland
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Changes in voice

Early warning signs

While many of the biological functions of the body are dependent on the thyroid hormone, there are many early signs and symptoms that may appear due to its imbalance and indicate there is an issue with your thyroid, such as:

Fatigue or excessive tiredness:

Fatigue caused by thyroid disorders can’t be cured by taking ample amounts of sleep or rest. If there is any problem with the thyroid gland, a person may feel tired and fatigued for most of the time.

High heart rate:

Hyperthyroidism can concur to an excessive heart rate. When the thyroid gland is produced in large quantities, blood pressure can increase which can lead to an increasing heart rate.


Many people may suffer from feelings of anxiety when they have hyperthyroidism. There can be some emotional outbursts where they may feel trouble controlling it, along with angry feelings.

Weight gain:

Since thyroid hormone regulates your metabolism, it can greatly impact your body weight. This is usually due to the water and salt retaining in the body.

Weight loss:

Due to thyroid problems, there can be weight loss as well which is the early signs of it. The amount of weight lost during this condition will be dependent upon the severity of the problem.

Body shakes:

Since there can be high blood pressure during this condition, it can lead to trembling as a result of nervousness. If you have repetitive signs of shaky hands or body twitches, there is a need to go for thyroid testing.

Sensitivity to heat and cold:

When you have an overactive thyroid, you may feel sensitivity to heat as a common symptom. Moreover, people suffering from hypothyroidism can experience cold hands and feet as well.

Depending on the type of thyroid disorder you are dealing with, you may experience various ways in which it can affect you. You need to follow a diagnostic procedure and must make it a point to visit the best endocrinologist nearest to you.

Essential workout tips for women

Essential workout tips for women

Essential workout tips for women

Well-being involves bringing these three aspects (mind, body & soul) of the self into balance to create harmony and health. As we become balanced and harmonious, the unavoidable pressures of life have less impact on us. We respond to situations more consciously, and our interactions with people & situations become more purposeful, calm, and relaxed.

Training programs for strength

Women can benefit from strength training programs that are designed specifically for them. Weight lifting is one of the best workout tips for strengthening the muscles in the legs. However, many women are not heavy enough to benefit from weight lifting, so they would benefit from incorporating exercise bikes or even swimming into their program as well.

Mindful eating

Many women think that they can eat anything that they want when going to the gym. There is nothing wrong with that but it is better to choose a diet that you can follow in the long run and that can also help you succeed at your exercise goals. Women need to be careful about what they eat when following any weight loss exercises, dumbbell exercises, or any other fitness program. Women need to eat foods that will fuel the body and give it the energy that it requires to exercise.

Enhance body’s flexibility

A woman’s workout routine doesn’t have to focus on a specific form of exercise. Women can also benefit from a program that allows them more flexibility and ease. Yoga is one form of exercise and should be included in the workout tips for women as it allows women to have more flexibility.

 Avoid excess workout

Women should make sure that they are doing the right amount of exercise per session. If women over-train their muscles, they might suffer from negative effects. One workout advice that every woman should remember is that they should not over-train themselves. Women who are struggling with losing weight may find that their weight loss workout is ineffective and might even lead to anorexia. Women should make sure that they are working out for the right reasons by focusing on building muscle groups as well as burning fat.

Routine simple workout

Women need to know that they are in control of their own bodies and can work out whenever they want to. They need to remember that they can find gym workouts for women, or exercise for ladies that are specifically designed for women’s body goals. Any training for women or workout plan for women does not have to be complicated. While it may be more difficult for some women, it can be made easier with a little patience and determination.

Women’s workout routines can include exercises that target different parts of the body. Women should choose one part of the body and then do a few repetitions and increase the number of repetitions depending on what they feel comfortable with. Women can also use different exercises depending on what their lifestyle is.


In conclusion, these essential workout tips for women will empower them to achieve their fitness goals and lead a healthier lifestyle. Incorporating these guidelines into their routine will maximize the effectiveness of the workouts and enhance their overall well-being.