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      Water Birthing

      Pregnancy is an exhilarating period as it consumes your heart and mind. Like other mothers, you must also be making decisions about your pregnancy, labour, delivery, and baby’s future almost every day. Leaving other things aside, you might wonder if you have a choice to select the means of delivery of your child. To your surprise, you can decide how you wish to welcome your baby into the world and water birth is one of the options.

      As the name suggests, water birth delivery is the process of delivering your baby in a tub of warm water. As with other delivery choices, water birth also has certain pros and cons to consider.

      The general theory behind natural water birth is that since your baby lives in the amniotic fluid sac for nine months, birthing in a similar environment would be gentle for the baby and less stressful for the mother.

      Before, however, giving birth in water, make sure to discuss water birth benefits and cons with your healthcare provider. Although you may find water birth suitable for you, your doctor may advise you otherwise. Hence, make sure to discuss not only the benefits of water birth but also water birthing hospitals in Bangalore for a seamless experience.

      What is Water Birthing Delivery?

      Water birth refers to a process in which at least a part of your labour, delivery, or both occurs while you are deeply submerged in a birth pool filled with warm water.

      Now, a lot of women might wonder why to give birth in water in the first place. Women giving birth in water, however, claim the experience to be calmer, relaxed, and less painful. A lot of women also consider water birth with husband to make it easier for them. The process is simpler and can take place in a hospital, birthing centre under the supervision of a healthcare provider or midwife.

      Water birth is ideal for you if you meet the following health criteria:

      1. Full-term and low-risk pregnancy

      A full-term or low-risk pregnancy does not involve many complications. Hence, it is suitable for water birth delivery.

      1. Free of infection and other medical conditions

      Infections during pregnancy require additional attention and medications which cannot be administered during water birthing. If you are free of infection and do not have other critical medical conditions, water birthing is suitable for you.

      1. Pregnant with only one baby

      Water birthing can only deliver one baby at a time. You should not consider this delivery method if you are pregnant with twins.

      1. No history of high blood pressure or bleeding disorders

      Women with no history of high blood pressure and bleeding disorders are ideal for water birthing as you may not require additional medications to deal with such disorders.

      1. No complications during pregnancy or labor

      Complications during pregnancy or labor cannot be addressed during a water birth. If your pregnancy is devoid of complications, water birthing is a great option for you.

      1. Meeting pre-pregnancy BMI criteria

      Meeting a pre-pregnancy BMI criterion indicates a healthy mother and baby with no complications. Such women are ideal for giving birth in water.

      If you have a high-risk pregnancy, it may require extensive foetal monitoring during labour and delivery and hence the doctor may not advise you on water delivery to keep you and your baby safe.

      Why Choose Water Birthing?

      Water birthing is safe and one of the excellent options for delivery. According to a study, water reduces the need for analgesia, decreases pain, and increases relaxation, and perception of control during childbirth. Moreover, it does not cause any harm to the mother and baby.

      A lot of women ask that water birth is less painful, and the simple answer is YES!

      During a water birth, you will be immersed in a deep tub filled with warm water. Once you are ready to give birth, the baby’s head is born into the water which feels similar to the amniotic fluid that the baby has been in for nine months.

      This does not put pressure on the baby to get the oxygen from the mouth or lungs. When the baby’s head comes above the water, the nerve receptors in the cheek are stimulated and the baby starts using the lungs to get oxygen.

      Benefits of Water Birthing

      Water birthing especially during the first stage of labour has become much common these days. Choosing a hospital water birth or allowing the first part of labour in water ensures several advantages:

      1. It helps in easing the labour pain.
      2. It reduces the need for medications.
      3. It shortens labour time.
      4. It reduces the severity of tissue tearing.
      5. It reduces the need for other interventions including NICU admissions.

      How is Mother Benefited from Water Birth Delivery?

      Water birth delivery is ideal for women as it reduces pain and gives a higher satisfaction in the birth experience. If you are someone who enjoys relaxing in a warm bath to reduce your stress, water birth would be an excellent choice for you.

      It involves the following benefits to the mother:

      1. Relaxation

      The warm water is soothing which helps the body to produce pain-inhibiting hormones and keep the body under the lowest possible stress.

      1. Movement Ease

      Some women have found that delivering in water also makes them feel lighter and more comfortable to move during labour.

      1. Enhanced Circulation

      Warm water also improves blood circulation in the body which helps women to have more efficient contractions as well as deliver more oxygen to the baby.

      1. Decreased Risk of Tearing

      Women who labour in water are less likely to experience tearing due to the increased elasticity of the perineum.

      How Does the Baby Benefit from the Water Birth Delivery?

      Giving birth in water is not only beneficial for women but also for the babies. With water birth, babies experience less stress as the environment is similar to the mother’s womb. It benefits the baby in many ways:

      1. Eases the Birth Stress

      A lot of women who opt for hospital water birth do it for relaxation and a private environment. They wish to have a safe space and also consider water birth with their husband to have the required support. Moreover, this way the baby also arrives in a calm space filled with warm water.

      1. Familiar Environment

      Babies arriving in water enter into an environment they are familiar with. In the womb, babies are protected with amniotic fluid for nine months. When a baby’s head is born into water, it feels similar to the amniotic fluid. This makes the baby comfortable and calm during the labour.

      Will There Be Any Trouble in Baby’s Breathing During a Water Birth Delivery?

      It is likely for you to wonder how your baby will breathe if given birth in water. Water birthing delivery is safe and does not have any effect on the baby’s ability to breathe.

      The baby does not breathe on its own when under the water and continues to receive oxygen from the umbilical cord. Once the baby is taken out of the water and the umbilical cord is cut, nerve receptors in the cheeks are stimulated. This causes them to take their first breath with their lungs.

      Risks Involved During Water Birth

      Water birth is generally safe with fewer risks involved. Some problems, however, may arise due to:

      1. Chance of Infection

      When you are under labour and delivery, blood and other fluids from your body also get mixed in the water. If your baby is exposed to bacteria through the eyes or mouth underwater, there is an increased chance of infection.

      Maternal vaginal infections are therefore checked and mothers are screened regularly to prevent the chances of infection in the baby

      1. Alternative Pain Management

      Unlike other delivery methods, epidural or other pain-relieving medications cannot be given during a water birth.

      1. Longer Time for Other Medical Interventions

      If you and your baby need a medical emergency, you will be shifted out of the pool for other medical interventions.

      1. Overheating or Dehydration

      The temperature of the water can also put you and your baby at risk. If the water is too hot, overheating can cause serious issues. Hence, the temperature of the water has to be monitored and enough fluids are given to ensure proper hydration. This is taken care of by the birthing centre.

      1. Baby Breathes Too Early

      Although water aspiration is a rare occurrence with water birth it can occur. Hence, it is important to take your baby out of the water at the right time to avoid it from happening. The delivery at a birthing centre will be conducted with a Natural Birthing Team and Neonatologists around.

      Why Choose Motherhood Hospitals for Water Birthing?

      Giving birth in water is a calming experience for both you and your baby. This calming experience is enhanced with trained staff and exceptional facilities at the Motherhood Hospitals.

      Motherhood Hospitals are renowned for providing comprehensive maternal and childcare. Our hospitals are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and facilities to ensure safe delivery. We have a seasoned and highly experienced team of doctors, nurses, and supporting staff to reduce risks and provide a seamless experience.

      A hospital water birth at Motherhood ensures a safe delivery in the comforting tub of warm water. We make sure to provide advanced medical assistance and private space for you and your baby. Since water birthing involves certain crucial elements to take care of, our team at Motherhood is here to handle it all for you.

      If you are looking for a water birth delivery in Bangalore, reach out to the Motherhood Hospitals.

      Final Words

      Water birth is a safe, calming, and relaxed way of welcoming your baby into the world. It not only benefits the mother but also the child. Of late, several women opt for water birthing delivery to labour their baby in a private space and ensure that their baby is coming out in a familiar environment. Before, however, selecting your preferred means of delivery, make sure to discuss it with your healthcare provider.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      1. Can you have a water birth in Motherhood Hospitals?

      Yes, you can have a water birth in Motherhood Hospitals. Our hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and facilities along with experienced doctors to help you deliver your baby safely.

      1. What are the benefits of water birth delivery in hospitals?

      A water birth delivery in a hospital ensures a calmer, more relaxed environment with less pain and minimal vaginal tearing. Moreover, since the process is conducted under the supervision of expert doctors, nursing staff, and world-class amenities, it caters to all your birthing needs.

      1. What is the cost of water birth delivery in Motherhood Hospitals Hebbal?

      To find out about the water birthing packages at Motherhood Hebbal, kindly contact 9513745317 / 7676341002

      1. How do babies breathe during water baths?

      Unlike other delivery methods, babies do not start breathing with their lungs in the water bath. They continue to receive oxygen from the umbilical cord until it is cut. Once the baby is taken out of the water and the umbilical cord is cut, the babies take their first breath with their lungs.

      1. Does giving birth in water pose any risk to the baby or mother?

      Giving birth in water is generally safer and causes fewer complications to both the mother and the baby. Certain risks including infection or reduced chances of pain management are involved, however, these are not potential risk factors.

      1. Is water birthing safe for the baby?

      Yes, water birthing is safe for the baby. During the process, the baby is born in a tub of warm water which is similar to the amniotic fluid in the uterus. This makes the environment familiar for the baby. When performed under expert supervision, the process is much safer.

      1. Is water birthing safe for a mother?

      Water birthing is specifically selected by mothers to ease their pain and relax them while labouring. The delivery method is safe for the mother.

      1. All pregnant women are eligible for water birth?

      Water birth is not suitable for pregnant women with high-risk pregnancies.

      1. Can I just labour inside the water and deliver outside?

      Yes, you can choose to labour inside the water and deliver outside.

      1. I am scared as hell! I have never been inside the water!! Can I try once beforehand?

      Yes, if you are worried about getting inside the water, you can discuss it with your doctor and try once beforehand.

      1. Will a baby/mother catch an infection post-water birth?

      The chances of catching infection post-water birth are rare. And maternal vaginal screening for infection is done to prevent this.

      1. Can my family/husband be around during water birthing?

      Yes, a lot of women consider water birth with husband to have support during the water birthing.

      1. What’s the duration of water birth?

      Water birth takes the same time as other delivery methods.

      1. In what situations can you not continue with water birthing?

      If you have high-risk pregnancies, twins, or anxiety in general with water, you may not be ideal for water birthing.

      1. Why is it not popular in India?

      Water birthing is an established concept abroad. It has, however, now become common in India and women are considering this option.

      Given this, several hospitals in India are now providing facilities for water birthing.

      1. Will there be an experienced neonatologist/pediatrician during water birthing to help if there’s some infection in a baby?

      Yes, a team of experts including gynaecologists, neonatologists, pediatricians, and nurses are present during the water birth to address any kind of emergency or situation that may arise.