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7 Fun and Educational Activities to Support Toddler Development  

7 Fun and Educational Activities to Support Toddler Developmentt
7 Fun and Educational Activities to Support Toddler Development  

Author - Dr. Devesh Aggarwal

MBBS, DCH Consultant-Paediatric

7 Fun and Educational Activities to Support Toddler Development 


Toddles are quick to observe, learn, and adapt. According to Dr Devesh Aggarwal, MBBS, DCH, Consultant-Paediatrics, toddlers grasp learning basic concepts including shapes and colours quickly in their initial days. They also begin to grasp more complex skills including language and maths with advancing age. The best paediatrician & neonatologist in Gurgaon recommends utilizing this opportunity by introducing their toddler to learning activities at home.

7 Fun and Educational Activities to Support Toddler Development

The best neonatologist doctor in Gurugram suggests easy projects for toddlers including recognizing names, counting items, differentiating colours, and so forth. Here are a few educational activities that can help your toddler learn:  1. Displaying Their Name  Dr. Devesh Aggarwal tells us that at the age of 2, the child begins to recognize letters that create their name. To help them learn you can display it throughout your home including on the bedroom door, fridge, and so forth.  2. Reading Signs  The best paediatrician & neonatologist in Gurgaon recommends pointing out words and letters on street signs, stores, and so on. You can also use the rhyming words together to help them understand. 3.  Counting Everyday Items  To your surprise, your toddler may be able to recite the numbers from one to ten in order. You cannot, however, expect them to do so until their preschool. What you can do is make them count the buttons of their dress or the number of rotis on their plate. This will acquaint them with numbers.  4. Differentiate Objects by Type or Colour  Early mathematics development starts with observing, comparing, and contrasting objects. You can ask your toddler to separate their soft toys based on colour or type. Another way is to let them segregate different-sized spoons. 5.  Create a Shape Book  Although you can easily find one shape book in the store, yet, it would be better if you let your toddler create their own. The best neonatologist doctor in Gurugram suggests copying shapes from newspapers or magazines onto a drawing book. Moreover, let them identify the shapes around them. For instance, let them draw a square, and ask them to observe and tell if they can notice any square shape around them. 6. Finger Painting  Another way to familiarise your toddler with colours is by letting them dip their finger into paints. Name the colour as they begin to spread it on a book. Once the colours dry, you can ask them to identify these colours around your home. 7. Teach Them Shapes in the Kitchen  If you want your toddler to recognize shapes efficiently, the kitchen is the best place to do so. Instead of giving them the food in its proper shape, you can cut it differently and let them recognize the shape. For instance, you can cut your pancakes into triangles, or bread in a round shape to help them recognize. Another kitchen hack is to talk to them with descriptive language. For instance, ask them if they want a red apple or a yellow banana. This will help them relate colours with food items. Teaching your toddler with creative activities can be fun, both for you and your child. Apart from the ones listed above, you can also come up with innovative ideas to connect with your child. If you wish to learn more about such helpful techniques, you can also consult Dr Devesh Aggarwal at the Motherhood Hospitals to help you with toddler development.

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