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Think you are entering menopause? Confirm with these 6 signs

Think you are entering menopause? Confirm with these 6 signs

Menopause isn't a word most women in India smile about and love. They hate entering this inevitable phase of their life. The reluctance though, stems from misunderstanding important biological changes in the body and prevalence of myths such as menopause is a disease which heralds definitive ill-health.

It is indeed tricky to ascertain if one is entering menopause, especially as it happens only once! Also, symptoms vary for individuals and are accompanied by signs that are often not related to menopause.

If you think your tampon days may be coming to an end, keep reading to find out if you identify with one or more of the below signs.

1. Lighter or heavier periods

Contrary to your usual routine of about a month, the time between periods is now all over the place with varying amount of bleeding and different number of period days.

2. Hot and splotchy skin

You may be entering menopause if you notice hot flashes on your skin, especially the face, neck and chest. Intense, sudden feelings of warmth will often be accompanied by red splotches on the skin. You may also experience flu-like symptoms like heavy sweating or even cold shivering.

3. Waking up to a sweaty you

You don't experience hot flashes only during the day. They also happen while you re asleep, causing you to wake up drenched in sweat. You may be entering menopause if this symptom is impacting your sleep quality.

4. Rapid mood swings ruining your time

You are behaving crazy and are not sure what is going on with you! It could be the onset of menopause due to changes in hormones which trigger mood swings characterised by depression and anxiety.

5. You've lost your laser-like focus

You may be entering menopause if you are wondering what happened to your focus, attention span and your ability to quickly recollect things. Menopause is accompanied by reduced oestrogen levels which impact the part of the brain used for memories.

6. Increased vaginal and bladder infections

Are you wondering why you're suddenly having more vaginal and bladder infections? Well, this could be it! As you are probably into menopause, your ovaries have stopped making oestrogen, causing vaginal dryness, loss of elasticity and discomfort or pain during intercourse. All of these are causing vaginal and bladder infections.

If you are experiencing any or a combination of the above symptoms, you may no longer have red days anymore. Please note that it is important to make an appointment with a gynaecologist for you to learn what you can do to feel better and get back to your life. Menopause isn't a word most women in India smile about and love. They hate entering this inevitable phase of their life. The reluctance though, stems from misunderstanding important biological changes in the body and prevalence of myths such as menopause is a disease which heralds definitive ill-health.


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